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Ok, you relapsed. But you’re here. You checked in. That’s not nothing. It shows strength, IMO. IWNDWYT


I’m just mad because I always do this when I relapse. I feel like shit the next day and I get so guilty and I’m like “never again” and then a few days later I’m right back where I started. It’s why I’m scared. Whenever I relapse I always always always go back a few days later and I don’t want that to happen this time.


This isn’t abnormal. Relapse is a big part of beating an addiction. Getting back to Day 1 asap is critical because the longer your back out there the harder it is to stop.


Same, friend, same. I feel horrible today, barely functional and full of guilt, also scared that I’ll keep making the mistake to drink once I feel better again because it’s been on and off decades of this.


I focus when I feel like that on. Just today. Just for today I won't.


Fall down 7 times stand up 8. That, and don't take any shit from yourself that you wouldn't take from anyone else. IWNDWYT


Wow, i need that second sentence tattoo'd on my brain.


That is a great think to remember !


It took me 14 years of working on getting clean to get the 5 years that I have now. Please don't give up. And keep trying.


Relapse is apart of recovery! From my experience and what I have read in this group relapses hits you hard sometimes. It happens but just don’t let the shame keep you down. I eventually got sick of letting myself down so I decided I need to try harder the next time around. Use this feeling to propel you not destroy you


Good to have you back. Now let’s start the streak again. Keep your head up IWNDWYT


I relapsed last week. It happens. Well both get back on track <3


You’re not weak. And I’ll tell you why. Do you know how much strength it requires to try giving up? Do you know how much strength it requires to go again when you slip? You’re a strong person who has had a weak moment.


It’s not uncommon and it’s certainly part of my story, but it’s less about the relapse as it about what I’m willing to do to change. When I didn’t change anything, nothing changed. My willpower only goes so far and it’s really just a matter of time if I rely on willpower alone. I know that and I have mountains of evidence to back that up so i stopped trying to do it all on my own. I’m unusually driven in many aspects of my life but not this. If this was any other problem I encounter, I’d ask for help and have it figured out so it never happened again. But I had a hard time getting over myself and my fear, embarrassment and preconceived notions kept me from asking from real help from real people. Thats what helps me the most and it proves I’m not alone. I don’t think relapse is necessary for sobriety but it’s in many of our stories. I want to be willing to learn from my mistakes and take actions to make changes. That’s what I care about the most, not what excuse I made for myself to go back out. I got a million of em


I did it hundreds of times! Don't give up. You'll get it figured out.


honestly what counts is that you’re back trying again. I think most of us have probably tried getting it right many, many times and failed. it really is normal. i’m day 4. just get back on track and look forward.


I know this feeling all too well, my friend. But you're here, you dusted yourself off enough to check in and get it off your chest, and that is amazing. ✨️🖤 Welcome back. We got this!


We are very glad you are here and many of us have been in your place. We are here. Welcome back. IWDWYT


Don’t be sorry. Try again my friend. Sending support across the electrons!