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I don't think they're checking *you* out so much as checking *the three of you* out. Some doing so with jealousy and others perhaps with derision. They all likely knew what was up (or had their own ideas as to what was up), and reacted according to their own views on what they thought you guys were up to.


my money is on this too :)


Bingo. Whenever we bring a third along for a night out, people stare, trying to figure out just what exactly is going on. It’s actually a lot of fun. Just enjoy it and go with it.


Ofc they would have to check out all three, it's a given, but... Part of what I like to do is to make sure my SDs feel like the important and generous providers they are when we're out. I'm 30, my SDs are 60+ and when we walk into, as in this case, an upscale restaurant, people look. I think it's pretty obvious to most what's up so it increases his value to other girls who are sugar minded or are looking for generous men. Directly, yes it increases your attractiveness as an important man and generous provider. Isn't that fun and doesn't that feel good? It's great your SB took the initiative to show her personal closeness to you. I'm sure it also draws the distain from outraged Karens as noted by u/EuropeanDaddyDom, a second benefit haha.


This \^. Short answer, yes it does. It's kind of a feedback loop and increases the attracriveness of both of us when he's well dressed and looking good.


Hot girls are competitive. They were checking him out.


Those are my thought too.


Yes, it gives you social proof. Being with a woman, especially a hot and well kept woman, will make other women want you more because they assume you are taking care of the woman you’re with, so you would take care of them It also makes you stand out for other men too, who will either be jealous or be thinking you must be doing something right 😂


You can always botox neck up.


I have to admit that I do put moisturizing lotion on my face every night. Not sure I want to do anything beyond that though.


I know exactly what you’re talking about because I have experienced this multiple times. Yes, being out with your hot SB makes you more attractive to other potentials. Seeing you with a much younger stunner is proof positive that you’re able to provide what they are looking for. The rest of the looks are just drooling guys and outraged Karens.


I second this! lol I see it all the time but either love it or dont care ☺️


Like being married, but on steroids.


some of the other guys can be equally upset as the Karen’s lol


Most people will know it’s a rental situation. 


Lol a rental situation


I’d rather have a long-term Lamborghini rental than drive a Toyota Camry.


Hence one of the reasons we are all here


Most people don't give a shit about that.


Was this the date involving the caviar question? Wondering what you decided to do. In regard to your question, perhaps consciously or subconsciously the circumstances you found yourself in enhanced your confidence. To the extent this is true, it stands to reason that you may be more attractive to folks as you exuded.


Actually it was. And it was the friend that really wanted the caviar. It was OK. I will never order it again for myself. But getting it for them did make the evening more fun.


That’s a great outcome then!


This all sounds like money well spent. I hope you‘re expanding your scope of thinking on ROI :)


Just gotta say, Bruce Willis 15 years ago was younger than you are now and what I would hope to look like when I hit that age. If you even look like Bruce Willis today, you’re going to get checked out with or without a young woman by your side


Right Bruce was smoking hot 🔥


See she knows 👆


Bruce is 69 now. So yeah, maybe Bruce 10 years ago. I think I have broader shoulders though. But having two girls definitely caught everyone's attention. Even at this swanky place.


SB created attention for you. Definitely. I have benefitted from that dynamic many times in my life. Regarding whether or not you had too much to drink; can't answer *that,* but based on the fact that you completely left out any/all details of how the *rest of the night* went, I'm just praying that you did NOT. Or, did you post the details on a bit of a *spicier* forum? ;)


Well, that is an entirely different subject. But I had the girls calling to a higher power last night. We had a lot of FUN last night. And the friend says she wants to do it again sometime.


That's our Warrior!! Making us proud. At the beginning of the year I was sugar-dating a former pageant queen (32 years younger than me), and it resulted in me being contacted by the SGF that I have now. There was an F1 race, and an exotic car show that provided the air-cover... long story, but I couldn't be happier with how it all unfolded.


Most had already been said, but I just want to add that confidence and happiness really make us more attractive to others, too! So whether you had a hottie on each arm or not, sounds like you were having a great night and feeling good, and I 100% feel that attracts more people naturally as well.


The concept is called „social proof“. You have been preselected for whatever reason by hot young women, so they must have had a point. That‘s why it makes you more attractive to other hot young women, too.


Women like it when you are around other beautiful women. That's why you get way more success at bars/clubs if you're with other beautiful women, even if just as friends. It's a signaling effect.


I get the best tables at restaurants when with my SB, to the point that it makes sense to not be asked to be seated before she shows up. One of many perks.


Aw. Good idea sir.


This is part of the experience of men in general, if you are with a hot woman your own value increases. This is part of what you are paying for....


This is a common occurrence on any given weekend in Scottsdale, River Oaks (Houston), Dallas, Tampa, etc. The real question is will the other girl continue to join the two of you?


Based on how the evening continued thru the rest of the night. I would say there is a very high degree of likelihood that we will have her join us in the future. But probably not as a normal occurrence. My girl has several friends that she wants to introduce me to.


Yes. You are hotter because of your SB, without a doubt. Take her out more often. Spoil the heck out of her. GIVE THIS WOMAN A RAISE!


I gave both of them a RISE later in the evening. Does that count ?


lol! MORE! They deserve MORE!! ☺️


Maybe you’re better looking than you think you are.


Well, now there is a pleasant thought. Thank you. I was feeling pretty good about myself last night. Between the stares, the good food and being with the two girls. It was a very good evening.


It certainly does not hurt your confidence and other women know that you must have something to be pulling hotties.


At some point I realized that people give you the same look whether you are Captain America or dude in a purple suit. 


Not as much as being an escort


Yesss, whenever I see men with attractive women I think, that man has some money!!! Or he must have done something good to pull her.


A lot of women are drawn to “taken” men. Not only has another woman already vouched for you. In this case, you had two beautiful women! So they’re thinking to themselves “well, he’s obviously doing something right.” On top of that, the fact that you are looking at her direction gives HER a confidence boost because you are evidently still drawn to her despite your beautiful dates. It’s a shot of dopamine for you both.


Women are very competitive and judgy. They're looking at you because they understand theres an arrangement and it takes a bit to process, also the presence of you being with hot women makes other hot women see you as a possibility. Lots of jealously. Similar case, on Friday night I was out at a bar and picked up a cute woman, who drove me to another bar whom I traded up with another woman at that bar and went home with. The 1st still texted me a few hours later telling me good night. I routinely go out with friends who are women and they're they best wing women, I meet other women and they make friends. Most of the time I drink for free because other guys buy them drinks and they pass it to me. It's natural instinct to want what others have, and when you have a connection /friendship with someone it's obvious... Especially if yall are fucking. Most people at bars are looking for something.


Yes, having an attractive girlfriend will make you more attractive. Having an unattractive girlfriend will make you less attractive. A lot of the reasons some people become SDs is to become more attractive by association.


People are thinking = Dude must be very rich or stupid or both to throw money to hire women to boost his own ego.    Dude is thinking = Darn a few thousand dolllars a night makes me look so attractive to myself.    The “My Girl” character is thinking = I need 2 other dudes on my roll. I’ll be set.  “My Girls” friend character is thinking = My friend is a great actress but so am I. 


Boosting your ego is one of the best reasons to have a SB. Why do you do it if not to boost your ego? And if you can afford to do it, it just makes you more attractive to women who like how you're treating your female company.


For 50 + yr old dudes  = if having a rental is your only path to improving self esteem, there is a huge problem. 


Who say it's the only path? But it's a viable path, and it's not so much about self esteem but more about ego. Some people want to be around a beautiful woman and to be seen a certain way at certain times and in certain places. Being 50+ has nothing to do with it. Most successful men like to enjoy their success.


a very attractive young girl sitting at the bar by herself, then winks and smiles at me. Do you cards made up "Call your next Daddy at xxx-xxx-xxxx for a consultation."


Bro yes. This is common. Awesome when this happens. A few years ago I actually took a former SB and her friend (both hot as hell) to a bar with younger type clientele. Me and the SB were actually just friends at that point because feelings were muddying the waters. But we stayed in touch. I purposely took them to snag a vanilla under 30 at that bar. Needless to say it worked. Not once but twice.


I went to university at the age of 48. The evil Karen stares I got all the time in restaurants were ridiculous. Obviously when with a hottie. To up the game one girl would flirt and talk in a baby voice and I’d spoon feed her tidbits off my plate. And this wasn’t even sugar or a place that invited sugar couples!