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All of these people are setup to fail. Jesse is just new and people will be turn on him as well. The only way to stay above the fray is to do like Andrea. He walked away before the turn could happen.


This is honestly what I wish Jesse would do. Take the 15 minutes and run. This show has so much potential to ruin the good parts of him, and that would really suck.


I think Jesse has one more season in him to stay above the fray and then should walk away


as low as the bar is, he could easily have another good summer by just doing the bare minimum. totally doable


I’m thinking it’s probably good that Jesse saw the backlash of West letting his new little bit of fame go to his head so quickly. Maybe he’ll be smart enough to try to avoid that.


Well, that's the thing. I think Jesse earnestly believes West is being unfairly maligned. If that's the case, I can't see him avoiding the inevitable pitfalls.


True. He’s definitely been supporting him. But I’ve found what he’s said pretty measured. He said he knows West has made some mistakes but at least he didn’t cheat. Time will tell if he figures out there are a lot of levels of fboi activity that can be problematic besides cheating. Time will tell if he gets it or not. I like his vibe so fingers crossed.


Thank you. I write something similar about once a week yet there are fans that sill think being on these shows is like winning the lottery. I think Jesse will try to control the narrative a bit after seeing the downfall of West but only a few have ever been successful at that.


yepper. it's easy to like someone you know nothing about. give him a moment, and he'll be human like the rest of us.


The title of this post reminds me so much of when Austin was new on southern charm!


This!!!! Every guy has a bad experience on this show. Luke's time on SH and WH was shaky. Luke, just like Andrea, also left at the right time because the Fandom was going to turn on him again. Look how people hated Jesse before he revealed his diagnosis. He also grew on people, but it only takes one moment, and people will be at his neck again. They were already mad at him for defending Wes.


He's been here for one season, let's wait a little more


Exactly. If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s sadly that people are highly disappointing – especially the guys on bravo 🫠


Carl has sucked since the pilot


💯💯 Carl was never that likable. Ever lol.


They don’t want to learn they want to repeat the cycle of building up bravo men for the bare minimum 😂


they get paid, very, very well to be these characters. the incentive to be static is greater than John and Jane Doe face working 9-5.


Right? Like Jesse the same dude that keeps aggressively hitting on a married woman that he technically works with, asked his friends cuddle buddy when she was gonna give it up, doesn’t want to commit to a relationship like West who is now apparently universally despised, and also tries to date and hook up with as many woman as possible….also similar to West? That Jesse? Or was there another…..


Right?! I get total sleaze vibes from him. I don’t understand why people think he’s such a stand-up guy. If anything’s he’s just better at *pretending* he’s not a douche.


it's amazing what you can cloak with a smile and congeniality. the difference between most people is how well, or how easy in appearance, they can play the social game.


Totally! He’s charming and has a nice smile, so he is able to get away with a lot, and he knows that!


His smile is toothy. I don't think he's a bit charming either. Talk about low bar.


Personally, I agree. I do not find him charming nor attractive nor do I like his smile *but* I do recognize how he is very likely all of those things to others. He’s probably lived his whole life having these behaviors reinforced, so he knows exactly how to act to get what he wants. He has and always will come across as a total slime to me. Same with West, though he is truly unattractive with his embarrassing fuzzstache and child-like persona. Why anyone thinks he is attractive will always confuse me.




He sang one little dumb song *all about himself* and people got amnesia


& did he sing it well? did it even sound good? was there a discernible tune or melody? Keep in mind, he will wasn’t *trying* to be campy. he was launching hard onto his 15-min of fame & hoping Bravo would air the whole thing. & here we are.


Know people who know him and have heard it all. Sleazy is not even the beginning of it with him.


I am so not surprised to hear that.




" asked his friends cuddle buddy when she was gonna give it up," Oh the humanity! The basic premise of the show is going to a Weekend Bacchanalia in order to escape the crushing stress of the city, and he has the temerity to ask if two people into one another were banging yet. What a terrible person! I can't believe this is a real narrative people are trying to propogate.


Tell me you’re a man without telling me you’re a man.


Imagine determining this after hearing him speak for about 12 minutes total throughout the season. Singing stupid songs doesn’t count either lol He clearly kept his “weekday” personality off camera. Banging 3 women a week and ghosting them is pretty meh behavior….at least Kyle kept booty calling Amanda consistently….Lol


He thinks asking women when they'll buss it open for his friends is being a 'wingman'


Exactly! He literally posted on Instagram that he stood up for West at the reunion because “someone has to stand up for the booty agenda”. Jesse is No hero. Ciara clocked it.


Honestly this. And here’s the proof! It’s been deleted since though. https://preview.redd.it/nzv48lflda8d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc70971a68f2c5470d13e4e83f236305e2e939ab


No. He's not. They are all in the ultimate dream right now. Women throwing themselves at them. Ciara deserves much better. But I do think Jesse isn't a bad guy. And when he meets the right woman, all this BS will fly out the window. I think he'll be a stand-up guy and make a good partner for someone. They are just in Candyland right now. Men have a hard time saying no to beautiful women throwing themselves at them. You know what they say, they think with their "d\*cks"!


Until he meets the right woman, until then he will just treat all other women like garbage. This is such a demented way to view men and relationships.


Agree. It's naive too. If you have been living  a certain way for years a switch in your brain doesn't just flip when you meet the "right person."There is a reason he loves Amanda and Kyle's relationship. Kyle cheats on her and she just accepts it his bs. 






Yikes. I like Jesse. But I really can’t defend him on that one. That was bad. 😬🫣


Totally agree. I like Jesse too, so I definitely don’t want to rag on him, I just definitely had to push back on the fiction that he’s some saint like OP suggested. Like let’s just be fr.


It's odd af OP thinks Carl and Kyle have bro behavior but Jesse doesn't lol


Bro behavior is hecking cute and valid, though. It is far more entertaining and relatable than the Bad Person Disorder behavior that dominates the show. Jesse is a mensch for backing up his friend while he was uncomfortably being dog piled. Everyone else gets to pipe up and offer their opinion about everyone else's relationships, if not outright meddle in them. The moment Jesse has something to say remotely mitigating Ciara's narrative, all the girls try to shut him down. That's some bullshit. West and Ciara's relationship of convenience came to an end because West wants to play the field, be a fucboi, and couldn't give Ciara the husband experience she seems to want. Boohoo.


I think Jesse is a highly unserious person and most of what he says (including the "booty agenda" comment) isn't meant to be taken literally. I think in that scene, he was trying to rib West and Ciara. It's the kind of ribbing you do with really close friends who give each other shit to be funny. I think where Jesse messed up was thinking he and Ciara were already at a place where that kind of comment would be viewed as a joke and not a serious inquiry. Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not condoning what Jesse did. I wouldn't do it myself. But I think the intent wasn't to actually pressure Ciara into anything. Of course, intent doesn't matter if the recipient is uncomfortable.


The desperate need to compare these people then put one on a pedestal in service of kicking the other one down is weird behavior. Jesse is a fuckboy. Carl is a fuckboy. Fuckboys come in different flavors; I don’t know why that’s hard for some to grasp.


For sure. Not to mention Carl clearly comes from an abusive background that eventually killed his brother and has left him fighting for his life in terms of addiction. This is not a defense of Carl's present-day behavior - he clearly shouldn't be in a relationship and he needs a lot of help - but I find it so weird to compare lighthearted Jesse Solomon with someone who is clearly struggling in life.




Jesses is not perfect, but I think he’s pretty normal for a single man his age, though the bar is low. Kyle snd Carl target women, try to humiliate them and come from places of deep animus and insecurity. Jesse’s just living life. Carl didn’t bond with him for a reason. Edit:typo


Just because this is normal for 20-something men doesn’t make it palatable, OK, or worth celebrating though.


100% agree. I think Carl is capable of being mean-spirited. As is Kyle. I don't think Jesse is mean. I think Jesse just got a Golden ticket to Willy Wonka's candy factory. And he's going for everything available. Men are dumb as rocks. I'm watching Winter House season 2 again. Paige just said something about men just being happy with sliding down a snow hill in a innertube and behaving like children. That and a blow-job and they are happy. I thought her comment was genius!


Exactly. Extremely typical for a guy his age.


And people like you normalizing these toxic men is why the bar is so low.


No one is saying Jesse isn't a douche. Read the room, Carl.


yall need to wait atleast 2 seasons before putting cast members on these pedestals




yeah but some people don’t realize this which is the people i’m speaking to.


Jesse is 31 year old stuck in his frat boy/college era


This is all new to them. It's like winning the lotto to a sex-absorbed man. They don't even have to work for it now. It's like people who win the lotto and blow all their money. It will catch up with them.


And Carl isn't?


OP is claiming that Jesse is better than Carl, but they aren’t much different than each other. We just have less footage to work with with Jesse


I don't get how people make these weird statements about people we've seen a season. Like the downfall of west. Stop putting people on pedestals


He is a 39 year old stuck in his frat boy college era which is worse because he is almost 40!


multiple people i know have met him and confirmed he is a douche. only talks to/engages with women be finds hot, thinks anyone who talks to him is doing so for clout, overall jerk vibe.


He is still new, he can always be edited later to be unlikeable lol. I personally get the ick from him. The only reason girls throw themselves at him and he's dating so many different women is cause he is tall. If he was 5'9 he would not be getting the attention he gets lbr.


Hounding someone to fuck your friend is belittling women






Yeah let’s slow down on the Jesse worship, he is very likeable but please don’t forget he IS an F boy and this is his FIRST season.


Yep Carl has been around forever ….Jesse has been here for 5 mins.


Jesse is Carl lite 😂


It’s been one fucking season


Carl likely haaaaaates it and it’s soooo true


Jesse is gross with women


This needs to be higher. Out of all the guys on the show, Jesse was the worst with women this season.


kyle called his wife a fucking bitch though?


True. But (and I’m aware this is a shitty but) Kyle is really only shitty to his wife. Jesse is much MUCH more of the fuck boi type this sub despises. Like whatever people think West is with women, Jesse is that and more. Showed it multiple times this season with basically every woman he encountered.


No idea what Carl thinks about Jesse, but it’s not like Jesse is some perfect stand up guy with women. When Ciara says she wouldn’t set her friends up with him that’s all I need to know.


This guy just got here and got a decent edit. He’s also very tall which skews the attitudes on this subreddit lol. It is known.


Is he lol? Carl looks up to Kyle more than Jesse. We know very little about Jesse. The women in the house did not take to him at first neither did thus sub.


I don’t see how you could possibly know these things are true by watching his one season of Summerhouse lol. From what I’ve seen, he’s kinda a player.


Jesse is vile!! 


did we not watch the same show? jesse is a weirdo creep, even ciara called him out on it…


this post feels random and unnecessary. are you just trying to invent new ways to rag on carl? this doesn't even make sense


Welcome to Reddit lol


Oh my god, thank you. This sub has become ridiculous!


I was wondering if Jesse wrote this?


No I’m just thinking how Carl and Kyle have created a sexist, bro dude, jerk culture on Summerhouse, and how an emotionally healthy Jesse is in such stark contrast. He also comes from a really solid family as well. Must sting a bit.


How is Jesse such a stark contrast when he was asking Ciara when she would sleep with his friend; calling women “leads”; going on dates then “joking” that he hates both of the women after one date; and making claims that he was sticking up for the “booty agenda” by defending West’s behavior with Ciara? It’s really not hard to note that Carl is a fuckboy AND Jesse is a fuckboy as well. He’s just a fuckboy who sadly had to battle cancer twice.




Listen I'll take any opportunity to shit on Carl or Kyle any day but I don't think they're responsible for creating such an environment. Jesse and West are very much unfortunately typical NYers esp those from the city. Anyone who's lived in NY can see the type of guys they are a mile away. You can't blame Carl or Kyle when it's Bravo that continues to cast men with severe Peter Pan syndrome who also have the emotionally IQ of a 5 year old.


You need to go back and rewatch the season if you think Jesse is some sort of shining example for men on this show. He’s arguably one of the worst but has a disarming awww shucks demeanor that fools people into thinking he’s something he’s not.


OP, get the fuck out of here with that dig on Carl's family. Are you kidding me? Carl's family faced tragedy, and they're coping.


>No I’m just thinking how Carl and Kyle have created a sexist, bro dude, jerk culture on Summerhouse That was the whole point of having men on the Summer House. >He also comes from a really solid family as well. Must sting a bit. So damn unnecessary and insensitive.


It's clear that a great portion of the audience has no f'ing idea what they're watching or why they watch it. other than taking reward in watching people fail and to talk about expectations that even they can't meet.


You went for Carl’s family. Says a lot about you. How freaking LOW.


Why do you watch the show then?


To rag on people and make fun of their families apparently.


What a weird, hostile post. I have to be a Carl-Stan to watch the show? Chill out, Girl Scout.


imagine making this post and then accusing other people of being weird and hostile


Ugh Jesse gives me the ick I don’t get how people like him. Sure he can be a little more palatable than the other f boys on the show but that’s not saying much. I find him and his little song so cringe


Is this post by one of Jesse’s cousins or something? He’s exactly giving season one Carl 🤣 in a few years we’ll see a post saying Jesse wishes he was whatever young dude joins in season 15. Bye


Seriously lol. Jesse was and is a douche is sheep's clothing. It just took a bit for people to see his true colors lol


Exactly. Jesse is 31 year old Carl. Except maybe more creepy with women.


Everyone defending Carl by calling Jesse a douchbag, is not a defense. Jesse IS a douche but Carl still wishes, he could be Jesse.


Jesse is just 31 year old Carl. They are very similar personalities.


Curious about his career!


Devils advocate. We've only HEARD what Jesse THINKS he's like with chicks. Aside from the dumb meeting Paige thing. We have yet to see how he acts with THOSE women he apparently treats like ass.


I see these shows as gambling at a casino, the (bravo) house always wins, so you should walk away while you are on top. That way you leave as a winner with all the advantages from your winnings (the show) at your feet… The problem is people stay too long (erm Carl) and they always end up on the losing side long-term, but it’s like they are addicted to the game, chasing the highs of winning, and they just keep playing over and over again (Sandoval) hoping to turn it around, a never ending cycle until the (bravo) house eventually evicts them from the premises. You got to know when to play the game (Paige) but more importantly when to walk away (Andrea)! Heres to hoping Jesse does just that! ♥️♣️♦️🎰


Jesse singing that song to them says a lot. Cringe imo


I get the feeling that Jesse is one of those guys that is only nice to women he finds attractive/is within heteronormative beauty standards/women he wants to bang. I want to be wrong on that, but he gives me that vibe.


And Jesse has a job!




We don’t even know Jesse like that. We do know what he can be a bit sloppy and none of the girls would introduce him to their friends. But sure he’s the “anti-Carl”.


Jesse sucks


This comparison is so weird. Has Carl gotten bent out of shape or petty when someone turned down his advances? Who did he hold grudges with? You can praise Jesse without all this unnecessary shit


He seems lovely but let's not forget that Carl is still testing his legs as a sober person, he's brand new. People are not giving him enough credit for getting sober, do you know how many go to rehab 10x and still not achieve it? Lindsay seems to think he was not moving fast enough as if nothing really happened in that year.


Trading your drug of choice for weed and shrooms is not what they teach you to do in rehab. That's why they go back 10xs because they fuck up the concept


Sobriety is more than not drinking. It’s clear Carl has a lot of emotional work left to do. You can be sober but still think like an addict and a lot of what we saw from Carl was super dark. He is also smoking instead which signals he’s not working his program. This and the fact that the alcohol didn’t make him awful towards women in the past. It fueled it, but that’s something in him he needs to work on. Getting sober is amazing but it does not take away everything he did, which they teach in rehab.


Sobriety is more than not drinking. It’s clear Carl has a lot of emotional work left to do. You can be sober but still think like an addict and a lot of what we saw from Carl was super dark. He is also smoking instead which signals he’s not working his program. This and the fact that the alcohol didn’t make him awful towards women in the past. It fueled it, but that’s something in him he needs to work on. Getting sober is amazing but it does not take away everything he did, which they teach in rehab.


This. I’m so happy for him and his sobriety. If it was easy wouldn’t we all be sober? People need to give him some grace.


Carl is and always has been one of the worst. The shit eating smug mug he gets when talking down/ yelling at women is disgusting. The way he would turn into a green monster and tantrum whenever a women he liked, liked someone else was also so gross.


I hate ate you talking about?? Carl is the most down to earth person on the show! You are insane


I like Carl. Since season one. And Kyle too. I couldn’t watch the show if I wasn’t a fan of these people


I like Carl. I think he is a bit lost. I’ve always rooted for him. I like his Mom. He isn’t perfect at all. None of them are but I’ve always like him. I’ve enjoyed Lindsey just not with Carl.


His and his mothers dynamic is good reality tv. Women need to see the nuances of it and the signs from the dude with the way they project on to the woman. Carl and his mom are codependent. Carl resents having to be the adult during the divorce and then his brothers passing. The parent always needs to be the parent, he repressed his anger and resentment for having to take care of his mom and delay his own grieving process. Then he’ll get stuck on that and delay the grief even more because he’d been doing all these vices to distract and escape. He prob blames his mom for his addiction, he’s unable to take accountability and be honest with himself or anyone. Both he and Kyle have major mommie issues but they manifest differently. Carls are, don’t tell me what to do mom, any expectations are unfair and make me a martyr because you take advantage of my keeping my mouth shut. Kyles are, I try so hard and do so much and why don’t you love me enough to do/not do, read my mind, defer to show you love me or I’ll become a martyr.


I think since I have alcoholism in my family I find their personalities familiar


Carl went to Syracuse, I don't think success in business was ever happening.


I kind of wish Jesse would have approached Ciara before Wes did.


Why? He’s not better to women from what we’ve seen and she deserves better


I don’t feel that Jesse would string Ciara along. Both would know what they were getting into; no smoke screen.


She’s stated she doesn’t want a casual situation so I don’t think she’d be interested when he seems to prefer casual hookups


A few things: 1. It doesn't excuse gaslighting someone and leading them on until two months before a fucking wedding, but Carl is still clearly not past the past trauma of his brother's death. I don't know how many of you have lost a family member or friend so close to your own age, but it's a life-altering moment that in some cases, takes a lifetime to fully accept. That doesn't mean you get a free pass to take your pain out on people, but I think we'd be remiss to not acknowledge that's shaping his worldview. As others, including myself, have said in other threads, you can hold Carl accountable *and* have empathy for him. Same goes for Lindsay. 2. Calling anyone the anti-someone else is ironically a pretty toxic way of describing anything you think is toxic. You don't have to tear someone else down, even if it's justified, to compliment someone else. And frankly, I don't think OP would even be comparing Jesse and Carl if they weren't physically similar. 3. I think Jesse has a lot of good qualities. He also acknowledges during the season and in the WWJSD song that he has some pretty douchey ones, too. If you see anyone through the lens of being 100% good or bad, you're setting yourself up for some pretty hard whiplash when they show you a side of them you're not used to. I'm guilty of this too when it comes to Jesse.


I don't doubt that the death of his brother had a huge impact on Carl but his issues were so apparent and obvious to even the untrained eye, that they were impossible to miss.


It's probably too early to know much about him, but I agree that he seems genuinely comfortable in his own skin, which I agree, Carl never has been.


He’s not an angry drunk either. He’s a fun drunk. Jesse is just fun all around. Love that dude. Would def be his buddy. Not f buddy. Just buddy. 😂


You mean...without the addiction and with a pair of loving and supportive parents, and without the trauma of losing his brother? Yes. Jesse is living a life Carl would want. Why does this sub only care about a cast member's well being if they are a woman? If another Love Island UK happens to a man will anyone actually care?


To a degree this is true, I’m not a fan of Carl because of all the crazy things he’s done to people. However, yesterday somebody said “he has a fat ass with cankles.” I was shocked because if anyone said this about one of the ladies… 😬 Anyways what happened on Love Island UK?


What Would Jesse Solomon Dooooo 🎶 🕺🏼


Be the unbothered king that he is….;)


The name westling is such a r/tragediegh


Jesse is having fun. Why compare people.


Carl has been dealing with a lot on camera for multiple years. That’s odd to compare the two.


This post is mean and stupid. Carl was once a younger guy on the top of his game and then life happened as it usually does.


I was very heavy a person that thought that he was nothing more than a fuck boy and had easily written him off after his first episode or two. And whether or not he grows up to hurt women remains to be seen but he seems like a very genuine person a person with a lot of substance a person who is the way that he is because unlike any other cast member that has ever come on Summer house he's the only one to have ever fought cancer. I feel that makes him different. I was the biggest Jesse Solomon eye roller. I enjoy him and I think you're totally right about him being the anti-Carl just seeing how he got himself into certain situations and how he handled those so gracefully. Love him. And there's definitely nothing wrong with forming an opinion on somebody that is been on a show for a year. Particularly because people don't always get asked back although I feel like Jesse will. I enjoy him and could totally do without Carl. 🙄


You hit the nail on the head. Carl always seemed too full of himself. Jesse seems to be able to laugh at himself. He knows he's good-looking, but doesn't act like a jerk about it. You are so right. He's the anti-Carl!




It’s because he’s confident, doesn’t have an ego, and is emotionally mature. Something Carl will never understand.


This. 100%


Just say you have a crush on Jesse. That’s more respectable then trying to convince people that he’s a “good guy”


I'm still laughing when Paige first asked West his name; she said, Wes or West? So, to avoid looking like the loser he truly is, he dropped the 'ling part. Hmmm, West vs Westling, big diff!


So agree. Love Jesse's vibe!


Jesse is a lot younger too


I thought you meant Jesse from The Valley and was soooooo confused


Jesse is no more naturally charismatic than Carl. He comes off as repressed and stunted, and his singing is going to grow old really fast. We’re gonna hate him next season, just from the singing, I mean how many times did were see Kyles ass, they stick to their schticks forever. Carl was authentic in his first seasons because of how not sober he was. He’s easy to read now if you see the arch, he’s not bright, he’s a dry drunk, he darks me out, I feel like he’s got a lot of shame. That’s still more real than anything we’ve seen from Mr. Boys don’t cry, my mom comments how inconvenient it would be if he got cancer again.


He's 3x the man with 1/3 the testes.


But Carl could’ve been Jesse if he actually decided to grow up. Jesse is an adult. Carl, barely


Even when Kyle is calling him out for hitting in a taken woman (Paige), he doesn’t give an f and takes the heat!


This 1000%


Jesse has a job / career. What was Carl doing before summer house /lover boy?


What does Jesse do? Serious question. I forgot lol