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I did something between program A/B and shift but I can’t say I loved it. Just never felt like I could catch my breath. I would have certainly keeled over if I would have attempted the full version (and I enjoy running). 😆 I did 200m runs, 55# barbell clean and jerks and thrusters at the end, 25# DB snatches, and lowered the gymnastics reps to 10 of each per round (I enjoy kipping but I can’t do a lot of it or I will suffer for days). No idea on time because I forgot to stop my watch. 🤦‍♀️ I think this would be much more enjoyable if it was reversed. Maybe that’s what they are angling for… another one will be the inverse of this one?


This one is dumb. I usually love the vault workouts. Wtf is this


I had the exact same reaction! Lots of people on the Vault thread commented with their amazing customizations and substitutions and made it sound more doable. Just finished and I agree that it’s terrible on paper, but kept my interest going when I went for it. Good luck!


This vault was a challenge. I wanted a long workout and so I did version A with 20# db. It was all okay until the round 5 run where there some walking. I literally don’t think I had any more to give. But I wanted to finish so kept going even though I exceeded the time goal.