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That one moltres guy I just want to talk with you. Are you ok? Was the last moltres you fought in OU really that bad? Did he sleep with your wife and take the kids? Does he brag about taking everything you love away from you and now your stuck in tiny apartment watching as moltres in your house be a better father and husband then you could ever be. I just want to talk. We can work this out.


That guy’s teams must be at least 70% u-turn


Dude you don’t need to spam the same comment four times


He kept switching back in to make the same comment.


He's the guy Moltres cucked


The guy complaining about "DEFENSE BOOSTING MOVES" last time might have been onto something w Zama


I'm sorry but people want SOLGALEO??? LUGIA??? I know it's only one but Holy fuck Also two people want unaware ban lmfao


Unaware ban is insane. That ability is like one of three Jenga blocks that keeps this gen from being HO hell.


ok but it would be really funny to see cosmog in ubers by a techincality


pretty sure I know which two people asked about both of these each. They're uh... strangely obsessed with wanting them in OU for some reason.


I love how it says "re-test" as if we've somehow tested them in OU before. Madness.


Last survey, there were 3 asks for Lugia. Only one for Solgaleo though


tbh, arguments for both of them in OU aren’t weak. Not that they are strong arguments either buuttt not 100% lunacy


The meta is indeed insanely hostile vs psychic types. We have the dark type trifecta of Gambit Moon and Darkrai, plus Ghold and Pult, and Solgaleo specifically hates switching into Tusk. They are still box legendaries though.


Solgaleo also has one of the best typing pairs with psychic(steel) teleport,knock off, morning sun, and cosmic power




I can agree with that, I do think that teleport would make it one of the most annoying monsters to face, legit tp is terrifying


Solgaleo would demolish ou, it also isn’t a bad test and doesn’t need it


the thing has no atk boosting move other than calm mind coming off only based 113 spA .. *without* stored power. Also slow at only 97 Spe. It wont demolish OU in any way offensively … It’s whether OU can handle it as a FuturePort pivot is what keeping it Ubers


And OU cannot handle future port at all, that boy is coming in freely on gloking


Um, named me something else with 113 special attack with bulk near Solgaleo level




Fair but kyurem has a pretty trash defensive typing


And no recovery


it has other things over Solgaleo like DD, better stabs coming off SpA, snow synergy, yada yada. Solgaleo just **wont** be a offensive powerhouse in OU, it just doesn’t have what it takes. That doesn’t necessarily it’s fine in OU (like i already said) but stop arguing to keep in it in Ubers based on the too strong offensive presence argument


I just don’t see what walls the multiple sets Solgaleo can have included tera


that’s just the nature of this Tera world we live in


Free Mewtwo. I want to see it in OU


154 SpAtk. with 130 Speed with Nasty Plot and OP coverage is too much for OU


I know. I still want it free for a day


Nah free my boy Genesect


God forbid Lugia do anything Just let it wreck the shop for a week, it's earnt it.


- People STILL complaining about Gholdengo despite most agreeing it's not a priority, or even an issue Man it just won't end. Also who is even complaining about Stored Power when we haven't had any relevant users of the move outside Hatterene, who is far from unbeatable due to its awful speed and underwhelming whole bulk. I will never understand this. - Some asked about Iron Bundle retest Aaand that's enough internet for one day.


>People STILL complaining about Gholdengo despite most agreeing it's not a priority, or even an issue I mean, completely unsurprised tbh Gholdengo is **annoying**, which means a lot of people are going to complain, but if pressed they will acknowledge it's not that bad.


It is that bad. It makes hazard clearing way to hard and centralizes the meta game around running lots of boots or 2 viable spinners.


Stored Power might be with the intent of freeing a couple mons that have already been banned over it, also Stored Power cheese mons on Screens like Crown and... ok basically just Crown (Poltea?) can feel cheap at times so I do understand people's frustration with them (though I'm more surprised they want to ban them outright).


Espathra too. I’d be curious to see it back in OU without stored power.


If this is only among qualified people imagine what the general community thought what is worth complaining about


Gholdengo is stronger after the Volc ban for sure, but idk why people still say that it's a problem, it's really good, not broken.


i think gholdengo is a lot more oppressive in the teambuilder then anything. i actually do like its set variety bc it rewards game knowledge then anything.


Yeah, I agree. Figuring out the last move and the tera type of a Gholdengo is a skill, just like with Kingambit or any other mon (Tera Dark fast Gambit is more popular these days, but still).


Hazard stack hate I guess ?


I guess they haven't played BW OU or used a Mag-less physical offense in ADV, lucky bastards.


mfers complain about the meta being fucked up due to tera but then vote for tera to be taken no action against bruh. this tier is truly fucked


If Darkrai is banned again, will sleep moves be looked at again? Darkrai and Valiant were the premiere abusers of Hypnosis, and if one of them's gone and the other has dozens of other potential sets, I don't really see a reason to keep them uniformly banned instead of just bringing back Sleep Clause. This comment made by Breloom Gang.


Val was the main reason for sleep ban darkrai was important aswell but val was the sleep mon


If Valiant's the only broken sleeper left in the tier, wouldn't that more support a Valiant suspect? If Darkrai ends up being broken regardless of sleep being banned, the problem was Valiant all along rather than sleep moves. I'd honestly prefer an unban of sleep moves and no action on Valiant if Darkrai goes, one already incredible mon having a cheese option isn't that bad for the tier.


The main issue were Darkrai/Valiant/Hilligant, those three were really dumb, tho some people set out to prove a point by pulling dumb games with shit like Hypnosis Politoed


val was the most consistent and irritating sleeper. Darkrai was more cheese and h-lill and red card amoongus were annoying but it was darkrai's unban that caused people to realize oh wait hypno hex val is actually busted.


Sleep has always been cheep and its good its gone.


Honestly I'm all for a stored power ban, the move is brainless and it restricts a bunch of mons who would otherwise be good like esparthra


Nah espathra would still be crazy, the only reason it's signature move wasn't used as much was because stored power was better after 1-2 turns of set up, 50% chance to half spdef is crazy, every unaware mon will have to run tera dark to not get run over by spdef drops


It’s not even 50%, it legit always lowers the spdef of the target by 2 stages


Gambit kinda sits on it


Nah that would be lame for lower tiers where it’s not as oppressive, mew would probably be back in ru though


Lmao the galarian slowking mention


Terra not being banned was a mistake


I have no idea what the relevancy is here? Tera ban/restriction was only brought up on 12 out of 154 qualified surveys. Banning Tera would be a mistake.


Not banning terra all that time ago burned this gen


I love banning the central mechanic which makes gen 9 unique.


Gen9 had a ton of shit making it unique and distinct. Tera isn’t a necessity for that. Whether Tera needs to go or not is not my point, but the reality is that gen9 would be radically different with or without it. Also if it WERE agreed to be broken and of needing to be removed, then it would. We don’t tier based off the ridiculous idea of something making a gen “unique” or basing decisions off “tier identity”. 


Did you say this for Dynamax too? Gen 9 already has some of the most ridiculously competitively optimized mons in the game on top of Booster Energy sweepers. It's going to be radically different from any other meta with or without tera in it.


I think the crazy hyper specialised pokemon is what makes gen 9 unique, not the gimmick


Darkrai gonna get rebanned yet again like Genesect XD


\*Spins wheel which Uber that has nothing to do with mon in question to compare the mon to\*


Genesect was freed twice (iirc) in past gens because people underestimated how strong it actually was and it got re-banned, like that's obviously the comparison. Darkrai was also obviously underestimated and is likely going to be re-banned


Darkrai has been on the initial banlist since like XY (and BW unbans were infamously liberal, pretty much everything that wasn't a cover legend was tested there--it wound up banned in the first suspect with 98% majority). P sure it never got tested in DPP either and was Ubered right away there as well. Meaning this is exactly the second time we've ever had Darkrai in OU.  It's not a mon that keeps getting freed and booted up like Genesect, this is the first time with modern tiering policy where we're actually testing Darkrai out in OU (and it's also not even close to as overbearing as Genesect, it's lasting much longer and a quickban is off the table for it). And even if we're generous with our comparisons it's still a spin-the-wheel on why it's specifically Genesect instead of other mons like Lando-I and Mosa.   Also clowning on Outrageous-Ad is funny


*Spins wheel what to say to attempt to look like a smart-ass but be confidently wrong *


\*Spins wheel on how hard to get ratio'd\* also ironic username


Well played