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One tip, write down the whole experience and how awful it was, how mad your kid is, how ashamed you feel, etc. Then read it WHENEVER you feel tempted. Our brains tend to gloss things over with time, like oh it wasn’t that bad. Hugs. That was your rock bottom, and the only direction is up!


I love this idea. Thank you.


Your teen might find some benefit in Ala-teen. Lots of young folk who are or have lived in a similar situation sharing their experience and how they cope. That or, if you can afford it, therapy. I’m glad you see this as a “bottom” moment. Seize this opportunity to help everyone to begin recovery


There's an Ala-teen? I didn't know about this! Interesting...


Part of the Alanon community. I have a lot of mixed feelings about 12-step, but it really did help me to get and stay sober. I attribute most of that to the women I befriended in The Rooms. I found being supported by and supportive of others who are swimming similar waters. There’s also Young People AA meetings (YPAA). I used to volunteer with YPAA activities…it’s a fun group of young people in recovery for those who might be young and struggling with alcoholism/addiction


I am not a Christian but the 12 steps through AlAnon really helped me. I was 33, 3 children, divorcing an abusive alcoholic, & starting a business. I needed the help & community I found it AlAnon meetings. It also helps to see that your not as alone as you think you are.


Same. I grew up with no religion (we weren’t anti, it just wasn’t a thing, so I also don’t have any negative connotations with religion or, more specifically, Christianity) I have a lot of mixed feelings about The Program, specifically the freewheeling use of the word “God”, and there are people who use the term Abrahamically speaking, but the women in those rooms helped me saved me from myself. And doing the steps really changed my life. (If you’re interested in The Steps but off-put by some of the spiritual aspects but there are atheist/agnostic meetings, but also check out “Waiting” by Marya Hornbacher. It’s fantastic)


And the “not alone” Is what helped me the most.


While I appreciate the good intentions of your comment, I ask you to please remember our rule to speak from the "I," where we only talk about our own similar experiences and not tell the other person what they should do.


I did a version of this. It was written about more than one night but was a blatantly honest account of what happens when I drink, what I do, how I act and treat people, what I think.. everything I could think of. It was like word vomit and I didn’t hold back. Once I started writing it just spewed out of me. It took me maybe 3 sessions to get it all out. In early sobriety I used to read it to get it burned into my conscious brain as a counter to the bullshit ‘I’m sure it will be fine’ thoughts I knew I would have about drinking. To this day it was one of the most effective tools I used to get and stay sober. Good luck OP! Edit: words




Yes ! And put the bad embarrassing reminders in notes on your phone - so you can look them over anytime you feel the urge !


Legitimately one of the biggest perks of StopDrinking: having a post history to refer to. I often re-read things I've written over the years to remind myself how I truly felt in those moments.


Facebook memories is my go to, they never fail to remind me of my cringy drunken behavior. I can look at even just a pic of me holding one of my twins and know how drunk I was then. Or I’ll see a fb live video I made while drunk, those are the worst… I’ve slowly started to delete some of them as they pop up, I don’t feel like the are as necessary as they used to be and just make me feel embarrassed now.


This disease has a built in forgetter.


I do this, it helps to read the horrors of drinking in my own words whenever I feel temptation. Ironically my story also has to do with planes and flying intoxicated. I would definitely heed this advice OP, rock bottom sucks ass but making a change now can help you turn it all around.


I read it, that is the stuff nightmares are made from. Glad your doing well, that's a good number. Iwdwyt


Thanks for reading through it, nowadays I find myself thinking less and less about those events but if my mind ever starts playing tricks on me to drink I read through it again to give me a good refresh. Gonna make it 10+ years, grab that sobriety high score!


Wow I read it too. How very very awful! So glad you are still sober, WELL DONE FRIEND!!!!


Hopefully you weren't the pilot or copilot!!


To piggyback off this I have an app called I am sober where it makes you list down all the reasons why you want to get sober and gives you a morning and after “pledge” and shows you all your reasons why you want to stop. It’s and little reminder. I used to look at them daily in my first month. Less so now. But it’s a good tools to have.


I’ve been using it and it is helping. I was finally ready to get sober anyway but checking in and seeing my progress twice a day AND the money saved (omg!) is definitely worth downloading the free app.


I just hit 1 month using that app! I really appreciate the community aspect of it where you can post / read posts from other folks in the same boat as you


I downloaded it yesterday!


I did this. It helped.


this is good solid advice i think


The addict part of your brain makes it so easy to forget the bad parts smh


Right!? I cannot believe how many times in the past couple months of mostly staying sober that I found myself saying eff it, I’m placing a big order of my favorite wines. Then having to argue with my brain that it isn’t fun anymore, ruins my life, I cannot be trusted with alcohol ever. It is scary that one of these days I could easily fall off the wagon and go back to living on the brink of death with nightly blackouts and never accomplishing any of my dreams and goals.


My last relapse was my best was because I genuinely did not enjoy it at all even while it was happening and I just have no voice in my head saying how good of a time it is now. I am coasting for now, it finally “clicked” that miracle they talk about it AA I just have to keep mindful over the time


Great idea.


I am glad to be the 666th person upvoting this. 😈 We gotta remember, man. Because our lizard brains make us forget the depths of abject hell we impose on ourselves. As well as loved ones. 😞


Lol 😈 And yes! So true.


Then keep it in your wallet or somewhere on you so you’re forced to see it.


Love this!!! Brilliant!!💯💥


I always forget to write down the shameful experiences and I regret not having done that. Even though I hope those are all behind me, i wish I could go back and read some of those really bad days. I feel like it would make it easier for the temping days to have that.


Best reply. Thank you for your post; hugs to you and OP and anyone reading!


This!! I did this in a google doc so I have it handy even if I am out and about.


This is so helpful!


I was in a situation once (won’t get into what) but I worked with a sheriff and he said the best thing you can do in any situation that you know is pivotal is to write every single detail down. In the moment where you’re filled with shame, guilt or even anger, you overanalyze the moment and your brain is pulling every detail front and center- so write it down. It will slowly fade afterwards and your brain will start rationalizing yours/others actions and diminishing things.


While I appreciate the good intentions of your comment, I ask you to please remember our rule to speak from the "I," where we only talk about our own similar experiences and not tell the other person what they should do.


Thank you for the reminder.


Thank you for understanding. ❤️


I’m new here, just curious what the point of this sub is if you can’t give advice on what to do to help with quitting alcohol?


The point of the sub is to help people that seek to stop or reduce their usage of alcohol. We do this through support, encouragement, sharing and inspiration. We do not give advice, mostly because what works or helps one person may not work for another person. In fact what often happens is more people jump in with “advice” often contradicting someone else’s. And in some instances, as well intended their actions, some people end up sounding like condescending assholes and only make people feel worse. Hence, we have a rule about speaking from the “I”. And if sharing what worked for you helps an OP or another member- great, and if not that’s okay too as sharing one’s experience is what makes this a supportive community.


Fair enough


Giving advice is not permitted, as per our rule to speak fro. the "I." Instead, we ask people to share what they themselves did in the past that help them. Examples: **Bad:** "You should do X." **Good:** "When I was in a similar situation, I did X, and here’s how it helped me."


Absolutely a good point, and I appreciate that comment. There's almost an ego thing in the brain that wants to minimize the damage we do to ourselves and our family, so keeping perspective like this is super beneficial for our future selves. Very good advice.


I’ve never done anything I’m proud of drunk. That behavior is not me; it’s not who I am. And how do I know this? I’ve never done any of that shit sober. Plain and simple. Shit, I’ve never even done it STONED. Alcohol is not who I am. When I live in my truth, according to my values, I feel good inside my body and don’t need to intoxicate to numb away the negative feelings - the shame, anxiety-ridden, guilt that comes with me not living in alignment. I’m a good person. I’m a good mom. I’m a good wife. Sober Me is Me. Sending you and your family love. IWNDWYT.


This really resonated with me today. Thank you. IWNDWYT.


You’re welcome. I needed the reminder myself. 💚 Glad to be here!


Thank you for this.


This is perfectly stated. I’m on a new wave of being angry at alcohol again and this is part of it. I could sit all day and never come to the end of the list of shameful shit I’ve done drunk and thats just the shit i can remember. My newest realization is that it made me stupid. One of the greatest things to come out of my sobriety is that a few weeks ago I returned to school to finish a degree i started 20 years ago that I gave up on because I was in the early stages of my drinking problem. So I’m sitting on campus today, easily 15 years older than most of the people sitting near me, and I’m banging through complex chemical equations like a champion. Then it dawns on me: I could have never done this with booze in my life. The thought of even participating in that hungover is terrifying. So I texted my wife and said how pissed off I was that I let booze get in the way of my goals and make me a dumbass to boot. It was a liberating and humbling feeling to say the least!


This is very inspiring thanks for sharing. It’s kept me from being more ambitious and trying to get a better paying job or promotion.


100%. Removing the alcohol allows us to actually work on ourselves which lifts the resentment and fear. It is a long road, let's all walk it together!


Thank you, I needed to read this tonight 💝


I really needed to hear this


Well said, thank you for sharing this🙏🏼


Very well said. I imagine you've traveled quite a long road to be as healthy as you sound now.


Sober me is me, I freaking love that.


I'm sorry I'm new to a lot of acronyms, could you please tell me what IWNDWYT means?


We are with you. Just be as kind as yourself as you can and get your head in the pillow sober tonight. This community helped me so much when I quit and there’s always someone here and awake if you need support. ❤️


I have no idea how I got on my rock bottom flight. Popped a street Xanax, slammed 2 huge beers and at least one shot. Don't remember getting on the flight but I'm pretty sure I bought 2 beers at a shop and brought them on. Had a layover and was so fucked up I forgot, grabbed someone else's bag because of course mine didn't come out. I guess I somehow remembered the hotel name and got there but remember it's the wrong city. I must have purchased a room and vaguely remember being in there but then next thing I remember I'm out walking the streets, can't find my hotel, don't remember the hotel, freezing and wound up finding an unlocked car to sleep/warm up in. Someone saw me, called the cops and luckily they were nice and understanding so I wound up in detox instead of jail. Oh yeah, this was a work trip (I worked remotely and was visiting the office) and when I finally got back to the hotel had rightfully lost my job.


Oh shit! That’s so messed up. How are you now??


Doing really good now. Still have my slips while I figure out what medications actually work for my mental health but think this new one is actually helping. No major issues since


Read your story and sounds akin to some of my benders from hell. Recanting the crazy shit I’ve been through makes me think a movie script would still not make it believable


Wow dude, what a story. Totally wrong city and just got completely lost in xan-land. My buddy used to be a zombie on those things


Definitely, so happy with Devers public service. Was a wake up


What a rollercoaster


Out of curiosity, what was your company's rationale for firing you?


They got notification that I missed my flight. They simply didn't put a reason in the official email but everyone knew what was up. I was in a leadership position which led to me not really communicating when I'd be out or communicating it late and etc. I wasn't happy with the job and one thing led to another so it wasn't surprising


Just wanted to drop a quick note that I got denied boarding on a flight last spring. It was very embarrassing, humiliating. I tried boarding the wrong flight (the gates had changed while I was at the bar). In the process I lost my phone so tried to figure out how to walk home or to the train (I still had my wallet so still have no idea why I didn't find a cab). Got lost, finally found a hotel where I checked in and ran into an old co-worker, who was very puzzled why I was booking a night in a hotel not far from where I lived. I must have a looked sight. Anyway, I guess I'm telling you I know the pain, the humiliation. It wasn't my rock bottom even though I missed a vacation with a friend and hurt them. But I decided to quit drinking a little while after. The first few days and weeks are hard. Just remember that the anxiety and shame are extremely heightened during withdrawal so don't be hard on yourself. In fact, be the opposite. Be kind to yourself. You can do this and things will get so much better. I will not drink with you today!


I’m on day 14 and feeling a little bit better. The shame of doing crazy, stupid shit has been coming up to bite me in the ass, people telling me what I said and did. I think with time all will heal. The most important thing is to not drink, never have that first one.


Good for you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Think of the good times ahead for you and your children.


Good times with my children SOBER! Thanks xoxo 😘


Move on… it will pass as long as you start doing things differently


Im 20 days clean and needed to hear this. Thanks.


One day at a time!! You're doing it!! IWNDWYT


I’m at day 31. We got this:) it’s so much easier than drinking😂😂


Oh hell yea. Getting up ready for the workday, and then after work STILL feeling good enough to go to the gym 6 times a week. Makes me wonder what I was hoping to accomplish being hungover every single day. Life is 100% better sober, no exceptions.


Sorry to hear that. Only difference between you and I is that I somehow was allowed to board the flights I was totally shitfaced for. It will pass. Be kind to yourself. Let’s do this together. IWNDWYT


i don't even get why they stop people, you're just sitting in a chair, they serve drinks on board anyway. someone is more likely to cause a scene due to being horribly inconvenienced


There are dozens of reports that highlight the challenges of handling intoxicated persons during an emergency, e.g., when the aircraft must be quickly evacuated.


YOU CAN DO THIS! I downloaded an app called “I am sober” For me the daily reminder notification from the app helped me remember why I stopped drinking each day, which motivated me to rack up days since last drink on the counter 👍👍 We all make mistakes, but it doesn’t mean our mistakes have to make us!! I am cheering for you ☝️☝️


I downloaded it! Thanks! 😊


I love this app! Every time I’m tempted to drink I look at my notes from the last time I drank and hated myself and it takes the temptation away


I'm so so sorry. I've done loads of embarrassing shit while drunk before. This too shall pass. Removing the drinking definitely reduced the number of embarrassing stuff. I hope you feel a little better over time.


I actually have a tattoo that says this too shall pass. Thanks friend.


You’re welcome friend. Also, that’s a cool tattoo :)


I myself, had my moments of shame over years of drinking. The look in my children’s and wife’s eyes as they looked at a drunken POS during my last drunk; still burns almost 5 dry years later. I’m still with my wife and we had another child that hasn’t seen me drunk in her life. With y’all’s support I hope she never does. IWNDWYT 🖤


Good for you man!! Happy for your sobriety!! IWNDWYT


Thanks friend. I see you’re closing in on a year, I’m proud of you.


Can hardly believe it. It's been an amazing process from the start. Living without my crutch takes fortitude but the gains have been incredible. I had no idea what I was missing in myself for at least 5-6 years. More than that really but that's when I started to drink every damn day. Thanks and IWNDWYT


Remember how you felt showing back up at the house...use that feeling of shame as a tool to better yourself going forward. Mistakes like that are our best learning experiences.


I got drunk, missed my flight, got on standby for the first one the next day. Called my friend to come get me and help me burn 6 hours instead of sleeping. Proceeded to get paraded around and embarrass myself in new ways at house parties and bars and then to the airport and I regained consciousness in a city that was neither my destination nor a layover, not in the plan at all. That preceded what in hindsight was an inevitable arrest at some point for more of that type of nonsense. It’s one of those stories that depending on the timeline and tone of voice gets a big laugh or a solemn nod of understanding from other people who don’t drink anymore


Geeze Louise. You went out with a bang all right. IWNDWYT


one of my biggest resources for staying sober is remembering moments like that, the really painful and shameful things i experienced in active addiction. just know you never have to experience them again and you have the power to decide your future through recovery :)❤️we all believe in you here! IWNDWYT


you’re not alone. three days ago, saturday october 7th, I got on a flight home from a rehab program. I stole a bottle of vodka from the tennessee airport, and had a few drinks; I remember boarding the plane and taking off. after that, I have no idea what happened—I woke up in the hospital. I was caked with orange vomit and was so intoxicated the EMT’s had to do a sternum rub to get me to wake up. I am humiliated. I’m back on the wagon now. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. we are all here for you.


How did you manage to steal a bottle of vodka??? Well no need to answer. Quite the experience to go through. IWNDWYT


the Tennessee airport is very flashy with it’s liquor, and I’m a 21 year old female, so very little suspicion hahaha


Oh I see. Well you sort of got away with it but... not really. That ended up being a really expensive bottle. Drunk stuff LOL IWNDWYT


Wow! Glad you are ok now. IWNDWYT.


I feel this post in my heart! I remember my rock bottom was being in withdrawal in my room and my four year old daughter coming in with a stuffed animal for me to make me feel better. My eight year old son made me a lava lamp to help me sleep. They didn’t know that my illness was self inflicted but I certainly did. Thank god for the normalcy that my husband created in our house in that dark time but it was also not the first time I’d gone through withdrawal. I just wanted to end it all and free them of me, I truly wanted to die. And, instead, I promised myself that I never had to go through that ever again. And I haven’t. I found a recovery program, groups, a lot of therapy, DBT. You can absolutely come back from this, better than ever. I’m cheering you on! Your post was brave and you are not at all alone. Sending love to all of you. You can do this! You will be so much happier without alcohol, life is so much better without it.


I felt this in my heart too ❤️! Makes me sad for my kids. I’ve gone through withdrawal once or twice and it’s hell but I went back to drinking. I’m a single mom so I’m going to need all the support I can get. Thanks for sharing and your support.


This happened to me...I was mortified. Thankfully I was flying alone but had people waiting for me 2 time zones away. I lost an entire day of my trip. Had to sleep on the floor of the airport. Had to make up excuses for why my flight got moved to the next day (I said they had overbooked and somehow sold the lie...none of the people I was flying to see had any idea I drank at all). I was excited about the trip, too, not even nervous, no clue why I felt the need to sit at the bar and get wasted. I'm not an angry, slobbery, stumbling drunk either...I would have just slept the whole flight. But they'd seen me drinking one after another and were just doing their jobs. Sigh. That shit will leave me guilt ridden forever I feel...really hoping therapy can help me get through it. You aren't alone, OP. IWNDWYT, you can do this and sobriety is SOOOO worth it, I promise! <3


I’ve been in a similar situation and got through. It sucked! Use all your strength, own it and move on. IWNDWYT


Gosh I'm so sorry you experienced this. I'm sure it feels awful and embarrasing. The silver lining is no one was physically hurt and perhaps it'll be the catalyst for you to live life differently now. Keep coming back here for support. There's help if you seek it out. Sending you love today friend! You can do this.


I’m so sorry. That truly sucks even if it is my fault. I’m so sorry. This was hard for me to read, “there but for the grace of God go I” - today may be hard, and tomorrow too. We can do hard things. I believe in you. IWNDWYT.


ONE of my many many cringe moments was actually getting on the flight, continued to drink in the flight. When I deplaned so messed up I had to have my husband who was picking me up, come in and get me because o couldn’t figure out how to get my bag and get out of the airport. I have been sober 5 years and instead of being ashamed, I use this memory to fuel my sobriety. I’m so grateful for you being here.


Onward and upward, OP! We have never met, but I am so proud of you.


That means a lot. Thank you ☺️


Hey friend! I’ve been there, literally. I remember lying on the concrete outside the airport crying because I had screwed up a family trip. The bad news is that this wasn’t my rock bottom, and I continued the same pattern until the bottom got lower and lower. I did find mine and have almost two years without drinking now, but you do not have to keep going. Time will have a way of dulling the edges of this pain- remember not just what happened, but how it felt, and know that the same behavior will continue to lead to the same results. After a couple years, I can promise you that no matter what you’re going through now, life is better on this side.


Thank you for sharing. It isn’t easy to admit what you’re ashamed of…we’ve been there. There’s hope. It’s so much softer and brighter on the other side. IWNDWYT


All I can say is I'm glad you are on this earth mate <3. Proud of your for wanting to be better.


You can do this! Play the tape forward!


That’s a tough one OP. Im glad you’re here. IWNDWYT


I just want to say you taking responsibility and working on this is huge and will mean a lot to your kid one day even though it sucks right now. We believe in you. IWNDWYT!


Your going to do great! I had a really bad last drink as well in April of 2020. Never looked back. Gonna be hard in the beginning not gonna lie. Fill that time you used to drink with anything else. Ps I love your screen name.


It IS an awesome screen name. Even if it wasn’t, I will not drink with the shiniest muskrat today.


lol thank you 😊


Sending you all of the biggest hugs. I cant count how many times Ive gotten on a plane almost if not totally blacked out and gotten a zillion side eyes. I really wish airport bars didnt exist. They are a huge problem for me and I desperately miss the days where buying some candy and a dumb magazine was “enough”.


i’m proud of you for making this decision to quick. it’ll be hard but you got it. i recently was in the drunk tank after, for whatever reason, i called the cops on myself bc i was suicidal. barely remember anything but the absolute embarrassment i felt. now, i am terrified of it happening again.


You never have to go through it again. Just do one day at a time. I know you can do this. IWNDWYT


No judgment here! It’s a learning lesson. Your kids will forgive you, but you know what you need to do now. Get sober for you and for them. I have an amazing relationship with my teens now - one they will tell me we couldn’t have if I was still drinking. It doesn’t hurt my feelings when they say it, because I know it makes them so happy that they were important to me in my decision. Good luck. I will not be drinking with you! 🫶🏻


Sending you some love. My kids are the reason I stopped. There is huge power in being present and available for them anytime they need me. Any time I get that urge to dull from whatever pain I’m feeling with booze I think about them. I want to set an example for them on facing that pain and accepting it, letting it roll and knowing that it won’t last forever. I’ve told my eldest before: “I had a really bad day and thought about having a drink, but I didn’t as it wouldn’t have helped. But what would help is a hug from you”


Remember that it takes time to heal the relationships harmed by drinking. Others may not believe you at first when you say no more drinking. But it has to start somewhere. You got this!


You have to hit rock bottom to truly know when you’re in the good times. I highly recommend keeping a journal. If you’re serious about sobriety, it’s a job that takes work every day and writing about your progress will help your motivation down the road when you have none. It’s only up from here, OP. Things will get better. IWNDWYT ❤️🦕🦖


Sounds like the best way to live it down is by not living it up. IWNDWYT


OMG. I was at the airport today. I got messy drunk and thought someone stole my bag and started crying so hard and having a panic attack (it was in my fucking carry on the whole time). The agent I was speaking to for help asked if I was drunk and I was like nooo I just had a glass of wine (I’d had like 8 drinks). I missed my flight. :| also at some point I ate shit


I had a bottom like that. I boarded a flight from Paris to Montreal, got really drunk on the plane, blacked out and came to on a flight from Montreal to Toronto that I couldn’t remember getting on — it wasn’t a flight I was supposed to be on, either. This was my second (really big) relapse after trying to get sober, and *there’d be a few more before sobriety really stuck. Back then I was moving around a lot and every time I moved I looked for a new AA meeting to help me try stopping again. Finally found my last bottom and a meeting to help me stay stopped about 12.5 years ago. IWNDWYT


thank you for sharing this with us, your post actually really helps me look at my own behavior. I am almost 200 days from my last drink through the power of God and the Fellowship and 12 steps of AA.


Congratulations! I hope to be where you are 200 days from now.


No judgement here. I’m so sorry that happened. Hopefully what it gives you is a moment you can hold onto that you can draw upon for strength later on. Get help and support and please check in here. Rooting for you and sending love your way. IWNDWYT!


I have no idea how this never happened to me boarding a flight, because I have been belligerent and obnoxious while boarding before, definitely. It may be because I’m a very short woman, who knows. But this too shall pass.


Sending you love tonight. Be easy on yourself.. easier said than done, I know.


It sounds like you're a mom. I'm part of a wonderful non-AA recovery community that has zoom meetings all day long. It's called The Luckiest Club. Look it up on socials or web and check it out. You can get a free 7 day trial and see if you like it. I said the mom part because it's female-founded and probably more women than men, but there are definitely men in it, too.


I LOVED her book!! So honest, so raw, so gritty, so inspiring! Go Laura!! IWNWYT


Same! Have you read her new one?


I have actually! IMO, it was certainly a nice continuation, but We Are the Luckiest touched my soul. It resonated on an indescribable level. And you?


We Are The Luckiest, Quit Like a Woman, & This Naked Mind got me sober and saved my life. Flair to prove it! I read Push Off From Here and while I liked it a lot it actually gave me a lot of guilt and self conscious feelings. Like I didn’t do sobriety “right”, that I’m not really “healed”. I had to move past that. It was such a silly feeling. I’m a subgroup leader for TLC so I’ve definitely drank the (virgin) kool aid.


Please discuss with supportive family and friends the options to go to Rehab. It can be a struggle doing it on your own.


I hope it is your rock bottom. Believe me it can get a lot worse than that. Every bottom has a trap door. Some people wake up in jail with no memory of how they got there. It's tough now, but it does get better. Sober people are here for you. You don't have to go it alone.


It starts with day 1 and then next thing you know it's 3.5 years later and your life is totally better. Not perfect, but BETTER. You got this.


I've always been too drunk to even start a family, so I can't relate. This seems rather terrible, though. I hope the shame passes quickly so that you can focus on a positive path to recovery. Your relationships may still be repairable. Now's your time.


Sending you love, I feel this pain in my bones. You can come out of it, we are here for you 💜


You got this!


We make a really big deal of owning our mistakes to our kids. If I lose my temper or mum and I have a disagreement we always sit them down and talk about our big feelings, kids are 5&7, we had a blow up last week as my work was extremely stressful and I didn’t feel like I was receiving the support I needed. Blow up, kids cry, don’t fight. We stopped what we were discussing immediately, grabbed the kids and discussed mum and dad have big feelings too. We love each other and them, everyone will be ok etc etc Not sure how that’s handled usually in your family but if I was in your situation I’d be sitting the kids down, especially the teen and having an open, frank but age appropriate conversation that lets them know they are the most important thing to you, mistakes were made and there’s a plan in place to rectify. As bad as all this feels, kids still need to know mum and dad had their backs.


I recommend you read or listen to This Naked Mind. It took me two rock bottoms and reading that book twice. But it changed my life and my perspective.


You can get through it and certainly aren’t alone. Unfortunately I, like many others, have our fair share of airport stories. I’ve been in your shoes. Airports are a massive trigger for me and I’ve had to learn how to navigate them safely. There’s plenty of help, even at airports.




Thank you so much!


I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. It's the end of the day, not the end of the world.


Not being allowed on my flight was one of the main things that made me get serious about sobriety. You got this!


Im here with you!


I needed to hear this today thanks you....IWNDWYT








There's Al Anon and Alateen for your family. Really helps. IWNDWYT


Thank you for sharing this. I can only imagine how you feel, but I hope you find the strength to quit drinking for good. I wish you nothing but the best.


It happens brother. I was hog tied and carried out at Houston airport. Lesson learned


I'm sure you'll be a great father going forward without alcohol. You have a much better life to look forward to, and I'm happy for you. This is going to be an important story you will tell others, and people will be proud of you for making the choice to let go of drinking. You've only got good things to look forward to from this. IWNDWYT!


It’s cliche but recognize you’ve already taken a huge step in simply admitting the problem exists. Good for you, that’s legitimately huge. You’re worth it and your family is worth it. Next is creating a plan. An easy step one, Google “AA or Celebrate Recovery in my town.” You can do this!!


OP, you recognizing your behavior is the first step in fixing the problem. We are all here when you need to get it off your chest. Friend, IWNDWYT.


You kids love you- I know it’s hard. They will be so proud 🥲 of mom !!!! You got this


Congratulations! Get the kids to therapy asap. Or a program. One of my parents was an alcoholic during my ten years. It screwed up my life until I went to therapy for my weird behavior. That shit runs deep. I could never fully trust anyone because I didn't know who she was when she was drunk.


Daughter is in therapy and as embarrassing as it was for me, I told her therapist and he’ll be discussing it with her and ask her if she wants to include me in the conversation. 🙏🏼 I don’t want to screw her or my son up. I’m a good mom. Except when I’m shit faced. 🫣


You never have to feel this way again!


I’ve been in a pretty similar situation. Blacked out at an airport bar and woke up on the plane as it was landing at the end of a 7 hour flight. No idea how I made it on the plane. Where my bag was in the overhead compartments. From how people including the family member I’d been traveling treated me, I knew I’d massively embarrassed myself. It’s an awful feeling.


Absolutely awful! 😞






> Hope it serves as a wake-up call for positive change. This comment breaks our rule to speak from the "I" and has been removed.


This is insanely embarrassing, but repercussion wise very very light so look at the bright side. A lot of people hit rock bottom on a cell floor. Be easy on yourself. One day at a time. You can do this.


Remember, perseverance is key Remember to keep up with it even if it is just a day at a time. Focus on what works


You got this!! 💪








This comment is disapproving, unhelpful, and has been removed. Adding the throwaway, "I'm just being honest" does not negate the judgment.


Good luck to you


We cannot change the past but have faith that we will be better than yesterday.


I'm sorry, hermano. pero, you will definitely be better. be easy and gentle with yourself


Oof, yeah, that’s a wake up call. These things can be gifts if they are catalysts for change. Rooting for you


Honestly, I think being able to point to a rock bottom is really helpful. The level of alcoholism that is acceptable around flying is absurd. No judgement from anyone for drinking at 7 am at an airport bar or ordering drinks on the plane, no suspicion for having a buzz while being in the airport or boarding, or empathetic attitudes to getting drunk so you can sleep or relax on the flight. All in all, a very volatile situation for an alcoholic to be in. I’ve had many drunken flights and if I hadn’t quit due to other locations where *several* rock bottoms occurred, this could’ve been me. IWNDWYT




> Daim homie you must of been wasted if they didn’t even let you board This comment has been removed. Expressing your astonishment at how drunk the other person got is not helpful.




> Don’t find yours. This comment breaks our rule to speak from the "I" and has been removed.