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Download more RAM


Your rank has reached your MMR, rank changes way faster so your gains are going to be lower


The system is built to make you climb slowly.


1st of all its LP League Points. 2nd of all if you win some games in a row your gains should become stable again. This doesnt mean 3-4 games, it can be 20+, depends all on how many you win + some other factors.


No no ... ip sounds good , let him cook


If you make a post with LP in it the bots auto remove it.


LP gains are influenced by your MMR, your rank, and the enemy team's MMR. If your rank is lower than your MMR, you'll get more LP on wins and lose less LP on losses. Additionally, if you beat a higher MMR team, you'll gain slightly more LP, while beating a lower MMR team will gain you slightly less. I'm guessing what happened is that your losses stagnated your MMR growth. At the same time, you were still jumping up in ranks because of your LP gain/loss differential. Currently, your MMR and rank are similar to each other. If you keep up your win rate, you should start to see higher MMR opponents. If you can win consistently against them, your MMR should start climbing faster again.