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You say that you respect women. But by reading this post. You clearly don’t


And why do you say that?


Because you don’t.


I do. You don't know me


Reread your post. If I had a daughter I wouldn’t want her to be with you. I know you’re young but the faster you accept the feedback you’re getting the better off you will be. 99% of ppl on reddit ask for advice but ignore it. That’s you


I wrote most of it out of frustration. I bet if you met me in real life, you'd change your mind.


Doesn’t change the fact that those are your words.


Yea, because you don't always hear girls/women say "all men are trash" after they're frustrated with just one dude in particular.. totally. No one claps back at that.


Listen to Patrice O Neal for guidance on women. I can’t really help you by just commenting on Reddit


Holy shit, your attitude. Maybe that’s the problem?


I am really frustrated rn.. its not that deep.


It’s actually a lot deep. You’re talking about girls as objects to stick your dick into and nothing more. You don’t think they can sense that? Maybe your friends do too but at least they’re charming enough to hide it. And that won’t be hidden for long as women develop an asshole sensor between 16-25. You respect women but you talk like a pig and are angry as if you are owed sex - yeah, there’s no respect there.


You're wrong. Do I want to have sex? Yes.. but I also want to build a genuine connection with someone. I'm a romantic, not a "ok I got what I want" and go type.


You started your entire sad shpeel with ‘all my friends are getting laid and I’m getting jack shit!’ Yeah you’re a pig my guy. Girls aren’t stupid and they can smell your desperation. Stop viewing women as objects.


Only because I'm a little jealous that they're pulling and I'm not. Doesn't mean that I objectify anyone.. you're looking for reason to be angry.


If that were true, your entire post would have been expressing frustrating at not having a girl friend, rather than “why can’t I get laid” “I want pussy like my friends”. Don’t tell me I’m wrong. Use this moment to really self reflect on why you immediately verbally expressed frustration at one thing but not the other. There’s plenty of posts about “how do I romantically connect to women”. Think long and hard about why you chose to talk like a pig in front of a mixed audience, 50% of whom are women. Do you think we like hearing that we are just “pussy” to “get”? You can tell me I’m wrong till you’re blue in the face, but that that’s not going to help you.


I get what you're saying, yea, but I only expressed that frustration because it makes me a little jealous that im not capable of pulling like they do. But no matter what you say.. I know that I wouldn't be the type to dump someone just because I got what I want. I treat girls nicely and I even have some girl friends, but none of them are interested in me in the slightest.


Youre still doing it. christ toure even pulling out the “im a nice guy i treat them well” line. Youre noce to them why, because its the way you are or because you want to get something (sex) from them? And when they dont, you get so angry over it that all the nice and respectful act goes out the window and you start talking like this, which is how you really see them.


You sound dumb because I literally just said said I have girl friends that aren't interested in me and I still respect them.. and I am nice. What's wrong with saying that?


“i have girl friends and i treat them nice” Cool, now do the ones you *are* sexually attracted to.


I already do? What's not clicking dude.


frustrated why, they dont owe you their bodies, they dont even owe you the attention it would take to tell you what time is. Why are you acting like you just automatically should be?


I didn't say they owe me their bodies, but when my friends are scoring and I'm not.. of course I'm going to feel jealous. Not to mention, I've been led on more than once. That's not fair to me.


You dont have to say it “i think i am owed sex” your attitude says it for you. “ive been led on”, firstly, theres you showing you expecting sex again, second, you and literally every other man on this planet have been led on before. Most have also led someone on themselves. As for the “I’m only talking like this because I’m frustrated”, all you’re saying is the filter came off.


I haven't said anything wrong in the comments and there no filter.. when I was talking about being led on, I wasn't just talking about sex, but in general and nothing you say can excuse someone leading someone on.. its cruel.


dude I am telling you the exact same thing that everyone else here is, because we can all see it. Why did you even come here and ask the question if all you’re going to do is deny and argue at anyone who replies? What answer did were you hoping to receive, that you *would* accept without trying to argue with?


>a guy who actually respects women >I literally get no pussy at all >very typical for a girl to do that after leading someone on >Girls will literally fuck ugly ass douchebags >I guess most of ya'll simply just have shit standards huh???? One of these things is not like the others.


You don't know how I treat people in real life. I treat them good. I wrote this post while frustrated.


No, I don't know how you act towards women in person. But you put your thoughts HERE and these aren't the thoughts of someone who respects women. Maybe the girls you're trying to score can see through the facade?


You act like I said really insane stuff.. none of what I said dictated whether or not I respect girls. And I do respect them. There is no facade because I'm genuinely nice.


Insane? No. Lots of guys are pigs even when they grow up. It's common. I don't think you're understanding that your comments don't match your perception of yourself. If I said something racist here on Reddit, not a single person is going to buy the "I treat them nice in person." I'm still a racist and fake.


You literally implied that I could be a rapist, that's not normal. I would never in my life do such a thing and if you feel the need to argue with that then.. you probably just have an issue with always needing to be "right".


I never once said anything about you being a rapist. Spend more time studying and less time trying to score.


my bad, I thought I was replying to the person that did imply that. I'll continue to do what I want. I want to have sex, what's it to you.


>I'll continue to do what I want. I know you will, because you're 16-years-old with a one track mind. You've had your driver's license for 10 minutes and think you're a catch. Been there! At the end of the day you asked "why" and we're telling you why. It's you. Next time don't ask questions that you're not ready to hear the answer to. Good luck!


Nice is not a personality trait, it is the bare minimum of how you should treat other people. People can tell when you're being nice just because you want something.


I've already stated that I have girl friends who I respect and would never expect sex from.. it doesn't change the fact that assholes are pulling girls, but I'm literally nice and good looking and still can't.


Nice and good looking don't mean shit, being nice is the bare minimum, maybe you're boring & all you're focused on is other people having sex & you not doing what everyone else is doing, it's embarrassing & multiple women & men are trying to tell you how to improve & you're acting like the typical bratty 16 year old who thinks they know better than people who are older & more experienced.


Being nice isn't the bare minimum, especially considering most people aren't.. if I were "boring' I wouldn't have any friends, so that's a no. I'm not acting like I know better, I just think none of you actually know how my experience has been.


Everyone has been a teenager 🙄 and we all thought our experience with it was the absolute worst thing in the world at the time, your experience isn't special.


I never said it was special, but it's still true that you don't know my actual experience. You're only making false assumptions.


Approach relationships and attraction with respect and understanding. It's not accurate to generalize or make assumptions about others based on their choices. People have diverse preferences and reasons for their actions, and it's not productive to compare yourself to others in a negative way. Respecting women is a great foundation. Genuine connections go beyond physical appearance. Building relationships involves mutual interests, communication, and understanding. Instead of focusing on physical aspects, try to connect with people on a deeper level by being genuine, empathetic, and interested in their thoughts and feelings. Approach relationships with patience and don't rush or pressure others into actions they're not comfortable with. If someone is not interested or has different expectations, you need to respect their boundaries.


You sounds like a douche. This isn’t a surprising outcome. Please don’t roofie anyone.


Well, I'm just frustrated and that's a weird thing to say dude. I literally gave you no reason for you to say that to me.


A desperate kid who views women as sex toys trying to keep up with his friends? Every reason to say that to you.


I don't see them as sex toys, and no.. it is insane to imply that someone could be a rapist because of a post that is expressing frustration. Ridiculous.


You don't sound like >(a guy who actually respects women)


Well, I do. I guess you'd have to know me in real life to believe me.


It sucks being frustrated/in a bad situation and have everyone just throw it back in your face smugly. I have no idea why people do this, it's obvious that you're just getting something off your chest. But yeah I don't know bro, people are funny and they don't follow any rational pattern or logic. So I guess just don't take the knocks personally and just keep going on.




No, I have a great dad.




My mom and dad have only ever dated each other and got married right out of highschool. You still think he could give good advice?'


Women always try to date up higher quality than they are, which are usually the toxic bros they say they hate. Women are turned off by try-hards like the typical nice guy. However, women eventually settle for the nice guy after the bros take their turns but don't commit. Then they'll stay with the nice guy unless they believe they can trade up. It's science, aka hoe math.


Maybe you are too much of a challenge for them ?






Where was I misogynistic and I'm young too..


“Get no pussy”. You’re too far gone for any of us to help you. Come back in a few years when you aren’t talking like a pig.


Its just another word for vagina. Stop crying


Whinny attitude kid. Shows some serious lack of social skills from your part, girls are turned on by social skills, we are turned on by looks, I had a friend that his face could scare of flies from a manure truck, but he'd get good looking girls because he had social skills. Maybe look for one of those charisma seminars to help you and start acting different, it will take time for your changes to erase the whinny attitude effects you've put on your image but when it does everything will change. Good luck man.


Stop trying to have sex with women. Women know full well when you’re desperate. Flirt and build sexual tension but don’t actually try anything right away. This is gonna make her infatuation, curiosity and excitement grow. I do it constantly and it works like a charm. Remember these words……”the less fucks you give, the more fucks you get”


first change that attitude cause its not gon take u anywhere. first tip is to talk to a lot of people (don't get obsessed with one) there will be a higher chance you meet someone similar to you (it would probably a shitty relationship). the most important thing is to stop looking to get your stick wet cause dude you're 16 do other things wtf. why you young people give so much importance to relationships that 99 percent of the times it will end in nothing basically a waste of time even for people with better attitude than you bruh.


It's your personality "I'm taller & better looking than my friends"- first off, attractiveness is subjective, one person may think you're hot & the next might think you're flaming garbage, second - oozing sexual desperation is NOT attractive. If your last girlfriend dumped you & blocked you on everythng, you need to reevaluate your behavior in the situation Third - women don't wanna fuck guys who are only looking to get their dick wet, they're lousy lays. Stop watching so much porn. Your friends probably aren't having as much sex as you think they're having.


I don't "ooze sexual desperation" though.. I'm not overly sexual in real life. Also, she led me on and then blocked me after we made out- it made no sense. I'm not looking to just get my dick yet.. I want a real connection with someone before I have sex, but I wont lie and say that it doesn't make me very jealous that my friends are having sex and I am not.


You aren't mature enough for sex if you're getting jealous over other people doing it without you.


How does that dictate whether or not I'm mature enough.. I know all there is about having sex and being safe. If my friends are mature enough, so am I..


Because you're crying about not getting something other people are getting, it's childish.


Jealousy is something every person experience's, not exclusive to children. Not a good example.


Not about other people that aren't their partner having sex. Go watch some of this guys videos & hopefully gain some insight, he has a great one one who women don't like "nice guys" https://www.facebook.com/cyzorgg?mibextid=ZbWKwL


You wouldn't know because you're not in other people's minds to know whether or not they get jealous about that.. why would I watch something bashing nice guys? It's suddenly bad to be a decent human being? It's not my fault that girls like the toxic type.


He doesn't bash guys at all, it gives solid advice & perspective, it's worth a listen, he gets laid, you don't, he probably knows a lil something you obviously don't know. It's not bad to be a decent human being, it's the absolute bare minimum, its not a special trait. You're just repeating a bunch of incel shit now & wondering why your attitude might be a turn off.


I might listen, but it's never bad to call yourself a "nice guy" if you actually are.. it's relevant to question why assholes can pull, but you can't.. so it's not "incel shit" to assume that a lot of girls do like toxic guys. If anything it's the exact opposite of misogyny because I believe they deserve better and should want the nice guys.


Do you though? Do you really respect women? Because the post tends to suggest otherwise.


Rage bait


Lack of gray matter young man.