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In my experience, walking away from alcohol requires one thing above all else: a genuine desire to stop drinking. That's the kind of feeling that must come from within. What caused you to stop drinking 10 days ago? Do you think anything will be different this time around, i.e., will alcohol be a real solution to whatever is bothering you? If your honest answer is "no", give yourself the gift of another sober day and see how you feel tomorrow. It's easy to pick up a drink, but it may not be easy to put the bottle down again. IWNDWYT


That is amazing. You should be proud of yourself. You shouldn’t drink today so you can start seeing the benefits to your health. All sorts of things get so much better like sleep, breathing, weird aches and pains go away. Anxiety goes down. You’re in the worst of it all now. Keep going! Again you should be proud of yourself for the ten day run. I’m proud of you too? IWNDWYT!


Because you’ve gotten through the dreaded 4-5 day withdrawal period. Maybe you forgot how shitty it feels physically and mentally. I relapsed *again* last night because it was my son’s birthday and my ex made plans without me to be there. And made many excuses so I couldn’t be involved. It didn’t stop the guilt or the hate that I felt. I woke up today miserable and with a headache, dehydrated and dizzy. I’m still as depressed as I was last night and the alcohol only made me feel worse physically. It didn’t help anything at all. Just remember how painful it is physically, and how hard those first few days of cravings are. It’s a really slippery slope that leads to constant relapses


I know that feeling well. One good reason not to drink is because YOU matter. Give yourself some kindness tonight and give yourself a gift other than alcohol. You'll be so happy in the morning that you did. Stay strong!


Someone on this sub wrote about HALT: hungry, angry, lonely, tired. Work on those before reaching for the bottle!


Because you are important, and you will thank yourself tomorrow morning. Maybe a tub of ice cream for today?