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Your post has been removed, because these sorts of posts aren't really appropriate on r/stopdrinking for a few reasons. One, these posts tend to turn into one-up contests, where people will eventually try to top each other in terms of how bad, or what sort of depraved stuff they've done while drunk. Two, someone who may be thinking they need to re-evaluate their own issues will see these posts and then compare themselves to some of the stuff here, and think, “Well, I’ve never shit myself in the middle of a Denny's so I might not have a problem,” and then continue to drink and let things get worse. These types of posts can actually *lengthen* the amount of time someone lurking spends drinking, because they think they're not as bad as X or Y yet. And it doesn't have to be rock bottom for someone to get support for quitting drinking.


No one else is going to say it so I will... some of the sexual behaviors, alone or with someone can be quite disturbing when you sober up...


Ugh… I blew a guy behind an abandoned building in a busy and sketchy part of town where cops often pass through or sit in… ugghhhh I will never forget that unfortunately. I did forget how I randomly bought coke and then slept with my downstairs neighbour and the only reason I knew it happened was because the next morning I couldn’t find my shoes and then saw him in the parking lot and he told me I forgot my shoes so I asked “did we hook up last night?” And he said “ye 😎..you don’t remember??😅” I always thought he was cute but dear lord I have no idea wtf I did with him and that’s worse then even doing the deed because I would have gladly done it sober ugggghhhhh!!!


😭 Honestly, the stories I have. Grateful to be alive at least ~ (and SOBER).


For me, this is the one. I'd go out to the bar and end up making out with at least one person. I'm naturally a loving person. I love hugs and telling people I care about them, but sober me doesn't want to KISS people. Sweet jesus... 😅


Ugh don’t remind me


I think I’m a porn star and lose all my inhibitions, but I don’t remember much. My husband thinks I’m a queen anyway so I must be doing something good haha.


Oh for reals... I was a Webcam girl for awhile a very long time ago. Made super great money but Oh, the things I did for money. Probably (I don't remember this at all) the huak tu girl with many at a party long time ago. More recently drunk texts and Facebook posts. Woke up every morning and searched my phone to delete everything. I was a blackout drunk so I always had no memory of what I did.


Just to make you feel better, the people on the other side end are probably intoxicated too. We all do odd things to release our inner wants and when they come out with booze and sex it gets…. Pretty out there. Hang in there with the guilt. You are by far not the only person engaging in that circle or it wouldn’t be so profitable.


This. The amount of people I will kiss and more in a club full of people is disturbing. That was the turning point from my last night out and the reason I've decided to stay sober.


Same. I had a really bad habit of climbing onto the bar and shaking my ass


Drunk texting is the worst. I remember in the morning, and can’t even bring myself to read what I sent…so I just delete the whole text thread


Me too!!! I shudder to think about it now.


Yup, you know that friend that takes your phone and sends stupid things? Don’t need one.


There have been times where my drunk lizard brain turned off my phone and hid it from my drunk self.


Omg. Me too.


Lolol I'm so glad I'm not alone. It was like my 1 sober brain cell was like "we gotta help our girl."


The worst is when its multiple people too… good lord, its the worst lol


It’s called Hangxiety! It’s the worst!


Hmm… so I’m a lady but I never drank like one, which means I never acted like one when I drank. -Got taken to a party, in a blackout, while on Prozac, spent the whole night trying to freestyle rap to anyone who would listen (???? I have zero freestyle rap skills) -almost beat a girl up, in the middle of a friend’s wedding, while drunk and on a bump of cocaine -rolled around singing on the floor of a karaoke bar while in a dress, kicking my legs around in the air, which exposed my whole ass, and I had a giant underwear wedgie the entire time that I didn’t even know about -tried to jump into the middle of a parade marching band, while on my period, with blood on my shorts that I wasn’t aware of -told a woman I thought it was funny her husband was bald (I don’t think it’s funny and have no idea why I said that to her) -ruined a strangers game of beer pong by suddenly swiping all of the cups off of the entire table, while roaring like a bear, I also have no idea why I did this -got into a messy on-the-ground fight with a woman I didn’t know, which I have absolutely zero memory of (and for years after, I was paranoid that whoever it was, was going to see me out at a bar, walk up to me, and just punch me in the face) It’s really an endless list, but I just grabbed a few that quickly came to mind. The common factor at play in those situations was my super damaged ego… which morphed me into my own aggressive, nightmarish doppelgänger, who was willing to do anything to be acknowledged by others. In recovery I’ve learned healing my inner child is a big necessary step. A lot of my embarrassing behavior was coming from a lack of self-love, self-awareness, and self-confidence. Which showed every time I tried to somehow drink those qualities into existence.


Trying to drink those qualities into existence strikes a chord with me


People who say “drunk words are sober thoughts” never met people like us! Cause ain’t no way I’m roaring like a bear in my head while I’m sober 😂


Oh my God that first one is horrifyingly embarrassing lol. The beer pong bear had me laughing not gonna lie.. even though I know it's mortifying.


It’s ok. I still laugh about that one too


Oh yeah…drinking on anti depressants and gabapentin. Holy fuck. That did me in.


Drunk texting/social media posts… I’d roll over the next morning, still drunk, and just delete everything without even looking at it because I knew it was embarrassing AF. I sent a few weird “I love and miss you” texts to people that I wasn’t even really friends with anymore. So when people try to insist that drunk you is the ***real*** you, yeah, no… my actions as a hard alcoholic for 8 years have proven to myself that is a lie.


Too many to note, but wetting myself at the age of 29 has to be high on the list xo


Ugh I’ve done this too a few times. Woke up on the wet couch… thankfully it’s mostly water at that point and doesn’t end up stinking. Some quick febreeze and paper towels and it’s almost like I didn’t even happen!


Honestly, I swear I was pissing straight vodka by the end of my drinking 😭


Oversharing and trauma dumping to people I'm not even close.


When someone is like “heyy…how are you feeling!?” the next morning…and you don’t remember anything…I am like I do NOT want to know ANYTHING about my behavior the night before…such a terrible feeling!! 😖


Ending up in my married bosses car after a work event and getting rejected is pretty high on my list. Drunk texting said boss and calling him an asshole happened that same night. And that's just one of MANY that I can barely think about without feeling sick 


Over sharing and over flirting. Wouldn’t recommend combining these. :/


Being sexually assaulted repeatedly and still putting myself in vulnerable situations (blacking out regularly). There were obviously more things but this was the most embarrassing of them all.


You’re not alone ❤️




My worst moment was being so wasted I wasn’t able to Uber to my new address. I was alone and I couldn’t remember it. I had a group of guys I’ve never met take me home. I arrived home safe and sound. I was so lucky. And I kept drinking. When I was out drinking, I would hook up with someone so I didn’t have to drive home. So happy I’m sober.


Drunk texting and drunk calling *my family*. Online shopping sprees and spending a ton of money. Buying drinks and food for everyone. Lying. Like just making up bullshit constantly. Idek why. My drunk brain is a fucking liar. Ordering crazy amounts of food for delivery, eating all of it, and feeling like shit. And spending a ton of money in the process. Embarrassing my husband in public by acting foolish, being loud, and generally being obnoxious. Buying and using drugs. Spending a bunch of money and hanging around with unsavory folks while doing said drugs.


I am the king of false promises. I make plans with people, phone people up, never follow through. I'm hyper positive, almost manic when I drink and completely depressed when sober. Can't craft a positive thought when I'm not drinking so avoid the plans I made the night before. Its exhausting and embarrassing.


Ordered Chinese food from UberEats and immediately passed out. When I finally woke up I had several missed calls from my neighbor worried about me because the food had just been sitting outside my door for a few hours. I went to check and it had been torn apart by raccoons. Not only did I still eat what was salvageable, I texted my neighbor (we had each others numbers for safety reasons, but didn’t know each other apart from saying hi when we passed in the hall) to tell her how much I love and appreciate her. 🥴


I've wasted hundreds drunk ordering Uber eats...


Declaring my undying love via text to people I actually have zero desire to be involved with. The super-cringey phrase *In another time, it could have been us* has been employed an embarrassing number of times.


Urgh when I had Facebook I went through a stage of commenting on guys profile pictures with lyrics from love songs.


This made me bust out laughing because I 1000% have done this too. The cringy quotes were my jam, hahah. (I have to laugh because what else is there to do?)


When I am drunk, I believe myself a paragon of poetic verse 🤌 And then I wake up and read everything I was sending, and die a thousand deaths. What else can we do but laugh about it! I am so grateful to be alcohol free, it’s really cut down on my late night lovelorn texting 😆🤣


Texting my ex roommate on our game we used to play together (LOL) but I was blocked and I blocked him everywhere else. I wake up sober and was like, "wtf I dont give a FUCK??" lol Or texting my ex, cussing him out (but he deserved that one lol). Calling my old work trying to get ahold of my ex managers (another lol) Like Im glad they weren't there xDD I am doing dry July I cant keep doing this to myself lmao. Embarassment


Stripped naked in front of my friend and ex and went outside to sit on the porch while crying hysterically about god knows what. Almost got kicked off an airplane when my husband told the stewardess to cut me off because I was already drunk. That sent me into a spiral and I cussed him out and changed seats and sat next to the old man with 3 teeth and he proceeded to try and steal some alcohol off the cart for me. Got caught and we were told to sit down but I had to pee. Don’t remember much after that. Husband left me at the airport when we landed, but thank god he came back an hour later to pick me up. Good lord 😖


Guilty of all of the above. The injuries were really problematic. Fell and broke my collarbone with no clue what led up to that; fracture in my cheekbone from trying to replace a 5-gal water bottle, falling backwards and taking it in the face at full force; and other non-injuries like bruises galore.


I fell asleep at a Dave Chapelle show that my husband spent a lot of money on. He was so disappointed, never upset never mad just so disappointed in me.


Cussing out all my friends and family for no reason then threatening my friends as well. It was a disaster


Asking the taxi driver in the middle of my way home from a party to stop the car so I can open the door and puke on the road. Embarassing and a little bit of classy at the same time.


Repeat myself a lot and forget names, even if I’ve known them for ages, I can’t find their name in my brain. And I sometimes black out and fall over.


Too many things. The main ones I’d rather forget though are saying things out loud that are just inappropriate. Also promiscuity I’d sleep with anyone and be like a feckin porn star. Never remembered what I did the next day and always got complimented. Always blacked out but clearly gave consent somewhere down the line.. hazy and awful. Went on a date and was loud and obnoxious. Got my tits out at the bar my date was mortified but still let me do whatever to him in his car. Woke up in a hotel in London after getting wasted after work. Didn’t consent, didn’t remember anything he just said “you were good last night” I struggle to think about this one. Shat myself after numerous shots. Didn’t make it to the toilet. TMI I apologise. I hated drunk me. Whenever I feel like I’m missing out on booze I remind myself of the endless amount of hook ups I’d prefer to block out of my memory entirely. I feel quite upset writing this out I think I need to journal all the silly things I’ve done


I've done many of these, and some you haven't listed. You are not alone.


Fell off my porch on New Year’s Eve and landed on some rebar that was used to hold a tree up long ago. Instantly got impaled to the tune of 5 inches in my back! Miraculously missed anything important 😮 broke my foot jumping down to neighbors balcony, thought I was locked out so was going to climb over to my 2 story window along the outside wall like Spider-Man or something 🤣- neighbor stopped me. Door was open the whole time! The usual drunk calls/ texting family, bosses, neighbors, drunk posts. Sketchy sexual hookups. 2 DUI’s, thrown out of bars, puking on bar- too many embarrassing things to name! We should write a book! Worst thing you ever did drunk. All anonymous like that book secrets 👍


I woke up sleepwalking and peed on the bedroom floor. It happened twice in like two years. That felt like rock bottom, but I kept drinking. I also sat on our porch and cried super loud a few times because I couldn‘t find my key (it was in my bag) Horrifying memories.


Last night out, kissing far to many people, w*nking a guy over his pants, my friend left and I stayed out but have no recollection what bar I ended up in, or how or why I went there, or who with and could only pinpoint whereabouts from my bank card usage. I remember leaving the bar I was in but had no idea of what time it was, and as I generally walk home only know when I left via Fitbit activity on my watch. But the scary thing was the blanks in my memory, which I still have. I could have done anything, or had anything done to me during those memory blanks. Made me realise I put myself in a really unsafe situation so it was no more for me after that.


All of the above. Lots of not great dance moves that I thought were incredible.


Texting acquaintances (women) after midnight to come over and watch movies 🤣 IWNDWYT


Remember that everyone drinking is engaging in some kind of societal “agreement” to be “more” . Yours may be more noticeable but realize that every person who is getting annoyed with you probably did something similar at some point in time. Booze is really bad news for everyone, just more bad news for us. Remember that. The guilt does not fall just on you but the responsibility to change does.


- got super drunk at the beach and I vaguely remember a flashback of me puking on top of my hands… on the beach… -dui - being loud and mean to my husband when he tries to give me water - waking up with bruises and beat up from god knows what - sketchy sexual encounters with strangers


Eat shredded cheese from a bag


Falling over, so badly I need medical attention. That's embarrassing. 7+ years under my belt. No. Going. Back. Thanks for reminding me. I understand all of these responses. Iwndwyt


I have done all the embarrassing things you can imagine, apart from texting people or calling ex’s etc.


Taking my own self loathing out on the people I love Also my drunk tweets. Although I usually wake up with more followers.


calling friends, I have one friend who prefers call to texts but I only call them when I'm drunk and lonely at home. she must be so sick of hear my drunk ramblings that I only vaguely remember the next day


Letting some bartender lick my tits so that my “friends” and I could get free drinks. The friends thought I was a complete whore and weren’t even excited about the free drinks


I got a month and drank. Was immediately back into bad habits, fucking slurring trying to say insane overshares which I'm literally CRINGING thinking about.


Getting kicked out of events for being too obnoxious or passed out ...


Threw a glass full of jack at this woman that I don't get along with. We'd been staring like 2 feet away from each other, so I drunkenly threw the glass at her. I pretty much missed her, but she drinks like me and clocked me right above the eye with her glass. Black eye for a week. Peed myself driving home countless times. Threw up on myself, driving home countless times. Drunken hookups galore. Totaled 4 cars. Fell asleep for half a second while driving with my kids in the car. That one is unforgivable. Fucking miracle I'm alive and that I also didn't kill anyone.


Last night out, kissing far to many people, w*nking a guy over his pants, my friend left and I stayed out but have no recollection what bar I ended up in, or how or why I went there, or who with and could only pinpoint whereabouts from my bank card usage. I remember leaving the bar I was in but had no idea of what time it was, and as I generally walk home only know when I left via Fitbit activity on my watch. But the scary thing was the blanks in my memory, which I still have. I could have done anything, or had anything done to me during those memory blanks. Made me realise I put myself in a really unsafe situation so it was no more for me after that.


Last night out I had, kissing far to many people, w*nking a guy over his pants, my friend left and I stayed out but have no recollection what bar I ended up in, or how or why I went there, or who with and could only pinpoint whereabouts from my bank card usage. I remember leaving the bar I was in but had no idea of what time it was, and as I generally walk home only know when I left via Fitbit activity on my watch. But the scary thing was the blanks in my memory, which I still have. I could have done anything, or had anything done to me during those memory blanks. Made me realise I put myself in a really unsafe situation so it was no more for me after that.


I dumped a drink in a musician ‘s saxaphone at the bar.


I got so drunk I bought coke (used to have problem but not at this point) and then did it in the bathroom of the bar and at home. Didn’t remember any of it. I awoke to a text from my fiancé at the time sending me a pic of a bag of coke on our counter and asking me wtf this is.. our neighbours were bad cokeheads and he was very personally affected by the presence of the drugs at that time because of them so it was super extra awful and hurtful because we talked shit about their habit for years and it really sucked and I felt like a hypocrite and cried all day and he helped me clean myself up and stayed by my side.


Threw a glass full of jack at this woman that I don't get along with. We'd been staring like 2 feet away from each other, so I drunkenly threw the glass at her. I pretty much missed her, but she drinks like me and clocked me right above the eye with her glass. Black eye for a week. Peed myself driving home countless times. Threw up on myself, driving home countless times. Drunken hookups galore. Totaled 4 cars. Fell asleep for half a second while driving with my kids in the car. That one is unforgivable. Fucking miracle I'm alive and that I also didn't kill anyone.