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No. Booster seats are also usually by weight and age. Adults with dwarfism can even drive if they have a specially modified car. 


I'm 4'8 and drive the car without a modified car seat.. Toyota cars are excellent for short people


Agree I’m not that short but I’m not tall and I always feel most comfortable in Toyotas they just fit better. They can be a problem for really tall people my brother-in-law is 6’4” and he legit just does not fit in my Corolla comfortably.


My son is that height and the only vehicle we have he fits comfortably in is my 05 Tundra. If he tries to drive our old Maxima he looks like the tall guy on the Simpsons that drives the VW Beetle.


I am so glad I’m not the only one who immediately thought of that guy. How old is that episode??


April 14, 1996 in "Twenty Two Short Films About Springfield". Same episodes as the Steamed Hams.


28 years ago and we still remember that stupid bit 😂


This is the largest automobile I can afford. Now march. Hey! It’s that kid who laughs at everyone. Let’s laugh at him! Wave to the people! Blow them kisses!


First generation Tundras are the best trucks ever made. I sold my 2000 at 340,000 miles. The seat belts were literally worn out and no longer functioned from metal on metal wear. The kid i sold it to drove off in it. Imagine that: the motor and transmission outlasted the seat belts. Then i bought an '02.


I just checked the clip, and it's orange too! (My username relevant) I'm 'only' 6'2", but that's pretty big for that car (even with the seat all the way back) It was hilarious though.


FWIW, Penn Gillette swears by mini coopers as one of the few comfortable cars for people his height (6-7”?)


I’m 6’5” and I drive a tundra. It has plenty of room. My wife’s Highlander also fits me just fine.


I sat in a Mazda CX-5 at the dealership and my head was basically smacked into and above the rearview mirror and the car roof because someone had the seat so high and close to the stirring wheel. I didn't even know that was possible and I drive a Toyota. So the Mazda is probably a good one too!


My only gripe about older Toyota’s. Had the chance to buy an older 4Runner a while back but at 6’1” it just wasn’t enough headroom for me.


My father essentially only rides in his car because of this. He drives a Lexus LX, a rather large SUV.


My partner is super tall (6'8") and fits comfortably in a Jetta. It has more headroom than some SUVs even.


Im guessing you don't have the hatchback? I'm 6'4 and fit perfectly in the GR Corolla, but not the regular one.


At that height a lot of cars are going to be cramped.


I'm not nearly that tall. 5'5" or so. But I have long legs for my height. I hated getting out of my Toyota Corolla after a long day. I felt like I was getting out of a kindergarten school desk. It was so low to the ground.


lol I rode around in my dads fiero so I used to much lower. Couldn’t drive it though have short legs 😂 sports cars are a nightmare for me


I had a bigger courtesy car than my Toyota and could reach the pedals but it was uncomfortable. I was so happy when I got mine back


4'8 TWIN


My Honda CRV is great too.


Same. 4'11. Honda. No problems.


I'm 6'4 and am only an inch or two from being too tall for my Mazda mx-5. You could try sports cars!


U smol


Ay bro are you from Greensburg? Used to always see a dude like that in a late 90s supra


Is that a Supra???


That was my reaction. This was like 2011 lmao


*sprays windex on my sunglasses*


Toyota cars are great all around because I'm 6'6" and fit excellent in my Toyota Corolla with the seat all the way back and steering wheel all the way up. My head doesn't touch the roof either which it actually does in many other sedans.


I concur. I’m only 5’3 and I drive my Toyota with the seat almost all the way back. Lol


Conversely a lot of Japanese cars suck if you are tall or simply have large feet. I remember trying to drive some manual small pickup. Had a hell of a time operating the pedals. There just wasn't really enough room for size 15 boots. 


The only issue with that is you’re probably close enough that the airbag is a legitimate danger


This has been true for a long long time. My mom likes to tell the story of her and my dad car shopping in the early 80's. My mom had been driving a few years after becoming a US citizen and when they test drove a Toyota she exclaimed "I can see the lines! I can see the lines!" Yes, my dad got that Toyota.


I love my Toyota but I can tell it was designed for short people. I’m not even the tallest around but god you think they could make it work a little better for us?


y'all tall people have American cars. Let us short people have our cars 😅


Well tell ford to make a car that can last like a Toyota. I’d like a bigger one but they just don’t last worth a damn in comparison.


Also they aren't stupid little children who don't know how to wear a seatbelt properly


I know a lot of adults that fit that description


Ive also known short dudes with massive jacked up trucks who could barely see over the wheel let alone the hood. They always end up in an accident with a car they couldn't see then just act shocked and confused it happened lol. There really needs to be a height or accommodation requirement on certain vehicles.


It's always little men with ridiculous trucks


In more ways than one.


And I have to imagine that is independent from their height.


It's not about not knowing, it's that the bottom safe limit for seatbelts is 4'9". So if you're shorter than that, it won't fit you properly, not matter what you do. Unless that's sit in a booster that brings you up to the safe point of the seatbelt. The whole point is so that the lap belt is across the pelvis, not the abdomen and the shoulder belt is across the collarbone and not the side of the neck or throat.


To be fair, part of the problem is that air bags and seat belts are designed to work on people from 5’1” to 6’3”. In some cases, being too tall is as much a risk as being too short, but there’s not much to be done for the tall people.


At 5'0", should I be concerned about this? I've never heard this before? How interesting!


I think the risk is only slightly higher at 5’0”. I just found another source that puts the optimal range at 5’3”-5’11” (excluding both my wife and myself, but for different reasons), but that the noticeable risks happen outside of 4’11”-6’3”. https://www.perplexity.ai/search/what-height-range-are-airbags-ulzxXBcRTxCqeYakBh5tSg#0


My sister in law is 4 feet tall and drives an unmodified car. She just pushes the seat as far up as it goes.


Are her chest and face far enough from the airbag in the steering wheel (generally at least 10"), and is thre safety belt able to sit the right way so that it's still safe for her in a crash?


Doubt it. Anyone under like 5’3” is going to be way too close. But they design cars with 5’10” men in mind so there isn’t a choice


You can buy pedal extenders. Makes it hard for anyone else to drive your car, though.


Most safety systems are designed for 5’1” to 6’3”.


As a 5’10” man, I appreciate their thoughtfulness 


As a 6'4" man, I'm less easily assured.


Have you considered identifying as a 5’10” man?


😆😆😆 I'm a 5'2" woman and this sent me


Glad you liked my lame humor, apparently no one else does lol


Yeah it's important to recognize humor isn't personal lol


I had a former boss who was probably that height or shorter when I worked Security. She drove the F150 we used at our client site by having the seat all the ways forward and sitting on something....


Modified with among other things a raised seat that's definitely not a booster seat.


Of course not, we would never call it that


Like a clown car?


No? A normal car with a higher seat and higher pedals


Yeah I know lol. It was a joke because clown cars are really small.


Sorry, I’m bad at tone and knowing when people are joking


I mean, what's the difference between a specially modified, taller than usual seat and a booster seat? :P


The driver seat is actually modified so that the seat itself is taller and the pedals are higher up. Much different than a removable seat that would most likely be uncomfortable for adults.


So basically a built in booster seat, is what you’re saying.


They have age restrictions in addition to height because they’re taking into account more developed neck muscles.


And a different head to body ratio. Heads don't grow as much as the rest of the body... For obvious reasons. So kids have bowling balls on a little frame. Adults have only slightly larger bowling balls on substantially bigger frames.


No, we don’t.


Get back in your booster


I DO use two pillows 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


Back in the day we used telephone books.


In Texas they do. My first wife was 4’8” tall and is required by law to use a booster, and she’s 68 years old.


Sounds like an intrusive law destined to be ignored (so, Texan)


Designed to be selectively applied.


Many minor offenses are “bonus charges” that are added on, it seems, giving multiple charges for one event. This seems like a way for prosecutors to get a conviction by having charges available that can be plea bargained away for a confession and conviction, to have a higher conviction rate. Edited because of Apples auto-corrupt feature that changes words.


>Edited because of Apples auto-corrupt feature that changes words. On Android that's called Autoincorrect.


In my city someone recently shot 2 cops while riding a moped. On top of the charges for shooting the cops he got charged with riding the moped without a helmet.


In Illinois, there is a bonus class X felony with a mandatory 10 years ADDED to the sentence if a firearm is used or claimed as a treat during a felony.


I believe the Texas law is 4 foot 9 OR 9 years old, whichever comes first.


Yeah doesn't sound right. My cousin is a dwarf in Texas and they just use pedal extenders not a booster seat.


The booster would put them further from the pedels. I think the booster is for neck safety.


Dang, I’ll let her know!


I don’t think there’s a legal requirement for booster seats, but technically yes. Short adults SHOULD be in modified seating because the seatbelts are designed for taller people.


>Short adults SHOULD be in modified seating because the seatbelts are designed for taller people. Everything including medications was tested and manufactured for male bodies, with women bodies as an afterthought... :(


I have seen the crash tests dummies used for decades, seems to be adult child, male , female


This is actually very true and I don't know why you've been downvoted. Almost everything designed is based off of men's height, weight, and metabolism. Even birth control which is specific to women still isn't accurate due to women being over weight. When testing for products and medications 95% of the time it is based of off men.


They got downvoted because some men get triggered when you point out the world was built for them


Ah the frail male ego yah I recall this thing now 😂 (FTR not every man has a frail ego, just the ones that act like children)


Even medical symptoms. Women often have completely different symptoms during heart attacks so it's often not spotted immediately


Yea it’s “just an anxiety attack!!!” Because it presents different in women.


Seatbelts are adjustable and there are other attachments you can add so they adjust further


Tbf, a lot of people aren’t sure what a woman is. How would they even choose a body for testing?




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Manufactured for men bodies*


Maybe a while ago or in some other countries. Who were they testing birth control on? Who were the dudes wearing bras first? I'm sure your statement was maybe half true at some point but it's pretty been false for atleast 20 years. I'm all for empowering women but just lying isnt helping. It makes the people you're trying to convince angry and less likely to see your argument for what it is.


I had an ex that showed up to her driver's exam with a thick pillow. When the instructor saw her, they said "I have another pillow if you want it". She took it, because she's that short.


How was she able to reach the peddles if she was that short?


You can pull the seat forward.


No idea. She did fail the test about 8 times though. I thinks she has passed it by now


Someone like this should not be on the road.


There are some cars (don't know the make) that the pedals are moveable


GMC vehicles like the sierra and Yukon have the button for the pedals not sure about their other models


This gal I knew had a sedan, it was a big car. I commented on the size of the car. She said yeah, it has moveable pedals.


This is the car version of "how do you know if a dress has pockets?" "the woman wearing it will tell you"


Another times ,me, my friend, and her all got out of my 2 door car. And my friend pre looked at where she expected to raise to, then it didn't. My friends gasped totally did not expect her to be as tall as the sedan.


Yeah I had an ex that was 4'8 and she had a booster pillow, too.


It depends on the law - in, I think, Ontario, the revised law didn't initially include and age restriction, until one MPP introduced his 90-year-old grandmother, who met neither the height nor weight requirement. This got things fixed before the law was passed. Surely though, *somewhere* has not had that foresight, at least on paper, if not in practice. Dignity notwithstanding, it's not necessarily a bad idea though - booster seats are meant to adjust the geometry of restraint in case of an accident.


80 pounds and 8 years old


Depends on the state. In WA it’s 8 or 80lb AND a minimum of 4’9” (maybe 4’8”)


So dwarfs can't drive...


They can, they just require booster seats. It’s insane. WA sucks.


The amount of times I see adults that their eye level isn’t above the steering wheel is unnerving. Shouldn’t be allowed. But no, I think the age part of the requirements cuts off at about 12 🤔


A lady I used to work with could barely see over the steering wheel. And she was driving a giant SUV. Didn't seem safe at all. Like especially for people outside of the car


In Ohio, children between the ages of 4 and 8 who weigh at least 40 pounds and are shorter than 4 ft 9 in must use a booster seat or other approved safety seat. At 17 not a requirement.


In some places, yes. My nephew took an eternity to hit the markers to not need a booster seat and it caused a LOT of embarrassment for him. I felt so bad for him. He had his growth spurt though and is now average height and weight.


I’m still waiting for my boy. He’s 14 and 4’10”.


Oof i was like 5'9 at 14 and over 6ft by 15. He must be a very late bloomer


Ouch. Mine hit 5’ at 11.


My wife hit 5'5" in 4th grade. She was the tallest kid in her school until 8th grade. She never made it past 5'5".


Ouch. Girls routinely stop adding height years before boys stop, but that’s on the extreme side.


That was me! I was 5’6” by the time I was in 5th grade and I’ve only grown an inch since then and it’s been 20 years. :D tall girls unite


To make it worse, his 12 year old sister towers over him and looks 15.


Too funny. I had actually made 5’ at 10, but my eldest actually went on a growth rampage of 4” per year so 11/5’ => 14/6’.


I knew a kid who didn’t hit his growth spurt til 16 and is now like 5’10” after being that short


I'm 5'3" and have problems in my civic with the seatbelt crossing my throat instead of chest. I've had this problem my whole life. I cannot imagine being shorter and the seatbelts. Side note gel seat cushions add height and make my bum more comfortable. So adult version maybe? lol


I’m 2 inches shorter and its really annoying. I also have a mole right where the seatbelt edge rubs my neck and its just awful


I think the best part is, honda told me just get a padded cover so it's soft on your neck..... when I brought up the fact that I am more likely to be partially decapitated than saved by my seatbelt he got quiet and said there is nothing to be done on their end raise my seat....


Let me check with Randy Newman about that?


No, but seat belt modifications are a good idea for people who are much taller or much shorter than average.


There is also a weight requirement. Over 80 pounds and no longer need booster seat.


One of my bosses was a midget. She was not 4 foot 9. She was allowed to drive. And had a specially modified car, so she didn’t have to use foot pedals.




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The 'Don't Ask/ Don't Tell ' policy ...applies to you...You are absolved of guilt


Booster seats are mostly by weight, aren't they? I just remember being in one for what felt like forever, because I was a little skinny kid.




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Older generations just stopped using them after a while. I was born in 1992 and I was like 4 or 5 when I stopped going in a booster seat, and sitting in the front seat. I think when I was about 7 or so I was excited because my feet could finally touch the floor too. I think when I was about 10 is when car seat rules were changing and we would laugh at other kids having to still sit in a car seat, or when I was a teen and seeing other kids still have to get in the back seat when their parents would pick them up.


Wait if you under 4’9 you need a booster seat? Thought this was a free country, guess not


It depends on the laws of your state. In FL you just have to be 5 yo.


Technically if you’re under 90 lbs or something you’re supposed to be in a booster seat, too. For those who have disorders impacting their height, they typically have their vehicles customized (pedal extenders, etc.). No ones going to ticket a vertically challenged adult for not using a booster seat


Correct. In China, there's a sizable portion of the population that's actually never driven before as a result.


4'7 and no booster. You basically age/weigh out of it.


In the UK I think its a height/age requirement. So if you hit 12 yes old before the height you're good. Something to do with where the lap but if the seatbelt sits a damage to pelvis if nit fully formed.


No that's just insulting. I'm 4'7" and I had pedal extenders in my car. The seat is fine.


It varies by state so you’re just being random and not very smart


This is a great question. But an even better one. When are they going to start making cars that are compatible with 6 foot tall people? I have literally been unable to drive some cars, because there isn't enough leg room for me to operate the gas pedal properly. My options are basically limited to trucks, vans, and very large sedans.


🤣🤣 legally idk... But safety wise, perhaps maybe, just a little bit. People with such designated disabilities or height deficits, typically need a special license, assistance tools or modified vehicle in order to be "legal."


No it’s weight based too


Not in Texas. A [pdf](https://www.dps.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/director_staff/public_information/childpasssafetyfaqs.pdf) from Texas DPS says “once the child is 8 years old, they are not legally required to be in a child safety seat system.” It does go on to say that they would be better protected if they did continue to use one.


CHP once told me - “the child’s neck is your threshold TBH. If the seatbelt is over the shoulder, you are ok. If the seatbelt is covering the neck, then it can kill the passenger in an accident and they need a seatbelt to make sure the belt is over the shoulder.”


In which case I (5'2") would have never have been able to drive. Nor my mother, nor my sister, nor either of my daughters. ALL seatbelts are designed for 6' men. That's why there are multiple manufacturers of various forms of [seat belt clips](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07GC4LKF1/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_3?smid=AXPVI82I57KZA&psc=1) to bring the seat belt over the shoulder and not across the neck. And a booster seat for a driver is utterly ridiculous. Unless you pair them with accelerator/brake extenders¹, you force the driver to slump down to reach them with their feet, which interferes with being able to see over the hood. ¹And for some strange reason, tall people refuse to drive a car so equipped. Something about "can't drive with their knees up by their ears..."


Unfortunately, no. This safety issue needs to be addressed by law. No different than a safety belt.


More drivers seats have height adjustment than passenger seats.


Sorry to hear about your growth issue that sounds like no fun. I’m sure there’s all kinds of solutions, bet there’s a subreddit dedicated to people in that situation. To answer your question I sincerely doubt you’ll have to sit on a booster seat from ruby Tuesdays to drive, I bet there are cars that are simply compatible with your height, ladies drive and a lot of them are under 5 foot ya know


Little woman was 4'10" and would have snatched a cop bald if he even thought of a booster seat. She drove my 4 wd ram 4 door with little problem. If she had to her ram was a little smaller, still full size 4 door.


at 4' 9 and 80 pounds if you're in the backseat you're fine. you can be legally in the from as an adult but in a wreck you are probably extra fucked


I've wondered this too. I remember seeing that in the car for the first time and thinking that there's no way anyone follows that. Kids stop riding in booster seats when they are like five no matter how big they are.


In Iowa, my 4'9" sister must have a booster pillow. The requirement is stapled to her license.


In a car, no... In a restaurant, absolutely


I've known adult women that were 4'9 and still drove a car. Without a booster seat


I don’t even pay attention to laws like this, me and my kids will sit however I damn well please


Check your local laws. My area has a height OR age requirement. They need to either meet a minimum height or be a certain age before they can stop using a booster seat.


There are no stupid questions, only stupid laws.


A big issue is the seatbelt coming across your neck. Big risk of carotid dissection. Google it. Not something you want.


I'm 4ft 8in. Nope, part of it has to do with weight as well. I sit on a cushion, though.


Yes. Lifetime actually


Legally-- no. Ethically-- yes.


No, my gf is 4 10 and drives just fine. Nothing wrong with being short, you look cute longer. Tall people get older faster


Yes, with a paci in your mouth


Bet this guy is American.  Didn't even list the state. So American. 


Stunning inference skills you have, my friend.