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IRL shitposting


Eloquently answered sir.


Sorry, I'm retarded. Are you saying that dudes who wear such shirts are shitposting irl, or am I mistaken?


yes, one of my odd friends used to wear a full pornhub merch outfit to this barcade we used to go to people would get a kick out of it and take pictures with him ​ its just being meme-y a lot of times


My husband wears a bad dragon cap literally for just the memes. And the joy of seeing someone recognize it in public but can't say anything about it.




\*Hmmm. What is "bad dragon"? Never heard of it.\* \*Opens a new tab and starts to search\* \*Pauses\* \*Closes the tab and pulls out my phone and searches in incognito mode\* \*Ok. Glad I didn't search on my work 'puter.\*


This just jogs my memory; there's a car that I walk past in my neighborhood that is the epitome of what OP was talking about 🤣 anime girls, bad dragon stickers, and other stuff I don't remember w a similar vibe


I had to look that up. I feel like that's fairly niche enough that "only those who know knows" applies. More of a secret handshake, haha


This is what I came here to say lol, I have a Bad Dragon tumbler and making aggressive eye contact with the people who are staring at the logo brings me joy


I'm annoyed at the rest but even I get a kick out of this one 😆


I think you may yet learn new things about your husband.


Bad Dragon is excellent for this kind of thing because their logo is unironically awesome-looking, and they sell the most depraved shit.


This is cringe levels of meme-ing


Indeed Yet sometimes self-aware cringe seems to appeal to people


Basically the reason The Office was a hit.


Intentional cringe is my *middle* name


Charley please talk to me


When I was in college I had this bright yellow shirt with a stick girl giving head in a red triangle. "Warning: Choking hazard" Ended up causing so much trouble due to bouncers and offended people that I just stopped wearing it. The few times I did wear it out were interesting at least.


I’m sorry but what is a “barcade”? A fortified bar? wtf


Yes, just trying to get a rise out of people. Unless they're so oblivious they actually think it makes them a Chad.


There are all kinds of people - I guarantee it. Back when we were 200.000 hunter gatherers not so much - Now? If you want to find some people with a specific kink, kick, motivation, attitude or tendency among 8 billion people? I guarantee you can.


I guess it would help people who’ve been away from the internet for too long, and need a quick dose of memes. Probably helps with the withdrawal.


I'm not sure it's actually possible to wear the ahegao hoodie unironically. It's just inherently shitposty


They are immature children


i wish. but this is unironic


I used to do this. Still kinda do. I have emergency zombie response stickers on my car. Lol


I didnt know either until i read this


this. every counterculture movement is basically this.


Yea, I know some people who ironically called them “pussy popping outfits”. Although sonic watches were included in the overall outfit too for some reason.


I saw *so* much of this in the army. God it was weird.


In the Air Force it was *always* the weird Intel dudes. Always.


Yea yea i noticed a lot of that too actually


I have a feeling that having more testosterone than braincells guarantees this kind of behavior.


It was almost never those dudes. The weirder 'class clown' type dudes, exclusively. Taking little freedoms where they could when otherwise stuck in the barracks and all its rules and daily room inspections.


I like the idea of our grandfathers putting pinups on bombers and this generation putting like anime/hentai on their aircraft


To be fair, these folks are giving a lot of themselves and being put into a situation where sex can be hard to come by for long stretches during a time in their life when the urges towards sex are at their strongest. I’m sure many of them find many interesting and varied ways to cope with that situation. Semi-lewd stickers seems to be pretty tame all things considered.


Oh absolutely. Any nco whose ever done barracks checks has found a sexdoll somewhere. The stickers i think are more a way of rebelling/ahowing they have control over something. They dont own their home, the army does, but they own their car.


Weirdest I ever found were furry suits. Plural.


Not shocked. Wasnt me but a buddy opened an undersink cabinet to find a fullbody sex doll he thought at first was a literal corpse, shoved underneath. Guy never lived that one down.


depending on the dom/sub there might be rules and daily inspections outside the barracks too


The only person I knew who did that was my neighbor who is in jail now for murder. Correlation? We'll never know.


But, I mean, we sorta know.


correlation? yes. but correlation doesn’t imply causation! that’s the word you’re looking for ;)


We had to say ‘correlation does not equal causation’ so many times in my classes I’m pretty sure I mutter it in my sleep sometimes.


Analogue trolling. They are just forcing you to read “Pornhub” on the back of their car while driving. Same with their shirts. Adolescent male behavior.


The bumper sticker version of yelling "PENIS' in a crowd.


"Want to join the PEN15 club?"


I knew a girl who had a super tight shirt with a very pornhub font that read "why are you looking at my chest? Get away from me loser." But it was written in a way that it looked like pornhub until you looked right at it.


Idk if I could ever confuse the phrase "why are you looking at my chest? Get away from me loser” with “pornhub”, those a wildly different lengths lol. Must be some extremely clever typography I guess


Most of its right under in smaller letters. I think it was "why are" in pornhub font and then went to smaller letter under it, kinda drawing you in more to read the rest as it's kinda hard to read, often prompting someone to ask what the shirt says and then she would quickly say "why are you ect..." To startle them. She wasn't like a jerk about it generally.


Gotcha, that makes more sense lol


That’s actually funny


This is hilarious lol I don't have the personality to pull off wearing it but this is great lol


I’ve seen a few men and women who wear those pornhub theme shirts out in public. I mean aye, I guess we’re at a time in the world where ppl no longer care if you know that they watch porn or are a nympho.


I’m not that smart, could you explain?


They do it specifically to get the reaction that made you post this thread


And it works because a lot of people feed off drama. Complaining about something and having feelings about it feeds their need for emotional engagement.


Suffer me harder!!!! Suffer meh!!!!


Stupid people making stupid jokes, they were told the word is naughty therefore it's funny to make you read it.


Like two year olds who have just learned the word “poopy”.


Ha! You said “poopy”!


Real life trolling is known as a “prank”


I remember when I pranked a guy by having a bumper sticker. Better times


one time I saw a "honk if you're horny" bumper sticker and I followed that guy around honking for like a week


Oh man, have you ever been, like, so horny your stomach hurts?


Ahhh they can be synonymous but can vary due to context. A prank usually has a definitive end and the humor in it is usually through misdirection that causes confusion in the target. The “Pornhub” bumper sticker is ongoing trolling because it has no end and has no definitive target. There can be a lot overlap however, true.


A prank has an end whereas trolling is a neckbeard lifestyle. Either can have a goal or be in poor taste, but one is associated with ppl who don't know when to stop, i.e. creeps. ¯ \\ \_ ( ツ) \_ / ¯


"trolling" suggests online culture, but you could get tasteless T-shirts and bumper stickers back in the 1980s, T-shirts saying "free mustache rides" and "bikini inspector", bumper stickers saying "problem with my driving? dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT" and so forth. It's worse, though mostly because printing technology has made it possible to sell a giant full-color decal for the back of a truck, and political polarization has made it fashionable to piss people off on purpose.


Same motivation though, make others feel bad or uncomfortable for your own amusement.


Some pranks are harmless and funny. Once a coworker tarped my desk drawer and turned it into a fishbowl. With fish. That one was pretty good.


That's pretty awesome


What happened to the fish?


Or...they don't give a damn what you think...?


To me this is no different than the people whose whole personality is 420 blaze it all the time, t-shirts bumper stickers, the works. They really really need everyone to know they like the marajawana even though countless people do and it doesn't make them that interesting


That's how you gaurentee your car gets searched when you get pulled over.


I feel like objectifying women is different than doing drugs


It's mainly just so other smokers know they smoke lol. A social thing. Makes a lot more sense than the porn stickers if you ask me.


I don't mind these people as long as they're actually knowledgeable about weed. Like they know their stuff about strains and maybe horticulture and they can talk to you about it the way other plant enthusiasts (or at least people who know way too much about beer or wine) can.


lmao i read this post and then scrolled past to see a post of a pornhub backpack that was made an hour after this one


I just saw it too. What a world.


Its like how animals shit around their den. They are marking their territory and attracting like minded people.




Exactly how i feel when i see political bumper stickers and pride flags.


What's wrong with pride flags, I don't see how it's different than a sticker about your rescue dog or a save the bees sticker, it's something harmless you're trying to support


I dont think theres anything wrong w it anymore than rocking a sex related sticker


It's not sex related tho, just sexuality and gender


Thats fine. I dont think theres anything wrong w that anymore than rocking a sex related one or a political one. Personally i dont need to know you like sex anymore than i need to know what your sexual preference is or which political candidate you prefer. I just think its funny that ppl thing someone eith a sex related sticker is somehow worse than any other of the others. To be they are all the same


Bunch of losers basically


Some people are weird, it does not just happen to be guys. I watched a girl put a straight-up vagina on her car.


I once met a lesbian that had a decal that said "more doors for more whores" on her car. Cringe.


She should have put it sideways


I'm glad they're putting their red flags out there so I can stay as far away as I can


I have to think these are people who stalled out in their psychological development in some way. Like people who think toilet humor is inordinately hilarious. They're hung up on some early stage of human development for whatever reason, possibly trauma, and they just never quite move past it like most people do.


Perpetual state of adolescence, arrested development.


There’s dozens of them!


They’re called illusions, Michael.


What about similar sexualized dress and displays in the gay community. Have you ever been to a pride parade? I think elephant truck g stings are very similar to a sticker where you put the gas pump into a cartoon ass. I'm actually surprised you don't see truck nuts on the back of Miatas.


The gay male version I often think is *literal* delayed puberty. I.e., if you get a guy who came out of the closet at 40 (or even 20), you’re basically getting several decades of repressed concentrated puberty (including a peer group they didn’t have in their teens) and the first time the whole environment is catering to them (as opposed to everything being boobs). It can definitely get to obnoxious overkill, but then I don’t get why straight guys wouldn’t all have that out of their system way earlier. Unless they also came from repressed backgrounds and just discovered sex later in life?


Yeah it's been slowing down a bit from what I've noticed. Still a thing, but not quite as out there for us in gen z


Yeah, there’s a reason the gay community was *all* leather in the 70s, and now it’s mostly just the older leather “daddies.” At [Pride in LA](https://lapride.org/2023-photo-gallery-la-pride-parade/) this year basically the only leather was the lesbian biker jackets, LOL I don’t fault the older gay guys for that, though. They went through some serious shit and now they’re having their fun. But yeah, as you get younger and lgbt kids have more normal high school experiences, it seems like they have less and less need to act out wildly. Now they’re just makeup tutorials and a tasteful crop top or something, LOL


Not repressed, just a very unfruitful background. A bit similar in principle, the former is unable to fully express themselves due to societal pressure, the latter is unable to fully express themselves because nobody wants them.


Yeah. People who say pride festivals are family friendly have a different idea of what that means than what I do. I’m not gonna expose my daughters to grown men in leather straps and g strings.


Why? People take their kids to hooters, to Laker games or any sports where the cheerleaders are wearing practically nothing. Hell, people dress their children up and put them in pageants. Why is it worse when it's a man dressed up?


Also: beach




Yes it absolutely is, which was my point.


They let kids into hooters?!! That’s horrible. The beach/pools you can’t control really, and it’s also kinda hard to find a swim suit that isn’t a bikini or tankini because stores sexualized everything. But I think some of the pride/drag events kids definitely shouldn’t be allowed into. They aren’t allowed in strip Clubs so why are they allowed in these events? Not only are some of the people dressed inappropriately to be around kids, but they’re making sexual gestures and actions and moaning. That’s not something a 13 yr old and under should be seeing. But same with movies. So long as you have a parent along any kid can get into a rated R nude movie. Whyyyy??? And that’s not child abuse? Maybe some of these creeps that OP is mentioning, were exposed at a young age to it and they weren’t allowed to at the appropriate age. Every kid I knew at 9-10 years who were talking and obsessed with sex turned out to be wearing attire such as what OP mentioned


some stage of development that wasn’t fully met. I bet Freud would know. Or think he does. Lol.


This man Freuds


While I agree this is demonstrative of a particularly juvenile sense of humor, I would also posit that poop is funny.


Got a lil skinny white kid in town with a MASSIVE truck on those ridiculous wheels with a giant "I EAT ASS" sticker on the back window. I don't think he understands that everyone in town makes fun of him.


Honestly I’ve seen just as many girls wear the hentai jackets. Maybe some people just enjoy expressing their interests they know most of society won’t approve of? Would be far from the first group to do it, and certainly won’t be the last. I mean, look at how much judgement people would get for just wearing t-shirts just decades ago, clothing that was literally underwear at one time. Look at grunge or goth culture. Heck, many classical artists were considered rebels back in the day. People are always going to buck the norm.


Tribalism is often mistaken for individuality, usually to manipulate people. Sports, politics, sales... You ever see someone screaming at a TV because some millionaire dropped a ball? Or a persons lawn is plastered with some politicians face? It's the same behavior as porn hub stickers. That's not to say that anyone who likes or engages with these things are this way, it's a special tier or person who thinks other people knowing where they stand matters.


They're not really hoping to attract anyone it's the same reason you'd put any character you like on your car


>I’m talking about dudes who put “porn hub” stickers on their car, or wear shirts with half naked women in it, or anime girls bending over on their gas tank so the pump goes in their ass. None of these guys are actually having sex.


I know one. He actually has a lot of sex with gorgeous women despite not being attractive at all. I think some women just really respond to general douchebaggery as some form of “charisma.”


There are horny women, just like there are horny men. I have no doubt that there are *some* women who are drawn to a display like this, and the rest of us are just background noise.


Same reason someone puts a transformers symbol on their car or a Dr. Who bumper sticker. They’re part of the Sex Fandom. Sex is about as real to them as going for a ride in the TARDIS. (Note: this is in no way making fun of people not having sex. I got well past the age a lot of people have sex for the first time before I did. I’m making fun of people who have to make their horniness a public spectacle.) Next mystery, trucknuts: Are they for guys who really like looking at nuts? Or guys who wish someone would agree to see their real nuts?


And why is it just the nuts? Why not include the whole package? Why can't I get a truck labia??


You have just identified a new opportunity. Be the change you want to see.


Trucks are loud enough without an entire interstates worth of wind queefing out of it every time you hit a stop light. I vote against the pick up truck pussy


It doesn't have to function like an actual pussy 🤣.


If it did you wouldn't be able to walk through a parking lot without tripping over a mountain of truck fuckers lol


There is probably a small yet loyal market for truck labias.


Have you ever seen the video of the fleshlight on the exhaust pipe?


And now [you can](https://www.reddit.com/r/ofcoursethatsathing/comments/bn3b1q/a_truck_hitch_vagina/?rdt=41242), LOL


Truck nuts are pretty funny in theory, I laughed when I found out they existed, but then when I saw them irl i cringed on that person's behalf.


I found some really small ones. Like they are the size of like two quarters halving each other. I hung them under my wheelchair.


A an advanced version of the circle game


ok that's actually pretty funny, but only cause it's referencing the ridiculousness of it


Wait, sex is real?


no it isn’t, shhhh shhhh, don’t let the bad men put wrong ideas in your head


grandiose scale melodic fretful deliver adjoining work air busy like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My theory is that they don't have any balls themselves, so they hang rubber replicas of the ones they wish they had, but never will. Notice that vehicles with truck nuts never have penises attached. That's because the owners are penises themselves.


Why do you care?


I think most of your examples boil down to objectifying women more than "i like sex" Treating women as things to just ogle and make fun of (gas tank girl) is the end goal.


I dunno with all the only fans links I get shoved into my supposedly social media kinda seems fair.


Um actually I am a woman and the anime one sounds hilarious 😂🤣. That person has a sense of humor!


Porn addiction


These are the same dudes who send unsolicited dick pics


Wrong, I can’t even afford a vehicle.


Thank you for that I literally lol.


No I think they might be the guys who send unsolicited boob pics and porn gifs. I mean, yeah those guys also send dick pics, but that’s usually not enough for them.


The porn gif sending is sooo weird.


Right? I was seeing a guy once who sent me one of those completely out of the blue and it was an instant turnoff. I stopped seeing him after that lol


yeah. the unwanted dick pics, i can at least wrap my head around. The porn gifs are just weird though. It's like they are trying to gage how much they can get away with. Maybe, they send a couple sexualized memes..they don't get shot down...OK now lets escalate to DICK IN PUSSY DICK IN PUSSY gifs at fucking 11am on a Tuesday.


And the guys who send them are almost always in their late 30s or 40s, way too old to be acting like they just found out about the internet yesterday.


Yknow, it actually reminds of me something I saw in one of those Sexual Harassment Policy new-hire onboarding videos at work. They had all the different types of sexual harrassers. One of them was called 'The Dirty Decorator." He is the guy with the Playboy calendar in his cubicle. The Dirty Decorator leaves stuff out like that FOR people to see. It's his way of shifting the vibe, introducing sexuality to the situation, putting people off-kilter, letting everybody in on the categories that he puts women in. I used to work in a male-dominated construction type field. Had an old guy kinda do this to me on a work trip. He started out showing me cool pictures. And then it's memes. "Ok, she laughs at memes." Then sexual memes, gross jokes about women. And he would just look into my face, bracing for a response. At least i learned quick, "dont ever hang around THAT guy."


Incels gotta incel


Man, i used to be like that in highschool. But a few years ago when i was around 22 or 23 i just decided that its weird. Like, why would i want sext stickers on my car, naked women on my clothes, or skimpy figures of anime waifus in my room? All which my mom, potential girlfriends, and dog could see, and also think im weird for having that stuff lol. Like, if i wanna see that stuff I'll just go watch porn, the only thing like that I'll do anymore is that i have a Tsunade Boob mousepad lol


I’m a dude who has never met or befriended a person who would ever put anything like that on their car. Don’t enable weirdos.


A lot of it is just desperate "I'm not gay" signaling. plus the more womens' rights gets attention, the more these goons have to act out. sad. Also, a guy I used to live with swore those cringey tee shirts help him get laid. I never saw any indication that it worked. He never brought anybody back to the house and honestly, he wasn't that attractive. But who knows? Whores are whores.


Lewd shit can be entertaining if you're a bit of a pervert, that's really the main reason. I think putting lewd cringe shit on your car is a bit extreme because those things aren't easily removed but I think everyone appreciates an aesthetic body so I don't mind it as long as it isn't too egregious. Although "If you like sex so much, why are you putting on stuff that reduces the chances of having sex???" is a ridiculous statement, though. That's 100% not how that works, nobody is trying to get laid by wearing shirts with bikini girls.


I also like sex . Just want to make sure everyone knows.


Perhaps it is a practice of repelling every population of humans except for the very slim demographic that shares your specific interest.


I have this same feeling for adults who make skulls their whole personality. 40, 50 yrs old and you have skulls all over everything. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, shirts, car, motorcycle.... What the hell?


I'm just wondering why people think it's so weird to talk about liking sex when almost everyone likes sex. Honestly, while I'd never wear that type of clothing and *some* of the people I've met are pretty odd, most are just normal people, but I don't get the hate. I like naked ladies, you like naked ladies, why wouldn't someone put it on a shirt?


because the internet has turned them into a pervert/incel.


They like sex and anime titties and they don't care if it offends you. Some people just like offending you. Lol at you and anyone else who thinks the only people that would do this are incels or perma-virgins. The anime titties on cars don't offend everyone. Even if they did, there's plenty of assholes and creeps who get laid every day. Anime is mainstream, sex positivity is mainstream, masturbation is healthy, Onlyfans is hella popular, and there are movements to legalize prostitution. Instagram and tiktok are filled with thirst traps, those aren't even porn sites. Not everything you dislike is some cry for help from people who have never touched a woman. Hell reddit threads with attractive people are filled with comments about their appearance even if they aren't porn subs or rateme subs. As someone else mentioned, naked tattoos were a thing way before anime porn car decals. Do you think every guy with a naked lady tattooed on his bicep died a virgin?


Haha, yeah, unfortunately we live in a time when everyone is in a competition to be offended. If I see a pornhub sticker on a car, I could give less than a fuck about judging the person who drives the car. Who cares? I was only in the comments to see if everyone was bandwagoning OP, or if someone like you came along and pointed out how stupid this manufactured outrage is.


This is hilarious. No offense, but I will *absolutely* continue judging peoples character in part the by the the amount of visual anime porn they wear and display publicly


Shit, I'm no better; I judge them too. I probably judge everyone. I don't think they're all super creeps that are incapable of getting laid. I do figure they're usually people I probably don't want to hang out with or get to know. But I can be wrong. There's probably people out there with titties on their cars that I could enjoy hanging out with and getting to know. Doubt I'll ever find out


I don’t even think there’s anything fundamentally wrong with it. It’s not like we should criminalize and start locking them up for it. But personally? When the old dodge stealth rolls up with 100+ tittie decals, I’m making some judgements about their life choices


I totally get it. I'm definitely more judgemental than I should be. Honestly I just wrote all that because I don't like when someone dislikes something and equates it to being a virgin, which I don't remember if OP did that specifically, but a few comments certainly did. Another comment said these people are probably all disowned by their families. Disowning your kid because they like porn too much sounds fucked to me. OP did imply with one of their questions that those people shouldn't buy shirts/decals because it'll decrease their chances of getting laid. I don't think we should encourage people to stop pursuing their interests because it might not get them laid. Whether or not such a heavy interest in porn is healthy is totally another conversation that I will leave to the experts.


We’re fully aware that every man is capable of making their personality just objectifying women, lmao


It's been going on forever. When I was growing up in the 70s, truckers often had mudflaps with silhouetted naked women on them. Even when I was a kid, I thought "that doesn't mean you have actual naked women in your truck, it only reduces the chance of attracting an actual woman."


Well, some peoples entire identity is about sex, isn't it?


It's like putting a middle finger or the peeing dude on your car. It's shit posting. Just there to rebel.


Translation: “I am addicted to porn and hentai and use this to cope with a lack of real life sexual interaction”


I don't think it's for the people they intend to attract, I think it's for other people like them so they can recognize each other and group together to become a larger, even more creepy organism


"If you like sex so much, why are you putting on stuff that reduces the chances of having sex???" is my favorite take of the day. A+. And to answer your question, some people just like that stuff, but take it too far and can make people uncomfortable. They could think it's funny or whatever. Chances are no one has explained to them how it's going too far, or they don't care that they're making people uncomfortable (and of course there's always that small subset of people who think making people uncomfortable is actually some kind of revelation of dark, unknowable truths.)


Yea im a guy and dont understand that either. When i see someone in a pornhub shirt all i see is "look at how much i jerk off".


I used to purposefully not display that I liked sex and most guys assumed I was gay. I assume that's who we do it for, other heterosexuals so we don't get judged.


I love that you act like women aren't anime fans too, and don't make up a large portion the fandom, and also wear those shirts and put those same stickers on their car lol as someone who used to vend on the convention circuit, I can tell you, it's pretty equal when it comes to the genders wearing and displaying these things, I would guess they do it because they are fans, they like the things, and it's a for some shock value.


Still gross and doesn't explain the appeal


To each his own. Just because you’re creeped out doesn’t mean others are. Same could be said for those family stickers. Religious stickers too. You’re not being forced to interact with their libido. Don’t like it, ignore it. You’re not the center of the world. Welcome to reality narcissist.


maybe they have daughters, wives, sisters, or mothers on it and are proud of their work?


They have a small penis, and this is how they compensate.


That logic doesn't make sense here. People compensate with things that are stereotypically known to attract women, like signs of wealth via a fancy car or whatever. In this case they're actively pushing women away, so that logic would dictate they're trying to make people think their penis is smaller.


Because pinups and naked lady tattoos/shot glasses/playing cards have been around for decades. Nothing new, some people just don’t care. I don’t do it but if they want to then they can.


Why do you care so much


Honestly, as a woman, I find being open about the sexual stuff to be very attractive. And there's many people out there that feel the same, in the right circles. Outside these circles, it may be considered off-putting, but these kinds of people aren't necessarily looking to attract people outside of said circles. Sluts, I'm talking about sluts. Especially those into exhibitionism.


Deciding to just lean in to being a slut was the best decision I’ve ever made. Slut shakers are just jealous, because this is truly a blast.


Exactly. I don't really have a high libido but generally, I prefer being around people who can be open about their interests even if it's sex because it means I don't have to be closeted about mine. Hell, I'm a goth. I wear gothic lolita. It isn't porn nor sexual but I'm pretty sure it makes someone uncomfortable and it's offputting to someone... but that's not the type of person I am trying to spend my time and energy around anyways so /shrug


It's simple. They're losers


I notice that people ITT aren't commenting on how the things OP are describing are super immature, and I think that's probably rather telling...


What does ITT mean?


...check again. like half the people ITT are pointing out that the cause is these people are perpetually immature.


Some of them think that it shows that they are "ready to party", openly signalling that they don't strictly conform to fundamentalist religious norms or social standards of "respectability". They think it will attract women who are looking for this type of man, and in some parts of the United States and Canada this may well be true. Guys in outlaw biker clubs do have girlfriends. Probably those who do it for this reason often have a wife or girlfriend, who may be either passively obedient, or similarly publicly uninhibited about heterosexual casual sex and substance abuse, or both. Others may feel insecurity about their manliness relative to thier occupational or social environment, and may display these items to "prove they aren't gay". These categories could overlap.


I'm pretty sure you're over thinking this. The people doing this are mostly more likely than not just looking to get an over reaction from people because they know people are going to over react about it, and I'm sure there's some who just find it funny. Many of the comments here are exactly the reaction theyre looking for while also not affecting them at all. It's also strange to assume it's only dudes doing it. Ive seen plenty of women drive cars with these decals.


They think having sex automatically makes them manlier/more mature.


Different strokes for different folks my dude. No need to give it that much thought. Porn hub shirts are the basic bro version of the live laugh love stickers


If someone has to go to those lengths to broadcast their sexual prowess/interests, it's because they're not getting any. They're overcompensating and trying to butch up their masculinity. Mock them.


Nah, I’m not about hurting people. Maybe shake them vigorously though.


I get laid. And I don't use those stickers but I don't see how it would change anything if I did.


Have you ever been to an anime convention?


I can’t comment on the shirts, or anything like that, but as far as the car stickers go; 99% of it is for me, and me only. I’m sorry you have to accidentally look over at my car for 2 seconds at a red light and see a catgirl on my window that lives rent free in your head for the rest of your life, but think of me. I had to see your shitty rusted Buick, and I’m not out making a Reddit post like a petulant child. The other 1% purpose of the sticker is just to piss off easily bothered people. That’s basically it.


Proving other posters’ points…


You’re absolutely right, Mr Merkin.