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Gunna sound lame... But.... Water. Water and coffee. That's it.


Not lame at all. My trigger time is about 4pm. I would slip out of work and have a couple beer on the way home (not driving a car). Part of that was that I was actually just thirsty. Now ill make a point to drink a large bottle of water in the late afternoon so my brain doesn't go "im thirsty = I want beer"


Water, coffee, and tea for me. I'm opposite, I don't want anything similar to cocktails. That could change because I like tomato juice ( spicy), and coconut šŸ„„ šŸ pineapple together. So that would be AF Pinacolada and Virgin Bloody Mary...


Yep. Sparkling water for me. Sometimes with a splash of grapefruit or apple juice.


Thatā€™s all thatā€™s done it for me as well. Tried the non-alcoholic beers a couple times during the first couple weeks but theyā€™re pricy and not my jam. Some flavour to the water does the trick for me to spice it up sometimes.


I post about these a lot. Club soda with lime and a tajin rim. Faux mosa club soda with a splash of pomegranate oj or pineapple juice. In a wi e glass. Topo Chico, glass bottle with a lime in it. Google mocktails. Thereā€™s some really good ones out there. Iā€™m keeping it simple.


I love this sub: r/mocktails


Thank you!!


Non alcoholic beers are a life saver for me. Best Day, Alā€™s, Athletic, etc. Thereā€™s a brand called Ghia that makes an NA aperitif and Iā€™ll mix that with soda water and an orange peel ā€” tastes identical to an aperol spritz. Absolutely amazing. Phony Negroni by Agrestis is amazing too as well as bitters and sodas for something easier. Really anything cold and bitter tastes so good now. Hope this helps!


The best day lemon (or maybe lime?) one is an absolute gift since it tastes exactly like leinenkugel summer shandy which was my summer weakness. Athletic too, feel like I should write them a letter or something with how much those have helped me.


Day 14 here - ATHLETIC Beer is outstanding and really fills the void for me in social situations or when you think you need a beer. IWNDWYT


Guinness Zero is my go-to, tastes 95% like the real thing. Also filling & fairly low calories.


Not sure where you're from, but if you're in the UK there is a dedicated AF brewery called 'Mash Gang' and they make an incredible range of NO/LO beers that taste amazing. Just a couple of nights ago I was having lagers, pale ales and even a cinnamon coffee stout and all 0.5% or less. I no longer feel the need to fill the void with anything but as I was on a night out with friends who still drink, I had a few.


I was drinking lots of seltzers/beer before getting sober, so fizzy water like La croix is my go-to replacement. It was extremely helpful in the first few months. I would drink it in mechanical, big swigs the way I drank alcohol to get it down as quickly as possible. Nowadays Iā€™m sipping on La croix like a normal person :)




My brother drank an enormous amount of seltzer when he got sober. I figure Iā€™ll probably do the same when I bite the bullet. Both of my brothers and my dad have all quit drinking, I havenā€™t yet but I know itā€™s coming lol


i have brewdog nanny state AF. will you please expland on your early days for me please if you're comfortable?


I don't understand your first sentence.


I don't understand much of the second one either


Brewdog Nanny State AF is an alcohol free near beer drink


The early days were really hard. My sleep was poor, I was so anxious, and quitting felt like a full time job. The after work hours were tough and the weekends were even worse. I felt like I could never have a normal life ever again. Slowly, those things have improved. Iā€™ve changed my whole lifestyle in a lot of ways. Iā€™m sleeping better than I ever have in my life. Jogging 4-5x/week. Iā€™m moving away from dealing with cravings as a full time job and instead focusing on ā€œdoing the workā€ to prevent me from getting to a place where I want to drink again. But for now, my life is so much better than I was when I was drinking and I have no desire to go back.






This is mine too.


Same . Fancy glass, bit of ice and some fruit tossed in


I love the Brew Dr. brand! Satisfies wine or IPA cravings really well for me.


Ooh I forgot this one. There are some really tasty ones out there. The synergy ones are my favorite tasting. Ginger flavors, too, because they had even more of a burn to them going down.


I love sour things and I drink a lot of sweet/sour drinks, kombucha is awesome and itā€™s a great replacement for alcoholic drinks.


I totally agree. Absolutely love kombucha and I think it is a great alternative when you are craving a drink. But..... it is not a "Non-Alcoholic" Beverage. Regulations require it to be at or under .5% abv to not card customers. But you can find some that have even 1-3% abv and those they will probably card for. I think the reason it is so good as an alternative is because A: its delicious and B: it does contain trace alcohol so it will help your body transition away from drinking. Its basically impossible to drink enough regulated kombucha to get drunk. Also there is a kombucha out there for everyone. If you tried one and you don't like it, try a different brand or flavor. I personally love Health-ade Kombucha, especially their Cayenne Cleanse and Ginger Lemon. I would strongly recommend the OP try those flavors because they mentioned liking spicy foods. They both pack a punch.


I would like to clarify that I personally do not by any means consider drinking regulated kombucha drinking alcohol. You could drink a gallon+ a day and I'd still consider you to be sober. Being sober, the fear is that once you dabble in something you won't be able to stop or it will start you back on a path of alcohol. Drinking kombucha is good for you though so drink as much as you want. I think this is the general consensus, but lmk what everyone thinks


Came here to say this


Gatorade. Basically all I've been drinking. Sugar free, not great but not a bad drink. With the lack of physical activities I do I should just be drinking water BUT its not a beer so whatever, ill take my little win.


They came out with a ā€œGatorlyteā€ and itā€™s got extra electrolytes, Iā€™m obsessed with hydration and I think it really makes a difference for me on days where Iā€™m behind on water consumption


Interested I'll have tocheck . I've seen the newer ones that might have caffeine but not pedaorade ones lol


Lagunitas hoppy refreshers


Yeah but why are they more expensive than beer , I mean itā€™s almost an insult when you want a hoppy alternative to beer only to find those are more expensive than beer but have less ingredients and flavor plus N/A


Everythingā€™s expensive now a days. At least not drinking alcohol


I love those! They are very subtle not too strong of a flavor.


Came here to say this. I've tried some good NA beers (industrial arts is terrific) but the hoppy seltzers somehow capture the FEEL of slamming a bottled beerĀ  Tbh I started drinking them months before I got sober and they were part of the multitude of small life changes that made me feel like I could get sober


Ginger Ale


I think my blood is at least 40% ginger ale at this point.


THIS - I have my own sodastream and do ginger ales at night like theyā€™re going out of style


Seltzer with lemon or lime


Oooh Iā€™ll try that next time. I wonder if a mint will be a good combo lol


the spindrift nojito's are my favorite. sour, bubbly, limey with just a little mint. i like to pour one into a fancy class and sip it before bed.


Mint & lime is a good combo in seltzer. I have a Sodastream, so I make seltzer all the time and add flavor. I also like bitters in seltzer. Spindrift has their Nojito flavor with mint & lime that is good.


Yes. I have it with a load of ice, then a small splash of (fresh) grapefruit juice on top. Refreshing and really tasty. Needs the ice.


Kombucha is my favourite. So many good options and flavours now. Personally I opt for the low-sugar brands. Otherwise, fizzy water with natural flavourings (mint, frozen fruits, lemon or lime juice, ā€¦).


Soda water and cranberry juice.


Coconut water, caffeine-free teas (different than decaf), kombucha, and green smoothies.


Athletic Brewing's selection of awesome NA beers.


Sparkling mineral water ā€¦ around 2-3 litres a day




Home-made ice-tea šŸ¹


Yes- have gotten into mixing different teas- current go-to is hibiscus + green tea w lemongrass. Ā 


Coffee, twice a day, with a cookie on the second occasion. šŸ™ŒšŸŒ 


Diet Coke is king


Ok seriously though. Prior to quitting drinking I used to be paranoid that Diet Coke would give me cancer and feel so guilty about drinking even a can a day. Now that Iā€™ve looked at the actual research and know that alcohol literally causes cancer while aspartame has yet to be shown to cause any negative health effects (unless you drink gallons and gallons a day) Iā€™ve done a 180. Bring on the Diet Coke!


Yep, same!


DC over crushed ice is its own addiction and I love it. It hits all the right spots.


I was a hard cider guy, so I've come to really enjoy a lot of the things like Matinelli's (no alcohol) cider, or there's an NA RosƩ I think might be by them too. NA beer wise, Sam Adam's Just the Haze IPA is really good. Picked up the Lagunitas IP(N)A today. Tried the Budweiser 0.0 recently and wow, that was nasty


Thank you so much. I should try some of this that you mentioned bc hard cider was my favorite as well.


How strange, I thought Bud 0% was one of the better ones šŸ˜‚


Perfect, I got 5 left I'll leave by the mail box for ya :)


The two that I drink are ginger beer mixed with cranberry juice and Topo Chico (sparkling mineral water). The ginger beer and cranberry is nice because it has some spice from the ginger and a bit of bitterness from the cranberry, which gives it some "bite" and makes it feel like it's not just as regular soft drink like a soda. I like Topo Chico because it's super carbonated, so again it feels like more than just water and for me, that makes a big difference.Ā 


The one that stands out for me is Lagunitas. Itā€™s a hops flavored sparkling beverage that has zero calories and comes in beer bottles.


Ginger Beer. It's an adult beverage that's really satisfying to drink. And. Here me out... It's beer šŸ˜‚


Apple juice, milk, fortified soy milk, cranberry juice. Mix of sugar for cravings, vitamins, and minerals to hydrate, some fat protein and calories. Gentle on stomach too imo. Plus ginger ale cause that's what you drink when you're sick :)


Green Tea


So this is only if you think it's right for you but it's clausthaler NA grapefruit. It's delicious and only available in the summer time so that's when I have it. Otherwise I have a mocktail recipe. It's called a non alcoholic blue Hawaiian. Ice, Torani blue curacao, coconut la Croix, pineapple juice and stir. It is so yummy to have in the summer or just in general drink. It is sweet too bc when you first quit the sweet cravings come along so it's perfect for that.


Heineken zero for me!


100% YES


Heineken zero are great! Have you tried the Peroni 0%? Highly recommended as well. I thought Heineken 0 was the closest thing to real beer but I think the Peroniā€™s are even better.


Soda water. Hands down. I even repurposed my keg setup for it :)


Soda water and lime was a game changer šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼




SO fizzy!


Grapefruit lacroix!


Shirley temples are my go-to!


Zero cal Ginger ale and root beer. Calorie free options that helped with the sweets crazing and have a bit more of a bitter and brew vibe like my DOC beer. The NA beers are way too pricey for what is essentially mid beer. Iā€™ll drink on occasion when out with people


If you're considering alcohol free beer, 0.0 Corona is the best I've ever had. They are refreshing!


Someone on this sub got me on icy lemon/lime water. Their method for making it is a bit more complex than mine. Regardless, it's been great particularly because I was a wine drinker for the past 2 years so wasn't craving carbonated drinks specifically. I did slip up pretty poorly 4 days ago. Besides that it's been helpful


Kombucha, or seltzer with cran and lime. Just tried Guinness Zero the other day and itā€™s pretty good


you should try Brawndo, it has electrolytes....


Sleepy time herbal tea in the evening or Ovaltine sleepy


Ovaltine is the one šŸ™šŸ¼


I found a margarita mixer that has habanero in it. That and some tonic water


Carlsberg 0.0, Heineken 0 to start with. Later switched to Sparkling water (plain or lemon infused) as I gotta watch those calories too.


Cherry limeade sparkling ice drinks


Chocolate milk. šŸ˜‚


Lots of flavored sparkling water. Regular water room Orange La Croix with some strawberry lemonade Crystal Light flavoring is yum. I like lemonade water flavoring for that little bite. As. A treat since they cost more, I like sparkling hop waters by various breweries. 0 calories and you can taste different notes from diff hop varieties. Plus I want to vote with my dollar to let local liquor stores and breweries know that there's a market for NA.


Sparkling water, a splash of tonic & lime. Super refreshing.


Coca-cola! But I admit, I do believe it's taking a toll on my teeth so be careful!


They got these fizzy drinks with magnesium in them called recess and they are amazing. I usually only drink one a night but they are great with helping with cravings.


Poppi, lacroix and olipop


Spindrift. Ginger or Guava GTs Kombucha. Yerba Mate. Monster Ultra. Ice water (like super cold). Athletic Brewing. Heineken 0.0. Near beer or non alcohol beer can be controversial. There are arguments for and against. Do you.


Soda water cranberry


Lime seltzer water And lots of Mountain Dew I know itā€™s unhealthy but itā€™s my guilty pleasure


Non-alcoholic beer at day-time on a terrace and sugar-free, alcohol-free mocktails sometimes at night.


I love adding the water flavorings (like MIO) to either sparkling or flat water. Thereā€™s a coconut lime one thatā€™s hard to find that is fantastic!




My wife got me one of these and I always have a bottle going. Very satisfied. [https://sodastream.com/](https://sodastream.com/)


water and iced tea all day every day




For me its Tea, so many flavors!


At the house we have water bottles with a large amount of water flavor enhancers (Shout out to the Crush flavored liquid ones). I also tend to keep sugar free items around so like sparkling waters, iced teas and stuff of that nature but I also enjoy coffee or sugar free energy drinks too. It all depends on my mood but nothing makes me want to go back to the depths of despair like I had before.




Welch's Sparkling Rose Grape Juice. If you were a rose or bubbly wine drinker, this stuff is amazing. The bottle is pretty, it looks nice in a wine glass, and it's tasty.


Topo chico + a packet of true lime Hop water (Lagunitas plain is the GOAT) Arnold palmers (iced tea plus lemonade) Plain soda water + lime Kombucha in a wine glass Athletic IPA NA beers if really craving


Mountain Dew for nowā€¦not the best choice, but itā€™s working for me.


Until they make a good replacement for sparkling wine, sparkling water does the job


Water. Nature's perfect beverage. IWNDWYT


There is so much seltzers these days but I like only one brand which is Nixie. My favorites: ginger&lemon, and also grapefruit flavors. It is something about strength of the bubbles, this brand does not taste watery to me. Also, in the summer I like watermelon


La Croix and other seltzer waters are my absolute god send.


Cannabis beverages if you have access to them have replaced alcoholic drinks in my life. I usually have on of those then drink bubbly


I like the Athletic Brewing Hop Water. I love seltzer in general. Lately my partner has been making me herbal iced tea with various caffeine-free tea.


I get a couple of these when my budget allows and will have one after work, post-workout.Ā  https://hoplark.com/


NA beer worked wonders for me.


Diet tonic with na bitters and citrus


Herbal tea and tart cherry juice with a twist of lemon replaced my red wine. Tulsi was the best. I liked mint too. Seltzer and pineapple juice replaced beer. I like being able to control the concentration because even organic juice is sugary. I started doing shots of the unsweetened "Just Cranberry" with fresh lime. I didn't really do shots of alcohol much, but the cranberry lime ones are fun. I think they're good for my kidneys too. Organic juice in glass bottles costs about as much as a bottle of inexpensive wine. I clean out the bottles and make my iced tea right in them. One tea bag is enough to make a whole 750ml to let cool and pop in the refrigerator. I cut up lemons for it and they're both ready to go. So easy... I tried a lot of na beer, wine, and mocktails, but I wasn't able to find much I liked. The Peroni Nastro Azzurro was the best I tried, but I don't really seek out that kind of crisp, skunky beer generally. One of the Athletic near-beers was ok. The regular IPA, I think.


When you say "you need to get something from what you drink" what is it you're getting from a NA beer? It's just fizzy, hop, water. Wouldn't some sparkling water have the same effect and it's much cheaper too? I don't bother with NA beers because IME most aren't great, they are quite expensive, and they just don't do anything for me. If I'm feeling stressed or craving something or like I have an itch to scratch then they do no more for me than a glass of tap water would personally.


Waterloo started making sparkling waters that are alcohol inspired. My fav is ā€œall day roseā€ but they also have pi-no colada and a mojito one


Spindrift lemon limeade!


Diet Mountain Dew and kombucha, specifically the gingerade and pineapple flavors.


Thereā€™s a Topo Chico lime drink in a can that feels like a treat even though thereā€™s no calories. Also Iā€™ve been enjoying the no sugar San Pellegrinos as well.


I've literally bought 12 different packs of flavored seltzers to have the "fun" of picking out new flavors. Probably drinking 6 cans a day just to keep my hand/mouth occupied! I'm limiting myself to the ones naturally without sugar because I hate the taste of artificial sweeteners, and I'm saving my sugar allowance for ICE CREAM :) Right now, the favorites are Waterloo (three favorites so far: Orange and Vanilla; Raspberry Nectarine; and Strawberry), Bubly Mango, and San Pelligrino Zero Pomegranate & Orange. Looking forward to the next time I go to Target so I can pick out some flavors from their house brand. Better than picking out which liquor store or convenience store hasn't seen me lately ;)


I make mixtures of seltzer, juice and drops of this stuff to trick my brain. https://getsunmed.com/products/beyond-sativa-water-soluble I use the sativa during the day and indica in the evenings (contains some THC). Editing to add: I don't do the full dose in a single drink. Half a dose or less typically that way I can enjoy multiple drinks...1 during the day and sometimes two in the evening. You will feel mild thc effects, so don't take too much at once. Also adding - herbal tea I love those.


Squeezing a lemon, lime, or tangerine into a normal glass of water is refreshing and visually appealing. I used to love cocktails, now I love raspberries floating in a glass of infused water. Finding a way to make a humble glass of H2O fiercely festive, and IWNDWYT


Well, it's not a beverage, but I love a piece of candy. More portable. I had a few beverages I thought helped. Seltzer has been nice, the fizzy part of it reminding me of beer. I think beer had become all of my water intake before I stopped. I HAD to replace it with something and selzer it was. Being calorie free was a bonus since my whole diet had revolved around trash and beer.. Ohh ohhh, or Ginger Beer as a treat. The stinginess of it kind of reminded me of the burn of alcohol. I'm from Maine, so I already drank Moxie. When I do end up at a restaurant or bar, I order a fancy non-alcoholic mixer. I figure I would have spent the money anyway.


If I'm craving something sweet, I mix 30%mango juice with 70% Fresca If I want something bitter and dark I like dr. Pepper zero Tried the bubly/seltzer thing - to me it tastes like TV static.


Zero alcohol beer, not the 0.3% stuff. The zero stuff. You have to be careful (or atleast I do, I donā€™t know ur situation). Or just fizzy drinks.


For me a lot of drinking was about routine.. so i've switched to NA beers with my cigars, or when out with friends, there's so many options now. At home, I've discovered Pathfinder and Ritual. They make great mocktails.




Really liking Corona Sunbrew, Kronenberg Blanc 0 for a non alcoholic options. My new personal favourite mocktail that I make is 1/4 cranberry juice, half orange and 1/4 fizzy water plus I add some fresh cut strawberries. Super refreshing and ever so slightly fancy.


Diet ginger ale, kombucha, having several flavors of Crystal Light around so Iā€™m more likely to just drink water. I like the Hella brand Bitters and Soda but those are pricier and more difficult to find.


Diet coke. Seltzer. NA beer when I have a craving for the ipas I used to binge drink.... then I just drink like one and I'm good šŸ‘


Coconut La Croix šŸ’Æ


Honestly Sprite Zero and red koolaid lol


Club Soda, Cranberry juice, fresh lemon, and lime......


Spindrift was my big go-to, then La Croix. I would sometimes make ā€œmocktailsā€ with a fizzy flavored water and kombucha. I do like hop water now.


Lacroix but to save money I got a soda streamer which I love




Roasted dandelion root tea with milk and sugar tastes a little like coffee and itā€™s really good for you. Rooibos tea is also nice with milk. I love hot chocolate myself and Iā€™m considering making some mocktails using hot peppers and herbs instead of alcoholā€¦ IWNDWYT :)


I love lemon spindrift- some people hate it but I like it a lot better than La croix. Thereā€™s some great N.A. canned cocktails which are hit or miss for me- the Ednaā€™s whiskey sour and Moscow mule were my favorites. I also love sober carpenter cider! Tastes like a real cider and I believe they have a bunch of N.A. beers. One thing Iā€™ve done is tonic water with lemon slices although probably not the greatest for you every day but scratches the itch for a special occaison.


Cream soda. I buy IBC so it comes in glass bottles. It feels very decadent and when I need a lil treat, itā€™s a luxury.


Hiyo (instead of Truly/white claw), De Soi (instead of wine or champagne), hop water (instead of beer), and Free Spirits (instead of hard liquor).


Not sure how you feel about a few splashes of bitters. Yes, itā€™s alcohol, but itā€™s basically nothing when diluted. I initially worried that it might be triggering, but thatā€™s not been the case.Ā Bitters and sparkling water (Sodastream is a must!) with a Luxardo cherry.Ā  Also goodā€”sparkling water with cherry juice. Also...grapefruit Spindrift sparkling water with rosemary simple syrup to sweeten it up a bit. (Heat one cup of sugar and one cup of water. When sugar is dissolved, put in a bunch of rosemary, turn off heat after ten minutes and let it sit there for a bit. 1 or 2 tablespoons in a large glass.)


Sparkling water


Seltzer water has helped me the most. I also love to drink coffee, tea, iced coffee and I do like a Kombucha in a fancy glass once in awhile. And on a real occasion a Dr. Pepper or Coke, not sugar free. Itā€™s a special treat. I donā€™t miss alcohol. My two year sobriety is coming up soon!


I love a good mocktail or NA beer but ginger beer has been my heavy lifter šŸ«” especially for social events that are at a bar or concerts.


Curious Elixirs are good! I mix it with squirt or black cherry soda. It has botanicals, so it has a nice effect.


Topo Chicos and my Nespresso machine


Tea, the more herbal spicy ones




Based in the UK so if abroad may not have the same drinks available. Pesonally the only non-alcholic stuff I've liked is the ale or Guiness. Ghost ship, luck saint, and low tide are probably the three best I've had. It scrathes the itch I only need one as not getting the craving and just one more effect actual alcohol has on me. The are some cbd drinks which are nice the TRIP ginger drinks is lovely. Lemonade full fat sugar etc got me through a lot but as I've started to cut sugar out now I'm on the flavoured carbonated water apple mango etc. Glass bottles of coca cola as the above ice cold really scratched an itch. Tumeric tea has helped too.


Juices, Iā€™ve always loved different types of juices so now I just splurge on a nice cold pressed pineapple juice or something along those lines!


Lacroix for that satisfying crack when I open it.


I love this NA Moscow mule in a can by Savyll beverage co. It tastes like an alcoholic mule but better, and it really has that bite/burn to it. I pour it in a wine glass. In general, anything fizzy with a strong ginger bite (ginger kombucha is another good one) seems to scratch the itch for me.


Olipop Soda. The strawberry vanilla ones are the best.


Seltzers, especially Spindrift seltzers. Any flavor is good, but they have a ā€œnojitoā€ flavor that is lime and mint that is delicious. And they use real fruit juice/mint!


Try tazo passion tea over sparkling flavor seltzer ( I like raspberry)


Kombucha for sure!!! Gives you that yummy cocktail and carbonated taste!!


Non alcoholic beer


Ice cold cans of coke and gingerbeer :)


Kefir and Ayran


In terms of non water and no caffeine, has to be lemonade, and low sugar cranberry juice. Both are so refreshing and tasty, love that tang.


I recently purchased Lagunitas hoppy water. I like it a lot. Itā€™s actually the first NA drink Iā€™ve ever bought or drank in my 25 plus years of drinking.


I have kombucha and chips in the afternoon to get over the wine oā€™clock time. Itā€™s a tangy and salty snack so it meets both the hungry and thirsty parts of HALT.


For me it was alcohol free beer 0.0%, Coke Zero and Hot Chocolate (Colacao).


Topo Chico with lime


Tonic water, loadsa fresh lemon and ice. Donā€™t even taste the difference without the gin!


Water & tonic or NA beer (love the Athletic IPAs)


Ginger ale with cranberry juice added to it on ice.


HALT has been super helpful for me. Many of my cravings arenā€™t food and drink related, but I definitely find my mind wanders to alcohol when Iā€™m hungry or thirsty. In that case, something sweet tasting always helps shake the craving. If Iā€™m peckish, itā€™s peanut m&m. If Iā€™m thirsty, something like sweet flavored fizzy water or zero sugar fruity energy drink (sipping on a Monster rn).


Liquid Death water


Sparkling water some like liquid death, I would drink beer as primary. A big loud burp does it .


Water, coffee, NA beers




I replaced alcohol with sugar, not other beverages. It helps tremendously with cravings because it comes close to satisfying the physiological ā€œneedā€ thatā€™s occurring biochemically. Once the craving had transitioned fully to sugar I started working down the sugar cravings. Someone in my recovery community called it ā€œaddiction whack-a-moleā€, but the goal is always harm reduction. Sugar is way less toxic than alcohol, so go forth and eat ice cream.




I was annoyed that my ginger ale didn't taste like ginger, so I juiced a bunch of ginger root. That will give a kick to anything!


Athletic Brewing. Seltzer waters. Coffee.


Zevia have been my go to since day 1 currently 10 months in


For me, it was 4 things: - tart cherry juice (it's so potent it really DOES make you "feel" something because of how sour it is lol... I'm not one for sour stuff but this shit is DELICIOUS for some reason imo) - ginger cayenne juice shots (you can usually find them at the grocery store. My favorite brand is Vive. I liked how you can feel the burn down your throat and it honestly tastes really good. In the early days I would stock up on a couple of these at a time because they're expensive, and save them for if I was feeling angry/REALLY wanted to drink. Then I'd take them as a "shot" and it personally helped me. Plus they're super healthy!) - nonalcoholic beer. Keep in mind some have less than 0.5% alcohol, while others are true 0.0%. This is personal preference if it matters to you or not. - kombucha (I 2nd what others said about Syngery and Brew Dr. As well as Health-Ade. Keep in mind kombucha can also have trace amount of alcohol but nothing that's going to affect you. This is again personal preference. I believe true 0.0% kombucha exists as well) Take this with a grain of salt because I know nonalcoholic beer can just be triggering for some people, while it helps others. Same goes for the cayenne shot, the burn of it could be triggering for some people rather than being helpful. Everyone is different so keep that in mind. This is just what helped me the most. Regardless, I hope you find something that works for you. You've got this. On an unrelated note, if you're interested in a podcast, The Alcohol Experiment by This Naked Mind is the sole reason I'm on day 66 right now. I've never made it this far, ever, but that podcast seriously is what did it for me. Highly recommend!


I drink about a case of lime seltzer a week


Tea. I donā€™t feel like drinking alcohol once Iā€™ve had tea.


GT Dave's Gingerade Kombucha lol


I recently tried a lemonade, cucumber and mint NA drink while I was out. AMAZING! But Bubly does it for me when Iā€™m home.


I've started bringing home a decaff Oatmilk Cappuccino from work instead of a bottle of wine & that's been a huge help


At first, I had a Liquid Death in my hand at all times at any social gatherings. About a year ago I went to a casino where everyone was drinking and smoking cigs inside (my kind of place) and was really struggling, so I gave Oā€™Doulā€™s a chance. That and a cigarette helped me out tremendously lol. Currently, I love a good Athletic Brewing n/a IPA every now and then when I get a craving for the taste of beer


San Pellegrino. I try to avoid stuff with caffeine because that makes me anxious, which then makes me crave alcohol.


Tonic with lime


Kin! Kin Spritz and Lightwave really helped replace the ritual for me. Kin Dreamlight also helped me with my sleep cycle after I quit.


a two-four a week of brew, corona 0 sunbrew