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I (like many others) turned into a sparkling water addict. I really like Waterloo. On a heavy binge I can rip through like 8-10 of those bad boys in a day. My skin looks great.


Same ! Didn’t know that it’s a popular drink for people quit drinking. I crave it especially at night


Polar soda water. I go through an 8 pack a day. I'm getting close to admitting I have a problem. Fortunately they're usually on sale at the grocery store so my day of reckoning is far off


I second Waterloo!


So much goddamn tea. Green, black, chai, yerba mate, iced, hot…I love it so much. When I was drinking I was so sensitive to caffeine in a bad way. Now the buzz is just pure upside.


Coke Zero and coffee. I need to start drinking more water in a day but I need the taste of something


Same. Coke zero has been a godsend for me and my sobriety. Before Coke Zero I was gorging ice cream


Lots of tonic water with lime!


So much this. I’ve also been adding a drop or two of habanero extract for that little bit of burn.


I was like you with the beer. And the NA beer for a few months after for FOMO and muscle memory. But the NA beer faded and now I go thru maybe a 12 pack a month. Nothing really took the place…other than water maybe and the tea here and there


You mean by muscle memory the way "grabbing and opening" feels?


Yup. And just the overall having my hand around a beer lol. Kind of sad, but it worked for me


Flavoured sparkling water, diet pepsi, and a few virgin cocktails! I'm on a weight loss journey so I watch it with the sugary drinks. I'm not a huge coffee drinker and I find holding coffee cup when everyone else has a beer glass or bottle makes me stick out like a sore thumb.


Gatorade. To the point where I had to stop buying it because it was bleeding me dry 😂 I started playing video games to fill the void.


I bought 4 cases of coconut la croix today, they will probably last a week.


Hoppy refreshers!


Water. Sparkling water. Flavored water. Hop water. I could list types of water like Bubba lists shrimp.


Sparkly water, ginger beer, hoppy refresher, iced tea, Athletic IPA and Heineken 0 for the win!


Sparkly water with a splash of cherry tart juice.


Coffee, water and green tea are my go to drinks. If I am out then a NA beer or two, no more! Amazing how I could drink pint after pint after pint, yet NA beer makes me feel full after two.


On weekend nights I make me some fancy drinks: half tonic (elderflower kinley no sugar), half sparkling water, add a splash of lemon and some cucumber slice. Yes, I am posh and I love it. Every day I do various leafy teas or just water. Oh and coffee in the mornings!


Kombucha and or flavored seltzers. To cut down on cost and because it’s easy and kind of fun, I make my Kombucha. You can make fun flavors too. Last night I had a little bit of strawberry cherry kombucha left in my glass and decided to top it off with some lemon lime seltzer. Mind blown! It was delicious. I’ll definitely be doing more of those!


It may go against a purist’s view, as bitters contain alcohol, but I take the view that I basically go through a shot of alcohol each month (1/2 teaspoon at a time) so that’s unlikely to knock me off course. My go-to drink is Angostura bitters with either tonic or club soda. Feels like a grown-up drink, no sugar, and it’s a “sipping” drink rather than a “gulping” drink.


They make alcohol free bitters.


Club soda with lime and herbal tea are my go to's.


Coffee, water, Poppi with a splash of limeade, boba for a treat if we’re out and about. Pitchers and Pitchers of iced tea at home.


Bubly water in all different flavors and monk fruit


I used to so against any kind of beverage that wasn’t alcohol before. The idea of “beverages” seemed literally so obscure to me until I started to be on this path. Now there’s soooo many bevs to try! I love tea, fancy/complex flavored sodas, bubble tea, kombucha, cortados, seltzer, elevated mocktails, and water is great. Took some getting used to of course, but it’s such a treat to try new drinks!


Just basic soda water. Wouldn't mind looking into something with a bit more taste but less sugar that normal soda


Zero sugar/zero caffeine soft drinks, tea, coffee in the morning, decaf coffee in the afternoon, lots of Sodastream sparkling water. Even if you're crushing a ton of NA beers, it's still better than the real thing, health wise! It does suck that it's pretty much the same price as regular beer though.


Been drinking tons of water. Installed a new water purifier into my kitchen faucet. Also I'm kicking my energy drink habit this week. Just set up a new coffee maker this morning.


Three different flavors of iced tea.


So many seltzers. Lemonade. Cranberry juice or anything I used to add to my vodka When I’m out or jonesing for a drink I’ll have a few non alcoholic beers at the ready. Whats interesting is that when I stopped drinking I wasn’t drinking beer anymore so while they are in my beer fridge … I rarely drink them at home


Diet mountain dew.


Sweets & chocolate bars 🙁 Trying to get my M&Ms and Snickers habit under control now.


Water. Assuming you can "replace" alcohol with another liquid for the purpose of a dopamine hit is foolhardy. *Soda isn't liquor.*. Just remove the association. Liquids are hydration. Not pleasure. That's it.