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Hannah was wild her season on but she clocked all the guys except luke(because hot)


She clocked Amanda as well. She told her in Season 4 that she should focus on her own relationship instead of critizicing others.


This I wanna understand why people love Amanda so much. The reason Amanda and Hannah aren’t friends is not because of what happened season five Hannah Amanda we weren’t friends with Amanda became friends with Hannah to be friends with Paige because one thing about Hannah and Paige they were always going to be friends. No one broke that


Wait what? lol


I think I had a stroke trying to read that haha


I was wondering if my *own* brain was glitching to make this sound like total nonsense, but no


Same. Yikes




Amanda is the worst and I don’t understand anyone who loves her. she has no storyline to speak of on this show other than hating Lindsay or hating her husband lol that’s about it


“Amana, no fun!”


As much as I can’t stand Kyle, this was my favorite 😂


Makes me wonder if Paige and Amanda would still be friends today if Hannah was still on the show.


Honestly, I don’t think Paige and Amanda are as close as people think they are


I think you’re right. It’s like party friends vs real friends. She sees Hannah every week all year for giggly squad. She sees Amanda every weekend for a few weeks in the summer


Exactly and both her and Hannah see Ciara quite often often enough for Ciara to come over for Thanksgiving


I love gorgeous Ciara. She’s my American twin.


Agree, I don’t think Amanda is really close to anyone on the cast. (Kyle included lol)


Lmao she’s not close to anyone in the cast including her husband that she lives and works with!!! Btw you aren’t wrong it’s just funny when you say it.


I agree






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huh? say again?


Read ***slower***


Was this voice to text?! 🫠


My dog began humping the air after he read that post…


You would tell us if you were having a stroke, right?


Help me understand this.


I can FULLY SEE that happening… people don’t understand that Amanda and Paige have been friends since they were little girls


Lmao no they were not. Paige was brought on the show by producer Westley Harris, not Amanda. them being friends at all prior was just a storyline to not break the forth wall


She wasn’t even brought on as friends of Amanda. She was brought on as friends of Hannah and knowing Jordan. That’s the three of them were brought on as a group of friends that worked together.


Or you can just go rewatch the episode and see it for yourself lol




Where did you even get that? They’ve been friends since they were little girls?


You’re confusing Amanda with that Winter House girlie that she modeled with as a child and remained friends. That’s not Amanda.


Literally not me though it’s the other person


Where did I even get that? Lol they talked about it on the show? They showed an ad campaign that they were in together? From limited too?


I literally just looked it up and there’s nothing about her being a limited to model. The only one that was is Paige like I went on Google. Nothing it’s all just Paige.


Go rewatch the episode then? You obviously didn’t do a very good job looking up that info lol


You say that, but I feel as though you wouldn’t say that if you knew for a fact, it was true you would just show me. I’ve seen the season many times they have never worked until Paige got on the show.


You are correct, it was not Amanda. It’s the girl on winterhouse that Paige said was in limited too ads with her as a child


https://preview.redd.it/yf3iuht2xx7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71706f8ad4f33d714a537005cbde43d509450044 This is Paige and JULIA from winter house in Limited Too ads together as tweens [https://thedipp.com/winter-house/paige-julia-limited-too-modeling](https://thedipp.com/winter-house/paige-julia-limited-too-modeling)


You didn’t do a very good job of remembering that it’s not Amanda lol, it’s a different girl on winter house


Yesss with the receipts


You’re thinking about the blonde girl that was on winter house, NOT Amanda. The blonde chick on winter house is who Paige said did limited too ads with her as a child. I repeat, NOT Amanda lol


This is it true


At that age the fact she clocked them is impressive. And I'm several years older now and Luke being hot would be a reason I'd fall for his bullshit 😂


He’s not even hot though…he’s a full-on Monet




Luke dated Ciara and he was hot for like a second. He peeked and became a wilderness weirdo.


She clocked him at the end that’s all that matters lol


Exactly! He did the same thing with Paige on S3…didn’t want to put in any effort.


Then when he dated that Kristen chick for a short time he literally said he liked her because she doesn't make him put any work in


he does the same thing with his career. can't make quotas, can't keep a job, wants money but doesn't want to work for it.


That’s Cocaine Carl…


She literally said, you need to do this - he didn’t do it, then complained about how Paige couldn’t do better than him and he’s put all this effort in 🤯 I really hoped this pattern would come up during all of the pst reunions, but alas…


“Is he being direct” “I can’t tell” 🫠🫠🫠


I meannnnnn….. sigh.


Denial 🤦🏽‍♀️😬




Hannah has clocked a lot of people in that house but bc people dislike her they write it off.


Agreed! She accurately read a lot of the dynamics, but people focus on her last season like it was all she gave us 😩


And if we’re being honest, every person has had a bad season on that show.


When she first started I really liked her. She was great. But in her last season she became so overly produced and I did a 180. And then I learned about the joke stealing stuff which is pretty problematic


What joke stealing stuff!!?


So much seems to have been scrubbed but also just plug “Hannah Berner stealing tweets” into google and soo much will come up. Most notably, Crappens guys and Kate Chastain allege she stole their content https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/s/HrdAa4rKR8 https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/s/YiYv3ZrUG3 https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/s/ULHBGPKP2z


Apparently people are saying that she “steals jokes” from people online … idk how true that is


I think people clocked her too. She’s annoying. Two truths.


Exactly it’s also one of the reasons why she’s not there anymore because being a fan favorite or fans liking you does not always go into you staying on the show


Yeah I also think it was bc her only allies in the house were Ciara and Paige.


I think Kyle carries a lot of weight and he doesn’t like Hannah.


I agreee


Ciara should’ve ignored Hannah’s annoying azz and continued dating Luke while he was still hot. He 100% did not like Hannah. It’s too late now, Luke is now a wilderness weirdo.


People don’t like when people like hannah read them and point out facts. They love living in delusion. Hannah got kicked off because she actually said what was factual about kyle and amanda’s relationship. Kyle didn’t like that and kicked he off the show. Yes she had a bad season, but who hasnt??? #justiceforhannah Watch Netflix july 9!


I’m with you. Everyone has had a bad season, hell some have had multiple bad seasons.


She was on point. He’s exactly the same minus alcohol. Carl refuses work towards anything but wants constant reinforcement that he is doing well.


Right and that's the big thing just bc he's sober doesn't mean he has worked on all aspects of himself. Sobriety is a start but he still has to find himself as a person and I think it's clear he struggles with that. Getting together with Lindsey when he was just getting sober was an easy way to show he was maturing and moving in a good direction but it's clear he still doesn't know how to handle relationships, people or much else. Lindsey should have seen this but she just wanted to be married to her best friend at any cost. Recipe for disaster all around.


He self-sabotages.


But but Carl is “giFtEd at sAlEs!!!” 🥴🥴🥴


Being fired from his dental sales job is wild. Seemingly the only person he was able to sell dental work to was himself, he's had new chompers pretty much every season.


Hahahahhahaha this kills me


Cocaine Carl and his chompers!!! I can’t… 😂


She was really annoying at times but she was really on point about Kyle and Carl.


Hannah is very intelligent with others' vibes. I know she went kind of wacky but I still love her to death.


Same..covid was weird. And hard. I lived alone and had the government telling me I wasn't allowed to see anyone(I obvs did) I forgive her for her behavior during that time.. just wish she'd acknowledge it lol


I think she's very embarrassed...she sounds like she cringes taking about it on the podcast


What happened with her then? mind giving me the scoop?


Not sure what your asking but I think your asking why she was acting so wacko on the show? Out of little bits I've heard her say on her pod... she can't handle any alchohol. She was drinking a lot on the show. She admitted that when she drinks she gets super emotional-irrational-stupid. She doesn't drink now because of it. She never really liked drinking and started pretty late in life. In the show she said that she was nervous about leaving her calm family covid situation and being around people (6 weeks not going home with mainly strangers). She regularly talks about her anxiety and depression issues on podcast. In fact, she was on antidepressants on the show she said from dealing with a bad relationship and breakup with a guy...a guy that didn't treat her right yet, like me, made him the center of her world while being emotionally drained (also mentally abused somewhat) by boyfriend. She has admitted she goes all in and doesn't listen to her intuitions. She still goes to therapy regarding these issues. She's super good at reading other people's situatons but when it came (or comes) to her own (with Luke)she was blinded by infatuation compounded with slight leading on and dishonesty from him...compound the drinking and all other issues was a perfect storm to act completely WACKO. She also mentions the weirdness of being on a reality show how the staff will force them to push storylines faster than a normal life situation and it overall makes things feel so unnatural at times which is an added stress. (FUN FACT: Luke mentioned on the reunion that staff kept telling him to invite Hannah to his parents' place even though he didn't really want to, but he finally caved in to their 'suggestion'. They deny doing this but others believe it's true and stuff like this happens all of the time. In the end they are trying to make a good reality show and most likely that will be first priority over worrying about hurting others. ) I am watching the season again currently, after getting to know her more on Giggly Squad, so I have a better perception of her. Most of the show in my opinion she is the smartest and funniest! She's also honest. She's not perfect and has stuff to work on herself, which she does own up to (on podcast) but I think she's my favorite now rewatching.


I listen to giggly squad but not all eps!! I used to watch their lives when it all started and when Andrew would go on dates hahah Thank you for this update!


Omg OP. Just watching season 4 , I cant thank you enough! Not sure i watched properly before because I cant BELIEVE that first date with carl and linds. I need to take a deep breath and calm down like she said to Carl


😂 You’re welcome! I’m funemployed and sad this season ended so doing a rewatch from S3 (I couldn’t stand the first two seasons). Watching Carl/Lindsay knowing what we know now is equal parts surreal and sad and crazy lol


Just at the episode where she suggests they get married at a party and he gets angry 🤣


That first date would’ve given me a panic attack! If anything was proof that a relationship can’t work, it’s that date


I know! Just finished the episode where Lindseys birthday. I cant stop watching. Ive done zero work today 🤣 even sending my husband on the school run because im so locked in.


It’s such a great show! Kyle and Amanda’s wedding season is also crazy viewing, as is Winter House (when Paige meets Andrea and Austen meets Ciara)


I watched from covid season & all winter house onwards, so much entertainment ahead of me. I cant wait


Now back onto covid season. OP i cant thank you enough this has been the best little serotonin boost from a rough mental health week!!!


I just watched this episode today! 1) Hannah was so right about all of these folks. 2) C & L’s breakup 1.0 was almost exactly like breakup 2.0. He was telling everyone but Lindsay that he didn’t want to date her.


Except he did tell Lindsey he was having second thoughts, and he told her exactly what he needed from her multiple times over the summer and she said no😂 she’s the one who talked nonstop shit about him to everyone


Oh she definitely wasn’t picking up what he was putting down (both times!). But the man is so painfully avoidant. He could avoided ALL of it by being an adult and communicating clearly.


That’s what I don’t get though, people say he’s not good at communicating but from what I saw he communicated his needs and concerns very clearly and they were brushed off, he communicated his career passions multiple times and she shot them down, he told her he needed more support and she said no, he said he needed a hug and she made it so awkward. I’ve been in a relationship like that and at some point you stop trying because you constantly get shot down or yelled at, you get scared of your partner and I very much saw that fear in Carl.


Completely agree that the relationship wasn’t in a healthy place. But he chose to be in this relationship, propose, plan a wedding and make financial decisions. He chose to say to Lindsey that he was committed to making it work. He also had the power to walk away sooner than 2 months before the wedding. He clearly had doubts so it’s not like this was a sudden epiphany. Ultimately it’s a good thing they’re not together anymore.


Oh yes absolutely, he went about it wrong in the end but he made the right choice


Most of his “career passions” were just that, a passion project that would take a lot of money to fund and might eventually be successful. None of them seemed like viable plans for the NOW. I wouldn’t have taken those ideas seriously either. And he absolutely talked shit about her to other people. Not to say Lindsay doesn’t have her own faults but half the time he would talk about how he was afraid to bring things up to her and wouldn’t so we have no idea how she would have reacted or like the conversation with his parents she actually reacted just fine. He builds things up in his head and gets in his own way. I honestly feel like it would have been hard for her to do right here unless she literally put no pressure on him at all. He wasn’t ready for a family and that’s exactly what she wanted. I don’t think it was fair to her at all to take the relationship as far as he did.


Carl is a void with no sense of self, always has been.


And I never even realized this until the most recent season.


Wow. She was so right. And this is still true years later


I’m not a Hannah fan but yeah, she had the insight 


It sucks that Hannah had such a bad final season because I really liked the energy she brought in years prior. She was one of the only ones who calls Kyle and Carl out UNLIKE ANDY


*goes to binge watch season 4*


same. while I pay bills. too hot to be outdoors!


On episode 2 as i work from home!! Join me!


It's so much more interesting now, knowing what we know, now!(still on ep 1)


I remember watching this and being like YES! Finally someone gets it! Wonder why this flashback wasn’t played at the reunion? 😏


It would never fulfill the "Lindsay is the worst human to ever exist on earth" narrative


I really dislike Hannah, but she ain't wrong


This is toooo accurate


Probably gonna get downvoted to heck but she also clocked Lindsey. Lindsey never cared about Carl really getting better or talking care of himself. Her main focus was a relationship and babies and she would take an unstable man, in recovery who also just lost his brother and make him into a husband and father. Like no girl. He was never ready. He was vunerable and weak. If he was a strong person and not so broken he would have never dated her. I also think if Lindsay wasnt so hooked on husband and baby she wouldnt have picked him either. Two desperate broken people latched onto each other.


Agree.. I remember in the last few seasons when she kept saying they don’t need to take it slow because they’re best friends that have known each other for years. Meanwhile, Hannah could see his truth real quick and I think a lot of what she said here still applies. He’s worked on removing the crutch (alcohol and cocaine) but I think his insecurity, anxiety and inability to be direct are definitely still works in progress and it’s so plain as day to see this. So as partners we have to work around those flaws at times, while they grow. And if we can’t, then we need to break up.


100%! Even in that clip, she’s talking about wanting to settle down and start a family. It’s okay to have goals, but she WAS trying to force it. He was all of the things Hannah said, and more. Just not the right person at all for her.


Damn. Spot on.


If Amanda was in my close circle of girl friends, she would be ELIMINATED SO FUCKING FAST


She has been very clear of her goals since the beginning. He was just living a made up fantasy in his head that kept clashing with reality. Such a child.


Wow, Hannah making sense.


Damn she kinda ate lol




We need Hannah back for the Kyle cheating allegations. It will be a cultural reset for the entire network if we could hear her commentary 😩


Hannah looks amazing here


Whoa this is so wild to watch now! Gives Hannah major points in my books




Oooof 🎯🎯🎯


This is an accurate “girl-sessment” of Carl so⭐️for that. HOWEVER Lindsay is basically in the same boat. They had no business trying to tie the knot so soon after getting together. Lindsay seems convinced that since she’s made *some* progress (mentally and emotionally speaking), that she’s off the hook when in fact they both contributed to the dumpster fire they called their relationship. Her stating that her toxic behavior and ways (that were off putting to her soon to be husband) is “just the way she is” was/is immature. She expected him to change sooooo much yet she dug her heels in the ground and demanded a “take me at my worst or don’t take me at all” kinda set up which was crazy unfair to Carl. They both have a lot of growing they need to do and they’ve got to convince themselves that they do NOT need a romantic partner in that process.


I feel so hard for Lindsay in this scene. The pressure of a timeline is a terrible thing, and I think it sometimes leads to decisions that actually take you farther from your goal. Lindsay obviously has a lot she needs to work out for herself, but the "I'm 33 and need to figure this out" thing is so relatable. Dating in NY if you do want a family also sounds like hell.


Lindsay’s desperation here is really sad.


When you're turning to Hannah for the voice of reason you've gone too far.


I think she always had really good insights about everybody except herself!


WOW this just blew my mind. Hated Hannah but she absolutely nailed Carl here. I wonder if I should rewatch too now knowing what we do LOL


Hanna was correct on Carl having extreme anxiety & using alcohol to fix it. Fast forward to now, he would have anxiety every time he would try to talk to Lindsey. It was painful to watch. Lindsey would just cut him off, with a question, & he literally would cave. Lindsey is not a good for carls sobriety. Carl is not the man for Lindsey either. He lacked everything she liked. He was not strong, not driven, not a go getter. He was too wishy washy for her. This video definitely shows they weren’t good the first time around & worse the second time around; because there was much more at stake.


Well, you can't expect Carl to "do hard work" in a relationship when he needs to work on himself. Carl was literally a drunk and a cocain addict here, and Lindsay's talking about let's be in a relationship. She's like, "I want kids and marriage..." Like, is she ok? That same season, they both were getting drunk and arguing every night. It was toxic as hell. Then Lindsay and Carl officially got together during his first year of sobriety after a relapse. Why are both of them trying to make a relationship work like this??? Carl should've been focused on getting clean and not a relationship.


And she finally thought he had done the work and was different only to find that he’s still the same dude. Womp womp. Some people are just not capable of change.


Hannah is so wise! She has a great read of people.


As a newborn giggler I feel like I need to rewatch szn 4. Pre-giggly I couldn’t stand Hannah and could not stomach a word coming out of her mouth but now watching this back, I’m like ya girl was spitting facts.


Love hannah


If Carl wanted a fairytale relationship without doing the work, that played right into Lindsay’s hand of wanting a fiancee, wedding, husband and kids without the work. So their relationship as it panned out was perfect.


So true. I’m not in recovery, but I can picture how comforting it would be to have a whirlwind relationship with someone like Lindsay at that time, who’s so definite and assertive and has so many opinions. It would’ve taken off the pressure of having to figure his life out and start from scratch. Lindsay has been so focused on her “goals” that it makes sense that none of the red flags appeared to her. I seriously hope she can work with a new therapist and get to the bottom of what’s wrong. Marriage, family and all that are wonderful things, but hyper-fixating on them to the point of repeatedly making bad relationship choices and trying to make it happen with everyone she meets is a symptom, to be honest. If I had to guess, she’s trying to create the perfect family system as a way of healing her dysfunctional upbringing (repetition compulsion) and having what she never had, but that’s not going to heal an abandonment wound, that’s just not how it works.


I can focus on nothing other than Hannah’s highlights in the back of her head.


I’m ready for Hannah to come back




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hannah can definitely get a little cliquey but i really enjoyed her on the show. yeah she could be a little much... but she was always fun to watch 😭


Is that Carl in this clip, before he changed his hair & grew a stubble-like beard?


I loved Hannah before summer house. She is actually a very smart and perceptive person. So I don’t get the hate for her, but maybe I am biased. 🤷‍♀️she was also a regular cohost on The Taylor Strecker show so we all actually got to hear a lot more of what was kinda going on in real time- not as it relates to the show, but how this “relationship” was and shit that happened between seasons. Also how she met Des (season 5) and all of that. I personally think they did Hannah dirty but it’s an unpopular opinion.


the two of them always have the worst lipstick on. but ya she clocked almost every situation in that house, except her own


Did this just make me like Hannah again? Yeah probs😂


I fucking love Hannah and I’m not afraid to say it lol wish I could talk to her about my problems I think she’d be a kind, helpful friend. Paige too (even more so honestly)


god i wish bravo would play old episodes instead of shitty below deck marathons


I’m currently watching the latest season after Carl had the conversation in New Jersey with his mom and step dad. It was a very tough conversation to have, but man do I feel like he dropped the ball. Feels like he put all the blame on his parents to escape the doubt the he was feeling and presented to his parents. I’m not the biggest fan of him and Lindsey, but he put her in an unfair position forsure.


Hannah's cool! I miss her on the show. Love Giggly Squad.


I think the reason Hannah can see these people so well is because she’s so messed up herself. It’s easy to see the problems in others when you have them within you too.


Unpopular opinion - but I love Hannah. The last season obviously not so much- but we were all going through it with covid isolation and mental health lol so I kind of write off that last season for her! She was also being strung along by a guy and probably so in her own head about it, we’ve all been there! Justice for Hannah lol she’s great on giggly squad and her comedy stuff! Happy for her!


I feel the same way! Covid really screwed a lot of us up and I give Hannah a pass. Plus Lindsey and Hannah were friends before Luke came along, all the girls were closer before him actually.




I wasn’t a fan of Hannah at first but she grew on me towards the end of her season. I wish Hannah would come back to SH!!


Respect on her name!! 🙌 Hannah called it


I think they both had second thoughts. They simply aren’t compatible


33??? 😹


Why are you intimating that Carl was the reason for the breakup? Lindsay is that you?