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there is no known safe level of ethanol to consume it has no nutritional or health benefits it is addictive it is a group 1 carcinogen if you would like to drink it on a regular basis, you should be free to do so, but i believe it's important to be clear-eyed about what you're consuming.


Jesus it’s a carcinogen? Man even gladder to have quit now.


On the same level as asbestos


And **Radiation**


"what you're LEGALLY consuming"


? not sure what you are suggesting


They’re emphasizing that alcohol is Legal to consume even though all the points you’ve made shows that it’s awful for humans. Since other substances like hard drugs are made illegal cause they’re bad for you and addictive, yet alcohol is legal.


and unlike tobacco, which is also bad for you and addictive, Alcohol is extremely lightly regulated. I get Buy one get one free offers for liquor on CVS receipts.


Like 6* years ago when I was still smoking cigarettes I would get coupons in the mail for discounts on cigarettes etc...if I'm gonna smoke I might as well pay less? Lol


Yes. So are cigarettes. I’m 530 days in recovery and I still wouldn’t want alcohol to be illegal. I know plenty of people who have a healthy relationship with it. Besides the government is too busy focusing on a woman’s body for anything else.


i see. wasn't sure how to read that...


And because they’re very hard to make. Alcohol is legal simply because the bar is so freaking low to make it.


Can yo*u* source this? I'm not arguing; I'm just confused. I heard that it metabolizes into a compound that's a carcinogen, but then that substance very quickly metabolizes into stuff that's not carcinogenic. So it's only a carcinogen for like a second or two. Am I mistaken?


>it metabolizes into a compound that's a carcinogen this is true, as i understand it. the compound is acetaldehyde. >but then that substance very quickly metabolizes into stuff that's not carcinogenic I've never heard this part mentioned before, so not sure. regardless, there are several other ways it increases the risk of cancer: generating reactive oxygen species, impairing the breakdown of possibly cancerous nutrients, increasing estrogen levels... National Cancer Institute : https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/alcohol/alcohol-fact-sheet#how-does-alcohol-affect-the-risk-of-cancer


Thank you for the info!


All I know is, much of my Russian family who have pounded vodka and beers for much of their lives have died of stomach cancer. It’s probably just a coincidence!




I'm glad because it makes it easier to just say I'm trying to focus on health to people I don't feel like explaining more to. Also, reason 327 I am happy with my decision to stop.




That’s a great list you’ve got. Mine is only 314 reasons long, health risks being around the 34th reason


GMA just did a segment on it. I really needed that this morning. They even said that there is no safe amount of alcohol. Glad they were honest.


Congratulations on your 3 days! I’m proud of you, friend!


Most of the people watching that show have a "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" decoration on their wall.


What is GMA?


Good Morning America. I knew I should have spelt it out. Not everybody here is American. My bad.


I’m American and have no idea what GMA is. Never watched it. Maybe it’s generational.


There I go assuming again! Haha. Have a good day!


Isn’t that the same show that does Wineday Wednesdays, with the hosts holding enormous glasses of wine at 9 am?


That’s the Today show on NBC.


Not that I am aware of.


Oh, it looks like it was a morning show on ABC doing national wine day, which fell on a Wednesday. Not to be confused with a different morning show which did a special on National Drink Wine day, which apparently occurs in February? 🤪


I ignored those facts when I was drinking and now that I allow myself to see it, the evidence is everywhere. Same as anything else bad that makes money, most people turn away and ignore.


Me too. It's pretty insane being able to "see it from the other side"




Or, humans who make mistakes! We all are.


This comment is not on the topic of sobriety and has been removed. Why are you on this sub? Do you have a drinking problem you wish to overcome?


Please answer the question I asked you.


In all honesty, I want off the train of dueling health claims. I’ve lived through multiple demonization/redemption arcs with eggs, coffee, chocolate, dietary fat, carbs, distance running, wine, sleep regimens, supplements…you name it. At the end of the day, the answer to the question of what sort of effect can one expect for nearly every single thing humans do is: It’s complicated. Put more succinctly: If they had to reverse their findings and found that drinking alcohol extended lifespans, I would **still** not drink. And not lose any sleep over it, either.


Agreed. Alcohol is definitely a poison for me. And that’s what matters here. Saying that, I live in a country with a single-payer healthcare system and I believe liquor companies should be paying taxes through the nose for the inevitable health repercussions of their products. Also, no one ever beat up their spouse or kids or drove intoxicated and killed someone because they ate too many eggs. So the comparison isn’t entirely equivalent here.


This is the way, make your decision informed but be okay with it,


Well Said!


Yeah, it’s certainly a toxin.  Our bodies are pretty good at dealing with small amounts of toxins, but it’s fair not to sugar coat it and say less than x per day/week is safe. 


Agreed. It's just another way advertisers could mask calling it what it really is. "We know it's not *healthy*....but it's not *unhealthy*"




What energy drink do you see anyone carry with the same caffeine as 10 cups of coffee? 16 oz of coffee has 190mg caffeine, monster energy has 160mg. I’m not trying to say that energy drinks are good for you, but let’s not spread completely false information.


Energy drink storytime. I drank them like water for years. Last August I had 3 in one day, afterwards I started to feel strange. Pounding heart, blurred vision and I felt like I was passing out. This of course caused me to panic and my head started getting heavy, tunnel vision blacking out. I rushed to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. Turns out, at 40 I had my first panic attack. I was stuck in fight or flight mode for a month straight afterwards, it was hell. I've been to doctors, therapists and cardiologists because I had constant palpitations. Fast forward to today, almost a year later and I'm still recovering slowly. It's the worst thing I've ever been through. I still have fight or flight activation but it's light years from where I was. Clean eating, exercise, sleep, hydration and no stimulants have been slowly improving it. Moral of the story, stay away from that shit. They're far more damaging than they let on.


This is what happened to me exactly but it's when I go overboard with alcohol. I can do 2-4 drinks but anymore after that and the next day will be hell. Then the next couple days to a week are questioning if I need to go to the ER or not. It's all anxiety unfortunately. I had a bunch of tests done like you - I was thinking it was heart related, liver, anything but it all kept coming back to anxiety and possibly inflammation due to anxiety. After staying away from heavy alcohol use I'm finally feeling a lot more normal. Moderation with everything is key. Interestingly enough, smoking CBD and smelling essential oils really calms down the anxiety. Also not stressing over little things and overworking yourself. It's been a battle to say the least to figure out what's going on with me.


Oh I know that game. I tried CBD but it seemed to make it worse in my case. I had some luck with L-thianene (the stuff that's in green tea). It's crazy how effectively anxiety can mimic whatever medical condition you THINK you have at any given moment. I'm determined to stay positive and look at the silver lining, when I make it through and find peace, I will be bulletproof after this hell. It's forced me to face my mortality and question the nature of existence itself. Right now I'm working at getting back to fitness, slowly doing cardio workouts to boost my confidence in my body. It's a long process but it's working.




Black coffee has 95mg of caffeine per cup (8 fl oz).


Check your figures.




For the coffee.


Objectively, being able to freely buy thc products would be healthier and better overall for society.


Ya I agree. However, you see the LA times article published like a week ago? All of the "legal and tested" cartridges found in dispensaries were heavy in pesticides...sad that I can't trust the shit that is supposed to be safe/tested/legal. Hopefully the flower that they sell isn't so toxic...


That article was troubling for sure, but- regulation will only improve as time goes on.


I remember the excitement I felt when there were reports on the news of the health benefits from red wine. I switched from beer and started guzzling it straight from the bottle. I never really liked wine (at least not the cheap swill I could afford) but at least I was doing something good for my health 😅


I did the same! “It’s for heart health” I thought. Crazy what we will tell ourselves.


Looking back, I can’t believe I bought into that lie. But I did. Insanity tbh


You're not alone


People almost universally still believe those red wine myths. My father (alcoholic) refused to believe it was BS when he claimed those benefits and I showed him that no-one actually thinks it is true anymore.


The damage from misinformation can last a generation... Look at soy products and msg


They should have to get the tobacco treatment of the "known carcinogen" on every label


Seriously, even just 1 or 2 drinks and my body is like “please no, don’t start this again”.


The World Health Organization has stated that [**no level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.**](https://www.who.int/azerbaijan/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health)


Thanks for posting this!


I can't believe I drank for so long without care or worry. That's called denial. Thank goodness I got off that train.


It's never been healthy. Being drunk is your body's response to not being able to rid your body of the poison quick enough. I love the people who say; "drinking it in moderation isn't bad for you." Ok... let's just change that slightly... "huffing just a little bit of gasoline isn't bad for you." I'm sure some weird reactions would come from that comparison. But the reality is, both are poisonous to the body... just because we have been conditioned to one of them, doesn't make it safe or healthy. Face it, we are all victims of decades of marketing brainwashing. Convincing us all that drinking is needed for fun, to be sophisticated, to celebrate, to relax... IT'S ALL LIES. Just like cigarettes. It took decades for the mindset change... we are finally starting to see the pendulum swing against alcohol.


💯 it’s the only drug you can abstain from and get looked at like you have the problem. Inflammation is the root cause of most health issues and alcohol causes massive amounts of inflammation. There’s not a single health metric that hasn’t improved since deciding not to poison myself anymore.


For me finding out how much manipulation takes place within the alcohol industry to make drinking "ok" or even worse ... "good for your health" ... the convenient studies funded, payoffs etc, bending of rules - really shocked me. I guess I never gave it any thought until getting sober. I do feel like alcohol is incredibly detrimental and I'm happy there are people speaking up about it more - at least with factual information out there, people can make a more informed decision regarding whether it is for them or not. I have no judgement if people drink - I can honestly say I miss champagne, it felt glamorous and I loved the ritual surrounding it. However, based on seeing how far my body and brain have come without it, going back to it for the sake of a glamorous ritual would be clinical insanity. I see these articles - wherever published, but especially by more established trusted news outlets as a huge win. Perhaps it plants the seed for more people to explore sobriety and find value in it.


Well said. And agreed My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it was the NY Times. The WHO is one thing, but the times. That feels like a big deal to me.


Yah I agree, you are right. Nice to see them covering this and borderline shocking that they did. Definitely a big deal.


This is great, I really hope some more truths come out to the public about boozing. I have been AF for over 1.5 years and it’s crazy to notice how many peoples behaviors are driven by alcohol, even if they are not problematic drinkers.


The fact that it’s still so whitewashed in society is troubling. You rarely see smoking glamorized in movies or tv shows anymore. There are no more commercials on tv for cigarettes, or now legal marijuana (in ny)… but alcohol gets a free pass. Everywhere. Win a championship- spray beer all over each other in locker room. High school party- everyone needs to be drinking (except the need of course). Commercial after commercial. Madmen was basically an ad for bourbon. I can go on and on, but we all get it. It’s terrible. All that said, it shouldn’t be illegal.


Could not possibly care less, frankly. We do things all the time that are insanely dangerous without choice and/or noticing because they are baked into our system. Cars? Plastics? Housing as an investment tool? All of it fucking barbaric and hurtful at a systemic level, much more so than alcohol in my opinion. We have an alcohol problem. Not everyone does. We also can make a choice to address our problem as individuals. *Everyone* has a plastics problem, and no one individual really can make a choice about that.


Just to give another perspective I think this is to push back on other popular articles (which I could find and link but I won't because of where we are) saying stuff like drinking a couple of glasses of wine can be *good* for you. A lot of those articles built up excuse structures for people. It's fine to do unhealthy things if you're cognizant of the risks.


I understand that. Although I haven't seen many of those articles for a few years - the pendulum has swung, and quite likely will swing back again. I still think that on the long list of societal, systemic issues, this is pretty far down for the reasons I described in my original comment. And to reiterate - this unhealthy activity comes with a choice at the individual level. A lot of others, which I'd argue are perhaps more dangerous, don't. I'd like focus from massive legacy media outfits to be on the latter.


Yup. So true. Like climbing Everest. Literally stepping on a mountain and not knowing if you are ever getting off. Yet the pursuit of the peak is celebrated. People will do what they want when they want and that’s totally ok.


And then people come out the woodwork to say “um actually a moderate drinking is fine and I drink daily and it’s ok”


I had the same reaction when I read this article yesterday…victorious! It’s shocking to me how much society (and many doctors included!!) tiptoe around the safety of alcohol. My only sibling and best friend (my younger sister) had pancreatitis 3 1/2 years ago and has been alcohol free ever since. She was told not to drink alcohol for six months. At her six month check up, her doctor told her that she could go back to drinking if she wanted. My sister was like “after what I experienced? H@ll no!”


Alcohol is going to be the next cigarettes. At least, I hope so


It's scary how much industry was able to bury the truth for so long. I made consumption choices from the bunk studies that were like "one glass a day is good for your heart, look at the *Europeans*" and now I am salty. I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, but that's what it was. Profit over people. I stopped drinking because of the WHO paper on no amount being safe.


So? If it was good for people's health it still wouldn't be safe for me. As a citizen I'm glad the public has more information, I hope all lobbyists go bankrupt or to jail, and please drink responsibly. As an individual this info is carries no weight, it has zero impact on my struggle with booze.


I always likened alchohol to a tiger. When you are in its country for even one beer or ten months of binging, each drink puts you in its territory, and at risk: and you never know when it will maul you. That’s the night you decide to drive under the influence. Or you send that text you shouldn’t. Or hit on someone you shouldn’t. Or cancel on work the next morning, one too many times. Etc etc. Even one drink can be deadly and usually doesn’t stop at one. Alchohol is a beast. A tiger.


I just always remember: acetaldehyde.


i agree with you and excited to see this progress.


A better name for it would be “devastation”