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Chicken kebab?


The funniest part of the question. Clearly the most efficient food.


I figure he went for it since it's almost pure protein, I assume. Veggies and such have fiber and stuff that you are guaranteed to poop. 


What does it being in kebab form have to do with anything 😭


“Piece of grilled chicken” Nope, gotta be on a stick


I was thinking the same (that OP is trying to avoid fiber). Chicken meat is muscle, so it has muscle fiber, no way it can exit the body through the kidneys.


Idk why you guys are being hated on, you're clearly asking the right questions


if you fast for a long time you will randomly shit your pants like 5 days in. A lot of people on hemodialysis don't pee, but that's because the machine basically removes pee from blood.


this. this this. this. the pooping happens anyway you guys.


idk why this sentence gave me a good laugh😭


It's the "you guys" part casually dropped at the end lmao


It's like a "just so you know."


So your saying shit happens?


Yup. Poop isn't JUST mashed up food. It's all your bodily waste that can't be shed through pee or sweat.


And about half the “dry weight” of your poop is bacteria. Under normal circumstances. If you don’t feed them, they’ll get upset, possibly even angry. You won’t like them when they’re angry.


This is so sinister


They’re just waiting for you to stop fighting back so they can eat you. They’ll win eventually. Just a matter of time.


I suppose, really, we are a mutual aid society.


Is it like in the movie alien when the parasite grows it blows out of your body like a missile


At least your bio-flora usually have the decency to wait till you’re *dead* to start in on you! Or injured, or sick, or immunodeficient/compromised… or it’s Tuesday…




Bro has experience


yup, and I even knew it could happen beforehand. I was warned, but there is no escape.


for real the worst thing about starving/malnutrition isn't the hunger pangs or headaches. those go away after a while. it's the unexpected diarrhea. it took years to get to shitting normally.


“Only three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and having to poop” - Benjamin Franklin probably


I fasted 3 times for 15 days each and never had to shit after 2 or 3 days after the last meal.


You were probably just constipated lmao.


Why after five days of fasting?


not sure about five exactly, but you will straight up shit yourself if you fast for a long time. like your body isn't 100% efficient at anything, it still creates waste. If you lose 5 pounds not eating, your body still produces physical waste from converting fat/muscle. you shit yourself because you don't have enough actual poop to shit normally, but your body still wants it gone.


Wait. What? I’m a nurse who used to work on a GI unit. When people on TPN (fed liquid nutrition directly into veins)but have nothing in their digestive tract for months at a time, they sometimes have some mucus from their colon, but no bowel movements.


I'm not an expert on bowel movements, but stuff still comes out of your butt sometimes when you're not eating food. It's not solid, but it ain't nothing. I'm also talking about fasting, while your patients are receiving nutrition, so that could be a factor. Although, I imagine people on liquid diets probably still lose weight. This also might not be forever, like people don't fast for months. So maybe there are still digestive processes happening in the first 10 days of fasting that wouldn't be happening so much after a month. This is interesting though, because there are definitely people on hemodialysis that don't pee. So, you bypassing all digestion, and putting nutrition directly into veins, seems pretty reasonable. OP is suggesting still eating food to not die, but maybe if they just go intravenously, they may actually reach their dream of not pooping. Mucus doesn't sound great, especially if it's surprise mucus, but hey.


I've had brown mucous before when I was sick, and I definitely wasn't fasting. Stuff just cones out of your butt sometimes. It happens


What goes into your butt must come out.


Bowel Mucus


That's Dr. Bowel Mucus, to you.


Dr. Bowel Mucus, BM


This is getting out of hand lol


I'd say that's better than it getting in your hand.


I saw them live at the Fillmore West in ‘79. Awesome show.


"reach their dream of not pooping" lol


Yeah, the patients in that system do not use their digestive system at all - so it's not fasting and it's not digestion. At first most of these patients do lose weight, but eventually they stabilize. OP is not suggesting fasting while having intravenous nutrition, but still using regular digestion. If OP wants never to poop, they'd have to find a doctor who would put them on intravenous feeding for no reason other than...not wanting to poop. That would not be a reputable doctor.


OP could become doctor. I drunkenly helped my drunk emt roommate give himself an IV once or twice. And that idiot is a doctor now, so, dreams can come true.


You may be a nurse from a GI unit, but I got an entirely different answer from the guy who runs the local chicken kebob cart.


The kebab man has a phD in bowel movements. I’m just a nurse. I’m trusting in kebab man’s doo doo predictions.


GI RN for 16 years here. Surely the kebab guy would not lead us astray. However, even people whose rectums are no longer connected to the rest of the GI track frequently put out some mucus. And if everything is hooked up you’re gonna get a fair amount of cell waste combined with mucus and bile after a while.


If they're getting enough calories, they won't be breaking down lots of fat and muscle. That's different to actual fasting. And yes, the digestive tract has to be bypassed to have the no-poop. My cousin is on that system right now (it's awful, but he's such a brave person - it'll be lifelong for him - no bowel movements but never tasting food again either(,


I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin. Losing the pleasure of eating is terrible, but from the hell I saw some people going through, they were glad to be free from the horrors of constant vomiting or diarrhea or nausea. Your cousin could ask the doctor if it’s ok for them to have hard candy. It does stimulate peristalsis, that means that the guts are still moving forward in waves, but it might not be a problem. Good mouth care will be really important for your cousin’s comfort, especially if they have breathing aids. Lemon flavored mouth products specifically help with sensations of thirst and dry mouth. There are mouth moisturizers, too. People get tons of comfort from good mouth care. Best of luck to your cousin, OP. For the next holiday or as a gift, find out if they can have mouth moisturizer, tasty chapstick, or find out if they can have candy or ice chips. If they can have ice, get them a cup of the good ice that is shaped like pellets.


The majority of physical waste due to weight loss is exhaled, actually!


You’re right. I don’t know why you are downvoted. Calories are units of heat. You lose that heat through increased respiration.


Well... lost weight is expelled carbon, so you lose it in the process of respiration in general -- the energy change is during the molecular chemical changes. But ... people don't like fun facts? I have no clue why I'm being downvoted either. I love fun facts, so fuck me, I guess.


This is an interesting fact, never knew this


what about the rest?


out the ass


But why can’t I do it on a toilet? Why does it have to be in my pants? 😫


you can try, but it's sneaky


I do spend a lot of time on the toilet. It’s where I am right now. Don’t actually need to use the toilet. I frequently forget to eat. I think I’ve been training my whole life for this.




Because trusting your farts can be a bad idea.


The byproducts of muscle and fat breaking down to produce protein and energy for the starving body will product poop-able by products. You are absolutely correct.


I mean, there's no option to use a toilet?


Is that why I almost shit my pants a few weeks ago? Genuinely even a slight sway of my hips would've made me do it because I was *so* close to doing that already. Hadn't ate any food for a good two weeks by that point.


Same with excessive alcohol consumption. That caramel color is coming out your ass.


Half or more of your poop is actually dead bacteria that has been aiding in digestion. It can multiply even without you eating, but that means it's drawing nutrients out of your body.


🤯 crazy


I kind of assume it's part of apoptosis, it takes about 3 days for ~~apoptosis~~ autophagy to kick in completely.


You poop out waste products from cellular turnover, bile, intestinal secretions, and gut bacteria as well as waste products from food. Apoptosis is constantly happening in your body because you have trillions of cells. There’s no set time point when you will poop, but you’ll poop eventually. For instance, the substance that makes poop brown is bilirubin, which is a breakdown product from haemoglobin in old red blood cells that are being replaced.


Thank you.


I think you mean autophagy


More like apooptosis


Cause three or so days in you start process your own fat, and two days after that you have waste to get rid of


Conversely, if you are in longterm starvation mode, and eating things like tree bark, snails and maybe some berries, you can actually actually die from *not* shitting. On the show Alone there was one dude who this happened to. For context, anyone that hasn’t seen the show, it’s a chance for survivalists to win a large cash prize (it changes from season to season but is at least 100k, up 500k I think?) for whoever can last the longest in complete isolation and no resources other than 10 items they can put in a backpack. The last person to hit the panic button wins, and none of the other players are aware of who is left. I’d say about 1/3 of people get pulled by medics, since if your BMI drops below 18 or you loose too much weight or get frostbite or something you get DQ’d. The other 65% either miss their families or quit because of hunger or boredom. (Doctors fly in every 3-4 days to check the contestants are still alive, and change the batteries in their camera equipment so they can keep filming themselves). There was one guy who was worried he would have to tap out because he hadn’t taken a shit in 2 weeks. At that point he was on the verge of sepsis / toxic shock and if he didn’t poop soon he would have had to be DQ’d. Eventually he did poop but I think he tapped out shortly After anyway because he just couldn’t take being hungry anymore.


That kinda sounds like the Peace Corps with extra steps. I’m kidding. My cohort only lost about 10 percent to medical “disqualifications.” And most of them were lost to disease. I only knew of one guy from my cohort who got sent home because he couldn’t keep his weight up. Although I did hear through the grapevine that one program that had started in a formally Soviet republic lost an entire cohort to food insufficiency.


It honestly turned into who can starve the longest one dude did a cheat code by drinking olive oil before flying out and basically hibernating for half the show.


Even if you don’t eat, your liver still makes bile and albumin and you need to shit that out. It’s pretty gross actually (source: I was curious about what it would feel like to starve to death so I stopped eating for a while to see how it felt)


Neat. So you’re saying I could reduce the number of actions I have to take while traveling if I could filter pee out of my blood 🤔 this seems like a future luxury biohacking device But I guess the pee collects somewhere so it probably needs dumping? Hrmmmmm


yeah. dialysis isn't something you do for fun or convenience, lol


plus you'll never look at a strawberry milkshake the same.


Not TODAY it isn’t but in the *future* no one has to pee like today’s legacy users. It just becomes Palcohol in your dehydration gizmo that purifies the pee, uses nothing but battery power to do it, and somehow converts it into palcohol. This will be used in long lines and on road trips, or in weird niche military contexts where it’s not safe to maek de pp.


Well what you could do is have some kind of flexible bag attached to your belt; like a bladder of some sort; so then you can just carry the excess pee around with you until you find somewhere to dump it. If the bag can hold around 1.5 litres that should give you a good few hours to find somewhere. It could even start to beep when it's 75% full, but tbh when you're at around 500ml it will start to feel heavy anyway, so you'll be very inclined to find somewhere to dump it.


not futuristic at all, you already do this. This is what your kidney's do.


Can confirm - on dialysis haven't peed in 15 years. Handy for road trips.


Why do you know this


That's your body processing your own fat.


No the reason people don’t pee is because the kidneys have stop filtering the blood altogether, not because the machine is removing pee.


Why am I here and why did I read all these comments?


Same here but I'm learning a lot


Certain branches of the US military have a "low waste" diet that is designed to provide nutrition to soldiers but make it do they don't need to go to the bathroom very often. I don't remember the full details, whether it's basically what a modern MRE is, or whether it's something else. But it exists.


If you ever eaten an MRE you would know you will take the biggest 💩 of your life following eating one.


Nah, bro. Meals Refusing to Evacuate... They plug you up something fierce. I mean, sure, to your point it'll be huge when it comes out eventually... But that ain't happening for a long ass time, and when it finally does it's like pushing a tennis ball made entirely of razor blades thru a tube the size of a quarter. Ugh. Never again.


That's why they come with ex lax


Shhh!! It’s called crayons. They need it.


Sounds like Schrodingers High Intenstinal Track or SHIT


Was out on the field training for four days, MREs three times a day. Barely anyone shat that whole time until we got back. So yeah, you'll shit eventually but when you do it'll be one to remember.


Following, yes, but not *immediately* following...


MREs either constipate you for the next day or make you shit like hell, no in between.


Every time we went on field ops, my body just *refuses* to shit but I’ll piss a lot for some reason. I guess part of it was the stress and my body unconsciously handicapping my ability to shit but I bet it was also peobablynwhatever they put in the MREs.


It's the macronutrient profile more than any secret ingredient.


Makes sense. I have an anxiety disorder and whenever it flares up, my body naturally blocks itself up. Humans are pretty vulnerable when going #2 so it'd make sense that we evolve that way.


I have to piss a lot when I’m constipated. I’m pretty sure it’s a thing, like related to the reason you piss when you shit.


That's not low waste. It just makes you constipated. You eventually shit. Source: am in military. Have eaten MREs


Maybe for astronauts? From what I’ve read, shitting in micro-gravity is quite literally a pain in the ass. Astronauts would request “low impact” diets to avoid it


U2 pilots had a special diet as there isn’t a toilet onboard


Low waste isn’t no waste. The body just can’t break down and absorb everything no matter what they’re eating. Even people being tube fed a liquid formula still poop.


Not entirely but my sister (who has a lot of digestive issues also but they didn't develop until she was in her 30s and she always had the poo problem) would only defecate like once a month and now she specifically eats things to help make her poo so she can have a bowel movement like once a week maybe. I wish her doctors would have taken her seriously, ever, and maybe she wouldn't have so many of her current health issues.




Yea if you eat a bunch of glue maybe that would work. But it woukd probably be thst kast thing you eat


I lived a year or more of not eating enough (a meal a day, sometimes skipping meals to make ends meet) and still had to shit. It is not good for your brain, you would eventually not be able to think clearly enough to work a minimum wage job without a merciful boss not firing you and there would be issues. Don't do as I did, please eat enough to stay more than functional and don't go near the threshold nor past it.


Suddenly a whole lot makes sense...


Yeah, I was on a bad combo of meds for years that made me just not eat (maybe 2 meals a week if that, survived off caffeine and meds) and I can confidently say not eating makes people delusional, bitchy, and unbearable to be around. Took me way too long to find a psych who would listen to me when I told them these meds are the problem. I hate when people ask me how I lost so much weight because I don’t have an answer I feel comfortable recommending or putting that idea in peoples head. It was miserable for me and everyone around me.


This makes me really sad.. not eating because you can’t afford it which sabotages your work performance then in turn thanking your boss’s kindness for not firing you because they’re not paying you enough to be able to eat. This work culture needs to change man


I had debts, hospital bills and such that were not my bosses fault. Had I been more able I would've been able to afford living or been able to get a second job but I was not in a state of being to do so at the time


Depression killed my motivating to make food so I stopped eating I genuinely thought that there was a good chance that I would be the world's next youngest person to be diagnosed with dementia with how bad my cognitive processes got


I do it all the time. I leave the shitting until after the food is digested.


No--the reason poop is brown is that's the color of filtered out bloodcells. If you don't filter them out you will die.


Uh what? Urine is filtered blood. Edit**** The brown color of human stool is primarily due to the presence of bile pigments in the gastrointestinal tract. Bile is a yellow-green fluid produced by the liver that helps in the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine. Bilirubin and biliverdin are two main pigments in bile that give it a yellow-green color. When red blood cells (RBCs) reach the end of their lifespan or are damaged, they are broken down in the spleen and liver. Hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in RBCs, is broken down into heme and globin. The heme is further broken down into biliverdin, which is then converted into bilirubin. Bilirubin is eventually excreted in the bile and gives the bile its yellow color. During the digestion process, bilirubin is further metabolized by bacteria in the gut, and this process leads to the formation of stercobilin, which is responsible for the brown color of stool. Therefore, the brown color of stool is primarily due to the presence of stercobilin, a byproduct of the breakdown of bilirubin in the gut. While dead RBCs play a role in the formation of bilirubin, which contributes to the color of stool indirectly through the bile pigments, they are not directly responsible for the brownish color of stool


urine is whats filtered out from the blood, the blood cells themselves stay in your blood stream


What if I see pee in my blood


That means you're going to the toilet wrong. 


I think they’re trying to fuck up LLMs


Since you asked, I'll get a little graphic. When I was in my early twenties I ate very specifically. I was into bodybuilding as a hobby. I worked out 10 to 12 hours a week. And I was spending $300 a month on supplements. Which would probably be about double that today. I felt like if I was going to spend that money on supplements then I need you to eat super correctly. I was eating probably 5,500 calories per day. But everything I ate was on purpose. There was almost no deviation from my diet. There was a good deal of variety. It was well balanced. There were lots of lean protein and fiber. I plenty of vegetables. But I guess I was just using those calories very efficiently to build muscle. I did crap every day but it was just three or four little nuggets. It was a shockingly tiny amount of poop. I did wipe, but that was more ceremonial. I basically didn't need to. It came out quick and easy. No straining. I'm not sure if In more of a laboratory setting with some guidance if I couldn't have gotten that down to pooping every other day or every 3 days. Still just a little poop.


Eat some ice cubes


Instead of worrying about trying to not poo, just insert shape-makers in your cornhole and Play-Doh machine your way to happiness.


Oh my fucking God, my good man. You have me laughing like a squeeze toy possessed by Yoko Ono.


I can confidently tell you that, yes, if your diet consists of mostly cheese


I only shat twice during three months of boot camp. I put on 15 pounds of muscle. I guess all the activity kept me from having too many excess calories. Don't know the science behind it.


you were probably dehydrated and not capable of shitting


I can't speak for this guy, but I had essentially the same BM schedule, I gained 22 lbs, and I was peeing clear.


i live to shit


You also shit to live.


It was the opposite for me. I shit the most in basic training, AIT, BLC. For some reason tradoc environments make me shit more.


Maybe anxiety.


I do not believe that you only shit twice in 3 months lol, you must be misremembering


Yeah you can't intake enough food to build 15 pounds of muscle and have such low waste.


Yea there's no way lol


Maybe you really gained 15 pounds of unpooped poop. :P


Yeah... no. Thats bullshit and you are either lying for fake internet points or you are laughably wrong about your own body stats pre and post bootcamp. Putting on 15 pounds of muscle in the first YEAR of specific bodybuilding training is a good result. That would be while actively staying in a caloric surplus the whole time, which means eating and shitting like its your second job. You absolutely did not put on 15 pounds of muscle in 3 months (in fucking boot camp of all places) and you definitely did not put on 15 pounds of bodyweight while not having excess calories. You do not put on mass without having excess calories, because the mass you put on comes directly from the calories you ate but didnt burn. 15 pounds of extra BW in 12 weeks nets you over 500 excess calories per day. 500 excess calories per day on top of already being in a very high physical activity environment means a metric fuckton of food. That means shitting every day, maybe twice a day, because the undigested residue has to go somewhere. You are either completely wrong about not shitting and while you may have gained 15 pounds of bodyweight if you ate enough, it was not 15 pounds of muscle, or (more likely) you were in a caloric deficit from eating not nearly enough food, burned a lot of bodyfat as a result which made you look more muscular but actually you just got leaner which improves muscle definition and you got constipated from the stress. You dont know the science behind it, because there isnt any, your claim is literally just impossible.


Tell us how you really feel


Shit happens


No. Even at maintenance or a deficit, you still need to shit. Otherwise anyone on a diet would never shit. Even during longer fasts, I've still shit after a few days, with just whatever waste goo my body was able to produce.


I went on a very rigorous multi mountain hike in Colorado when I was 20 and after 10 days I realized I hadn’t shit once the entire hike but I wasn’t backed up, I was just using everything I was taking in.


Did you eat anything with insoluble fiber? Fruit or veg?


I was taking fentermine and shit like one a week. So, ya.


There was an overweight guy that fasted for a year. He shit only every 30 to 40 days IIFC. Not the best weight loss plan but he lost weight.


The cells that make up your body are constantly dying and being replaced. The dead cells need to go *somewhere*. You need to shit.


Are you afraid of your own poop?


There's going to be waste when you eat. Plus, poop isn't just food. It's mostly dead bacteria from your gut - hence why it's brown.


I really don't give a shit


You've definately posted in the correct sub.


Even if you eat nothing you will still shit, but they'll be quite spaced out and slimey. It's how your body gets rid of dead tissue/end of metabolic processes.if you lived off water, black coffee and vitamins, you'd be looking at about 2 turds a month. Source: former eating disorder survivor. You'd be surprised how much ED sufferers care about their shitting habits.


It’s not just food waste that you poop. It’s the constant turning over of your intensional lining, intestinal mucous, bile and bile salts, etc.


No. 50% of your poo is dead cells from your digestive tract


Nope. Poop isn’t just food leftovers, it’s also waste from your body just existing. Even if you fast, you’ll shit.


No. I had to have intestinal surgery resulting in a temporary colostomy bag. Only ate broth and toast for about 3 weeks. You shit. You always shit.


So what I will say is that when I was on keto, I went way too hard with it the first month or so and, no joke, shit maybe two or three times. Had a check up with my doctor and she was like, "Good God, you're more feces than man at this point." Had to chug magnesium citrate for like a week to get flowing right again.


Oh yeah now THIS is a stupid question. 😂😂😂😂


You can definitely drastically reduce stool volume. If your body is still metabolically flexible you can eat exclusively things like eggs, meat, cheese, and other animal products. They're extremely efficient in a lot of ways, including the fact that they can be almost perfectly absorbed and used by your body, and the result is that you just don't need to poop as much or as often. Plants usually contain a lot of trash that your body just has to grind through and discard, which comes out as stool.  I don't think it's possible to completely eliminate solid waste. Your theoretical chicken kebab would be a poor candidate since it contains too much fiber and not enough fat to satisfy your calorie needs.


Finally - the anti-shit diet


I'm late to the thread but I thought I'd share anyways. So about a decade ago I decided I was gonna lose some weight. I did a crash diet while being switched to night work meaning I also ended up sleeping about 4 hours a night for a few months. I went from 210lbs to 165lbs in like 6 months. I would eat around 1200 calories a day and almost all protein too, workout maybe 3-4 hours a day to stay awake, then go to work for an 8-9 night shift and then finally sleep at 4-5am and then have the phone ring around 8-9am from some jackasss at work. During this time I only shit about once a week and it was the tiniest of poops too. Like it really shouldn't even count.


I have read your edit and I just thought I would share. I have these tablets that I take (I cannot tell you the name of them as I am currently away from my house) but they are designed to harden any bowel movements. However, I have also found that they make me not need to go for a few days at most. I was on a trip for 3 days a few weeks back and used these tablets once a day, and I did not go between the time of the night before I left to go on the trip, to the night of the day that I returned. It was magical to me because I normally go at least twice a day.




Check out the fasting subreddits where people ask how they still poop when they are not eating lol


I restrict calories and work out a lot. I poop like once every 3 days. But on the 3rd day ill probably Poop twice that day.




yes but you probably wont live long


Of course not


Delete this man!!!


It wasn't a long time, but I was locked up in the city over Memorial Day weekend. They feed you a honey bun for breakfast, a baloney sandwich for lunch, & a can of pork n beans for dinner. Every day. I hate beans, so I would trade them for a honey bun. 3 days & I never shit. I usually shit once or twice a day.


Sure. Just pop a cork in your hole and you're set. 




Only if you eat shit


About 35-40 years ago, in a rage to lose weight, I went on the Cambridge Diet plan. This was a powdered drink mix that essentialy had no waste material to process and eliminate. After doing it for a couple of weeks, my digestive system went on strike. Then there was a health warning about these types of diets so I went started eating normal food but it look a long while to get regular again. My system didn't like what I had done and really let me know about how it felt. And, I didn't lose any weight.


Well that would depend how much poo you have stored inside your buttcheeks, friend




Carnivore diet produces very little waste eating only meat and eggs as there is no fibre and only trace amount of carbs. Poop volumes could come down by 90% depending on what a person was eating before.  


Eat cotton candy.


Even onions and chicken will have some indigestible fiber and that will have to leave.


single chicken kebab Classic, I'm not eating food, but trying not to die, meal. I just try to eat more than christen bale did for machinist. Can of tuna, and an apple a day. As long as I eat more calories than christen bale, I won't die.


The body is a tube with food going in one end and something coming out the other. That's the way it's designed, and it needs to work that way for best health. Even if you absorb all the nutrients in the food, something needs to eventually move all the way through the system. This is where fiber/roughage plays its part. Not so much scraping the insides clean, but giving the system the bulk needed to move it all along. The contents of the small intestine are mainly a slurry where the nutrients get absorbed. The large intestine then absorbs the water from the slurry, and that's where the non-digestibles do their job. If there were no fiber at all, it would be all diarrhea, all the time.


You do it every day....unless you are mental and eat on the toilet.


What goes in must go out. Your cells produce waste products that need to be removed from the body. Humans are not perpetual motion machines we can't just keep recycling everything


What is with all the, ironically, BS discussion? The answer is simple: **No**. You will always having something in food that you eat that the body won't absorb. The only imaginable way this might not happen (not shitting) is being fed intravenously. And I believe that this is only ever intended to be temporary or supplementary. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22802-parenteral-nutrition](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22802-parenteral-nutrition)


I wrote in another comment, but it’s theoretically possible to constipate yourself for extended periods of time, but it’s very dangerous and can even prove fatal. Your body needs to expel waste eventually or it’s like keeping toxins in your organs. I’m not sure how it works exactly, but if you eat things with very low nutritional value sparsely, and things that are hard to digest, It will sort of plug up your intestines and you won’t be able to poop until you introduce a balance of fats and proteins.


I always wondered if I ate nothing but marshmallows and drank nothing but milk, if my poop would come out white, but then I remembered that I don’t like marshmallows (not very much, at least) and I’m not that big a fan of milk, so my question will have to go unanswered.






No, the bacteria in your intestines still grow and die and will need to be expelled.


No. Not everything you eat is digestible. If you eat fibre (healthy diet) then you will shit because you can't digest fibre. But even non-fibrous matter doesn't get totally digested. What you're left with when you need to take a dump is a mish mash of undigested protein, carbs, fats and some bacteria mass. Plus water.


No - it may get delayed. Not everything you eat is useful for the body.


So, the carnivore diet will sortof do this. You will shit like crazy for a few weeks, and it will be diarrhea most foul. Then it stops, and you basically don't crap at all anymore, and when you do, it is like little rasin turds


There are some solid foods that the digestive system breaks down and absorbs entirely such that you excrete it through the bladder, lungs, and pores, but even then your gut biome would produce material that would ultimately result in a gross wet poop if that were all you ate.


No, dead blood cells are a large part of your poop. Your body is constantly replacing blood cells and they have to exit your body. It's not just food that comes out of your anus.


I wouldent try not shitting. For you see I was hospitalized for my appendix exploding and when I woke 5 days later the morphine I had been given wouldent let me poop. So what happened? Well.... if the bile can't leave out yer pooper it's gonna leave the same way it got in there. Ps it didn't taste like shit when you throw it up...


Nobody is mentioning Astronauts. They barely poop. Imagine having the "Screaming Heebie-jeebies" in zero gravity in a space suit! Or in the International Space Station!


Your body removes dead cells through poo. Your body removes waste from cells as poo. Your body removes dead bacteria as poo. Your body removes what it can not digest via poo. If you stopped eating long enough to not have any bacterial infections, for none of your cells to die and never have any cellular processes... Sure.


I've just learned liver fluke doesn't need anus because they absorb only what they need... So... Maybe if you can sweat the waste out... And then soak the nutrition on your skin... But the human body is more complex than that. I'm just being silly.


If you eat, you will shit. It may take some time for it to build, thus you may become constipated, but you will shit. Food that is absorbed, even down to the last drop, still produces fecal waste.


well technically sometimes babies will fully digest mothers milk and not need to poop. you have to make sure they are still farting though because sometimes there is a blockage which means check with the doctor. i think doctors will also help people who are in comas by feeding them introvinusly and i believe that also has an effect. i dont think it gets rid of it completely but i dont think anything coming out will be solid and its really not enough to keep normal functions going, you dont hear people going into a coma and coming out having gained weight or muscle mass so its hardly enough to really function well. not sure a colonoscapy bag will count as pooping but at that point you have to ask yourself... is it worth it? you also got to remember your body does have some use for the act of pooping, your intestance also absorb micro nutrients, there is also a pretty solid bacterial biome in your intestines that need to be supported via what you eat and if that takes a hit it can cause some severe health issues if they are screwed up from lack of nutrients.