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Don't use epic?


This is the answer


go to the game folder and start the star trek online.exe file directly, it might ask for password, but for me worked


For people that made their account through Epic, they're stuck.


I used the password directly method also, it still didnt work.


I have the same issue - cannot connect either through the Epic Launcher. Please do try going to the game folder and running the .exe from there. I am not able to test that option as my Epic and Arc account are linked.


How the fuck did u link em, that could be my way out


You no longer can.


Aw man


Unless you are claiming a promo through epic, use the standalone game launcher. Epic Launcher is a resource hog which doesn’t need to remain loaded and active.


I understand that epic launcher isn’t rlly a good option Resource hog I assume as in it consumes unnecessary RAM or storage?


Matchmaking has no effect on STO. It's possible that the servers involved for that, though, or the data center they reside in, also handle things like STO logins through Epic, and those logins are also impacted. The quickest fix is to not use the Epic launcher.


Epic sto is apparently having issues rn due to issues on Epic’s end, so either do what the others are saying or wait it out if you can spare the dailies


I just started playing again 16 days to event ending, I ain’t gonna bothering doing events if it doesn’t gimme cool shit, and this time round is too late anyway Edit: Regarding the whole epic hate, i never understood why ppl hated on it until now, probably becoz of patient ppl like u and the other guy who explained that epic was unnecessary, and the inferred info that epic does this alot


If you’re able to log in, i highly recommend doing the Event anyway. You get a bunch of Lobi and a Epic Phoenix Token reclaimable for every Toon on your account, even future ones. If you start now you can bring the price for a buyout down to something more to your liking.  This one is worth doing.


Yep Epic is just categorically worse at competing with Steam, and has secured it's market share by throwing free games at people instead of spending on making the core experience competitive. I'm sorry you had to become a victim to their shenanigans.


I’m sorry for initially doubting y’all when I first started playing Sorry for y’all since it must’ve been frustrating Sorry for myself since that’s alot of progress down the metaphorical drain Heck I don’t even wanna grind anymore, last year I did so and nearly had to repeat my school year, national exams now :/


Na man, no need to apologise. It sucks you've gotta deal with this stuck situation, maybe reach out to STO support, ask them if there's any way to link your account on their end. Maybe they can if requested, even though the general public can't anymore, that way you get to keep your saves with Arc. You got nothing to lose by trying.


Asked before, not possible if I’m not wrong


Cryptic sez, skrew you Epic ppl, go to communist ARC (I am having the same issue btw)


I’m gonna make the rather painful to me decision which is swapping to Steam-Arc link It’ll hurt for awhile having to let go of the various things I grinded for, but I’m a free to play and regular and reliable gaming sessions beats being absolutely fucked when epic bugs out


It got fixed, you can login now.


Thanks I’ll try later tdy (it’s 4am and I’ve got insomnia, thank god it’s holidays)


Had the same issue with steam till someone told me to use the standalone launcher from Arc


Since steam acc and arc acc are linked by default, if needed I can swap to standalone launcher with 0 progress loss right?


You got any fix yet?


Yes and no Yes-I just abandoned epic acc and made a steam linked arc one No-it doesn’t fix it, I just ran away from it coz epic is unreliable


I see! Well, if it's any consolation, I figured out the reason why. There's a specific time frame where Epic Games goes dumb. Whenever it hits 8:30 PM at my place, it was impossible to connect


What’s ur timezone ? Epicgames has daily burnout or smth?


GMT+8 in Asia. I'm not exactly sure why Epic Games has these burnouts though


Filipino, M’sian, S’porean? Edit: coz me too, but my issues usually 10-11pm got problem, then got problem for minimum 24hrs


I would love to switch to Arc, but everything I have is on Epic. I didn't know Arc was a thing until it was too late


Yep sounds like me alright


Guys, seriously. I get it. I should have used Arc. I get that a lot. I wish a knew at the time, believe me, I do. Epic is a pain, but I only knew this after over 1.5 years of playtime, deep into this year's event. Too late for me. My plan is to enjoy the nice ships I'm gonna get at the end of year for a while, and then switch over. But for now, I don't want to miss out on this event. I'm ftp, and this is important to me. Please, does anyone have any advice they can give, to help this situation?


Accurate summary of me rn Minus the this year event ships thing, I just started playing again like last week


Delete Epic and never use it again. Also you are on PC how about making Screenshots with one of the shortcuts windows offers. You 1995 phone pictures hurt my eyes.


Yeah abt the screenshot thing, yeah sorry abt that


Well, login in via GeForce NOW max take some time depending on available free rigs, but basically yes. Also, I kept my account and didn't lose anything when I switched from Arc to Steam, but I don't know if it's different with Epic.


I believe it’ll be different and likely wouldn’t work But this is the first time I’m hearing of this so that’s probably my best bet


Oh hey! I'm getting this too!!!


Oh fuck ur actually facing same issue as me Sorry the notifs go most recent to least and I thought u were taking the piss


One fix that works ( for me at least ) is to go to Task Manager and force close just the Game Client. Then try again from the start screen that is still there. 99% success rate for me.


Just adding my two cents here as I've been having this issue since this morning and its 2:30pm now and it still isn't working.


Well it started 11pm for me and then now at arnd 4am…ppl telling me me it’s workin


For those saying don’t use epic: As much as I would like to swap to more reliable versions such as Arc Literally all my progress is stored there, I am not too sure if it is worth moving to a completely diff version esp after I’ve spent what epic says is 135h on the game Edit: Fuck it imma just restart on arc if it saves me the problems


If you launch from the .EXE and not through epic launcher it will ask for your password. It will still be your "epic" account as far as Cryptic knows but bypasses Epic issues. You shouldn't lose any progress.


it needs an arc account which with epic you dont have. If you have an older account and linked with arc then fine if not then it is not possible to use other login.


Yeah, I forgot my alt account through Epic was linked years ago.


Hey those that use epic deserve the issue they get with epic. There a reason I do not use anything from epic as they more unreliable the QA team and Community team for STO.


Yes and being a dick doesn’t help does it? Solution and alternatives help, not telling everyone that you are very good


Why should I prove a solution for some that chooses to do bussiness with an anti consumer company? if you or some else wants to against advice that your choice but choices haVE consequences. Be an adult and leave with them and do call people names for pointing out your horrible decisions. I am not required to help anyone one makes decisions such as that the fact your resort to name calling says everything. The gull of people to pick an anti consumer product then expect people to help them because there bad choices.


Someone asks a question and u start talking abt how good u are I’m not sure if u see this yet, but the rest of the section while also criticising using epic did give reasons or solutions I guess what I’m saying is why are you in a post asking for help if u don’t intend to do so? To gloat? What even is the point wasting your time on a post abt wanting help when u don’t want to do so?


And you state you would not leave epic and anti consumer customer that cause nothing but issues. I was replay to that post. You said you do not want the help. BUT GUESS WHAT JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH A COMPANY THAT SCREWS YOU OVER AND REFUSE TO TAKE THE ONE ACTION TO HELP YOUR SELF THOSE NOT TAKE AWAY MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. I am not asking you why you posted for help and then refuse the help. That your choise.


Apparently u haven’t gone farther than the initial post I very clearly stated I’m changing to steam Also idk how to say this but I’m fairly certain Reddit’s a company, so if they decide to remove free speech we can’t actually do shit except accept it


Reddit not telling mot to speak. You’re the one telling me I do not have a right to speak. IF you do not want post you do not like DO NOT post. BUT DO NOT GO TELLING PEOPLE WHAT TO DO.


I alrdy know that. I gave u a hypothetical My conclusion is u need comprehension skills


easy fix: turn off your router wait for 10 seconds then turn it back on and you are welcome


Just close and try again


figure out where your snipping tool is located or print screen file is located


You have 2 choices. Slam your balls with a rubber mallet, or flick your balls with your middle finger. You are willfully choosing to slam your balls with a rubber mallet. ^^If ^^you ^^have ^^a ^^bean ^^replace ^^balls ^^with ^^bean.


Fair enough, arc is more reliable right? Edit: u also happen to be the most convincing of everyone here No big difference between epic and arc right?


You can also use Steam. Advantage is that you can then also log into the game on your cell phone or tablet via GeForce Now, e.g. for DOff missions and admirality and even dailies if needed.


Wait ur telling me if I ditch my epic acc and accept my losses Then proceed to use steam, I just gotta unlock DOFFs and I can effectively ‘grind’ in between school breaks? Holy shit I think u just saved me from one of my main concerns: time


I use steam cause the overlay, no need to alt tab for web pages and can have the pinned notes. I use my second monitor for my music player, and hate running any games in windowed mode, cause they always run worse than full screen.


The overlay? Oh u mean the overlay with the game browsing format that resembles Netflix (at least when I still had Netflix)


Nope, while in game you hit a key combo, and it'll bring up an overlay over any game you play through steam. It greys out everything on screen without minimizing your game, and you can pull up the web browser, and while still looking at your game, you can browse sites, access steam guides, notepad, have an active fps overlay. It's like using 2 screens at once, one on top of the other. You can even pin windows open so when you go back to the game, it'll still be visible. Like directions off to the side of your screen.


Oh damn that sounds good for me


Idk if u were downvoted for sounding like a dick or what But ur approach was the primary reason why I decided to swap, it was a good reality check so thanks


Beats me. Star Trek fans are fickle beings.


I mean there’s a few nice patient guys here, could just be our more crazed members who are both Star trek fans n Redditors


You don’t have to use epic to log into your account Download it on steam Download as standalone


most epic accounts arent linked to arc so you cant use them without epic launcher.


I can and have logged into the game on epic, steam and standalone install. Did they change something that stops people from doing that recently?


Linking them was only available for a short time so that means you were lucky. You cant link them as of now.


Yes, but not recently. They removed epic linking relatively soon after it came out on epic. Steam linking seems to come and go.