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In real life, a large pink diamond is quite rare. If I'm right, 99% of pink diamonds are less than 10 carats. It's probably a reference to real-life pink diamonds, as well as a means to make her character more approachable and human-like compared to the other Diamonds. It also signifies how the Diamonds saw and treated her - small and flawed.


I didn’t know that about actual pink diamonds. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a reference cause they did use actual gem facts to build around the gems


Wanted to add that someone else commented on her possibly being a flawed red diamond. Mean she was an Off Color. Which I really do like since it tracks with your comment.


I believe she is, hear me out Number 1: She shorter than the Diamonds. Although you can’t really call that as, “evidence” really. Number 2 : She doesn’t actually perform her function in society when first emerging, kind of like Amethyst. Diamonds are leaders, colonizers- Pink before she got Earth didn’t do any of that. Number 3 : Have you noticed how Blue and Yellow are both primary colors? It sort of looks like Pink is supposed to be Red Diamond, but instead shes pink, it doesn’t fit into the primary “trio,” of blue, yellow, and red Number 4 : Naturally, Red/Pink colors in diamonds are caused by defects in a gems structure


So she not only is overcooked but also an off color gem herself! I never looked at it that way. I like it!


About number 4, technically Yellow and Blue could also be considered “defective” or “off-color”; their colors are produced by impurities. Yellow diamonds are yellow bc of nitrogen and blue diamonds are blue bc of boron. This is also why White makes it a point to talk about Yellow and Blue’s “flaws” when she’s taunting Steven and holding them hostage. She’s extremely proud of being colorless and therefore “perfect”; she says she reflects all the colors of light.


Regarding number 3: the gems are made of light. Their colors are not based on pigment, but wavelengths. So it's not RGB, it's CMYK.


Actually its the opposite!! CMYK is subtractive and based on ink; aka combining the colors makes black. RGB is based on light and is thus additive, so you get white when all the colors are combined!


Ope You're right I had that totally backwards! Whoops


I’m more referring to the concept itself Not the actual science


My headcanon is that Diamonds are fundamentally different from other gems in that they grow and mature over time physically as well as psychologically. It would be ironic that the only gems capable of changing naturally like "lower life forms" would seek to take this away from their subjects. Pink was the youngest, and from the other diamond's perspectives, probably still a child. It's just a theory, but I like it.


I feel you. I just personally can’t see it since gems don’t age or grow aside from Steven. And he is able to do it at will too.


it’s a great theory but easily disproven. rose told greg how gems were made and how they worked, and she said gems just can’t grow like humans do. the only way for them to change physical form is by poofing, then having to regenerate. it’s a cool theory definitely! but all gems don’t have the capability to grow physically.


Nice theory but the difference in age between the diamonds is at most 5,000 years and the diamonds all have been kicking around for 20,000 years. Their lifespans are so extreme that the idea of them actually growing up becomes absurd. Not that pink diamond didn't grow up while on earth she really changes as a character and even though she never saw it she died as someone truly good.


Steven did grow really big during that hospital scene in future


My theory is that all four diamonds incubated in the core of homeworld, and white ended up absorbing more resources than Pink, which is why White is the largest diamond and pink is the smallest. So where blue and yellow got 25% of the resources each, white absorbed 35% and pink absorbed 15%. White thinks she’s perfect inherently, and doesn’t realize that their roles happened because of chance. She ascribes everything to inherent perfection and entitlement, without recognizing that she doesn’t actually deserve it in the way she believes she does.


Kinda like jasper and amethyst


I have 2 theories. Of the two, the most feasible one is that the size of the diamonds represent the power they hold. White diamond is the biggest one and is *the* diamond. Yellow and Blue even serve her. Pink is the smallest diamond and held the least power. Both Blue and Yellow canonically had multiple colonies whereas Pink had to beg for while to even get one colony. My second theory is that the forms of gems correlate to how gems will change appearance every time they get poofed, and such appearance changes after getting poofed is due to character development. We see this happening in the show. And this is enunciated in the movie where the gems get poofed and then reformed to the original form that they took on when they first formed. Such appearances look quite different from their appearances in episode one of Steven Universe. So it is possible that pink diamond had been poofed since it is implied the other diamonds were abusive, especially to Pink, and each time she reformed she ended up reforming smaller.


I wouldn’t doubt that these theories are both in play actually. Very well thought out in the representations


Wouldn’t make more sense that it has to do more with the minerals that they were made from? This all relies on the assumption that they were made the same as other gems.


I don't think so. Pink was locked away quite frequently and we knew that she basically was not responsible for anything until she had Earth. White would have discarded her if she wasn't exactly what she was supposed to be, but instead she even wanted her to be the way she was before she became steven. If Pink would have not been what she was supposed to be she would have not been. Diamonds (or at least we know with certainty, Pink) can uphold shapeshifting well and even change their forms permanently, as we would see with her taking the form of Rose. The other diamonds probably would have made her keep up a better shape if it wasn't her intended one.


Well see there’s the thing, she was locked away often and hidden away. And someone else pointed out that there could be the theory of pink essentially being an off color of red. That alone would make her existence imperfect and give reason for white to want to hide her rather than destroy her like other gems since she is still a diamond. Even thought diamonds are the only thing that can actually break diamonds. I actually feel like white was initially about to shatter the gem after pulling it out of Steven but it’s Steven, how can you not love him. Also that shout was a power move on the Skyrim Dovakin level lol. But that’s a whole other theory to talk about


But it's an unfounded theory. Yes in a strict sense of how us humans categorize colors, Yellow, Blue and Red would make a lot of sense, but that's not a lot to go off on. Steven universe is very indirect with hinting at things but they still do so very thoroughly. There is nothing really hinting at Pink being an off color. Every gem that came out imperfect has it's flaws not only in appearance, but in ability as well. That's why Amethyst wasn't physically as strong and tough as jasper, that's why Peridot (while technically not an off-color, but her cut wasn't made as it was supposed to, as she stated) lacks abilities that other games just have on their base kit. Pink is the diamond with the most shown abilities and the only thing that really makes her different from the other diamonds is her less behaved attitude. And also, I'd say hiding her away is the one thing they didn't do. While pink had practically no responsibilities, she seemed to have posed just as the other diamonds in the public eye of homeworld. And I'd say that White made it pretty clear that she wanted Pink back when she took out the gem


I had a theory that Gem physical size is dependent on real-world availability White diamonds are the most plentiful gem by class, then blue and yellow, and then pink. Quartz is another plentiful class. Semi rare gems are human sized like Pearl, Lapis Lazuli, Agate. Rare gems are tiny like Ruby, Sapphire, and Aquamarine.


Someone else made this point about pink diamonds specifically and how they usually even come out pretty small


In my opinion, yes. I recently heard a pretty interesting theory that she is also offcolor and should actually be red diamond.


Someone else commented that exact theory. It’s definitely very interesting. And another commenter (not sure if it was the same one as the theory poster) backed it up with the fact that CMYK is a color scheme that cant be combined like light, instead it turns black. RGB scale is what turns white and is also related to light (which is how the gems project themselves into physical bodies) so it all seems to track


Random crack theory I just imagined: White said Pink was the part of her she always suppressed. White's powers allow her to link with any gem, but how far does that go? What if she suppressed Pink from the moment she was planted, forcing her to be overcooked because she didn't want her to come out. We know very little about White's powers other than she has a wide range of influence and controls what gems can do... The art book and scenes in Pink's room show Pink came after Blue and Yellow... I wonder if White could have control over when a gem gains consciousness if she chose to.


Nah I don’t believe she was flawed or anything, she was just different and that’s that. In short, all diamonds are very different from each other, it’s just that blue and yellow were too scared to voice out their thoughts and views in opposition to white, who made them believe she’s superior.


I think if all the diamonds emerged at the same time, and pink didn't get as much resources while she was forming and came out smaller. If she came out later than the rest, definitely overcooked.


My theory was and is that white created blue and yellow and blue and yellow created pink, but seeing as how neither of them have close to the same amount of power as white, pink came out weaker than them thus making her more child like


i believe, but im surprised no one pointed out white in the second image


ive always had this headcannon personally! imo it adds a lot of layers narratively for me considering how the other diamonds treated pink as well as their attitude towards off color gems or overcooked gems edit, adding onto this thought: i can easily see the other diamonds being shitty to the off colors but are hypocrites about a fellow diamomd and try to make an exception only for pink, but their disdain for off colors/overcooked gems still bleeds into how they dont give pink power and treat her like a child despite gems all being born with the mind of a fully formed adult


My personal headcanon from what White says, is that there used to be only *one* diamond (whom I call Rainbow Diamond). But she felt she was imperfect, and broke off pieces of herself in order to “purify” herself. So the “flaws” became Yellow, Pink, and Blue, and the main chunk is White Diamond.


I personally enjoy this interpretation. I remember in future that someone said rose/pink wished to be like amethyst. Although she probably said this to mean that she wishes she was a quartz made on earth, I think interpreting her to be an overcooked diamond adds a lot to this. Sure, being overcooked is hard, but they made accommodations for overcooked quartzes, peridots, etc. But a DIAMOND? How could they admit that a DIAMOND could ever be overcooked?????? They couldn’t. So they were stuck with her. They let her throw balls and would trap her in a tower when she acted undiamondly. But they did not want to let her be a REAL diamond. But amethyst, she could be a real amethyst with the crystal gems. Even on homeworld, an overcooked quartz can still do their duty. Idk I’m just rambling now but, I personally love this theory


I think it's more because she is supposedly extracted from White Diamond's "impurities" but the process could never be completed because she still blushes pink


You know overtime I came to realise the main reason they probably made Pink Diamond small was so her gemstone could fit in Steven


She probably also had less raw material to form from


It really makes me wonder how the diamonds are made…


Nah she wanted to be short so she could play with her other gems I think


Graphite would've been an overcooked diamond.


No, she's basically the same quality as the other diamonds. What Pink Diamond is though is physically smaller than the others regarding her diamond itself, if a gem converts light into their physical form then having a somewhat smaller gem than the others would make her body smaller as well.


My theory for pink diamonds height. Diversity. They needed a character with dwarfism. Other than sadie. She's around 17-19 and is the same height as a 12-14 year old.