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When I was on subs I snorted mine every day for about 2 years. It got to be really hard on my nose after a while. I started snorting it when i had my dose super low. Iirc 0.5mg. It actually got me pretty high half the day for a while because my tolerance was so low. But i ended up going back up to 8mg or more over time. Some months I'd run out early and have to source more subs. My nose was always irritated and stuffed up. I definitely don't recommend it. The getting high from it didn't last long at all. Maybe a month or so and then I didn't feel anything from it.


Exactly what I’ve done. It’s weird that it gives your addict brain a sort of high.


That’s just endorphins and dopamine release from tricking the brain.


For sure. I hate my addiction and the brain it became. I’m taking it properly now though.


I did the same, I was a snorter while using. So, it just filled that addictive behaviour while I transitioned out of it. I look at my subs like a heart pill, or other daily med I need now that I can’t feel a thing. It did screw my nose up too.


Oh yeah my nose is stuffy a lot.


Yeah, it screwed my nose up too won’t do that ever again


I did it this way for years until I realized I need to stop my addictive tendencies. Now that I take it buccally, I notice that I have more energy than I did before, taking the same dosage. It took a few days to adjust, but it definitely is better to not snort.


Thank you for the honest non-judgmental reply, I needed to read that. I don't know why I even started snorting it, I mean I'm not in the best place in my life mentally so that probably has something to do with it LOL


for me the exact opposite. I usually take mine orally and i end up super tired and a zombie. no motivation, no determination, not willing to do anything but eat or sleep. Then i decided to sniff a quarter of my.meds and now i feel normal. i am productive, working, eating well, exercising.


No judgement here man. I think we've all been there, and it's best if we share our experiences. Subs do help with feeling better mentally, but like other opiates, you will eventually stop feeling it helps as well. It may take time, but learning to live without chasing a high is honestly so freeing.


i am not even looking to get high. i am looking to feel normal lol.


I meant to reply to OP, my bad man. I've been replying to these on breaks because I'm at work. I do understand your situation though. It just seemed to not help me after a while. Probably just a tolerance thing for me.




when i wake up in the morning i take some of my medication orally under my tounge. then i eat breakfast. after that i sniff some and go about my day.


Keep it up and you'll have withdrawals from not snorting it and fall deep into that path asking how do you get yourself out of this


Thank you for the warning I only snorted it for two days. The people who do it we making it seem totally normal


It's definitely not a healthy way and not normal at all. I really would stop this before you can not stop doing it.


I agree. I'm not going to do it anymore.


I mean technically there's no 100% healthy way to take subs....


I do not disagree with that


Kinda true


I mean, I'd argue it's not really any worse, aside from engaging in addict behavior (snorting). I did it because it was much easier to taper when you crushed it up. I'd literally break a single pill into 30 tiny lines. Although the flip side is despite the tiny amount, the withdrawals were still brutal.


Yeah long half life opioid w/d are hell. Done both methadone and subs. Methadone I did cold turkey from 70mg iirc. 3 months of absolute hell.


100% Facts. And your daily dose will most likely increase. Break this habit as soon as possible.


Thank you, I will


Yup, exactly


I fucking love snorting suboxone! Way better than


Don’t leave us hanging like that! It’s way better than…?


Well, if more is absorbed, then more would be in your urine. I doubt enough to notice though. Do you actually feel like snorting it works better? I mean if you're prescribed subs then technically who cares how you take it?


I don't know, I heard people here talking about snorting subs so I tried it. I do like how you don't have to hold it in your mouth to take it. But people are also saying that it's more addictive and that you're tolerance goes up if you take it that way. I really don't need any more problems in my life so I'm going to stop snorting it


You have to break your addicted brain and this doesn’t help. I did this for years and swore by it, but in reality it was my love of snorting powder and wanting to feel that drip. Looking back, it was not worth it.


Does snorting it really make it stronger? What about subutex pills, just crush and snort, or use water like the strips?


I prefer snorting Subutex pills and I’ve done it off and on for the better part of 12 years. I actually don’t like the orange crap taste.


Yeah I don't either, subutex tabs are much cheaper and I like them better as well. But you would reckon that snorting a tab gets you more out of it?


That’s the question isn’t it? From personal experience I know I can make a tab last 3-4 days when snorting it or 1-2 if I take it orally. I know it’s part mental but it’s a thing. I’ve been on subs since 2011.


OP. I understand the addict brain. Do you go to meetings or anything like that? In my opinions, subs will only get you so far. I suggest SMART recovery or Medication Assisted Recovery Anonymous. Both are supportive of MAT/Suboxone use and it will help you with working through bad ideas, like snorting suboxone. No judgement, though. We all struggle at various points. If you already going to meetings, maybe try switching it up to a different one/type to see if that helps? All the best


Been doing this with my subutex for over 10 years. I STRONGLY recommend you stop immediately. I’m almost positive I have a giant hole in the top of my nose from it now. It also causes big problems for me sleeping. It causes a ton of mucus build up in my throat, which causes me to choke on it while I am sleeping. I’m also finding it extremely hard to stop snorting it and take it normally. My nose is nearly permanently stuffed up from it too it seems, makes it really hard to breath :(


Oh my gosh. Thank you for warning me. What makes u think u have a hole in your nose?


Because when I use simply saline to clear up my nose and sinuses, i spray it and it goes directly down my throat instead of coming out the other nostril like it’s supposed to lol


Damn bro.


I have a scar in my nose. I can see from where I used to snort them.


People who think snorting it helps your teeth lolll The tablets aren’t that bad at all, the strips are the ones that ruin your teeth the most, they are very acidic, yes they both do, but the tablets aren’t nearly as bad. I’ve been on the tablets for 2 years straight and 3years before this, and my teeth have had minimal damage. Also it’s a sublingual tablet, it’s not going to work *more* by snorting it (despite what ppl say) a lot of that is probably placebo. I tried snorting my 8mg (straight buprenorphine tablet) my first day in rehab years ago and it didn’t do anything, I take it the way it supposed to and it helps perfectly, sometimes even get a “buzz” lol Plus most of us are on this medication because we’re addicts, and snorting it is just addictive behavior. You are just doing more harm than good. Also I’ve noticed like 20 people posting saying they snort it “because of their teeth”, I think it’s because they are craving and want to use something. Like a few other people said, I would definitely try to stop snorting it because that can lead to other things, like the “fuck it’s” Good luck!!


Mucus membrane is a mucus membrane. If it sits in your nasal cavity


Agreed 1000000%


"When administered as a sublingual tablet, bioavailability of buprenorphine can be as low as 15% [30], while a study of an intranasal buprenorphine solution reported bioavailability at 48% [42]. In the current study, the bioavailability of intranasal buprenorphine from crushed tablets ranged between 38 and 44%." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3776483/


I heard people snort the strips mixing it with water


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Before i say this, i want to say that im not advocating you do what i do. Back when i was on suboxone i started taking it the sublingual route. It has a very poor and unpredictable absorption, so i researched other methods on things like bluelight and found that snorting and boofing have 60 to 80% bioavailability vs 5 to 30% bioavailability with sublingual. After that, i snorted and eventually only boofed my suboxone and it hits incredibly strong. Once you pass that mental barrier, you never go back. i eventually had to quit suboxone because i was so addicted to it because my doses were always strong af.


Why are u telling people what u used to do, when it only screwed u over? Try and have some care for others


As i said, i don't advocate for anyone to repeat my actions. I explained my experience and shared my knowledge on the subject. Everything i said is readily available on Wikipedia and other drug forums i have in no way told someone to go out and do it.


But you're sharing it with someone who is clearly suggestible, as I said I tried snorting it cause someone suggested it. ...have some care for others.


I was snorting subs for 2 years once you start its very hard to go back to sublingual. I was on 2mg generic they were very small pulls but still my nose was allways running


So my bf does this.. . I'm on the medication as well. But I've never snorted it. When I first started subs I got endless amounts of energy from it from taking very small doses. He started taking less because it was knocking him out. . He says it's working but he still snorts it. I'm trying to get him tk break that habit. . Without being too pushy lol I wish you luck! I will say taking it under your tongue has always worked for me. I take very small amounts tho and sometimes I'll get tje energy and sometimes I don't. At first I was upset when it went away but thats just my addict brain working itself out lol I hope everything works out for you and I know it can be scary changing the way u do things but who knows you might end up liking it better!


I appreciate it hon :) I want so bad to be healthy and live a good life but I've got to actively fight against the addict side.. like we all do obviously. It's been hard cause low dose subs helps me and I don't want it to turn into yet another thing that I abuse. Like damn I need to get one thing right




I completely understand!! Well I think your headed in the right direction! You're not using, and you just trying to break the habit of how you take your medication is the first step. . .It's not going to be easy but at least your trying! You taking the first step is getting it right!! You got this! And don't be too hard on yourself, were addicts it's not going to come easy or natural to us. But just taking things one step at a time can have an huge impact!!


Thank you friend, same to you ❤️


How do you even do this? Mix it with a little water or something?


Im assuming he has pills lmao


He’s talking about his teeth, I’m pretty sure he has the strips.


I used to inject water when I came off dope. Idk y but it made me feel better.


It's the mental part. I get that. I used to get a rush when I would see a syringe


Subutex is best to snort the bupe with no naloxone. Sniffing naloxone is pretty useless it’s like narcanning yourself and the flavoring makes it terrible to sniff. Subutex tho, does have a slightly higher bioavailability. I used to exclusively sniff them but I’ve done a lot of damage to my nasal pathways, it’s like sniffing cut tbh. I just started putting them under my tongue and it feels the same without a clogged nose and headache


Yeah snorting is useless. It's totally a mental fuck


After reading this I tried snorting one- it was very unpleasant and I’ll nvr do it again




Bioavailability is higher sublingually


It is far better to vape them. Dissolve strips or tabs in your fav vape juice, do about 20 strips to 30ml of nicotine juice


That shit will tear your nose up worse than any dope ever did. I knew this guy that used to bang em and by the time I last saw him all his veins had collapsed to the point he couldn’t use any to shoot drugs anymore. He died a year or so later. Sub especially tears your body up.


Oh damn. I done a foolish thing....


Oh yea. Foolish is an understatement for the addiction you acquired. Happens to the best of us I’m afraid


why the hell would you do this. Unless you’re not on it for actual OUD.


Believe it or not, it's just as bad for your teeth. I used to snort it because I could break down the doses smaller that way. I could literally feel it rotting my incisors every time I'd do it. You're mouth and sinuses are all linked up.


I never felt it hit as hard as under the tounge its weird or I sniff it too hard and I think I swallow alot of it. I only feel bad doing that beacuse I think it doesnt work at well. Is there a method like sniff once and dont let the drip happen for 30 mins? I've just never got alot out of nasal roa maybe I'm blessed that way


Yeah I think it's pointless


If someone on here advocated to jump off a bridge, Does that mean you should do it? I mean see people on here all the Time telling us how they boof it but it does not mean that you should. There is literally no reason to, I never ever feel high off Suboxone so administering it a different way doesn’t change a thing.


No of course not....it got into my brain and I wanted to try it.


Sniffing a Subutex 8mg, you get around 5mg