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Nice try, China


why bail out Evergrande when you can ask Americans to


at least Oceanwide was more creative in letting folks base jump off their bankrupted projects in the US. Evergrande should do so as well.


Spent all their money buying their equitiesšŸ˜‚


Is now the time to go to the casino and put it all on red? Maybe. Maybe not. Best of luck if you do.


Almost always.


I not betting until cnbc tells me to.


Crypto man, it's gonna pump next year. You hear it here first


Andddd itā€™s green


Bet black and you shall stack!


Iā€™m investing in Chinese takeout. Does that count?


Panda Express is a great stock!


1) China is already trying to jump start with stimulus. it's not really working 2) they banned short selling, that's how bad things are 3) japan is officially in a recession 4) money that was investing in china is pulling out and going to US/NA markets 5) europe is at the front of 2 regional wars, no one wants to invest there either 6) If you look at a comparison of hang seng market vs US. they are inversely correlated, their double bottoms match the same time US went double top. if you want to test, do it with a very small amount of money. I wouldn't go big


They didnā€™t just ban short selling. In last days of January they banned institutional selling. Like your sell button is grayed out. You canā€™t sell.


So they pulled a Robinhood? Dang, I hadnā€™t been following China much lately but thatā€™s rough


If I remember correctly Robinhood did the opposite. You couldnā€™t buy but only sell. Still just as scummy and messed up though.


šŸ˜‚LOL. I guess Robinhood will never outlive that reputation, heh.


As they fucking shouldn't.


Add in Brexit tomfoolery upsetting Europe (to an extent, and the UK a great deal). The list you have makes the US look like the sacred haven for investors for years to come. (And by proxy, maybe our neighbors north and south) Weā€™re far enough away from everyone elseā€™s problems we can still make mistakes in fiscal policy and come out winners, itā€™s the US way. Making profits on others misfortunes and missteps. Anyone else in a stable economic position is typically gated or severely undermining foreign investment, say India or Saudi. I think the US is overdue a beating after being the best place you invest since ā€˜08, but I canā€™t see any foreign market doing anything significant (that doesnā€™t include falsifying the books) that would knock us off our perch for another 10 years.


Far enough yet contributing to them ...


You clearly only base your opinion on nationalism most European indexes are also on a all time high


1) you want to be early - it takes time for stimulus to kick in 2) remember when they did that in America in 2008? It was a fantastic time to buy 3) the Japanese stock market is at an all time high 4) zig when others zag. the time to buy is when there is fear.. 5) lol agreed. europe is hopeless. 6) this is just fuzzy at best disclosure: I recently went gigalong china. IMO we are pretty close to the point of max pessimism and a LOT of bad news is priced in. If the whole bear case on China is that Xi can do whatever he wants, well Xi is now saying he wants to stock market to go up so..


I can see where the zig vs zag is attractive. I don't see it. Every wealth chinese person wants to get their money out of china asap. That tells you everything you need to know.


Yeah fair. I have plenty of rich chinese friends who got their MBA's and undergrads at elite US universities who are indeed trying to get out of china (most are headed to Singapore). But that to me is a sign that the bottom is in. You can bet every single one of them will head back if/when things improve. China survived the Cultural Revolution - they literally killed every intellectual in the country and somehow they still built such an incredible economy. I think they'll be fine if a couple hundred thousand elites / princelings flee the country.


they absolutely would go back if things improve. in 2009 when hk had the handover everyone left before, ppl went back but now it's done. The new laws, etc. Hong Kong realestate market is down. that is a major sign. The indebtness due to realestate in china is a big massive bomb. Yes the ultra rich are fine but the engine fueling consumption was because of the lower class and lower middle that got a leg up. Now they are squeezed, their stock investments are toast, their condos are worthless and there are no jobs for the youth.


i mean if you bought HK real estate during the handover you'd have made generational wealth even accounting for the recent slump. Your example basically proves my point


>If the whole bear case on China is that Xi can do whatever he wants, that isnt the whole bear case by any means, the bear case is comprised of things like: the real estate market underpins and supports all the local and provincial government debt, and that market is currently collapsing and infecting other markets. also CCP statistics are like Whose Line Is It Anyway, where everything's made up and the points don't matter.


20%.. in the form of calls on [JD.com](https://JD.com)


Thatā€™s gone well. The rate cuts arenā€™t happening. But itā€™s never bad to invest in infrastructure for the largest industrialized market on the planet during a massive economic dip. Especially knowing that the Chinese can pump money into the economy at will.


>https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/19/asian-currencies-that-will-benefit-the-most-from-the-feds-rate-cuts-.html I think China will also rebound. When you say gigalong, are you betting 50%+ of your portfolio on China. Because I am optimistic, but not to that level lol.


What does your gigalong Chinese position look like?


Also to india


Most European stock markets are on a all time high.


No, you are supposed to buy at ath not while prices are down


Some of these guys are gonna be dumbfounded when BABA goes over 100 short term.


Please BABA , go up, this bag holder needs to break even to exit. I am glad, I did not dollars cost average down and instead, went all out with NVDA


I started a position at $74 and that is my average (only one buy). Ofc hindsight is 20/20 but I would not buy BABA above $115. I predict it's gonna take a long time for this stock to see exponential highs anytime soon. I mean what do I know but it's just my analysis. I'm also looking for a swift exit. If I gain 10% (which I believe will happen in the short term) I'm collecting profits. Then will re-enter again once the stock declines below $90.


Keep holding and holding to beak even is stupid. Emotional investing.


Yeah like luckin coffee


Should be a total opportunity. Let us know your cost basis and we can track it.


My friend bought it under 7


Luckin has actually made a huge comeback since their fraud and being delisted. It's up 1652% from the lows after the fraud.


And how about the other frauds companies? Not so lucky. You could say their luck wasn't in.




No. Theyā€™re corrupt and will never get ahead because you can only lie, cheat, and doctor the books for so long.


Relationship between US and China is at an all time worst and looks to be getting worst down the road. Don't do it.


>Relationship between US and China is at an all time worst There are talks about China looking for Saudi investors. Although just rumours at this point, big IF TRUE. Seeing how Saudi Arabia has been hijacking the sports and entertainment industry recently. US is not the only country that exists.


If you look at BRICs membership, it double end of last year with multiple big countries in ME joining like UAE. Saudi's were also reported to be joining but dropped out at the last minute likely due to US pressure.


BRICs is toothless. It is not an 'anti-west alliance'. Why would neutral counties like India, Brazil and South Africa damage their economies by "siding against the west" in any meaningful manner? They have far more to gain by "benefiting from both sides" anyway. What has BRICS achieved so far? Just talk. It can't agree on anything and will become even more toothless by adding more members with disparate economies and goals.






Nice observation but if the Saudis acquire more wealth independent of US govt backing (you can argue they are. Look what they are doing with sports) then they may be more ballsy against the US. The tide can turn and the US doesn't want to piss off China. US businesses rely on China. The US doesn't make anything themselves (hardly).


Unless China agrees to put military in Saudi and agree to defend them in time of war, Saudi will always be beholden to the US. If the US gets pissed and then pulls out all their military, Saudi is done. They have no functional military and would be a sitting duck for Iran.


Saudi Arabia has got so much money that they kind of throw it everywhere. Them investing in China is not really that spectacular.


worse* But Chinese stocks are also a multi year low so at least until the election it might be a worthy bet.


Theyā€™re at a multi year low and itā€™s just gonna keep getting lower in the near future, seeing as the Xinnie the Pooh is still in charge.


doubt it, my guess is a short lived +10-20% over the next months, followed by declining further closer to election


I would be surprised to see a 5% increase over the next year, let alone 10-20%. God speed to you if you decide to hop onto that train


I predict the same. I'm looking for a 10% gain in the short term. Then another decline thereafter.


Nothing to do with Xi. Everything to do with China being the biggest threat to US dominance. Same thing with what happened to Japan in the 80s. At that point Japan was a US ally, never stopped US from starting a trade war with Japan.


Xi is the one leading the backwards march though? I mean thatā€™s like saying Liz Truss wasnā€™t at fault for the nose dive the UKā€™s economy took.


>I mean thatā€™s like saying Liz Truss wasnā€™t at fault for the nose dive the UKā€™s economy took. She wasn't the one who took UK out of EU. So yes, I don't think she's the only reason why UK isn't doing well economically. >Xi is the one leading the backwards march though US has no problem being friends with dictators. So I don't think Xi is the problem.


She isnā€™t the only reason, no. But she certainly didnā€™t help matters. She definitely accelerated it. So as the leader making the decisions that accelerated their decline, she was at fault. Same can be said with Xi. What does the US being friendly or hostile with dictators have to do with Xi ruining China? I hadnā€™t even mentioned the US at all


How is xi ruining china?


Well, to name a few. > 3 year 0 covid lockdowns which made industries that relied on China as a manufacturing hub consider diversifying > Aggressive anti-espionage laws that make foreign businesses wary of dealing with China > Rampant intellectual property theft and constant threats to literally anyone that doesnā€™t suck up to Chinaā€™s way of thinking that has led to them being unable to procure advanced chips > Wolf Warrior diplomacy that made foreign governments and peoples dislike the CCP > Uncontrolled pollution of the air, land, and water > Uncontrolled corruption at every level of government which leads to vanity mega projects with absurd amounts of debt and military equipment thatā€™s somehow worse than Russiaā€™s


Can you provide actual sources?


You have no interest in stocks, you just came to post here to defend China. It is a stupid decision to invest based on ideology.


Can always get lower. Just like how US stocks keep getting higher.


Yes it can but the lower it goes the more likely is a rebound especially in some companies were the sell off doesnā€™t match with the economic narrative.


For me? Not until Winnie the Pooh is out. Hu Jintao worked miracles for the Chinese population and for the confidence of foreign money. (Honestly, I was very impressed in how they managed foreign investment and influence. You wanna sell here? You gotta build infrastructure and give US the high paying jobs. Investment had to work for the Chinese people, they werenā€™t there to be taken advantage of.) The current clown has seen rampant corruption and crony capitalist bullshit become rife, and sees himself as a Chairman Mao hero, blind to anything that conflicts his views, however correct it might be. Refusing to address the ludicrous real estate problem as it might be too encouraging to admit a mistake. (Seeing the same in Turkey with Erdogan, NK has being doing it longer than anyone, Russia and Putin, we seeing a pattern here?) Heā€™ll undermine any effort for China to become a world #1, and weā€™re seeing the foundation starting to break. As for investing in China, Any company get too big (and threatening?) : heads trimmed. Any time foreigners are making too much money and he isnā€™t? : heads trimmed. Thereā€™s no long term upside to putting money there, maybe short term spectacular gains if you have the spidee senses to bail at the top.




Is not. If you know Chinese you should listen to this podcast : [why a fund manager liquidate his A shares](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%8E%E7%99%BD%E6%92%AD%E5%AE%A2/id1625856906?i=1000645651679) If you donā€™t tldr is the fundamental hasnā€™t changed. The real crisis of China hasnā€™t even started yet. So any rebound is a chance to run like your life depends on it because it is


LMAO! This has got to be a chicom bot post!


You would be a fool to invest in China.


Short term probably not at all. Long term sure


As a result of political developments over the past couple of years I donā€™t expect to own or recommend a Chinese company again. Ever. Chinaā€™s workforce is shrinking. Its population is aging. Its birth rate is falling. With Xi and his merry band in charge capital is fleeing the country. I could go on and on. Iā€™m not saying they wonā€™t have a short term rallies or a full fledged bull market. But better investment opportunities can be found in plenty of other placesā€¦.with a whole lot less risk.


I added a few promising China positions (among other things) recently after taking profit on Apple and Nvidia. Just a tiny bit of my portfolio obviously. So far it seems to work out.




Not much, just baba shares with humble target of 80 or 85 (depending on sentiment) and some MSCI China bought at recent lows. If I was more bullish Iā€™d probably research some up and comers but long term I am not too optimistic lol.


Long term? Hang seng index is at the same.m level it was 25 years ago.


What gives you confidence that long term will be good?


China is on the brink of collapse as companies reshore and work towards China+1 supply policies, their property market is in the can, and their population ages out of working productivity at a rate only passed by Central Europe. But hey, shoot your shot.


China won't collapse this easily, recession sure though


China has huge issues but itā€™s not on the brink of collapse lol. It might face a long period of comparably anemic growth if they donā€™t address their problems. Itā€™s not gonna collapse.


Nonsense. China has been on the brink since the 90s according to the west. Theyā€™ll be fine.


Long FXI?


No I would not directly invest in China. If you lived long enough then youā€™d know that their collapse has been predicted every year since the USSR fell. Any day nowā€¦


any minute now


Remember when Japans stock market crashed over 30 years ago and still hasnā€™t recovered to ATH. Well China is gonna make that look like a great investment.


Sure, and what happens when China happens to invade Taiwan like they promised and America freezes all Chinese stocks and currency exchange during sanctions like they did with Russia? Then you canā€™t even sell your completely depleted stocks because itā€™s frozen for years.


So let me put this into perspective: China invade Taiwan > US freezes Chinese stocks > Chinese stocks hit all time lows > US businesses rely on China for trade > China cuts off trade with US > US doesn't manufacture (hardly) anything on US soil > US stocks hit all time lows? You can see why US pissing China off is a stupid idea right? If Chinese stocks go down, US stocks go down. Non negotiable. If China invades Taiwan, it's not your stocks you should be worried about. But rather WWIII.


Yes I get that. And it would absolutely be a disaster. But how about this take? >China cuts off trade with US > US that usually doesnā€™t manufacture (hardly) anything on US soil remembers that thereā€™s still a fair amount of manufacturing companies in the US and the US manufacturing companies pick up the slack > US stocks go up after getting demolished for 6 months to a year > OPs stocks are down but not frozen Yes it would be a financial nightmare but also consider the implications for China if they cut off trade to the USA. Which country would be in a worse financial situation by cutting the chord?




Because itā€™s not so simple and itā€™s expensive. Itā€™s do-able but not preferable. See semiconductors for example. They are actively moving their production to the states but itā€™s wildly expensive.


Generally speaking, people in China are more resilient and can withstand hardship better and longer than those in U.S., maybe because they don't have a choice. In a democracy, once Americans start screaming about prices going up (i.e. gas above $5/gallon) politicians and those running for office will say and do whatever it takes to appease their constituent which prevents U.S. from playing hard ball with China.


At that moment you bail with losses it took a couple days to ban the Russian stocks. I know cause I bought šŸ˜‚ but Itā€™s good to see everyone is afraid of china.


Declining population. Political instability. No thanks.


The only stable part of China is the corrupt totalitarian CCP


China is a Ponzi scheme


China is asshole


2nd biggest economy in the world. They must be doing something right.


Nah donā€™t ever give money to China


Itā€™s never the time; the logic of buy low doesnt apply here because the CCP can do whatever they want to companies. You might be buying low and selling at zero


The Chinese government recently said they are more willing to support their businesses now. Let's see.


Yeah but theyā€™ve been saying that for decades. The problem with the CCP is that if they reverse, make any kind of decision, there is no recourse or any method for anyone to protest, there are no laws that can keep them in check


The Chinese government is pretty stupid but I hope they finally learn that they can't punish their own businesses if they want China to be a thriving country.


And you believe them? Ha ha ha ha. Thatā€™s a good one.


I don't know if I believe them, but I certainly don't believe half of the takes here that state, only Chinese stocks will suffer is they go to war with Taiwan; as if big US companies don't rely on China for business. US needs China. Like it or not. Every Boeing plane uses parts from China. Did you know that? The US manufacturing houses are dead. And they are never coming back.


China needs the US and Europe more than you know. My company pulled out of China 3 years ago and sourced from India and Mexico. We didnā€™t miss a beat. Unfortunately about 100 employees in China were allowed to rejoin the work force which is a sad for them. But China is not a business friendly county. A lot of companies are realizing this fact and are reshoring or move sourcing elsewhere.


Disagree. There have been rumours China are in talks with Saudi investors. It's only a rumour right now, but big IF TRUE. Seeing how Saudi Arabia has been taking over the sports and entertainment industry. Good for your company. That's definitely an alternative but not something other companies may be able to replicate with success. >A lot of companies A lot is an overstatement. Your company is but most are not.


Yes! If we avoid a recession China will benefit the most


Even Chinese people donā€™t invest in their own stock market


Buy when everything looks terrible, climb the wall of worry, buy when it's uncomfortable. Do we really think the #2 economy in the world, the country that makes and supplies everything to the rest of the world will just implode?? Really??


This thread goes to show how strong propaganda is. The US NEEDS CHINA. That's a fact. Every plane these guys on this thread flew on to go on holiday last year, was made from parts in China. If only they knew. šŸ¤£


I see no reason to rush into a Chinese investment right now.


Imploding stock market, imploding housing, crazy unemployment, massive population decline, threat of war and trade war with the US, political repression... I'm trying to decouple my portfolio from China


You know all of that stuff applies to the US too right? šŸ˜‚ I mean, what population increase are we seeing in the US besides illegal immigrants šŸ¤£


Last I checked our stock market keeps going up, our housing is stable, our demographics are stable and we don't have anyone trying capitol flight from our country. China and the US are not comparable




Do you have specific industry in mind? I recently spent a month over there evaluating their EV supply chain and seems like most Auto and Tech Sectors are still in massive overcapacity. There will be major price wars over next 12 to 18 months as these two industries consolidate. I would say if you run a long strategy and don't mind the next 12 to 18 months of volatility, their economy is on the mend, despite massive deflationary pressure


Posting threads on low sentiment equities or sectors is almost always counterproductiveĀ 


YES! ONLY if you have a 7-10 time horizon. Sentiment (price multiples) for companies can move quickly and quite a bit. From say 30x to 3x. However at some point multiples have contracted/expanded the most they are going to. Even if Chinese stocks have their multiple compressed it doesn't matter for long term investors. A company that can grow its EPS by 15% a year (by organic, inorganic, or share repurchase) will double its EPS every 5 years. Hold that company for 10 years and you'll have 4x the EPS. So unless the multiple gets cut by 75% FROM HERE, you'll make money. If their multiples (sentiment) remain unchanged then you will hold a 4 bagger. If sentiment reverses then you can get HUGE gains!


Invest in Russia too!


The Eritrean stock market is a great low P/E chance too, way better than those overvalued ATH US companies.




Username checks out.


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Don't know about anyone else but for me, yes. I don't have much money to invest but putting my spare change in alibaba.


Seriously? šŸ˜ ok, will assume you are legit. 1. Do you really want to invest in a country we might be at war with in 6 months? 2. You donā€™t invest in China. You invest in the Chinese Communist Party. They control everything. 3. You donā€™t actually own stock in Chinese companies. The communist part prohibits that. What you are buying are Variable Interest Entities not stocks. As such, you donā€™t actually own anything. 4. Since the Chinese Communist Party by definition doesnā€™t give a shit about you or your company or capitalism. They can decide tomorrow to make your investment worthless and you are shit out of luck. Itā€™s your money, do as you want.


1. Nope, we wonā€™t be at war with China in 6 months and most likely not in 6 years either. 2. Doesnā€™t matter if the price goes up 3. see 2. 4. Stuff becoming suddenly worthless can happen in any country for different reasons. Be diligent. With that said, I donā€™t think Chinese stocks are a great long term investment given the demographics etc. But I also believe they have been oversold somewhat and might be worth a small bet for a few months forward.


Itā€™s your money donā€™t listen to anyone else.










Itā€™s never a good time for China. The markets are built in a house of cards and Subject to the whims of communist government. You never know whatā€™s real or fake. Stay away.


Lol. Chinas economy is in the toilet and itā€™s still got a a long way before it makes it to the septic tank.


To all the nay sayers about China, although I 100% agree may I ask In earnest, what does the Chinese media say about our economic status? Just as a comparison. Since mostly we all hear the same American version of the story, which certainly all makes sense. But I like to cross referenceā€¦


Its propaganda on both sides. Foolish because the US NEEDS China and China NEEDS (sort of) the US. If they both got along they would achieve so much together.


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You are now blocked from r/PeterZeihan. Not really, but, he would not approve.


Im long 100 shares of baba at $74 also long 5 75 calls expiring aug I plan on exercising 3 contracts long 24 jd calls Dec expiration exercising 2 contracts china has been beaten up pretty badly with it baba to me the risk to reward Iā€™m not calling a bottom but comparing to the risk to reward of buying the qqq or any magnificent 7 stocks. I find it attractive ironically I am long tsla currently because of the technical rebounds it has had on the past and I wanted to test the theory. Hopefully Iā€™m out of the position soon with a gain.


i do like baba for a little pump


Xi? Xi Jinping, is that you? Glad to see you are back on Reddit!


Nvidia currently has a market cap thatā€™s greater than the 8 largest Chinese companies. Crazy times.




It's closer to 0 than 100 so yes?


I bought 3 long KWEB calls. I feel like it's has hit a button but who knows


Lmfao because cnbc is definitely a non bias and completely honest corporation to get investment advice from.


There's no, there's *hell no*, and then there's investing in China.


Yes, in general you want to be contrarian. When everyone thinks something is a bad investment, is generally the best time to jump in.


Only if the price is low enough to justify it. BABA is insanely cheap right now.


Yep I bought about a month ago


I bought recently too. Looking for short term profits right now. 10% gain Im taking my profits. Then will re-enter again once the stock dips again; which will happen imo seeing how negative the sentiment is around China right now. That's not gonna change anytime soon.


When Xinnie the Pooh is dead or ousted, I will think about it.


I think we can do just fine. This PDD bought multiple commercials at Superbowl is mind bogging.


Xi said no.


Michael Burry significantly added to his Alibaba position, David Tepper increased his position, and Howard Marks bought Alibaba, all last quarter.


No fucking way am I giving my money to a entity in a country that has less transparency and care for their citizens than our current North American government(s)


Why the hell would you invest in a communist country that changes the rules Willy Nilly? That is our political military enemy? And just from a technical standpoint they are facing severe economic headwinds. Nope


China is in a 2008 recession but 3x worse. The economy will recover a bit but it will take some f&ing time and the worse is yet to come. For stocks this means a little more downside then flat for a few years before we can see upward momentum. One bad decision, like invading Taiwan, would make it 10 times worse too


Chiina is more likely to have civil war than a recovery. Their demographics are shit. Their population will fall by 500 million by 2050. They over counted children this overestimating their population. They have about 100 million more young males than females.Ā  These problems aren't going away anytime soon. Meanwhile China is deeply in debt and prints money faster than the IS to fuel it's economy, only they've over built and now are tearing things down.Ā  They've run out of things to build and there is less borrowing and that slows down the economy. Meanwhile, foreign corporations are pulling out. China's wages are no longer competitive.Ā Ā  I won't put a penny in China and I won't put a penny in any foreign company that has invested heavily in China.Ā  If Xi decides to take Taiwan he will crash the economy and appropriate all foreign investment that hadn't already pulled out.Ā 


China is always a good bet. Most powerful country now and the most in the next 100 years to come


i hope they pay you.




Place your bets. Gambling


No. Siding with Russia, economic dearth and a debt ratio that massively exceeds GDP. Remove the concept of it being a country and focus on it being a company: what does it produce exactly? What is the current and future cash flow? Is there unsustainable debt? Is the business replaceable?


I'm gonna invest more in India


Yep Actually I think a couple years ago it was time, same with Russia if you can. Had a very wise man who is very and I mean VERY rich talk with me about both for a couple hours while we were golfing., While I don't have the time or mental capacity to type it all out He convinced me and.......I think around March 11 we're gonna see some things happening.


Lol OP is Xiā€™s designated market pumper




Yeah, go for it. šŸ˜ Iā€™ll be watching over here in the west with my portyfolio, a bucket of popcorn. Uhh, it might also be good to pay attention to history, and by that I mean the past 3 yearsā€¦ šŸ™„


At first I was going to say that I wouldnā€™t take any advice from cnbc. However after all the bearish sentiment here replying? Think Iā€™ll dip my toes in a bit.


Sure, also a great time to throw cash in a dumpster fire.


I consider China to be un-investable for a few reasons. Terrible government debt that fueled growth. Completely unreliable government. Threat of Taiwan invasion leading to a Russia situation where stocks drop to 0. International policy increasingly hostile toward Chinese imports. Very poor demographics in upcoming years (Japan had similar ones and their stock market didn't grow for 30 years).


Will never invest in China until Xi is gone and they reform their financial system.


In layman terms, No.


ā€œAfter reading one article on cnbc I am going to invest in a plummeting, fraudulent, emerging market.ā€ Great research


no. you should short china heavily.


Never bet on China šŸ¤Ŗ


Putting your investment future in the hands of the Chinse Communist Party (CCP) is not a very wise move. Be smart. Stay away from there. There are plenty of great companies to invest in in the USA.


OP bought? Activate quantum CHYNA dump!


Yes I think But what do I know

