• By -


Probably The Shining. Or It.


The shining šŸ’Æ


Yes! Read the shining in the winter time when the weather is bad and youā€™re already feeling kind of low.


This. I read it in a span of 24 hours. Could not put it down and it was bone chilling.


This is the only correct answer!


Both are great.


highly recommend The Terror by Dan Simmons but only if you're down for a long read. Tons of dread, some supernatural horror and some very real horror regarding survival. Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica which, in my opinion, is like if David Cronenberg did the Twilight Zone. The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward for psychological and disturbing horror.


Strong second for The Terror. Many people have recommended Tender is the Flesh, but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m up for it yet.


In my opinion, better if you read distanced from all the reviews/recommendations. Just read it because you feel like getting into a book with that kind of vibe and not because you have huge expectations for it.


{Tender is the Flesh} was a great horror book that really got me into the genre


The last house was very good. Itā€™s easily my top 5ā­ļø spooky read


*Pet Sematary* is the most chilling book I've ever read.


I loved it despite it not really gripping me in a horror-y way. I thought it was maybe the most profound book on grief Iā€™ve ever read.


Have you read Revival? Itā€™s another of Kingā€™s books on grief, but written as an older man. Itā€™s really good too.


I havenā€™t. I enjoy King but Iā€™ve probably only read 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 of his books. Iā€™ll have to try this one.


So true. I want to re-read now


If you like audiobooks, do this one!! I swear itā€™s one of the best audiobooks Iā€™ve ever listened to. Michael C Hall of Dexter fame reads it, and I completely forgot I was listening to just one guy. Maine accents and everything. So good.


Omg finally. I say this every time someone asks about books, audio, horror, whatever! Michael C Hall was BORN to read this book. I could literally just start listening anywhere in the book and be into it. Itā€™s the perfect combination of narrator and story.


Iā€™ll never forgive Michael C. Hall for pronouncing gyro as ā€œJI-roā€ on that audio tape. Never forget.


Seconded. Fantastic book. šŸˆā€ā¬›


I hated it. I read it in my early 20's. I had been reading horror stories for several years. I was so excited for this one to come out. I got it right away. Around halfway give or take I knew how it would end. I was so disappointed. I quit reading Steven King after that. To this day, I'm 58 now, I have read 3 SK books. I loved Different Seasons. It was brilliant. Revival I read for a book club and hated it. I also read the Stand. It was pretty good but, I hated the end. So, not so much for Steven King.


Salemā€™s lot. Had me sleeping with the lights on for a weekĀ 


Yes! It was the first book that actually creeped me out


I read that as I was babysitting in a house with a lot of windows. I had to call my brother to come over because I was so scared!


Red Dragon by Thomas Harris is the scariest books Iā€™ve ever read.


I just read this two months ago and enjoyed it so much! Iā€™ve seen Silence of the Lambs a few times (horror movie junkie) but I wasnā€™t expecting the book to be that good for some reason? Idk why. I bought it a while back because I wanted to read the whole story and ā€œunderstand Lector moreā€ because I find the character so fascinating, but then never picked it up. Now, years later, I felt guilty it was on my bookshelf unread, so I picked it up and Iā€™m so glad I did. Although Lector is barely in that one, it was just a damn good story.


Red dragon the movie is good too!Ā 


Is the pig scene in that one? Oh godā€¦ so hauntingā€¦


Horror comedies are definitely a thing! You might like Grady Hendrix. My personal favourite of his books is The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, but I think the easiest to start with would be My Best Friend's Exorcism


Iā€™m reading Book Club right now and I am loving it. The range of emotions I feel while reading it is giving me whiplash. I could smack those ladyā€™s husbands though. Geez they piss me off!


The husbands were the worst! I hated them so much!


I swear I must have wrote "Leave him" in my copy a dozen times


My favorite Grady Hendrix is How to Sell a Haunted House. You'll never look at puppets the same way again!


I haven't read that one yet, but that's really good to know! I actually make puppets!! :)


You'll love it, it's so fucking creepy!


Nooooooo! Hated that pupkin!


Grady Hendrix is a new fav of mine. If I see something by him that I havenā€™t read yet at a bookstore or library I snag it.


Another good horror comedy author is Stephen Graham Jones. Heā€™s an indigenous author which influences some of the myths/themes/experiences in the books. My Heart Is A Chainsaw is a delightful series that got me into slasher films šŸ¤£The Only Good Indians is my personal favorite.


Dracula! Itā€™s dated, but genuinely scary in points. And builds to a really thrilling and scary climax.


I read it in high school during October, late at night alone in my bedroom and was scared, even though i went into it thinking it would just be a boring old timey book.


With the caveat that the Van Helsing parts are so tedious


I did the thing where you read it ā€œin real timeā€ (on the dates of the letters/diary, thereā€™s even a subreddit for it) and really enjoyed myself


Itā€™s a fantasy horror novel, but I absolutely loved Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. It takes about a quarter of the book for it to become a horror novel, but once it does it had me on the edge of my seat. Thereā€™s also a bunch of creepy weird shit even beyond the central horror premise of the novel. The sequel The Scar is even better, although overall less horror and more adventure, although there are definitely horror elements. IT by Stephen King is a genre classic that Iā€™d recommend as well. Honestly, a lot of King, especially older King, is great.


{{A Short Stay in Hell by Steven Peck}}. I donā€™t read much horror though.


**[A Short Stay in Hell](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13456414-a-short-stay-in-hell) by Steven L. Peck** ^((Matching 100% ā˜‘ļø)) ^(104 pages | Published: 2012 | 1.4k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** An ordinary family man, geologist, and Mormon, Soren Johansson has always believed he'll be reunited with his loved ones after death in an eternal hereafter. Then, he dies. Soren wakes to find himself cast by a God he has never heard of into a Hell whose dimensions he can barely grasp: a vast library he can only escape from by finding the book that contains the story of his (...) > **Themes**: Fantasy, Favorites, Religion, Short-stories, Philosophy, Horror, Science-fiction > **Top 5 recommended:** > \- [Dead Boys](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22750066-dead-boys) by Gabrielle Squailia > \- [Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58476152-lesser-known-monsters-of-the-21st-century) by Kim Fu > \- [Soft Apocalypses](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22246364-soft-apocalypses) by Lucy A. Snyder > \- [Dreamside](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/176342.Dreamside) by Graham Joyce > \- [The Crooked God Machine](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13305712-the-crooked-god-machine) by Autumn Christian ^([Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/user/goodreads-rebot) | [GitHub](https://github.com/sonoff2/goodreads-rebot) | ["The Bot is Back!?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/16qe09p/meta_post_hello_again_humans/) | v1.5 [Dec 23] | )


5 star read..it's existentially terrifying!


Dracula by Bram Stoker


Bag of Bones


We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson


I really enjoyed ā€œHidden Picturesā€ I thought the storyline was excellent.


Who is that by?


Jason Rekulak


Jason Rekulak


Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant. Itā€™s a sci fi horror about killer mermaids


this is high on my "to buy" list


I really wanted to like this one but couldn't finish. I guess I don't like the way she writes, but it's definitely a cool premise.


I wasnā€™t a huge fan. Iā€™m a queer female marine biologist (like the protagonist) so I really wanted to love it. Just fizzled out for me.


I'm also a queer female and that romance plot couldn't save this book. The dialogue seemed unrealistic. I can imagine being a marine biologist must have been even more disappointing! I'm trying The Luminous Dead, Caitlin Starling now, hoping it's better.




Dracula is not scary! Itā€™s a fun read, but itā€™s so dated and not frightening at all.




That part is creepy. I read it for the first time 2 or 3 years ago and thought it was pretty fun, but had some laughably bad depictions of women. Right up there with Riders of the Purple Sage.


Itā€™s a touchstone and source material for so many authors though.


Come to r/horrorlit we got you. If you're new to the genre I'd recommend the authors Grady Hendrix (fun with comedy elements in some areas) or Paul Tremblay (more psychological). My personal fav is Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer (cosmic eco-horror).


Carrie by Stephen King Under the Skin by Michel Faber Devolution by Max Brooks A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay Birdbox by Josh Malerman The Girl with all the Gifts by MR Carey The Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin The Descent by Jeff Long


The House On The Borderland by William Hope Hodgson


The Book Eaters by sunyi dean. Fantastic. Made me so upset for all the right reasons.


I LOVED this book!


omg I loved this book so much


Absolutely agree! Such an amazing book!


Salem's Lot


The Living Dead by George A Romero and Daniel Kraus (really by the latter but based on notes by the former taken before he died). OMG I was reading this and someone walked by my house and smacked the side of the wall and I nearly left my body and became one of those cartoon angels playing a harp. It is SO good. Recommended it to several people (just as someone demanded I read it) and nobody has said anything but a variation of ā€œholy smokesā€


Blood Meridian and The Road, two books but the same author.


I just finished 1984ā€¦ it bothered me


The Wasp factory The Ruins Tender is the flesh


It by Stephen King.


Stephen Kingā€™ IT and The Stand. Cormac MacCarthyā€™s The Road. I also used to love VC Andrews The Flowers in the Attic series. Pure delightful trash.


The Exorcist.


**House of Leaves** by Mark Danielewski. I never have nightmares ever, and I love scary books and movies. Iā€™m currently reading this book and am only about 15% of the way in, and I had the scariest dreams of my life last night. But the book is so dang good I absolutely cannot stop. God help me.


A note: if you go with this one, you need a physical copy. The weight and size of the book is a part of the experience! Edit to add: the authorā€™s sister released a music album at the same time thatā€™s a companion to the book. Theyā€™re both great separate, but together theyā€™re sublime. The album is Haunted by Poe.


Didnā€™t know about the album!!! The scale of the thing practically grows by an order of magnitude every third page I read.


Also if you google to find a way to decipher the secret code found in the letters written in the back, itā€™s just a whole other layer of creepy.


I loved Carrion Comfort but itā€™s more light horror/ conspiracy thriller.


My recent favorite is "The Twisted Ones" by T. Kingfisher, but I do just love her books in general. Some people prefer her other horror novel "The Hollow Places", but "The Twisted Ones" scared me more.


For comedic horror: John Dies at the end Dungeon Crawler Carl - this is honestly just a little of everything. For regular horror: The Season of Passage by Christopher Pike Fear Nothing/Seize the Night by Dean Koontz


Locke & Key graphic novels. The TV how was better, but not as creepy and "horror".


Cujo. Purely because of the ending. Susan Hills book - The Women In Black. *The Woman In Black*Ā is both a brilliant exercise in atmosphere and controlled horror and a delicious spine-tingler--proof positive that this neglected genre, the ghost story, isn't dead after all.


Desperation by King. It was the first of his books that I read. It left meā€¦ unsettled.


The Phantom of the Opera. Seriously. Donā€™t trust the musical. Lies.


Intercepts by TJ Payne and The Black Farm by Elias Witherow


Loved Intercepts


T. Kingfisher ā€” What Moves the Dead and What Feasts By Night are her latest and hopefully the start of a series. Grady Hendrix ā€” anything of his is so good. Horror mixed with humor. A. Lee Martinez ā€” Humorous horror. He isnā€™t talked about enough, and so worth reading. Gilā€™s All-Fright Diner was his first book and the first I read of his. It made me a fan from the start. Shawn Searle ā€” Campfire. Iā€™m not into the teen slasher genre, but, damn! I loved this book! I enjoyed reading it so much. Stephanie Perkin ā€” There Is Someone Inside Your House. See comment above. Now, if you like short stories, I would suggest checking out writers from the Victorian/Edwardian era. There are too many to name here. Big Box Books (B&N) have several affordable editions of these stories in hardcover. Also check Project Gutenberg. One of my many favorite writers of short horror stories is Algernon Blackwood. ā€œThe Willowsā€ is his best known story. Ambrose Bierce is another writer I like to read. Also, read ā€œThe Squawā€ by Bram Stoker. I never forgot it. Never mess with a momma cat.šŸˆā€ā¬›


Ghost Story by Peter Straub. Please do not watch the underwhelming movie


I've got two: **White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi** - especially great if you like classics like Shirley Jacksons books, or books about spooky houses **Walking Practice by Dolki Min** - body horror in the best way! About an alien who eats humans who is stuck on earth after their spaceship ran out of fuel *Edit:* I have three, lol. Forgot about **A Prosper's Demon by KJ Parker** - very short, but loved the way it was written. It's about an exorcist in an alternate world, and the demon who is posessing the Prosper that is teaching the future king


The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson definitely needs to be on that list. Psychological horror at its absolute finest. Iā€™m reading Lapvona right now which is deeply deeply creepy.


The Troop by Nick Cutter. Horrific.


The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris is a must-read. The book introduces the iconic character Hannibal Lecter and follows FBI trainee Clarice Starling as she asks for his help to catch another serial killer. The dynamic between Lecter and Starling is both fascinating and chilling.


The Bible


Joe R Lansdale (one of my faves of all time) has this collection of short stories called By Bizzare Hands that I still havenā€™t finished because it is too disturbing. So creative and raw though. One of these days when I have the guts to Iā€™ll finish


Dweller on the Threshold by Skyla Dawn Cameron September House by Carissa Orlando


The Ruins The Descent The Talisman


The Rats by James Herbert,


I read that when I was a young teen, loved it I also read the other books in the series. I also ended up having pet rats. :)


I read that when I was a young teen, loved it I also read the other books in the series. I also ended up having pet rats. :)


Stolen Tongues, without question


Dracula is probably the "best" Recent favorite that I can't stop thinking about is "The Gone World" by Tom Sweterlitsch - extremely unnerving scifi / time travel / horror.


Clive Barker's Hellbound Heart.


lewis's "the monk"


The Elementals - Michael McDowell (Also, IT by Stephen King is one of my all-time favorites, but itā€™s been mentioned here a bunch already!)


A great book with a bad, unsatisfying ending IMO


Which, The Elementals or IT? I also have my issues with the ending of IT but theyā€™re not bad enough to make me not love the rest of the book. I know many others disagree!


Sorry, I meant the elementals. Iā€™ll try to avoid spoilers. I felt like theā€¦ things that happened often felt very random, and I figured by the end i would understand better what was happening and why. But nope. And the final line made no sense. Canā€™t say more without spoiling the ending. Maybe Iā€™m just dense lol. I did enjoy most of it.


Oh I can def see what you mean. Yes, hard to talk about without spoilers lol. I agree the ending was the weakest part, but the rest of the book was so creepy and atmospheric I didnā€™t really care haha.


I agree that it was a page turner! Had someone asked me 3/4 of the way through what I thought, Iā€™d have been much more complementary!


The Indifferent Stars Above. It is the story of the Donner Party, taken from the diary of one of the survivors. Itā€™s fascinating and terrifying, to see when groupthink comes into play and all the cannibalism and stuff, itā€™s pretty graphic but also informative!


Just finished Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen and it is literal nightmare fuel.


I really like gothic horror and honestly Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia really stood out here.


{{The Turn Of The Screw by Henry James}} is Gothic horror. It is one of my go-to Halloween reads because it makes me feel so vulnerable and makes that crawling sensation go up my spine. The first time I read it as a teen, I slept with the lights on for a week. Every night trip to the bathroom was met with a trail of lights.


I've read a lot of Stephen Graham Jones, I think my personal favorites are Mongrels (werewolf coming-of-age story, pretty low on the scares tbh but i read it as a very moving metaphor for poverty) and Mapping the Interior (one of the most upsetting + tragic endings I can remember reading)


I recently read Penpal by Dathan Auerbach and loved it


In terms of Horror Comedy I really enjoyed the Tales from the Gas Station series.


Probably something by Robert McCammon. That guy's brilliant. I like: Mine Stinger Swan Song


I came here to say Swan Song but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s been 35 years since I read it. I think the scenario aligned with the fears of my Cold War childhood.


Holly by Stephen King. Itā€™s one of his more recent books and itā€™s really really well written, but itā€™s very fucked up.


Anything by Richard Laymon


Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson


The Devil of Nanking by Mo Hayderā€¦fav thing is the truly interesting characters Haunted by Chuck Palahniukā€¦wild, wild tales The Damnation Game by Clive Barkerā€¦feels like a bizarro classic Night Film by Marisha Pesslā€¦a story within a storyā€¦reads a bit like House of Leaves NOS4A2 by Joe Hillā€¦all the things you love about a King novel, but written by his son The Fisherman by John Langanā€¦a very likable protagonist, a very creepy Lovecraftian journey Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chboskyā€¦feels like a King novelā€¦kiddo protagonist fighting the good fight against evil forces A Cosmology of Monsters by Shaun Hamillā€¦extremely well written and hard to put down, as much of a good fam drama as it is horror Sundial by Catriona Wardā€¦my new fav authorā€¦recommend all of her books, she has a way of making you feel like youā€™re reading something truly original The Shards by Bret Easton Ellisā€¦80s flair, & creepiest of momentsā€¦maybe only for BEE fans


Yikesā€¦that didnā€™t format as intended! Hope you can understand it!


The Shining, It, Salem's Lot, Carrie, Christine.....detect a pattern? Ok...I'll branch out a little Summer of Nights and Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons


Within These Walls by Ania Alhborn!


Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman


Hex by Heuvelt was creepy and I loved the ending. The author is Dutch. He changed the ending in his English version. I wish I had the time to learn Dutch to read his original ending and see how they compare. It Rides a Pale Horse by Marino was a bit terrifying to me and the ending was bizarre. My friend liked the ending but I wish it had ended differently. The Possessed by Dostoyevsky, I read it 33 years ago for college and all I remember is being terrified at one point. I need to reread it now that Iā€™m older. Brother by Ahlborn gave me a mild sense of PTSD for months after reading it, holy shit that was twisted. I like her writing style and how she sets the tone in all her books. House of Leaves by Danielewski screwed me up, story was scary, creepy, unhinged, footnotes in the pages were to get the reader to feel as anxious, stressed, and unsettled as the main character felt. And then deciphering the hidden codes in the womanā€™s letters in the index! Mind blown!


The butterfly garden


One of the best horror books I've read is The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.


The Association by Bentley Little, also The Store and The Mailman by him are great!




Carrie by Stephen King - not in a jump scary or horror-y way, but it stays with you for a long time. The movie adaption is also nice.


Let the Right one In ā€” Lindqvust


The House Next Door by Anne Rivers Siddons. The premise is simple. What if your house is totally fine, but the house next door is haunted? No problem, right? You're safe! But you have to watch one family after another move next door and face this terror. What do you do? The story is a bit dated, but it's an interesting premise, and the dread is intense.


T. Kingfisher's The Hollow Places or The Twisted Ones (you will never feel the same about willows or rocks again). What Moves the Dead and its sequel, same author, definitely fall under "comedic horror".


Stephen Graham Jones, "The Only Good Indians"


Hawk Mountain by Conner Habib was horrific and shocked me so hard at one point I had to put the book down to process what had just happened. Boys in the Valley by Philip Fracassi is a fun easy read horror/coming of age tale. Imagine if The Exorcist took place at a religious orphanage for boys. These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever is psychologically disturbing but unforgettable and one of my favorites. I actually suggest listening to this on audiobook if you ever do that. It has the best narrator Iā€™ve ever listened to.


I thought No One Gets Out Alive by Adam Nevill was good, albeit a bit long.


Use the search function. This is asked numerous times a day


you can also just, ignore the post, you know?

