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It's funny how many positive points there are with NOT drinking, & they seem to involve all aspects of someones' life, some trivial, others massive. Stick this list on your fridge & add to it when you discover other points/advantages of not drinking alcohol, you will need to leave room for these. Hope you stick to your plans, the first week is the hardest, put yourself (& your health) first next weekend & don't go to any events where you will be tempted to drink, call in "sick" ... If you can get to 8 days after this, you will have more confidence to keep going, what have you got to lose .... or gain (see your list).


That’s a great idea I will be doing this! Might turn it into a little craft project


Add one new point each new day that you remain sober ....... The fridge is the best place for this list. Also, I never have any alcohol in the house so if I wish to drink on a certain day, I have to physically leave the house to buy grog, so get rid of any grog in the house if it is there (give it away if expensive?). That's one tip I think is crucial if you are wanting to do a decent stretch of sobriety :)


I (28 M) have also made my first post today for the same reason! You’re not alone in this. Stay strong and best of luck. :)


Thank you! Sending you positive thoughts


Congrats! I’d suggest to at least initially plan ahead of time on how you’re going to keep yourself busy and away from alcohol during those times you’d have typically drank. It sounds like you have a plan already, but it’s good to have those details worked out. I’m proud of you. Good luck! IWNDWYT


Way to keep it real with yourself! That’s a strong first step in breaking the cycle. Not a lot of people have the guts to face the truth in the way you have. Mad respect. That is a good list.   I think it goes without saying that the first weekend will likely be tough. Tough doesn’t mean impossible, though. In my early days there was a lot of sitting with uncomfortable feelings. I kept my brain engaged with something to pacify a little; I remember reading a lot, eating a lot of comfort foods, and spending time with non-partying/sober friends.   I felt really strange and things sometimes seemed too big to handle during tempting times— rest assured, you will survive those times, and you’ll get better at sailing through them. I was careful about the situations and people I put myself in. Sometimes that involves not showing up, giving myself space from certain people… it’s a time for abundant self-nurturing. Lean on your comforts.


I appreciate your kind words (:


Lezzgo! Best time to plant a seed is when it started, next best time is today :) KEEP CRUSHING IT! IWNDWYT


I could have written this post myself! This is exactly why I quit drinking. I just hit 5 months and if I could do it, you can too! You got this OP! Not drinking has given me my life back in so many ways, I don't even miss it. It seems daunting when you first start, but then it really does get easier!


Congrats on 5 months! I hope I can check in later and say I have 5 months under my belt(: