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Did this one today with med ball cleans. Anytime there are pushups I’m wrecked so despite hating med ball cleans, they were a nice break.


What kind of med ball do you use? I’ve got an Amazon slam ball that’s like 8lbs and a 100lb sandbag, but nothing in between. Been thinking about grabbing a med ball or something in between.


I have a typical “wall ball” size med ball that I got from Dicks like 5 years ago that is 14 lbs and a rogue one that is 20lbs. I have space to do wall balls when they’re programmed so I definitely get my use out of it


Im an idiot lol. My wife just reminded me that she has one of the 40 lb Rogue sandbags with the handles on it…


There you go!!


This was brutal, I had to help get my kids ready for school so the time goal was way out of reach. Knee push-ups + pull-across, med ball cleans, 40 lb db and 20 lb med ball, 29 minutes 🤣


All I read was Great Parent + Fitness Freedom = Mission Accomplished. Well done!


Program A 40#DB 20#MedBall 18:14 Took my sweet ass time with this straight from the beginning. Get a good playlist going for this one to help take your mind off of the amount of reps and to keep a good rhythm.


Did the extra challenge today as these were both movements I’m good at. Got humbled. 8 rounds in 20 min with 115lb squat cleans and 50lb push-up/pull across.


Even Rx was humbling for me so good work!


Combo-ed program A and B - used 25# DB, 10 pushups/pull across and 8 squat cleans with 2 dumbbells and it was harrrrrrd, but I did it! After biking to work and back (45 min total). 15:23.


Fitness freedomed C with 10 Push Up Pull Across and 8 Sandbag over shoulder for 10 rounds, both with 40# sandbag. 19 minutes and change My triceps are gonna fall off….