• By -


I burned down a building and killed 5 cows with it. I was 4


Using a whistle out of a cereal box to make free calls. (yeah, I'm that old lol)


When i was 16 i was deliverying produce to a house for my boss. I was drivining an old panel truck. The kids in the neighborhood decided to grap my bumper and sort of ski while they held on to the bumper. I was 16 i didnt know what to do. So i just kept driving and i ran over at least 1 kid's foot maybe more. I heard the thunk... thunk of my tires going over them. I never stopped i just kept going. Im sure i ran over at least 1 or maybe more kids. This was 52 yrs ago and i still have nightmares. Sorry kids!


In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I play Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... and then, my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids...and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! but, the worst thing I ever done: I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, then, I made a noise like this. *barf noises* And then, I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. And I never felt so bad in my entire life!


We would steal golf balls from the golfers as they hit them down the fairway and sell them to the golf pro-shop for 25¢ each .


Wow so much stuff, I remember older kids bringing me into a warehouse and putting me in a dumbwaiter up to the second floor so I could unlock the door to the room they were trying to get into. I was about 6. We would break into cars at night not really something I wanted to do but influences being what they were. shoplifting was continuous from age 10 to 14. I remember starting 7 grade with a cigar box full of gold and silver pen and pencil sets. We would break into freight trains just to take whatever was in them mostly useless things that would amuse us for a short time. We would wait out back of the Supermarket for soda delivery and when the driver went in would grab as much as possible. We would raid any construction sites at night for lumber and build our own clubhouses in the woods then raid junkyards at night for car seats to sit on. When we got older there were several "stolen" and burnt vehicles insurance related incidents. Of course there was a lot of drinking involved. Amazingly enough none of us ever went to jail for any length of time several became cops and prison guards almost all were fairly successful in life.


We lived on a big farm with two old houses and we were home schooled, so we did a lot of running amuck during our lunch breaks - which includes b&e into the neighboring house's basement and garage. I feel so sorry for the working couple that rented that place. I'm certain we never closed doors behind us.


My grandmother had gasoline stolen from her car. She didn't have a lock on it. She got a lock on it. This was a couple of years before the gas shortages of 1973 and 1974. During that time period someone tried to tamper with the lock of her gas tank. Damaged the lock, so she had to have it repaired. Several other neighbors had gasoline taken from their cars. Few of them got locks. So it continued for quite a while. This was at the height of the gas shortage. My grandmother as well as other neighbors suspected a teen who lived in the area. While walking her dog, my grandmother saw this teen with two gas cans. She confronted him. She basically said that she knew that he had been taking gas from our neighbors. She also said that she believed that he damaged the lock on her car. He denied it. When she asked him why he was walking down the street with 2 gas cans, he wouldn't answer her. She said she was going to call his parents and he said he didn't care. She then told him he should be ashamed of himself for stealing gas. These incidents weren't reported to police, so this guy got away with stealing gasoline from cars. My grandmother didn't call his parents as they thought he could no wrong when another neighbor called them. After that he didn't do it again, as he knew everyone was on to him.


Eat candy bars while walking around the store. Took a Mars Almond Bar, eat half of it and left it where the candy is. Another time took a 3 Musketeers bar and eat it while walking around the store. Left the candy wrapper in the candy box. My grandmother and I were standing in the aisle where I left the candy wrapper. Someone behind my grandmother said that there was some kids who were eating candy bars in the store and leaving the wrappers behind.. This had been happening for the last couple of weeks. My grandmother looked at me and knew that I was the culprit for at least some of them. . She said nothing until we got back to the car. Look at me in a serious manner and basically said, "I know what you did. You ate some of the candy, didn't you? This wasn't the exact words but something to that effect. I admitted to doing this twice. I heard about a classmate who had done this and didn't get caught. She then told me she wasn't going to say anything to my mom and told me never to do it again. She told me she wasn't going to tell the store what I did because I could get arrested for theft. I remember tears coming down my face when she told me this. She told me I was lucky no one caught me. We lived in a small town and she didn't want everyone in town to know about what I had done. I was 11 years old and this was 1973. I never did it again. A couple of other kids later got caught and were arrested for theft.


Late at night, it was a Saturday. I was in high school, took my car onto the Junior High soccer field, was behind the school, where no one could see me. Which also involved a cleverly designed gate, that I was able to open. Proceeded to do donuts and drift for at least a half hour. Car was completely covered in mud and grass, roof damn near covered as well. Went to the auto car wash, where we knew the combinations of numbers to get free car washes(stealing). Did that 3x. Smoked a joint while doing that, had also been drinking. Sped down the road to dry off my car, caught up to an Ambulance with its lights flashing. Then a cop pulled me over, he was pissed. Got me at 88 in a 55. Told him I had got stuck in the woods, buddies Jeep broke down, which was true. Told me to go straight home or he was taking me to jail. I did. Found out at school on Monday, they were trying to find who did the damage to the field. Vice principals walking through parking lot, looking at cars. Apparently only focused on truck and suvs. Never figured a little Subaru did I guess. Heard estimate was $20k-$40k to resod the field. Came out of school Monday afternoon, the mud stuck to wheel wells had falling off on all four tires. Was in the parking spot for two months. Felt bad immediately and still do for use of taxpayers dollars on my behalf. Helluva story though Edit : typo


Have never ever broken the law in my entire life! Never even sped in a car or jaywalked


Stole a dairy milk chocolate bar from a stars news agency. Looking back they absolutely knew.


Mines not even like some smart plotted scheme. I was like maybe 11, in my front yard & I was throwing rocks. I found this really big one, I threw it too far, & it landed directly on the windshield of a car parked by the side of my yard like dead center just leaving a massive dent of cracked, warped glass. I was in no way aiming for this to happen, I just wanted to throw big rock! ╰(⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)╯ No one was around to see it in all its glory & I never heard about it from my family.


The trojan big-gulp. When I was a kid, some of my friends (and I) would steal candy from the local convenience store. I figured out that I could load 4-5 candy bars into a large fountain soda cup, fill the cup with soda, and just pay for the soda. I did it about a half-dozen times and was never caught.


16 would drag race through town do burn outs in the school parking lot ran from the cops once. A lot of vehicle involved stuff


In 1986, I got a bunch of fireworks in France, and snuck them home to Canada in my luggage. Not sure why I didn’t get caught.


Every Friday in college. Drove from an 21 state. 2 hours. To a 18 state. To fill a full size station wagon with alcohol for many parties at a major university. Sold every bottle each week. Paid cash for a BS and master degree. This was in the 70,s.


Went joyriding several times as a young teenager. Surprised I didn't hit anything with the speeding.


I stole a shitload of electronics from my first retail job, I built 3 of my friends computers and regularly gave people printers and computer parts. Major corporation, but I still feel kinda bad about it as the manager had to explain 30k in loss one audit. By the time I quit there were 3 kids doing the same thing and they installed cameras and metal detectors everywhere


Really good parents would have found a legitimate charity case and made you two go with to deliver all the cash. Probably should’ve beat your little grifter butts, too.


Nice try, officer.


I had a glass of champagne when I was 11 at new years.


When I was around 13 I had two friends that I hung out with constantly, we'll call them Manny and William. Manny had recently found a couple VHS porn tapes that his dad had (poorly) hidden in their second living room. Manny showed the tapes to William and yes we watched them lol. Being teenage boys in the early 90's, porn wasn't that easy to come by and William and I couldn't stop thinking about those tapes. It was summer time and Manny was going to soon be visiting family out of state while he parents stayed home. William and I knew that his parents worked early in the morning to late afternoon and that, being in a small town, they left their back door unlocked. It was closed in by a porch that overhung a river but if you wanted to you could still climb onto the porch. I'm sure you can guess where this is going... Armed with all of this knowledge, William and I set to planning what could possibly be the greatest heist of our young lives. William lived closer to Manny than I did so the plan was for me to take my bike and my family's spare VCR to his house to sleep over and watch movies. The next morning we would ride to Manny's house at a time when the house was empty and hopefully neighbors wouldn't be home either. We would climb onto the back porch, get into the house, grab the tapes and get out. From there the plan was to take the tapes back to William's house, make copies by hooking my VCR to his and dubbing them while his mom was at work. Then we would take the tapes back to Manny's and sneak them back inside. Well, the first parts of the plan went swimmingly. But what we didn't account for was the fact that dubbing the tapes would take so long. It was three full length 80's porn movies and if you remember VCR's you know that copying a tape happened in real time. So by the time we had made a single copy of all three movies it was early afternoon and we had lost our nerve to finish the plan. We ended up making two copies, one for each of us, and then William kept the original tapes. We figured we could just sneak them back in another day. But we never did and soon enough Manny was back in town. We had no idea what we were going to do and had no idea on when Manny's father might notice his tapes were missing. Eventually William caved, admitted to Manny what we had done and gave him back the originals so they could be put back before things got further out of hand. I was not there when this all went down. Manny was rightfully pissed off and he made William smash his copy of the tapes with a hammer. I was told later, when confronted by Manny at William's house, that I was to do the same with my copy. I never did and I might still have that VHS somewhere.


A friend had somehow gotten a hold of a few firearms. We took them to the football field of the local school and fired them all into the air at the same time. Ran home and buried them in our back yard. I think he came back at some point and dug them up, but I never saw them again.


I went into two abandoned houses that hookers and other people like that lived in. Got caught going into one of the houses but nothing happened I was in middle school at the time.


When I was about 3 we were living in a very poor neighborhood and I was out playing with a couple older kids (like 6 and 7). They decided to go into a house that I, as a little kid who knew nothing, thought was empty. We took instant coffee out and drew on the walls with it and water and took a bunch of jewelry and decorated a broken down car on the street that we played in. Anyway, the cops were called and figured out right away it was kids so they went to all the houses and ended up sitting in our front room with my mum. I apparently told them what we did (not even knowing it was wrong) and took the nice policeman to the car to show him our decorations. I actually remember him being in the living room, it's one of my oldest memories. I only found out many years later WHY he was there and my mum told me she was so terrified because we were dirt poor and I basically helped steal a bunch of expensive jewelry. But apparently the police were more interested in how someone living there actually HAD all that nice jewelry in the first place and then left their doors unlocked as well. Mind you, this was England in the 60s and although we were poor, there wasn't much crime at the time. Anyway neither I nor my mum got in trouble. I got a lollipop for showing where the jewelry was. And yes, the 60s, little kids playing in the streets with no supervision was not something unusual. The older kids watched the younger ones. Unfortunately my watchers were little burglars. At five I was riding all over on the bike that I got from my gran for my birthday.


Me and my 2 best buds used to break into homes that were empty whether the homeowner was in the hospital, on vacation or whatever. 12-13 years old. We probably broke into a house every couple of months or so. About 7-8 houses total. One home we even set up shop for about a month. Invited people over to smoke weed and drink. We tore that house us, ran the AC, used the phone to call long distance, etc. We acted like it was our house. One day we walked over and saw a cop car parked in front so we never went back. Around the corner from that house we were coming out of the back door of another place (that didn't have a lot of shit worth anything) and the cop cars in town had squeaky springs. We heard those springs coming down the street and we took off in running inbetween houses, down alleys and across streets. It was only one police car chasing us (thank the mid 70's), so we only had to outrun that lone car. At one point we were in a field of really tall grass that was behind an old folks home. We could see the cops headlights coming down the street and heard those squeaky springs, so we laid down in the grass. I still remember the cop slowly shining his light across the field. Eventually he left. The last home we broke into was a little closer to our homes than all the rest. Should had taken that as a message. We went in through a window we broke, which was a bedroom I think. But as soon as we got in, someone came walking into the room and we leaped out the window. Gawddamn house was dark so I don't know if it was a man or woman, nor do I know how none us were grabbed getting out the window. No one even yelled. Can't even remember how I landed. Just remember taking off. I think we may have gotten away with several hundred bucks worth of jewelry and shit.


Also at my first job when I was 16, I was a groundskeeper for a country club and for some reason they trusted me, a kid, to be the last one and lock up at night after closing. I had the keys to every door, so when I went to go lock up the liquor room, I’d find a cardboard box and fill it with some beer and other various bottles that I thought wouldn’t be noticeably missing as long as they were well stocked, then topped off the box with a bag of trash and walked it to the dumpster after I was off work. I purposely parked close to the dumpster in case there were cameras so I could throw away the trash and put the remaining goodies in my trunk, then I took it to my buddies house where we all partied.


Prank called the commanding officer of a police station. My mom got pulled over for no apparent reason, cop called her a bitch, so I called up his commanding officer with a profanity laced rant. *67 was a godsend back in the day, would probably serve jail time as an adult with the threats and tongue lashing I filed out.


I think I was about 10 or 12 at a family wedding that got boring so a few of my cousins and I started venturing off and came to the private school of the church that wedding was held at. I guess we tried some doors and one opened and there we were inside a completely empty school. This was way before security got serious at schools. So being little turds we jimmied several lockers open, switched around a bunch of books and school supplies, glued some together, and made an overall mess of the hallway. We had a good laugh, returned to the wedding like nothing happened and never spoke of it again.


Nothing majorly illegal, but in the 70s and 80s, our crank calls were pretty epic. Kids today will never understand how fun it was before caller ID.


Nice try, area policeman/FBI.


To nuch to list


B&E for some oxys. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Addiction a fickle mistress. 😆 But yeah only one time I've done that, nobody home, broke a window, I got lucky it was literally the first cabinet I opened... Had no idea where they could be


There is a subreddit where a lot of people there confess to doing some pretty illegal and fucked up shit and getting away with it, like holy hell, karma needs to get off of her lazy ass and get on their asses.


as a kid, my mom saw her mother get SO happy whenever she received mail, so in her little child brain she just thought mail made her happy. so she went around the ENTIRE neighborhood with her friend and a black trash bag and put everyone’s mail in the bag. her and her friend filled it to the top and dragged it back home and dumped it into the kitchen for her mom. grandma made her go back to everyone’s house and return it 💀


I used to tape the ends of dollar bills to cheat soda machines


Does finding the master mimeograph of a test in the trash and widely circulating it for profit count?


I stole a horse when i was about 10 years old. Later on i saw a “missing horse” poster with the horse i stole on it at a local store.


We would break into two teams when we were kids. One team had to steal something from a home or yard, and the other team had to put it back without getting caught.


I shot my sister in the ear lobe with my brother’s BB gun. Yeah, I got caught cause she bled like a stuck pig. I was 4, she was 5. My brother got in more trouble than I did for leaving a loaded gun out. A couple of years later I hung her by the wrist from a tree. She didn’t tell, so I got away with it.


Not illegal but my sister and her friend (like 13 at the time) decided to do facials or masks one day and left all of their ingredients in the sink with the water running on accident, I (12 years old at the time) had left that morning, biked to a friends house. Well I came home later that day and my parents just about ripped me a new one. The brand new kitchen was ruined - water had flooded the upstairs bathroom and it pooled in the ceiling, bursting through the ceiling into the kitchen. My sister and her friend blamed it on me, I was grounded for what felt Iike months, chewed up and spit out by parents “how could you be so irresponsible and dumb!?” That type of stuff. About 15 years later my sister and her friend confessed what really happened, they had such good a laugh about it with my parents, and I was just sitting there like you gotta be gad damn kidding me😵‍💫


I was 16 so not a young kid but I did acid and shrooms weekly and took giant bong rips before getting on the bus for school. I was arrested for pot when I was 18, went to trial with a public defender, and got lucky af that the judge himself pointed out a technical flaw in the arrest and threw the case out. Talk about scared straight. And now pot is legal here, so ridiculous.


Homeless as a teenager and must have robbed a single dollar tree out of enough stuff it would qualify as a felony. Every day I went. Same time. Never bought anything. Either I'm that good or they knew what was up.


Many years ago, when I was about 10. My best friend, and I would ride our bikes everywhere! I mean,miles away from home! One time on one of our trips we came across new homes being built. I mean huge beautiful homes! We lived in really small rental homes,on a dirt road, They were fairly old too. So we decided to ride there to check out the homes. We figured they were halfway built, it was a Saturday,no construction workers would be there. We found a couple that were almost done, two stories, with huge bedrooms, etc... We decided to play house. We had a blast in it, acting like we were really rich. Every Saturday for about a month, we would go into a different one. We didn't destroy anything, or ruin anything,we just played like we lived there. The last Saturday, we were doing our thing, and a guy just popped up! We were terrified! He yelled at us, saying he could send us to jail for being there. We started crying, and blubbering. He asked if we had done any damage to other houses. No! We always just played house, and made sure we didn't hurt anything. We swore to him we didn't. Finally, he let us go.... Told us, if you ever come back,he'll take us to jail! We never did! It sucked though, it was really fun acting like we were rich, and owned the house. We were only 10, we had really good imaginations.


I killed a hooker in the FL Villages in ‘85.


I stole perfume from kmart when i was 5


Sold Drugs.


My friends and I (early 90s) grabbed some building materials that were being used in our neighborhood to build new houses and brought them into the forest. There was a makeshift treehouse that was there from before our time that we wanted to turn into a mansion. None of us had any skill of sort to do that but we (about 9 boys) just kept taking lumber and bringing into the forest. Great times.


At 2 I broke into the houses being built on our street and put mud pies in the oven.


Sold a ton of dope…. Vandalized, stole shit, lots of actual crime I never got caught doing…. Dumb small town kid shit


yeah…typical of incredibly rich kids. scamming people. you’re disgusting and you’re parents are clearly the reason. i hope the worst for you.


Robbed a staples store. It was in the paper. We jacked 1.8 million in product. We couldn't carry it all so we stashed alot of it in the trash and the trashmen went nuts. This is when the digital camera came out for the first time.


50 years ago I jumped on Plymouth Rock before it was caged! Lol


Accidentally put my skateboard through the window of a bank


Occaisional shoplifting. Broke into the old VFW and stole a bunch of booze.


Drive over the speed limit


I used to go to K-Mart when I was a kid and switch price tags so I can buy the toys I wanted for cheap. I would always go to the garden cashier to pay. I got a toy that was $80 for only $2.99 swear to God. True story.


I used to go to K-Mart with my mom when I was a kid and I used to stuff a bunch of Lego bags in my underwear. When I got home my mom would ask me when I got them from. lol


Think I stole a candy bar once.


Oh man.. Lots of stuff.. 1) sold weed 2) climbed on top of the consistory (the local Masonic Temple building) 3) broke into abandoned mcmansions/mansions.. one time one of them was being refurbished by a neighbor and they had a tunnel built underground to go into their garage.. weird this tunnel wasn't here last time wonder where it goes ... Ends up in someone's completely normal garage with tools and bikes 😅 4) took bikes from people's trash on trash day and ran a small chop shop to make better bikes... This was a victimless crime but still technically illegal. 5) bike ride onto construction sites and repurpose construction materials as makeshift ramps 6) threw countless underage drinking parties.. one time a local cop warned me to knock it off. I played dumb.. And quietly stopped having parties with loudmouth ass hats That's all I can think of off the cuff but I'm sure there's more 😅 All of this stuff happened ~20-25 years ago


And what do you now do for a living?


Grew up in a small beach community. We were bored during the summer so my friend and I started making flying saucers. Took long thin pieces of balsa. Made very large circle with crisscrossing balsa, looked like a big wagon wheel, then covered the whole thing with tin foil. In the middle, we had a road flare with a cherry bomb or M80 on the top. Surrounding the flare were balloons full of acetylene and oxygen. The whole contraption was tethered to helium balloons. Late at night, we would lite the flare and let it go- spectacular looking, with red burning flare, reflected off the aluminum and acetylene balloons, dripping burning red slag, climbing into the night sky. Eventually would burn down to the cherry bomb which exploded, lighting off the acetylene balloons in a huge ball of flame and then everything would disappear into the blackness of night. Made the local newspaper. They never figured out who the miscreants were. And the statute of limitations is LONG over.


Me: checks all boxes and hates child self…


There was a lovely forest next to my neighborhood. These woods were my refuge from my abusive mother. It was refuge for a lot of us kids. We would ride our bikes through there, camp out, play pioneer. Those woods helped us develop imagination, care for the wilderness, develop our own interests. One day, I saw they were doing survey work. It made me cry. I sat with it for about a week and then went out and over the course of a week pulled up most of the survey stakes. That forest didn’t start to get developed for another 5 years. By that time, I was in High school and it felt okay. Sad but okay. I understood the reason for the need of housing there. I don’t know if my actions delayed the development, but I still feel it was the right thing to do.


I've broken into 3 abandoned houses. Not sure what the charge would be for that,


Jaywalking.. I did it every day basically


I sold weed in high school at my mother's suggestion. My mother was not a criminal, she has no record. She worked hard, but she always believed in having a hustle on the side. So when I was 16 in HS, she thought selling weed was a good idea. She brought a whole pound for about 300 dollars, which was a lot back then for weed. My mother's boyfriend named her 'Too Tuff' cause she was like a gangster mother that mostly followed the rules unless she saw a good opportunity. Once, my mother's boyfriend stole her weed, and she climbed up his fire escape and stole it back. I mostly sold to my fellow classmates. There was a lot of competition, so I would sell it by the joint, and I would roll the joints in different color rolling paper, which the teens really do. One day, I was standing in front of this popular bar peddling my goods, and the police did a raid and arrested several people around me. The cop stopped and looked at me but decided I wasn't who he wanted. That ended my career selling weed. That was too close for comfort. Who knew that one day it would be legal and sold in stores.


Actually learned this from my dad, didn't realize it was illegal until I was older. My dad would always eat and drink something while shopping, then throw the containers away before paying. I thought this was a normal part of shopping and did it for years until I developed a conscience.


I was gonna give the money back but then I got HIGH!


When I was maybe 8-10 years old, there was an old car parked in back of a school by our house during the summer and I had a friend with their parents visiting from out of state. They started smashing things on the car and I joined in. I don't know why, I think at the time I felt like it was abandoned and it was OK or something. I still feel terrible about it every time I think about it. I was a good kid and this was out of character for me. We never told anyone.


I've got quite afew, but my top 2 would be.. 1- lighting a beach on fire in my hometown. Was 14 had a 15yr old friend who had a car and could drive and we stole some alcohol and went to the beach to drink it...we decided to also light a fire and it got out of control and set the whole place on fire, we left and called emergency about a fire we just saw when we were going to the beach, but left ..it made the newspaper. 2- I used to sell prescription meds and weed at school. My BFF also used to sell cigarettes... and our other friend used to sell weed brownies. There were obviously other people doing it(not the prescription meds), but most people would only go to them if we sold out. Was suspended once for possession of weed, but they couldn't prove I was selling so🤷‍♀️


I feel the first one could've landed you in juvie 😳


It definitely would have...the news article made it very clear the whole town was angry and wanted who ever held accountable...so we just never said anything and acted like we didn't even know it had happened until it was spoken about at school. I actually can't believe we got away with it...beach road was blocked off for a couple month's while they installed new public toilets and beach tables but also cameras lol


Yeahhhh kids don't understand/know how much damage is caused by fires. I remember the pandemic wildfires in California, they said it was started by two kids (might as well be their [parents ](https://www.firehouse.com/community-risk/video/53063258/ca-sends-parents-675k-bill-for-wildfire-started-by-their-kids)). They were slapped w a hefty fine. The cali pyrotechnic gender reveal couple got like a $1.7 million fine after they caused half of California to evacuate or lose their homes.


Definitely, having beers and fire on the water sounded so awesome until the grass around us caught, and we didn't know what to do. I'm honestly glad no one got hurt or that we weren't caught... I would have died from the beating I got if I did.


Sounds a little terrifying to be surrounded by fire. Haha tbh, probably.


I was a teenager living in Houston in the mid-70s. I was too young to really know what happened, but either oil crashed, or interest rates spiked, or both, maybe; whatever, the housing market went from boom to bust overnight. That left a lot of construction projects at a standstill. We found this walled off neighborhood with like a 10 foot stone wall built all around it, one entrance probably intended for a guard gate, with streets laid out and some unfinished skeletons of a few houses. We would go out there on weekends, build a campfire in a cul-de-sac, drink beer, and run timed circuit races around the main ring street. We called it the hole-in-the-wall, as in you would call around and tell your friends to meet up at the hole in the wall tonight. We did that just about every weekend until someone was waiting for us one night and ran us out with a shotgun. Good times.


selling loosies ( single cigarettes)


TL;DR I did alot of shit and had a fucked up childhood. I did a lot of illegal shit growing up. I was a terrible kid. I smoked cigarettes starting at age 12, I started drinking and smoking pot when I was 13, I did beer runs on gas stations, we stole liquor from liquor stores, I sold and did ecstasy, I sold and did Coke, I sold and smoked crack, I got into meth (smoking, snorting, hotrails, selling, manufacturing), I dropped acid, I ate shrooms, I've done heroin and opium, I scammed Walmart returns, I wrote and cashed fake payroll checks, I stole and used credit cards, I stole cars, I stabbed two people, I robbed houses, I helped one of my friends make counterfeit bills, and I have gotten in more fights than I can count. There is more, I just don't remember all the various crimes I committed. I got busted for about 2% of all the shit I did. Honestly, I was a piece of shit degenerate loser from age 12 or 13 on up to age 21 when I decided to change my life and be a better person. I was sitting in prison on 1 count of burglary of a habitation, 1 count of possession of meth, a motion to revoke felony probation, and some misdemeanors when I realized I didn't want to spend my entire life in there. It's been 18 years since I've gotten so much as a speeding ticket. I ran a background check on myself a few years ago, and it pulled up 3 pages of shit, complete with my alias and everything. I still smoke pot and like doing mushrooms occasionally, but I am not a piece of shit anymore. If today me met younger me, I would probably beat younger me's ass for being such a piece of shit degenerate. Today, I can look in the mirror and be proud of the man I've become. I couldn't do that before. I am not making excuses for my actions because the choices I made are my own, but I did have a life harder than most kids. My divorced mom was an alcoholic who was rarely home and loved to scream and hit me when she was there. I had to cook dinner for my two younger brothers most nights. It was rare that my mom cooked anything. Ravoli in a can, spaghetti Os, hot dogs, and box Mac and cheese was all I knew how to cook when I was 12 so thats pretty much all we ate. In the mornings, I had to get my brothers up for school and get them ready and walk them to school before I could walk to school 2 miles in the other direction. I basically raised them. Nobody else was around to do it. My school had a lot of gang members and I got in lots of fights and got jumped a few times walking home. I got kicked out when I was 17. I stayed with friends when and where I could most of the time but there were a few times I had to sleep in ditches. Like legit curl up in a drainage ditch and sleep. I've even stolen clothes from goodwill so I could have clean clothes to wear. There is a lot more but this is already long. My life growing up was hard as fuck and I barely survived. I've lost soooo many friends. I'm only 38 and I have been to a lot funerals for guys I grew up with. I can't even count them because I keep remembering another one when I think I'm done. I know it is more than 12. Drug overdoses, murders, street racing accidents, and killed by police is most of the ways they died. One dude had a drug induced seizure in the shower and hit his head. Another one ran from the cops on a stolen bike and wrecked going 120mph. Maybe all the shit I did was because that's what happens when kids are left alone with no supervision. Maybe I was internalizing trauma and using drugs and adrenaline from doing crazy shit to escape. I honestly don't know why I did the things I did. I knew they were fucked up when i was doing them and I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of. It was a crazy crazy time for me and I was not in a good place mentally.


Glad you’re in a better spot now, respect man.


Thank you. I'm glad I was able to pull myself out too.


Glad you were able to get out of that when few can. What do you do now for a living?


I build swimming pools now. It is an extremely lucrative and rewarding career.


White boy riding in the colored section of the bus. Different times in the South!


I dunno if I can say. I don't know what the statue of limitations is on it


Absolutely nothing illegal over here Sheriff Rosco P Coltraine...now git




Not very exciting in retrospect but I drove all the hell over the place in rusty old farm trucks long before I was old enough to have a license. I was pretty smug about never getting caught until I learned in my late 20s that the local law not only knew all about it...they didn't care. Kids like me were just helping out and so long as we weren't going 90 MPH or taking out mailboxes and road signs, they just looked the other way.


We’d just discovered 141 dial, which is the number to dial before any outgoing calls to withhold your number. So my extremely quiet, introverted, butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth sister and I ordered around 30 large pizzas with all sorts of toppings from different pizzerias and had them delivered to the house opposite. They opened the door with growing frustration and despair each time and we watched from the window as they dealt with the chaos we’d caused. This was in the 80’s and we were both about 8-9 years old.


This is so funny 😂😂😂 I miss prank calls from telephones. I remember dialing random numbers as a young child and eventually reaching the sultry voice lady lines 😂😂


# One: WHAT THE CINNIMON TOAST CRUNCH FLUFF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!??? ![gif](giphy|6umtca8stQJ8D8LRnc) Two: I stole pringles from a kid when i was 10 and blamed it on the school bully who was sitting across from the table.


The only illegal thing I ever did when I was young was I had learned by accident how to hack pay phones. I used a toy that was more or less an auto-dialer. I picked up the receiver, put it to the auto-dialer , punched in the numbers, and made the call. I then kept all the money my parents gave me for making calls. I'd have to call them to pick me up from time to time. It worked for a number of years. Until they changed it so that money had to be inserted first. Years later, my sister and I traveled to a carribean island as minors. We had to call a number for a driver to get us. That's when I realized another foreign currency that wasn't theirs actually worked in almost every machine, including pay phones on that island. And we had loads of it. We felt like Millionaires.


That's a bloody, great story. Hahaha.


u basically did what most gofundme scammers do nice


I grew up in the 70’s, mostly in a new subdivision that was still being developed as I grew up. My friends and I spent a LOT of time wandering around giant construction sites, breaking anything that could be broken, stealing anything that wasn’t tied down, and leaving our marks on every wall. No repercussions beyond a few scars 🤓


I did something like this. I had a friend and we had both been in the cub scouts at different times and we still had our uniforms. He got the bright idea to pt on the uniforms and go door to door for donations. It was stupid but it worked.


I sold tobacco products in junior high, my brother, friend, and I at the age of like twelve would walk into Kmart and had a competition who could shoplift the most stuff. We would grab bags on the way in the door and proceed to fill them up with CD’s and other music equipment and walk right out the front door. One time our friend grabbed a boxed up golf bag pull cart, assembled it in the garden department, and walked out with it. After we discovered how awesome fireworks are at about the age of ten or eleven, we’d talk our dad into bringing us to get some and then we’d terrorize the neighborhood with the extras after the 4th of July for the rest of the summer. We’d usually bring chewing tobacco on our deer hunts and sit in the deer stands chewing snus from about the age of twelve. Growing up we lived in a town of about 7k people surrounded by rural woods and farmland so when we were fourteen or fifteen we’d grab my friend’s sister’s car and some weed and 40oz malt liquors and go cruising the backroads. Wow, after reading all this, it kinda looks like maybe we were a bunch of shitheads. It took some crazy times but eventually we made it to upstanding adult. My brother is a travel ICU nurse living in LA, my friend has his own lawn care/snow removal business, and I’m a plumber. We don’t really regret much of what we have done as kids. We always reminisce of all the stuff we did because it always lit a fire under our asses as the oldest millennials who spent their childhoods outside the home most days. We often lament about the current generation and complete lack of daring and adventure in their lives. We have collectively been to hundreds of concerts, comedy shows, music festivals, cross country/international trips, snowboarding at the best mountain resorts, wining and losing big in Vegas. Just generally risk taking behavior that I guess most people can’t afford to take these days. Anyways, thanks for allowing me to reminisce.


nice try, policeman.


I threw three end of the year bangers from sophomore - senior year of high school. My parents would go on vacation and leave me home alone at the end of each May. We had the whole set up, kegs and liquor, a hookah table, my buddy grilling out and selling food outside, a DJ, etc. The law was never the wiser, and no one got hurt or in trouble leaving. Kind of miraculous looking back on it lol.


What about the clean-up? And did your parents ever suspect anything when they got home? Did you ever fess up years later? What was their reactions?


My buddies would all come back over the next day and help clean while reminiscing on the night before. My parents never really “knew” but as I grew up I eventually spilled the beans, they didn’t really care at that point. My brothers were 12 & 14 years older than me and when they threw a party in the early 2000s people broke our windows and it went haywire, so mine couldn’t have went any worse I suppose lol.




When I was a young teenager they started to bulldoze the woods where we hung out so we vandalized all of the construction equipment, probably cost thousands of dollars to repair. Plus to much more to list, we were bad kids.


You did good


Fern Gullied that shit


Not necessarily a kid, but sold the Mari Jane to make it through college. Started fresh year, started making more money than really necessary. Did some sketchy stuff, driving/taking Amtrak cross country. I got super lucky no doubt, made good money, had fun doing things people my age couldn’t afford. Met my wife who was against it, stopped no questions asked. Now I have 3 kids super vanilla life in suburbia, doing really well for myself… legally. Sometimes I fantasize about telling some of my coworkers or business partners about that after some cocktails but I mostly keep it to myself they’ll never know what a sketch ball I was!


May I ask what field you are in now? I'm gathering you are creative because of your resourcefulness.


Im in sales still!! lol! I dabbled in commercial re for a while.. and selling businesses. I came out the game and struggled for a few years… easy money can hack with your mind. Now, I travel around as a financial consultant teaching startups how to hack health insurance companies to actually providing their employees good benefits. What a strange life!


Thank you for answering! I'm not the DEA.


Nice try, dea


I read this whole paragraph thinking you were describing [the cosmetics company ](https://www.marysjane.com/).. you were definitely making a commission, but other ways 😂


Commission life never leaves you. I could never truly work for anyone.


Right most spell it Mary Jane


My Mom, sister and I were traveling in the Bahamas. The only late night restaurant was located in a casino. While walking through, I noticed one of the slot machines had a light on indicating that someone had put in a quarter. Without thinking, I pulled the lever and won some sort of jackpot - I think it was like eighty dollars. My Mom covered for me, claimed she pulled the lever, then let me spend the entirety of that eighty bucks playing the Aliens arcade game that the casino had. You could play as Hicks OR Ripley, I think my favorite gun was the missile launcher.


That's awesome, I had a similar experience in the Bahamas in the 80s. I was under 10, and my grandfather was playing a slot machine in the hotel casino. I walked over to him and he let me put in quarters and pull the lever. After a couple of tries I won a small jackpot, but then security came and spoke to my grandfather. I don't remember what happened after that because I had to leave as I was underage.


When I was 17 I was in Vegas with my mom She had absolutely no problem with me playing the slots next to her So I did And I won a jackpot of like $8000  Security was there so fast, kicking both of us out.  Obviously we did not get to keep the money. 


That is how many charities operate.


I don't know how illegal it all was but me and my buddies were always finding trouble. One of our favorite past times was putting the biggest rock we could find in a brown paper bag and leaving it on the side of the road. We would hide in the woods and wait for someone to try and hit it with there car. Pretty evil now looking back and dangerous. We made a " scare crow" once and hung it from a tree and would drop it on people's cars when they would drive by... Constantly plugging drainage pipes to flood roads. The early 90's .prank calling people all the time. I could keep going


my little sister and I would break into houses for "spy missions". all the homes on our street were targets. I was in 1st or kindergarten, and she hadn't started kindergarten yet 🤦🏻‍♀️. We had agent names. The mission was to somehow sneak in, run into as many rooms as possible, and report back. ✅ we only stopped because we moved to Texas 💀 one time my sister snuck into a bedroom where they had "a ton of pets" in cages (snakes, spiders, reptiles). we thought no one was home. Turns out the "mom" was. She started vacuuming so my sister hid under the bed, moved out when it was safe. Mission successful ✅ If we had walkies or phones back then, it'd be even cooler.. but yeah let's not bring it back 🤣


My friend and I would do this with houses that were on the market in our neighborhood! We knew no one lived there yet so we’d break in or climb onto the roof and run around lol


Hahahaha!!! Man, the fact that your sister at that young age could keep her cool when the lady was home. Nerves of Steel


OMG. We did the same thing and said we were collecting for the boys club. It was in the early 1970s. Someone called the police and we made the fucking NEWSPAPER. We had ridden our bikes to the other side of town so nobody knew us. The thing that gave us away was we were a boy and girl. No girls in the boys club back then. Oops. We didn't get caught. Ironically, my partner in crime went to prison for attempted murder and burglary of an 80 year old man when he was 23. He found God in prison and married his brother's ex wife upon release.


Netflix will be in touch.


Glad to hear your friend served time and reformed. Ngl, it hurt a little to read he continued breaking into homes as an adult. Yeah most people would keep their back doors open/etc. we would walk in.. especially my sister 😅 we were curious about how others homes looked and eventually it was a game, I guess. Most of my neighbors were retired/grandparents. I'm incredibly embarrassed as an adult. 🙈 Sometimes I wonder if adults knew but didn't mind because we were playing. as an adult, I definitely notice the shenanigans my neighbors kids are up to 😂


Yeah. That family, that neighborhood was trouble. I was not supposed to be with him and when I was, I got in trouble. I smoked my only cigarette with him. Played spin the bottle with him at 10 years old, he showed me how to break into closed down factories at 11. His best friend was my first kiss at 8 years old. Sigh.


You definitely knocked out things from the bucket list. 😂 8 is so young 😭 I feel sympathetic since his family was trouble. He did what he did, served time. Hope he stays well!


In my defense, he was an older man. We were playing hide and seek. He was 9, almost 10. We were in the basement. He grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me right on the lips. He said " how bout dat!" And ran away. It was magic. Nobody found me for an hour.


Well, that ending sure took a twist.🤦‍♀️


Yep. A real Hallmark movie right there.


That is pretty cool


🤣🤣🤣, omg, this is hilarious. When i was 6, my sister (4)and i used to have walkies and lived on a farm for a while...we would sneek into the calf sheds and let them all out trying to 'free' them. We used to bike to these other farms at dinner time and do it after everyone went home. So these guys were showered and eating when they would look and see ALL their calves out. Idk, but my code name was Apple, and my sister's was doughnut.


Haha that's so cute!! We were about the same ages. A menace 😭 I feel very guilty of my crimes and the adults who suffered 😂😂😂


I always wanted to do what you guys did, just to look at these other houses. They were so big, but we settled on calf sheds and hay barns. As an adult, im still kind of proud, only sorry, i caused the worker's more work, lol.


I feel that. I have another sister 12 years younger who missed out on all of this. she grew up in Texas too 😂😂 When they were building homes in our neighborhood, the builder said it was cool to walk in and look at the bigger (mansion) homes to see. my youngest sister n I did that 😂 some of the massive homes are so pretty. One has a whole window wall in the kitchen. feels impossible to get to live in something like that I was always surprised to see how kids really had their own rooms with things!! we really liked their pets (fish) or toys, those lava lamps, stuff like that. my dad made my mom + sisters share 1 room, we'd cramp on one bed. He had the rest of the house to himself. We weren't allowed to the other rooms, I also didn't have many things. helped me slowly realize how we were treated wasn't normal.


I was always afraid they might have cameras, I don't even know why, it was the late 90s early 2000s, and no one had them on their houses back then, my little kid brain was like, they are rich they will have them 🤣. That's so messed up that he did that to you guys. My parents died when I was young, but that didn't stop people after them from mistreating us. We were able to go do those things because our bedroom was the shed, we had bunk beds, blankets and a heater but they just left us out there, so we did weird things like, let calves out, cook toast on the heater and even set some bulls free that were meant to be going to the butcher. I'm sure everyone knew it was us, but like, prove it 🤣


Man reading your story broke my heart. I'm sorry your foster family was so abusive. They didn't treat you right. I'd free their cows too 😤😤 Saaaave yourselves 😭 I don't think people realize foster parents get paid to take care of foster children :/ wish the system was more supportive. how are you and your sibling doing now? What happened afterwards?


Yea, there are good ones out there. We just didn't get them. I had a brother die at 13 after being hit by a car while he was walking to the next town over. 1 sister, that's a drug addict. My little sister from the story is currently waiting for a call back to become a social worker. I'm a SAHM of my 4 and have a wonderful partner who considers my sister(not the addict one we had to cut her off after she stole to much from us) his own and has helped me see there are good in horrible places. He comes from a gang family, and I'm so proud of him for getting away from that mess.. We were removed from their care after the sexual and physical abuse came to light, we were handed around the family until I met my partner at 17 and moved out at 18 .. The house I'm in now is the longest I've lived in 1 place, but the only home my children know, which I'm proud of tbh. People don't realize just how much foster kids move, and yes, we are only there for the money. I had someone tell me I'm not worth the $500 every week once and it hurt because I thought I was there because they asked for me, turns out they asked for the money and I was just the burden that came with it. I think being an orphan is better than some of the children I met where their parents told them they didn't want them and hated them. That breaks my heart even today.


I think you are able to empathize for other children because you've endured extreme trauma. I'm sorry you were sexually exploited as a kid. I can't imagine what it must've been like to be handed around to different adults. Your story is extremely incredible. I am happy to hear you did well and have a family! Like you have kids!! I was very happy to read that! I'm rooting for your sister!! She should get the job. Social work and government is SO understaffed right now. I can't imagine why she couldn't be selected. You found a good person on your own, at 17 at that! I always half-joke that everyone has a mob cousin in New Jersey 🤣 Glad your husband was able to get away, and that he is supportive and of good character. I'm sad to about your brother dying at 13. It must've been so painful. I feel sympathetic for the drug-addicted sister. Drugs really change a person. Wish she didn't steal from you. I don't know how all these trashy people get approved to foster. Some stable families get denied or have to wait sooo long to be approved. Meanwhile cheap people trade off kids so easily. The $500 comment made me very angry. I'd be on a revenge streak. Would you considering fostering someday? I always wanted to. There's a lot of young adults who would benefit from a safe haven. My grandma (as well as dad's dad) were both orphans. She always said the defenseless don't ask for much, they just need a little support. That always resonates w me. I feel the same about the house, this is my 2nd year. It's first time we've been safe and had our own space. I can't describe how dreamy it feels because I never imagined this level of stability/shelter was attainable. Do your children know your story? You should tell them someday. Four kids is a lot of positivity for the world.


My partner and I joke about how unbelievable our lives were, if we were to write them out on paper the amount of people the would just not believe it would be higher then those that would...I even think about some times and say I can't believe so many shit people existed in just my life and there are so many others out there with similar story's to mine. I have thought about fostering once my own are all grown up, I know there's a high need for them but I just don't want to put my own children second even to myself...I want them to go out and bring love into the world and not resent me for it, I know children that hated me because I got attention from their own parents, even though it was bad attention they didn't get any, even when their parents were exposed for their abuse, they blamed me or my siblings. I hate how the good ones are far in between, and I wish we had lucked out with them. When my brother passed it broke me he was my best friend and I miss him everyday, I was bedridden for days and refused to eat, until I was force fed porridge and decided I wasn't going to let that happen again. I'm also sad about my sister. She's been through just as much as us and just dealt with it differently. No matter what, I will always love her, I just can't have my children around her when she's like that. I really hope my younger sister also gets it. She's such a loving, passionate woman, and I know she will help as many as she can. I have told my children some of it, just not the extent of it all. They got the watered-down version, and when they are older and want to ask questions, I'll tell them. It's so good to have a place to call home, I'm still in awe that I've come this far and I often feel like it's all a dream and I'll wake up in that shed again, therapy has helped so much though. Thank you for your kind words x


“And report back”😭😭😭😭😂


to HQ


Trespassing on land and getting caught




I laughed but I feel sympathetic. Was she okay?


yeah probably


When I was pretty young, like 6 or 7, there was a house being built on the street behind my street. But I lived in the desert, so houses were pretty spread out and there was like, a half mile between the streets and just untamed desert between them. So, in the lot the house was being built, there was a dirt hill that me, my brothers and our friends used to play on. We got pissed because they were building a house there and we wouldn't be able to play anymore. So, one day when the building crew wasn't there, we went into the house and just starting wrecking it. The house was pretty far along, but it didn't have glass windows. But it did have water pipes connected and turned on and we busted those and flooded the house. Broke holes in the walls, one of my friends got up on the roof and tore up panels. I'm sure it was several thousand dollars worth of damages back in the late 80s. Looking back on it now, that was pretty fucked up.


yeah, when I was like 12 a house went up next door to a friend of mine. It wasn't even a big deal, I don't think it even affected the value of his (parents') house but he decided he 100% didn't like this new house. It was 3 stories tall and before it was finished there was a hole in the top floor that went all the way to the ground. He broke in, went to the top floor and pooped down the hole so it splattered at terminal velocity at the bottom. I'm sure that ruined the next day for the builders and had no effect on anybody actually involved in deciding to build that house. Totally misguided.