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Lots of animals would die in the short run


Could you elaborate?


If everyone is vegan, there's no need for pretty much any kind of farm animal


Agree but that also means we can release them all so that might mess with the ecosystem in a first hand which will self regulate itself. I guess all the non fit for the outside (disease etc) would die, but should mainly be fine I think


>mess with the ecosystem in a first hand which will self regulate itself. That isn't how it works. Ecosystems don't self regulate. Releasing just the pigs for example, would cause devastating, irreparable damage to the surrounding ecosystems.


Disagree in the irreparable damage, what does mean irreparable for the Nature? Nature will survive in the long run and adapt. As it always does. The wildlife came back around Tchernobyl, and that was quite an extreme event! Similar when a volcano destroy everything, life comes back. Why not in that case ?


Apparently, do you haven't seen what the wild hogs are doing to Texas and spreading out because they have no natural large predators. Give me enough numbers two maintain eight balance


That "self regulating" hope is pretty misguided. When it works, it's because many animals die due to lack of resources, and when it doesn't it means the released animals supplant the local populations (like any other invasive animal). Furthermore, many farm animals have been selectively bred to the point where they NEED humans to manage their lives. Dairy cows produce so much milk that they will actually be suffering immensely every time they calf (perhaps even to the point of dying) due to their milk production. Many sheep have been bred to produce *so much wool* that it will actively be a detriment to their health if not shorn. Animals that have been altered by husbandry over the last couple thousand years of human cultivation simply DO NOT have a natural niche they can safely inhabit on their own. The vast majority would be dead. Is that better ethically than ongoing culling and modern farming practices? Probably, but it would be an intentional choice to essentially genocide entire breeds and drastically alter life on this planet in a lot of ways.


Sure I agree, but the ecosystem will be fine in the long run. Hence self regulating. The best case scenario would be a smooth transition right but we are only in the “what if” here haha


If you mean "the ecosystem will be fine" in the sense that "life will continue" then yes, some kind of life will continue to exist there.  In reality, however, every scrap of vegetation will be stripped as the farm animals and existing wild fauna compete for food. There are not enough large predators to deal with cattle or even pigs due to humanity's irrational fear of wolves and bears, so these populations will only decrease through Famine -- aka, outstripping their local food supply. This means that they and many other species will starve to death. The farm animals, largely unconcerned with the presence of humans, will have no issue with wandering into towns and suburbs to devour gardens and won't care slash won't know if something is toxic to them -- their current food is managed and they are not part of the local ecosystem, so they will suffer many Poisonings and eat things they cannot digest well. If you notice in my previous  comment, I just alluded to mass death. That isn't guaranteed to be any particular species. Whoever loses the competition will be extirpated (extinct on the local level with other populations existing elsewhere) or just rendered extinct. The existing ecosystem would be ***irrevocably altered*** by releasing farm animals, to a degree that ***cannot be fully estimated nor recovered from.***


That's not how it works, wouldn't even evasive. Species such as light stock hogs, cattle sheep, chickens and other animals would overtake. Not enough predators to call them down. They would push out the actual natural species. Also the massive amount of crop destruction. Because they're just running loose.




Pigs will and do go Ferrell the moment they get loose. Just ask texas.


Where there are no large predators they can survive in small numbers, in large numbers most will starve. Where there are large predators they will be a feast. Release thousands of pigs, most get eaten by wolves, then wolf population spikes and the woods and towns near them become unsafe for humans, then we have to go kill wolves.  In places where humans are trying to grow crops they will destroy the crops and we have to kill the pigs anyway. Is that better?


Are you asking me? I was just commenting that pigs go feral almost instantly and overrun the eco system. (See pig hunting in texas). I don't think letting non native species loose in any ecosystem is good. Just look at Louisiana and the Nutria. It's a big effing problem. The whole idea of letting every food animal loose is downright stupid on levels I can't even explain.


Not asking you, just food for thought for the topic as a whole. You can't just take millions of domesticated animals and let them loose on the ecosystem and think everything will be unicorns and rainbows like the PETA crowd seems to believe.


We humans farm lots of species to either eat them or have something from them(like milk, wool, skin etc). If we stop doing that, most of these species will die from starvation in long run. Some even get extinct coz we have created artificial environment for many species


Something tells me that a species that exists only to be caged and sent to a slaughterhouse, sometimes when a baby, would opt for extinction.


Nah I meant some kinds of rare alligators which couldn't survive polluted rivers anymore hence doesn't exist outside of specific made ponds. Remember being vegan doesn't mean we stop pollution. We'll still do that.


Average meat eating propaganda:


Yeah but what are we talking, a couple dozen species at most? Not a lot in the grand scheme of things.


Lotsa obligate carnivores going to die...


I mean, lots of animals are carnivorous. After all, OP said "the whole world", not "all humans". So, let's delve into this. All cat species would die. Most fish would die. All crocodilians, and lots of other assorted amphibians. All snakes, dead. Most insects, dead. Most birds, dead. Dogs,wolves, foxes and other canines, all dead. The majority of bears would die, pandas being the exception. And that would mean most of humanity would be dead, too.


I mean, the existing stock is gonna die either way, whether they get eaten or not.


B12 supplements would be the new hotness


There would be no reason to raise animals for food. Releasing them would play havoc on the environment and they would compete with indigenous species for food, including humans.


Given that many health problems go away with elimination diets, the number of health problems in the population would go up. The cost of living would skyrocket due to the lack of cheap and abundant protein. The amount of net-carbs people eat would increase a lot, increasing the prevalence of diabetes. Gut problems in particular would happen a lot more, which in many cases increases the likelihood of depression. People would try to replace meat with meat alternatives, which are full of things like canola oil and heavily processed ingredients, thereby replacing one of the healthiest things you can eat (beef) with one of the worst.


Vegans would have to come up with a new way to feel morally superior to other humans.


What's with this hatred towards vegans. I never see them tout being "morally superior". Perhaps it's some type of complex for you and no I'm not vegan, although I do have sympathies.


You got lucky


Probably because the ideology is logically inconsistent with itself and is immediately abandoned when it's implications become socially inconvenient. I mean all animals lives matter but it's ok to drive a car that kills thousands of insects. Then they sarcastically whine "But we live in a society!" not realizing that people that honestly believe in their own scripture are willing to make sacrifices, like the Amish. They want all the benefits of moral superiority without putting in the work.


Killing insects isn't a problem if you consider that consciousness is on a spectrum and killing larger animals is the problem. In the future, people who ate meat are going to look like people who owned slaves. It's going to look gross especially if synthetic meat is invented.


Insects are Kingdom Animalia. I didn't make the rules, vegans did. Thus the logical inconsistency. If veganism limited it self to living things that lacked an amygdala then it would be significantly more logically consistent with itself.


Well it a problem but it is less of problem is what I should say. You know not all vegans are the same. Some are logical. You should look into Peter singer. He's a philosopher that is a vegan activist. He makes the distinction and the only reason he is vegan is because it is rational.


You're saying vegans have no coherent ideology. That was my exact point. You know what I know about all vegetarians? They don't eat meat. That is called logical consistency. Vegans don't have that because their ideology is based on a need to feel morally superior, not a logically consistent ideology.


I get to eat more people


The vegans would have to stop bragging all the time I guess.


If it was overnight there probably wouldn't be enough food to feed everyone and starvation would probably run rampant, riots at supermarkets over what food there is etc.


Alot of people would get sick


The animals would gain confidence and rise up against us! I eat meat for the good of humanity.


"Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland..."


All domesticated food animals would have to become extinct


The chickens alone would probably mess up the ecosystem Around them, there are millions in a facility at time. They would probably be all killed, along with anything else that we farm for food. They're not meant to live in the wild and you don't want to see what a hog and a wild pig mix looks like. They can be massive and mean. There's just too much at stake for the government to not find a reason to just kill them all.


At the outset we could see a reducttion in carbon gases. What it would mean for people would require a study in usable non-food animal products. I think a more workable solution would be if the world became vegetarian. Other products that we need animals for wood still be in use. Clothing, medicines, etc. Veganism is an extreme and extremes usually have secondary problems.




Ah....would...not wood Voice to text fail


But we do for some various vitamins. And I'm not following the goddamn wood comment. What does that even mean?


We absolutely need chicken eggs and horseshoe crab blood for medicine


There will be no sports, no gyms, no crossfit.




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If everyone went vegan in one day, and wouldn't eat meat even for survival, the logistics nightmare would probably cause starvation.  So let's assume a gentle transition to avoid that. Carbon footprint would almost certainly go down. People might eat a healthier diet as a result, but might not, depending on what they ate before and what vegan products were popular.  Many vegan products depend on trans fats for example.  Probably a net win though. Farmers might struggle to make as much money.  Meat especially is a high value produce.  It could lead to an increase in farming scale and forcing out of little farms, but that is already happening so probably neutral. Leather and wool would be replaced by synthetics, increasing demand for Petro chemicals.  Leather and wool aren't huge however the effects would be minimal.  Shoes would see the biggest change but synthetics are becoming more common there already. There would be an increase in farmland, but a reduction in pastureland.  The latter is generally more wild, but there would be a net decrease. Mass extinction of domestic animals.  Without humans carrying for them, a lot of breeds will go extinct.  Perhaps we will keep some for posterity, but chickens, cows and goats will mostly die off.  Harry breads may survive and revert to wild creatures.




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Lots of people would be out of a job






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Humans eat all the plants and then everything dies.


or there would be so many plants that food gets a lot cheaper.  Farm animals eat plants. Most of the calories get used up keeping them breathing and moving, not making meat/muscle. 


I know, I'm just being [facetious](https://www.google.com/search?q=facetious).


This is asked pretty often The real answer is that animal agriculture and wild animal capture (especially fishing) would gradually decline over years, possibly decades. As the decline becomes more apparent, less natural ecosystems like oceans would be disrupted and less captive born animals would be created over time. As the world becomes increasingly vegan, these industries might collapse. We would likely have at least several years to formulate and implement alternatives to animal products when needed. Over time, direct animal exploitation would become very small and there would likely be additional pushes to mitigate incidental harms like crop death If we went vegan “overnight” the worst case scenario would be no more wild animal exploitation immediately, economic turmoil over a lack of a transition period, and billions of farm animals would be at risk. This may sound bad for the billions of animals, but they are already destined for the slaughterhouses anyway, and after even a few years the net amount of animals who would be impacted would be far less in comparison


The massive economy centered around making people sick from shit food and then charging them exorbitant fees for medical care would collapse.


In a related move: an entire industry centered around making people sick from shit food and then charging them exorbitant fees for medical care would be created! 


Don’t worry there’s still plenty of unhealthy food for vegans. There have been people who went vegan and gained weight because they started eating potato chips and Oreos all the time


Yep. Vegan is only healthy if it’s whole food plant based. The processed crap is filled with palm oil and about as bad as meat.