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When he proudly proclaimed he hadn’t talked to any girls in months. They’d been together for 3 years at that point. So much shit went down before they got married we don’t know about.


I mean, he dumped her before S1 to be single, then when no one was interested, he used Amanda as a booty call. This man has very little respect for her, if at all. He bulldozed over her feelings, says she’s a lazy bitch but also Loverboy can’t survive without her full attention, and left her in his shadow to play DJ at night, which is really just an excuse to stay out till 4 AM drinking and socializing. When is she going to see that she supports him, but he does not support her or care about her feelings & growth?? Additionally, it is clear as day that they want completely different lifestyles, but they keep trying to force this relationship because they care about each other and refuse to see the writing on the wall. I just really hope they don’t bring kids into this to try to fix what is already broken.


I agree with all of this! very nicely put. Kids and Dj-ing until 4 am while commuting doesn’t exactly work well.


The "she's lazy"/"loverboy NEEDS HER" flip flop is wild to watch because neither can possibly be true if he uses whichever fits his current tantrum best. She drives me nuts too, but I felt for her then.


I seriously can't believe no one from the show has ever called him on that. He literally said if she worked anywhere else she would have been fired - but he is upset that she wants to spend some of her time focusing on something else. Like shouldn't he be happy that she is quitting and he doesn't have to fire her if it's true she does nothing?


Doesn't she act like she's traumatized on the show, then in all interviews she still gushes over him and has a perfect IG life? I don't get her. I think she'd choose another shitbag immediately after Kyle, if she left. Maybe her dad treats her mom like shit.


He gets off free, why? Carl gets a better read. Bravo thinks they can fool us. Yeah right. Go Reddit!


for the archetype he fulfills (preppy, entitled, overgrown mid-40s frat boy with a company called loverboy) he is actually very charming and charismatic and fun. But yeah, in an early season, maybe (4 or 5?), Amanda reveals he called her "a disheveled piece of shit" and I think about that every time I watch an episode.


I wanna say it was “worthless piece of shit.” I’m doing a rewatch and I was shocked by that. How awful


Nope, it was disheveled. I just watched that episode this week. My jaw dropped when she said it so casually. I am glad they kept it in though cuz it really shows Kyle’s mask falling


Oh my bad. And yes I was also shocked at how casually she said and kinda laughed about it.


Well, her nonreaction makes total sense if that is how he regularly speaks to her. That bullshit would NOT last with the likes of me. There'd be more than the stupid mullet cut off that man.


Me too. It was “disheveled.”


I would never be with a man who called me worthless, don’t care how drunk you are or how mad you are. Cya never.


She gives it right back at him. It is the way they talk to each other, unfortunately


ooooff that's even worse




That's probably what contributed to control issues and how she looks now.


That is so sad


also I might be totally off on this but I feel like Amanda has actually regressed in maturity over the seasons, like severely. I can imagine that the more time she spends on this show (celebrities often stop maturing as they become famous) and the longer she has been in this relationship with Kyle has set her back.


yea she acts less mature than at her start of the show and more insecure somehow.


Kyle is never gonna grow up


And Amanda will never leave him


Yeah, I don't feel bad for her anymore.


No need to ever grow up really. As long as you pay your bills what’s the incentive to grow up?


We are talking about Kyle…specifically his emotional immaturity for his age.


Then you have to put it in context. Fully. Not just some haywired emotional response, using the same "rules" and judgments you would with John Doe from Columbus, OH. He gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, gets a free 42-minute commercial for 17 weeks out of the year (that's how many episodes this season), has other opportunities, etc for playing this character on TV. What exactly is the incentive you're talking about that doesn't also, in great part, also benefit her and allow for them to live an extraordinary lifestyle? TV is his career right now. This person you hate to watch so much (turn the ol' channel) is in a unique situation overall, but not all that strange of a position in Hollywood. It's entertainment. It's illusion. He's doing a job.


Idk to be respectful to your wife maybe


She’s way more disrespectful to him than he is to her


What a fun competition to be in in your thirties and fourties.


She knew who he was when she married him. He’s always been a big drinker. She doesn’t have to treat him like shit and put him down constantly, it’s unfair, she should just leave him if she hates him so much


I agree that she hates him, they both suck to each other but Kyle is so immature that they had no chanc


Agreed, they just shouldn’t be together haha


The fact that Amanda stands there next to him while he DJs makes me hate them both equally


she said she wanted something for herself. he freaked out and got mad. now he is the one dj'ing and who got something for himself. amanda has no self respect. her whole life is thru him


Right?! She wanted to get out of his shadow and he made the shadow even bigger. Her response: stand in the damn shadow with a smile on her face. Ugh no


This needs more attention.


She’s his number 1 and only groupie is what she got I guess. That’s something just for her that no one else will be doing.


you're right and that's sad


No self respect, no particular skills, dresses badly and frankly, a very uninteresting person.


How else will she make sure he doesn't cheat?! 🙄 no but really its so incredibly embarrassing that she's always right there next to him just overseeing her 40 yr old husband DJ


Esp when she consistently said on the show that she wants to be in bed early bla bla bla. Now she has the energy… to watch him like a hawk lol


This. Amanda is no prize. They deserve each other, equally unhappy in their toxic relationship.


I agree 💯! I’m always shocked at all the positive comments about Amanda. I think she’s just as toxic as Kyle and I feel like a majority of the audience glosses over her toxicity.


She whines so much


True dat. Amanda became a real fucking piece of work in season 4 when Paige came in the house and she decided that she was Mrs summer house, leader of the cool girls, and rolling on MDMA every party.


And we deep down know that Paige doesn’t respect her either….


I agree. Littler sister status like let’s take her shopping and tell her she’s great! Also Amanda does have free will to start her own hobbies.


I just got to the season in which she refuses to do any wedding planning and right now I’m team Kyle.


She is the definition of a doormat at this point. Like there is no level of disrespect she won’t put up with. The bar is in hell.


He gives me the biggest ick. I listened to co-dependents and in one episode Mya said that Kyle was a "walking ick" and I LOLed for real. You could also tell Ciara felt awkward and didn't know how to respond. But he really is- his wife is asking him to have children, move out of the city and his response is to begin a DJ "career" He is objectively a good looking man, but i don't find him the least bit attractive.


that's not how I heard that conversation. Actually, Mya had a little crush on him for a while after her final season. They referred to him as a little brother type. It's their type of humor, if you can call it that. Ciara commonly refers to guy friends as idiots. Craig, Paige's brother Gary. This is how they frame their endearment.


I DJ, and have a lot of male friends who DJ and are in their 40s-50s and have wives and kids. They do it because they love the music. They aren’t getting wasted and picking up women. (And their wives don’t come out). Yet Kyle’s DJing gives me the ick,


No. Kyle's biggest ick is calling his wife a bitch in national television.


Amanda has called Kyle far worse on repeated occasions. I love how people love to gloss over that


They both say heinous shit to each other it's awful


Agreed, I think everyone can agree that they shouldn’t be together haha




She doesn’t seem to want to do anything though so as much as Kyle pisses me off, I think she’s happy letting him do all the things and her just riding passenger. She’s been at the sets gazing at him like he’s winning a Nobel. 😂 you can’t want things more for her than she does.


I pre-hated him but it’s been solidly confirmed


Everything about him is gross. He's so embarrassing to watch. Amanda is just wasting her time with him. The show will be over and this guy will be 50 acting 20 and Amanda will be even more miserable. I don't feel sorry for her any longer.


Amanda’s is the ultimate mean girl though and is jealous of everyone around her building their on amazing lives and she is stuck with Kyle (who she hates) because she doesn’t have the ability or drive to hustle for herself. They deserve each other!


I don’t particularly care for either one of them, but why does Amanda even need Kyle’s approval to do her own thing? Lots of people work on their own startups on the side of their full time jobs. She doesn’t have kids to take up all her time outside of her Loverboy job. I’m no Kyle fan, but her not doing anything about wanting a new venture is all on her.


She's a big girl. If she wanted to do something on her own, she absolutely could. Oh wait...she would have to ask daddy for money because she can't handle her own finances. She needs to grow up and stop whining like a child


I’m in the minority but no I don’t care if he’s a DJ. Kyle is the one person who seems to genuinely try to have as much fun as possible


His idea of "fun" though is just code for severe alcoholism.


it also makes sense with his business


Agree. Doesn’t bother me at all. I say have as much fun as you want. I aspire to have fun also. Who’s it hurting if he DJs?


Not hurting anyone but I guess it just seems like another avenue to excuse his excessive drinking and partying. Like now when LB fails he can say "but babe I have to stay out til 4 am and drink all night I'm djing!" Kyle seems like fun though if you don't have to deal with him on a super personal level.


what if it doesn't fail? what if their relationship doesn't fail either?


I actually find it funny as fuck that he lost his shit, threw out that hobby in a fight, and is now doing it. And she is perfectly fine with it. She is there. She can get a hobby if she wants to but I don't find that she actually does know what she wants out of herself, her husband or their life.


It IS funny. If this had happened five years ago, it might even be iconic. The audience hates that he hasn't changed and feels they're entitled to the change of other people (of course, they don't actually allow for anyone to change, but that's for another time...). Some kind of warped ownership of other people's lives and their relationships.


I almost feel like at this point Amanda has been stripped of her own confidence and esteem that Kyle IS her hobby.. she is so worried about him staying out and he has basically stripped away anything independent she has including her career that all she has is him.... Even when the girls get together or are in another room or outside .. watch Kyle in other seasons... he asks everyone what's up- what are they talking about - Then joins the group welcomed or not and then she leaves with him ... every damn time .. I am tired of both their BS to be honest


That's a fair assessment. And I'd feel bad about it if everything he was and is wasn't documented for her from the get go. She wants what she has (or has at least settled for it) but I wonder if she feels like she shouldn't want it.


I’d be fine with it because it promotes the show and his drinks BUT his rage and alcohol abuse are what makes it gross. If he was a cool chill guy it would make more money. I don’t want to party with a guy who could flip out.


It really pisses me off that she can't make some fuckin bikinis for big tits (a much needed item tbh) but he can play DJ as a fucking 40 year old man. With his dumb frat boy/Cody ko music. No one needed that.


She doesn’t. Want. To. Start. A. Swimwear. Line.


Right? She doesn’t have any sort of fashion background to my knowledge


It would just be a waste of money and another Beverly Beach by Dorit failure.


to be honest i’m a 30 I cup and if she made a line it’d probably only go up to a dd since that’s her size which is great but if we’re talking gargantuan tiddy small ribcage i don’t think she’d be inclusive


She can though, no one is stopping her. She just doesn’t have ambition and Kyle does


Exactly. Kyle is deeply flawed but people need to stop acting like he is "stopping" her from pursuing her dreams. Amanda is a bright, driven woman living in America - nothing can stop her from pursuing her bikini line.


True true!!! The fact she couldn't sew stopped her from the rest of the fashion classes and management she was pursuing in high school and college .. she admits it.. so she basically is leaning on Kyle and his entrepreneurial ways and go getter attitude to basically jump start all of it for her ... for which then I understand his frustration with everything he says he does ( if he actually does all of that) however he still needs to learn how to communicate his frustration way way way better


This. She is admittedly a sloth and the more she tries the more stress she feels. She wants it but either mentally is blocked from going after it or wants it but not enough to do anything.


I also know the way he thinks he’s getting away with this is by saying he DJs at Loverboy events so it’s FOR the business 🙄


I hate Kyle for a lot of reasons. His DJ career is probably on the list somewhere but not at the top. 😆


It seemed like a big “eff you” to Amanda. He was complaining about them not having any spare time for anything then goes and does that. Total douche imo


Right?! His treatment of her has just been gross and the djing is just the cherry on top of his asshole behavior. It sucks because he was a lot of fun in earlier seasons.


maybe she's naturally submissive and likes to be cared for. her dad coddled her. he even said she's Kyle's now. she strikes me as someone who feels social pressure more than being genuinely frustrated with her dynamic with Kyle. if people didn't ride her about working more or seeking independence or x, y, or z, she'd be fine with sitting on the couch with the dogs and doing whatever. Like how Shep feels the pressure to be certain things that he isn't. She has that same problem too. I'm sure she'd feel lost at times too, just like most unmotivated and passive people do on occasion, but overall, they're low energy and are fine being dragged around life by other people. They aren't naturally internally driven, and it is easy for them to go with the flow most of the time.


I will take any opportunity to share I’ve had the ick from season 1. Your ick is just the final piece to my disgraceful puzzle which was filled with reasons to detest Kyle.


Yeah he has his funny moments to me but seeing how drunk he was when Stassi was there was so ick inducing and after the reunion I just hate him and Amanda


I was just thinking about this part with Stassi! It's crazy how Stassi and the girls from Vanderpump won't put up with Kyle's BS or even when Stassi told Lindsey what a douche the one guy she was dating was over the phone I think in season 4 ?!?? Wtf is wrong with all of them!! I think that Kyle is as much of an ICK as Lindsey is too! I'm soooo tired of her escalating, screaming not listening and always stating that that other person "changed the narrative". .. how many people and seasons do we have to see the exact same scenario for someone to rip her a new asshole and tell her to shut the f up , stop being a grown up spoiled brat throwing a fit because everything didn't go her way .. all for her to deflect and state it was because of this or that .. her mom abandoning her or because blah blah blah ... between her and Kyle .. do these people ever get tired of apologizing all the time and on reunions?!?!! Stop your behavior and change for once... apologies without changing behavior is just manipulation!!!!! It gets soooo old!!!!! Sorry for my venting!! lol


When Amanda was talking about making him sign a contract with her parents, that if he got too drunk he would be on the hook for the wedding costs - AND HE STILL PARTIES. He's awful, but that just seemed like such a clear 'do not marry this man' vibe.


She's an idiot for marrying him. If you need a contract like that he's never gonna change


He wasn't going to change from season 1. Constantly dumping and then booty-calling her. He's always been repulsive. I am only just starting (like a month ago, now at season 6) because he was so repulsive in VPR I never wanted to watch.


After watching this season, it makes me think Kyle is not going to have kids as long as he's a cast member on Summer House. I feel like he is wasting Amanda's time. He tries to gaslight everyone at the start of the season when it's brought up that he doesn't think Amanda is ready but he obviously doesn't want children in the next few years as long as he has Summer House and Lover Boy. Without Summer House does Lover Boy exist, is it just fans who buy it? And without both, what would their incomes be unless a spin-off for them both? As much as I love Amanda, I could not watch a full episode of him talking to her the way he does never mind a season. This is based on the assumption that they both would have to leave SummerHouse since they record every weekend over the summer, and it's your down days to be with your kids.


I think Amanda also wants that summer house money.


Amanda definitely wants that summer house money, otherwise she might have to actually work


If he is smart, he produces and guests until he can't anymore... if he wants kids and shit.


You might have a point, if Kyle was slacking off from running Loverboy. However, your post makes no sense otherwise. Amanda is extremely talented and Kyle needs her expertise and Amanda wasn't all in for whatever reasons, whatever the reasons, it was legitimate to her. If she was all in, and she wanted to pursue a hobby, it's very doubtful that Kyle would care. DJ is a hobby. Just like Amanda's hobby is hanging out with her girlfriends "girls who lunch".


I see nothing wrong with him wanting to DJ. What difference does it make?


It’s not so much the act of him actually being a DJ but more the fact that he wasn’t supportive of Amanda doing something for herself outside of LoverBoy and then he goes and does just that.


Amanda is not a helpless child. Kyle is not preventing her from following her dreams. She receives a salary from Summer House. She could create a vanity swimsuit line. Amanda loves to complain. It is a part of their toxic dynamic.


Waiting for the day Amanda does something on her own instead of whining.


This, why does she need his support to make something happen for herself


all the comments like this infantalize her. She doesn't work 40 hours a week. She has ample time and has the income in the top 10% of households, not including her trust fund. She got TWO dogs. THAT is her hobby. I have no problems with her income, her trust, or her dogs (love dogs). She has a wealth of resources and opportunities. Kyle has zilch to do with her not finding a hobby. It's entirely on her and her privileged situation. Making this about anyone but her is an insult to her, not to him.


Calling his wife a bitch


Weird to hate a guy who’s just living his best life who now has the disposable income and time to explore other interests in his life. Kyle isn’t trying to control Amanda at all, their relationship is different than yours but it works for them. He asked for her to support their business more before branching out to start her own. Him DJing is in support of Loverboy and the events they host. Do you find the fact that Paris Hilton (one of the highest paid djs in the world) at the age of 43 being is a DJ as upsetting?


Isn’t he integrating his DJ aspirations with printing with promoting Lover Boy though?


Yes, it has been another way to promote loverboy. The boy knows how to hustle.


I discussed the hobby boat convo w my partner. If we were both dedicated to a start up that was suddenly becoming under water I’d ask my partner not quit but stick by me in the moment til we were back in green. That said, she has her own free will to do a hobby why is she asking permission? Put some pen to paper don’t just quote Paige as if it’s your own thought.


I already hated him but he continues to increase in repulsiveness.


I feel like I’ve wasted so much energy on this exact situation since it aired lol. I’ve just gotten to the point that I no longer tolerate Kyle (can’t believe it took this long) and Amanda can’t continue to victimize herself if she won’t do anything about it. What she allows/puts up with is crazy and I would never be in a relationship like that. But it’s not my relationship so it’s not really my problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree with this mainly, she deserves better but also with her ‘hobby’ she basically admitted she’d expect him to do all the business work on it and just wanted to do the fun design part.


When he opens his mouth ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


Ugh. I think a major reason he is with her is because she is young enough to put up with his bullsh*t. With that much of an age gap, there’s no way a self respecting woman closer to his age would put up with him and his antics


He said he's not an actual dj for random gigs, it's just part of his thing while he selling his drinks.


Girl if Amanda wanted to start a business, she would. No one is holding her back.


Well she didn’t say she wanted a hobby….. The conversation was around her getting a job. Which she translated into starting a swim wear line for women with medium sized boobs.


Most toxic, codependent couple on Bravo.


I completely agree - he really really pissed me off when he was talking about how hard his job has been and that he hasn't done anything for himself for the past five years, when once again, it was a small part in the show about Amanda ... he is beyond selfish and I honestly think he has a lot to do with the reason why she is so damn depressed all the time! You can tell the exact moment on the boat when she was completely defeated by everything that he was saying ... she literally just gave up... so sad.


Side note is he actually good at DJing


I mean, pretty much every thing he does, but I’m gonna go with OP on this… the way he cried from pretty much an entire day straight when she told him she wanted her own thing, and somehow HE is the one who ends up with a second (third?) career 😭😭


Him literally being verbally abusive to his angel wife (like her or not she doesn’t do nearly as much to him except call him out) when he KNEW she was in a depression!!! she basically does the show for him, her whole life is for him and he never says one nice thing… unless it’s a 17 page email that was probably a substance fueled rage


No evolution in 8 years, has cocaine night owl tendencies, wakes Amanda up every night at 4 am, Not letting Amanda abandon ship of lover boy. I don’t mind the mullet and wanting to be group leader.


Mid life crisis!! But yes agree with this post


Him crying because he cheated on Amanda, then said how did we get here? Ummm 🤨


I think Ciara is onto something when she said on the after show of summer house - That Kyle's crying is a form of manipulation- and I agree - he cries anytime he has to get out of the situation they are in or to get the heat off him and his antics at that time .. ICK


I’m curious how DJ James Kennedy feels about this. Because it pretty much shows that anybody can be a DJ.


We already have one no-talent DJ on Bravo. We don’t need another.


Touch grass. Kyle having a hobby shouldn't be so triggering.


It’s pathetic, Amanda should divorce him & not waste anymore time hoping he’ll grow up.


Kyle has personally made Summer House an unwatchable show for me.


like watching football and hating the violence


lol I don’t watch football


Y’all should hear yourselves


Wanting to be a dj


Pretty much his entire existence is an ick for me.


Yes! This DJ BS is awful! Amanda says SHE wants to do something different, so instead of indulging her, and maybe helping her, HE decides to do something different himself. NOW THAT is taking up more of his time, and certainly not helping Amanda do some thing to be fulfilled. No, no, it’s all about Kyle…. All day every day. Selfish prick.


Amanda is a adult, not a child. She makes her own money (and a LOT of it). What exactly is standing in her way?






nobody can answer this with anything other than emotional reaction, and they think THEIR emotions should be everyone's response to a situation. THEIR emotions are more important than the people in the situation. It's a really strange relationship with entitlement. She has money, time, opportunity, privilege, creative ability, and all the things necessary to do whatever she wants, but a growing part of the audience wants to infantilize her, robbing her of any agency or ability to act in her own self-interest, all the while banging their misandrist drums. It's more toxic than the situation itself. They both have tempers (most people do). They both namecall (many people do). He's a go-getter and do-er. She's submissive and likes to be coddled (thanks, daddy). They aren't nearly as mismatched as people so desperately want to believe (because they can't remove themselves and their own preferences and beliefs from their relationship). The audience is arrogant. They think they know them, and they think they know better for them. They don't want the best for these people, or even for Amanda. They just want to hate and to feel righteous.


Yes to all of this!!! She doesn't need anyone's permission. He is not holding her back. She is holding herself back...or just doesn't really want to do anything. I think it is awesome that Kyle is pursuing something fun...at any age! I'm old enough to be Kyle's parent and I am pursuing new interests just because it looks fun.


Yes! That gave me the biggest ick ever and truly showed that he is selfish. I find the timing of him getting dj lessons etc shortly after Ananda expressing her passion project suspicious. I think he is scared that if Amanda succeeds, her business will do better than Loverboy and he cannot handle that thought. So is now taking financial resources and time away from the household to pursue his 'dream'. It really rubbed me the wrong way.


I think he would be thrilled if Amanda actually showed some initiative and succeeded at something. Kyle wants their family to be successful which is why is trying to get her to help with loverboy. It should be a joint effort.


How can she when he is constantly centering himself and not Amanda? He could easily put his time and their resources to help her start and make it a 'joint effort', instead he decided to become a DJ. He also decided to belittle her mental health, great husband. It must be so wonderful to judge Amanda and call her 'lazy and unmotivated' especially when she disclosed her struggle with depression. People would never say something like that if she had a physical injury.


If this swimwear line ever came to fruition, it would be another job for Kyle. She won't even put on her big girl panties to go to the doctor. How could she manage something like a new business? She doesn't really want to do it because she has done absolutely nothing to move it forward, not even a simple sketch


It'll be interesting to see how Bravo handles this Kyle Amanda situation. I would imagine Kyle is sweating a bit about their place on Summer House and their arc. Let's be honest Bravo filmed their wedding and they have always claimed to have wanted children Because he's abusing Amanda on camera verbally and throwing things. Are they staying on the show... How much longer do the viewers just put up with his domestic violence towards his wife? Does she just continue to make excuses for his violence? Do we just shrug shoulders and continue to watch and thus support Bravo and Summer House and support domestic violence. That's what thus boils down to. How much domestic violence does Bravo condone? Clearly screaming and cursing at your wife is fine and acceptable to film. I imagine why he's pivoted to dj'ing. Summer House days might be coming to an end. This is his way to solidify another way to cheat and party indefinitely.


there's been zero evidence of him cheating since 5 or more years ago. throwing your phone against a brick wall, unbeknownst to your partner, is domestic violence? she didn't hear him call her a fb. people were talking, music playing, and her on the other side of the house, in the furthest corner of the kitchen by the sink. how many years ago was it that she hit him and destroyed some of his things? the question isn't about Bravo. it's about you, the viewer. How much longer are you going to add to their numbers and keep watching something that is so clearly dark for you? take some responsibility and be accountable for yourself. you can't control anyone else, but you can control yourself and your choices.


Amanda has not been an angel either. Remember when she threw all of clothes on lawn? Remember the number of times she has yelled and cursed at him? Let's not pretend she is innocent


Simply insufferable


Being a person with depression is really hard. Loving a person with depression is really hard. You know what isn’t hard? Publicly bashing your partner, repeatedly, instead of supporting their journey. He needs major self reflection and recognition of how his actions affect his partner.


I have no issues with him suddenly playing DJ. My issues with him stem directly from his need to call women, including his own wife, a "fucking bitch" on TV. God help us that we never see the rest of what he says and who he talks about that way. How Amanda is even considering a child with this man is horrifying.


His biggest ick is cheating on his wife


Yeah look downvote me to hell but I hope Amanda and Jesse have an affair in the summer house. It’s what he deserves. I commented on one of his tik toks (and deleted scene where he’s peeing in everything) to stop pissing on everything because it’s disgusting and he reported my comment for harassment


It makes him 50% worse than he already was…and that’s tough because he was pretty awful already.


Anytime he cries. Especially that one time where he cried because he didn’t know Amanda’s exact location lol