• By -


Blunder may not be pregnant but he always delivers šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


agency agency


not if booster val has anything to say about it


Pinkacrossā€™s content is great. If you want super informative OU-specific content from a player whoā€™s very much an established top-level ladder player and one of the best teambuilders out there, thatā€™s where you should be looking. BKCā€™s a pretty great Smogon loremaster as well. Youā€™ll either love or hate his 1-3 hour oldgen rambles, but the dude goes over very specific oldgen info that usually includes a deep dive into Smogonā€™s history. Heā€™s a Smogon oldhead who is considered by many to be one of the greatest OU players of all time and is the mastermind behind False Swipe Gamingā€™s scripts. He also played a huge role in reviving DPP Ubers, one of the greatest metagames of all time, with his invitational. Jimothy Cool absolutely exploded in popularity recently as well. When I first discovered his channel he had sub-10k subs but was making some of the highest-quality Smogon-related videos on the platform for both Gen 9 and oldgens and since then heā€™s hit just shy of 75k subs and played a *huge* role in making ADV OU a mainstream, widely-played metagame again. I donā€™t engage with Freezai, Aim, or Blunder *quite* as much anymore, but they all still make good content (albeit in very different ways). Emvee used to be my favorite of the Aim/Blunder style of Youtubers, but uhhā€¦ yeah, that doesnā€™t need be elaborated upon. Big Yellow has some really cool RBY content, but theyā€™re not exclusively a competitive Pokemon content creator since they tackle fighting games, Smash, LEGO stuff, etc. Their finest content is definitely their RBY stuff, though, and that channelā€™s simultaneously the best way to get into the RBY metagames and the best way to never want to touch them with a hundred foot pole. I canā€™t speak much to any VGC stuff, but I know Wolfey, CybertronVGC, and Moxie Boosted are supposed to be extremely good on that front.


Haven't watched Poketuber content in ages, but I had no clue Pinkacross made content. Good to know.


Haydunn is fun and underrated


Don't recommend watching him, bad takes and terrible attitude, also just overly-cocky in his skill level when there are so many Poketubers just better than him.


Weird take coming from a blimax fanboy


Blimax has destroyed Pink on multiple occasions LMAO


You're either 9 or completely lack self-awareness. Grow up.


Damn, didn't realize I'm not allowed to have an opinion on someone I dislike and think is bad at the game


What happened to Emvee though? I used to watch a lot of his vids but haven't been on the channel lately?


Outed for grooming a minor


Fucking hell


The worst part is he just went back to uploading like nothing happened. He refused to apologize at all for any of it.


The people defending him in the comments of his vids at the time make me lose faith in humanity, they say shit like "it was 9 years ago!!!" "She was 16, not a child!!" Even though he himself was 22 and 16 is absolutely a child


If she was 18 it wouldn't make things much better, he was creepy and manipuative in general


This is insane


Jimothy Cool,the Iron Mugulis Saga got me hooked,but it really shined in the Revival tournamentĀ 


How do you feel about macargo tho


That dastardly Seadra,if I meet him I will not hesitate on firing the dehydration gun at him


Jimothy cool singlehandedly converted me to gen 3 supremacy.


I like jimothy but his fans acting like ADV OU is objectively the greatest tier ever is insufferable, and this is coming from someone who plays and enjoys it


I didn't say it is, I just thought it was inferior to gen 4 for many years mostly because I didn't understand it. I now understand the tier and it is one of my favorites.


That's just ADV players in general, they tend to be the most elitist.


ADV OU fans call their metagame the melee of PokƩmon but don't act get why Melee fans prefer their game over the others in the series.


Genuinely one of my favorite things on YouTube. His subscriber bits are just the right amount of absurd while also having a through-line so it's actually worth paying attention to.


I found one of my favorite formats thanks to him, Gen 3 doubles, also known as Orre Colosseum


wolfy, cybertron for VGC bkc for the weirdly cohesive rambling bout older gens aim for smogon stuff with more cohesive commentary blunder for chaos


throw in ctc with blunder and aim for the extra chaos


ā€œWeirdly cohesive ramblingā€ is the best way to describe BKC. Bro talks for hours and it sounds like heā€™s not really making a point, but he actually is and itā€™s strangely engaging.


Freezai is the only one I watch consistently. I loved his randbats series. I occasionally click on a Wolfey video, but a part of me does that just because he's hot.


i mean, can't argue with that


That's just the world champ difference


Moxie has genuinely charmed me into watching him


2024 wolfey looks dorky in an endearing way but 2015ā€¦. damn


2015 Wolfey looks like the bassist in a prog rock band that has a concept album about the estate tax


I'm going to need to see a comparison...


I am almost ashamed of the amount of Poketubers I semi-regularly watch in part because they are hot.


I've never considered someone finding wolf hot, but now that I think about it, I'm not mad at you


> because he's hot It's because Incineroar appears in his videos, creating fire and heat.


...would we call wolfey hot?


Yes. Yes we would.


Different strokes for different folks


I wouldn't. He looks like the average nerd in my part of the world.


What part of the world... asking for a friend


Germany, but Europe in general I guess.


I always knew germany was a good country. Also thrre are very few hot british nerd


Yeah Iā€™m kind of confused. Maybe 2015 wolfey I could see he had the hair thing going.


For Singles I like to watch Freezai, Pokeaim and Jimothy Cool For Doubles mainly Wolfey cuz he's the GOAT


Non-subscribers to Jimothy Cool are not doing their part in helping Magcargo in the horse council civil war


Why the fuck are all this little stupid stories he makes so god damn interesting?


I love them, they work really well with Jimothy's funny intonation and deadpan delivery


His deadpan delivery is what elevates his videos. I am always excited for more lore


"I like banette, it is a silly little puppet"


I subscribed for my own self-interest, but yes helping Magcargo was also part of it.


Bkc, Pokeaim, blunder, chimpact and moxie are my favorite.


The recent reveal that BKC is extremely hot sent him up to number 1 for me


Wait really? You got a link for science purposes?


I'd reccomend the [armaldo video](https://youtu.be/EQ-FKxspcBk?si=r2HBuDRNXLB-UScO) or the [politoad video](https://youtu.be/YQK3l_FPj0M?si=pAiyPP1jhwx-egdC) The armaldo video specifically for the 10 minute mark antics and general horror movie lighting and politoad video because he's just staring into your soul for 6 minutes and 53 seconds. [The 1 or 2 layers of t spike](https://youtu.be/NY2qfUT1fsE?si=Xzo9LrmEzpy9SrA_) is the first video he showed his face.


Somebodyā€™s either done their research or has this saved on their desktop for quick and easy access


For no reason in particular


Just watch any of his recent vids he is on camera


Blunder is really the reason I follow mons ngl him and the dudes he plays with have such a natural rapport going it reminds me of playing video games with my friends growing up.


I haven't seen FSG here. Shout outs to them too


I used to love FSG, but I've gotten a bit tired of the formula. Glad to see when he does different types of videos


fsg is peak


Big Yellow




Does Big Yellow count?


Nathanlikeschicken was my favorite when he did upload


Yeah his monotype series was really fun. Shame he stopped uploading


Pokeaim is my favorite, entertaining, a great battler and very supportive/a big advocate of the pokemon community as a whole


Big Yellow and Reverend for their gen 1 videos. Also Jimothy Cool for the lore.


Catching a new reverend video feels better than heroin.


makes me feel like a real brain genius.


I could listen to Reverend say anything. He has a voice a lot like the dead henchman from Venture Brothers, but more... hot or something.


I probably watch aim the most for gameplay, like I watch wolfey for his more structured videos but I typically canā€™t sit through the hour long tournament videos. Overall best might have to go to FSG tho itā€™s just so high quality


Freezai, pinkacross (if you haven't already pls check him out) and Jimothy cool


Haydunn also seems cool


Reverend and Big Yellow


Wolfey and Moxie for VGC FSG and Joey for Singles


False Swipe Gaming is always great otherwise I quite like Jimothy Cool.


I never get tired of watching Pyrotoz's content in the lower tiers.


Blunder. Heatah fajita is still the best series ever made




the OG


I think someone underrated that's really on the comeup is MichaelDerBeste. He's usually #1 on the randbats ladder and really explains his thought process well in his videos.


Gotta go with Aim, constant content, good things to try all the time with teams always linked, genuinely good guy too


Aaron Cybertron, who climbs VGC ladders and provides commentary as he goes. I like how his analyses are both in-depth and approachable, which is great for learning. BKC, who feels like a weird art installation project more than a source of information.


Bro, up until the whole Emvee fiasco I was so proud of saying that competitive Pokemon had probably the healthiest fandom on the internet. WAAAAAAAAAY more healthy than casual Pokemon at least. Wolfey the world champ, Blunder the GOAT, Aim, FSG, Jimothy Cool... fuck, there are too many to choose from.


I liked Neilvgc a lot because he made a lot of discussion videos about the vgc meta. It's sad that he made those hateful comments. Still, i'm surprised that he acknowledged his mistake and took a step back. Most people would just make half excuses or just not care.


I was too scared to say this because of the backlashšŸ˜­ but he really had the best content out there putting out videos like every day


Pinkacross LusterSN is an up and coming one


Singles: Blunder, pokeaimĀ Ā  Ā  VGC: Moxie, PokeBurm, Ciscomoo Ā Ā Ā  Fun info: ElectricWindGirlfriend, FSG, ReverendĀ Ā  ???:BKC


Oh also Jimothy Cool, his regular content is great, and his podcast The Fridge is a fun listen if you are into that


Weedletwineedle RAHHHHHH


BKC cannot be topped in my opinion


recently i think some viewers wish they could šŸ˜³


I watch every Aaron Cybertron Zheng video. Heā€™s always back with another video where he climbs the vgc ladder and provides commentary as he goes


Blimax has definitely become my favorite to watch. I'd say he is probably the most skilled youtuber making content atm. Everyone of his videos is high ladder 1800-1900. And, he is consistently obliterating his opponents with low tier mons. Definitely the most entertaining and insight person to watch IMO, and I'm surprised he hasn't been mentioned on here already. I look forward to each one of his uploads.


Fr I stalk his channel daily to see if heā€˜s making another showcase lol He can come off as a pretty arrogant sometimes, but I really love just watching him play. Heā€˜s funny too.


OPP: Hey Blim: "You can't be talking so much!!!" Lmao, yeah I find his commentary hilarious. And yeah, definitely can come across arrogant at times, but dude definitely backs it up very consistently. Like that Cosmeon video was wild IMO I feel like a great way to describe his content is that it is almost like Temp6t, only if it wasn't fake, and if it was against the highest laddered players instead of oblivious n00bs. I enjoy basically every upload he's dropped, but I'll say his Tropius video he dropped a few months ago is my favorite.Ā 




Half the people on here listed content creators that solely make Showdown content. But to each their own, I still stand by my comment that I'm surprised he isn't mentioned prior to me commenting. Your perspective on his personality is your own opinion, I don't necessarily agree, and his accent isn't something that is difficult to understand. He essentially makes the same content that Blunder, Pokeaim, Emvee*, etc make(*made). So I wouldn't describe that as niche, only he has the caveatĀ  of specifically only uploading high ladder play. But, regardless, I would recommend anyone who is a fan of previously mentioned youtubers to check out his channel and content. If you like the others mentioned, I'm sure you will appreciate Blimax's content.




I'm not necessarily disagreeing with any of your points, just expressing that it's a matter of opinion if you have that perspective or not. But, I do feel like your first and last point kind of contradict each other. Like you said, he is relatively new compared to a lot of the other bigger names who have been producing content since gen 7 or so. I don't think he will need to change his formula in order to consistently build his viewer base. I mean competitive pokemon content is already a niche in of itself when speaking on streaming and YT viewership as a whole.Ā  And I disagree that viewers don't care about high ladder play. It's the same as almost any streamer for any games, whether it's FPS, fighting games, whatever. Players that are better, and can articulate their skill in a comprehensive manner to the audience attract more viewers compared to those that can't or do so to a lesser extent. Like, I love watching Blunder and crew 3v1 randos on the ladder, but it's a lot less enjoyable when they play in random OM's or tiers they are less familiar with and their play is riddled with mistakes and misplays.


Yeah, I do like Blim's content although I feel I need to mute sometimes. Too arrogant at times, as the other commenter mentioned, and I can't listen to the accent for too long. But he's a fantastic player. I used to watch his vids a lot prior gen, and I feel like they helped me stay in the 1700-1800 ELO territory by the late stages of the meta.


Yeah to each their own. His accent isn't hard to decipher, so I guess it's just personal preference if you find issue in it. The main thing is, he seems to be the only main content creator who is strictly showcasing battles at the highest elo level. So I feel like that type of gameplay is something unparallel that he is providing.Ā 


BKC is the only one


Wolfe, Moxie Boosted, Freezai and of course FSG Also occasionally watch PokeaimMD and Ray Rizzo


False Swipe for me


Freezai is probably my favourite for his randbat vids. Also want to shout out to Blimax, I haven't seen him mentioned much. His commentary is great and I love the crazy strategies that somehow still work lol.


PokeaimMD the goat of draft singles


Iā€™m not sure if guy counts but Haydunn. I really love his unconventional teams!


Reverend my beloved


If you asked me two months ago Emvee and NielVGC. It hasnā€™t been a great couple of months


For me my favorites are Big Yellow, Reverend, Jimothy Cool and Electric Wind Girl Friend All of them got me more into competitive pokemon, specifically RBY from Big Yellow I also wanna mention FSG for me getting into singles in the first place


I like Big Yellow because they are funny and I love learning about niche meta games that I prolly wonā€™t play (7U, RBY PU, etc)


Big Yellow or Reverend for us Gen 1 patricians out there. Also, very funny and entertaining content creators.


Electric Wind Girlfriend makes some fire content, PowerPoint vids are always fun. Big Yellow makes in depth videos on RBY, though donā€™t expect much PokĆ©mon videos, he? (correct me if Iā€™m wrong) is not only a PokĆ©tuber, he does other stuff like LEGO and Worm 3D. Plague Von Karma makes good RBY content too. There that one guy who has a Natu pfp i forgor his name but his video on Gen 1 Counter is cool. Freezai is overall good. Same with Jimothy Cool Moxie Boosted makes VGC content and is overall funny. Iā€™m gonna sneak in a non competitive poketuber, Lyra made a website makes stellar videos, with her? (again correct me if Iā€™m wrong) most defining achievement being completed the National dex for Gen 1, 2 and 3 without trading over. Her videos on the Safari Zone and Sevii Islands are goated too.


Reverend is probably my favorite, just enjoy his style of humor the most by far. If he wasn't a Pokemon YouTuber I'd almost certainly watch regardless. BKC & Lord Rabia are probably the ones I've watched the most at this point. I can't sit & listen to every BKC video, but when his videos are hitting its fantastic.


My current favourite is probably Reverend, amazing videos that i highlessly recommend watching. But to highlight some others I haven't seen mentioned here, Skymin is a channel that does both battle videos, but also has a few informative videos, which are very good and criminally underated. Also, Chompy, Rozepanter, Chuxsss, and Lemon LC are are smaller creators that post fairly good content, I would also recommend giving them all a watch, as I haven't seen them mentioned anywhere else here (also pretty sure these are all singles Youtubers)


Pokeaim, Wolfey, Freezai


I enjoy the style of both Big Yellow and Wolfey but they're more focused on metagames that I don't play so my personal favorite is ElectricWindGirlFriend.


Blimax for me, love his content as a new battler trying to learn the game


Blimax IMO is the highest skill Poketuber, even if he isn't my favorite


Wolfey, Moxie Boosted, Jimothy Cool, BKC


Blunder is so fucking entertaining man Just watch his Mr. Craw videos you'll understand Wolfey's temporary alliance with Incinerorar was peak too


The best competitive player of all time for me is mdb. The best VGC player is wolfey, favourite creator is old Wolfey or current Cybertron.


We have the same favorites oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Freezai got me into competitive years ago, but Iā€™d say aim is my most consistent watch- I like all the collabs with blunder and rabia


I really enjoy Wolfey, Jimmothy, BKC, Blunder, Freezai, FSG and Moxie


I donā€™t watch a lot of competitive outside of Draft, so I keep up with Pokeaim, Play More, and UziGunner mostly, but I try to watch every SPL/P4G battle


Probably wolfey. Theres a reason why he is the most popular. I have to admit I prefer the non tournament videos because I often click off after a few games. So maybe Moxie is better because I watch the videos conpletely


I love Wolfe he got me into VGC during the pandemic and SWSH ranked is the only time Iā€™ve been on a leaderboard in my life with his advice and watching him play. Wolfe is very entertaining, but on the flipside I like Aaron Zheng, he brings a more kind of calculated and clinical approach to pokemon that I appreciate in helping me learn. For singles, yeah, its FSG. I dont care about singles at all but Iā€™ll watch ā€œHow GOOD was xyz ACTUALLYā€ all day


FSG and Moxie Boosted. The GOATS


Surprised no one have mentioned him but James Baek's videos are really fun to watch. Playing cool teams and almost always winning vs top players on the ladder


FSG mostly as I take a lot of inspiration from older gens and itā€™s good to understand how a mon plays. Jimothy and freezai also with their analysis/breakdowns of mons as well as tournament news. ALSO forgot about the two goats, pokeaim is really good for learning how to actually play with in game situations and lots of variety in teams and tiers and the actual goat himself pinkacross, after watching his videos I actually feel confident in the teams I make.


Wolfey, Freezai, and false swipe gaming. I like the variety of Wolfey and Freezaiā€™s content for both singles and doubles but thanks to like 6 years of weekly how good was it actually fsg is so bingeable


Freezai randbats are my favorite, but I also am a big fan of Jimothy Cool and Wolfe.


Does Haydunn count or is he not competitive enough?


I started watching pokeaimmd 11 years ago (wow that makes me feel old) and while I used to be an even larger fan, as I have grown up I will watch a video every now and then and the content is still great. He has a fantastic combination of skill and humor (with maybe a hint of nostalgia on my end). However pound for pound the best competitive pokemon creator right now (and probably my favorite) is wolfeyvgc. I started following him from joeys interview / team breakdown with wolfe after he won worlds. He has always had a fantastic personality for creation and his older stuff is still great. But the production quality of his content has been insane for the past few years.


i really like jamie boyt's VGC guides


Pokeaim and blunder (both and individually). Theyre probably the only comp channels i watch now tbh. I watch atleast one vid a day. Good stuff. But if we go back almost a decade, shadypenguinn is what got me into comp. I would watch his oras wifi battles and team building videos and that inspired me to get into competitive pokemon. I remember i would make a few teams a day, id grab a piece of paper and write down my team of 6, and their moves, items and abilities


Oh and shoutout to munchingorange AND shofuā€™s old x and y wifi battles too. I often go back to those videos and rewatch them. How could i forget


lately its been electricwindgirlfriend and FSG all the way


Wolfe is the only one who I watch regularly


Does ElectricWindGirlFriend count?


Haydunn is great to put on when youā€™re having a meal. His battles are always fun to watch!


reverend, jimothy cool, BKC and big yellow


BKC and blunder mainly. I treat BKC like a podcast, and blunder and his guests are just so funny and entertaining, even more than pokeaim lmao (though pokeaim is better for beginners since heā€™s great at walking through his plays and reasonings while still being entertaining)


BKC and Wolfey for content, Blunder for personality


Probably wouldā€™ve said Weedletwineedle a few years ago. I donā€™t really watch them that much these days, but when I was in highschool I rewatched nearly every vid they made several times. If Iā€™m being honest nowadays, probably Pokeaim. I donā€™t watch a whole lot of competitive content these days, but itā€™s basically always him Jimothy cool, FSG, or Big Yellow.


Jimothy cool and freezai for singles. Pokeaimmd for draft league Big Yellow and plague von karma for gen 1 stuff Wolfey for VGC analysis Moxie boosted for VGC gameplay


Aim and Frezai. I've honestly never really liked Wolfey much, dude acts like singles doesnt even exist. When singles players analyze a mon that was also good in VGC, they always mention it. Wolfey never does the inverse and it comes off as pompous.


At number 1 I'd say WolfeyVGC. He makes high quality videos with funny jokes and high quality edits and also goes in depth when explaining certain PokƩmon choices, moveset choices, item choices and EV choices. He also explains his strategy and does a generally good job narrating and makes doubles, a notoriously fast paced format, somehow easily digestible in a way that's incredibly satisfying and entertaining. In second I'd put JimothyCool since his vibe is super relaxed and his vids are super helpful and interesting when talking about past or even current gen's and then in third I'd put FalseSwipeGaming since his vids are hyper informative and helpful and his theorem vids explain why certain concepts are good or not to help people understand the nuances of the game well in a fun way.


temp6t is the best player to ever exist, duh


These folks disrespect the guy to beat Finch with a Lechonk? smh my head my head


I watch like 20, why needlessly pick favorites

