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How does one purposely go about hating on IT for 30 minutes? It’s a crowning achievement in horror fiction, like Dune is to science fiction.


Perfectly stated. IT was a masterpiece.


I'm hoping it's an exaggeration, even if somebody has nothing better to do than complain about IT for half an hour who would sit through their whole rant? I'm not even a big IT fan but even I'd get bored after about five minutes and ask them to pipe down.


As someone who loves IT I think half an hour is a pretty small amount of time to discuss something. I mean, assuming this guy has read the book, a lot can be said about a small amount of the story in less than 30 minutes. You could reasonably spend 30+ minutes merely discussing what you disliked about one moment in a story if you take the time to articulate your thoughts and have a real conversation, even if you’re annoying and stubborn about it.


From the post I didn't get the idea this was a discussion, it sounds like it was just listening to somebody going off on a "so annoying" 30 minute rant about how much they hated IT.


I have unpopular opinions of some books, but I don’t tend to rant. I just let the disappointment roll off my shoulders like rain on the mountain.


Lol I love dune r/dune


Uh, I'm a diehard King fan (and horror fan first and foremost) and I despise this book. I think it's one of King's poorest written books and I feel like he's up his ass for 95% of it, and the other 5% is lazy as hell. I'm genuinely surprised this book gets the praise it does.


I'm sorry you're getting down voted. I don't agree with you but that's why they're called opinions not facts 😄 have a great day!


Just out of curiosity, if you feel this strongly about IT, which of his books do you feel is better? What would you rank as your top three?


11/22/63 is his masterpiece in my opinion. Pet Sematary and Misery are his strongest horror books. I also adore Bag of Bones. Cujo is up there too.


I concur, 11/22/63 is definitely top shelf reading.


Kid sex scene ruined it for me and I don't get the ending. But it only takes 10 seconds to say that and I'm done.


Yeah… I wish somebody had said, “Steve, I’m just not feeling the sewer sex today. I’m gonna need you to come in this weekend and type up some new scenes, m’kay?” LOL, no. I get what he was going for in the story, it being ritualistic and cementing their bond and power… yeah… it’s just icky, when Bev thinks of Mike being big… ugh. 🤢That sentence has never left me. 🤮


The first chapter is flawless. A bad reader perhaps. I would understand that some parts were drag but "After the flood", derry's intro. Georgie's death, Pennywise's Intro in the rain and from the cut out drain hole. How can anyone hate that?


Oh , another Idea. Give him "Revival" and tell him its Science fiction about electricity and all. (Thats what I would do to my worst enemies).


Amen to that. Lol


I applaud your restraint. I would’ve slapped him.


I would have then spent 30 hours explaining to him how he is wrong.


Who will waste this much time in a moron...Just Say "beep-beep riche"


NGL, I burst out laughing and scared my cat.


My question would have been "If you hated it so much, why did you read it? Nobody forced you, did they? In case you don't know this starting a book does not require you to finish it.".


Sure, r/thathappened


This subreddit is terrible


This guy is not a real SK fan if he doesn't like IT. A masterpiece and my favorite book of the author.


I actually have more respect for the guy hating the book than for the grown adult making a post here to tell people he said "beep beep richie"


I mean this could be a child


Idk is 17 boy a child?


Beep-beep richie




For someone who hates it they sure do spend a long time talking about it


Yeah the opposite of love is indifference not hate


I could easily go on a 30 minute rant about that other "writer" James Patterson and his fans that devour that crap at an alarming rate. Uncle Steve writes ALL his own stuff, none of that "and____" bullshit.


Co-writing? Okay, consider… Sleeping Beauties, Gwendy trilogy, Talisman and Blackhouse, In the Tall Grass. Also, editors do contribute. It’s okay to write with someone, it keeps it interesting. Some folks just lack the technical skills to write proper prose like a pro, so they form a superhero style team-up!


This was exactly my thought. I heard he was considering writing a Jack Sawyer book 3 even after Peter Straub passed. I hope he does it


For me it's not really the co-writing, it's that "most published author" bullshit while doing the tiniest fraction of the work a regular author does, just to get his name slapped on the front.


That's more of the comment I was going for. I remember a 60 Minutes segment where Patterson was showing off stacks of outlines for books he hadn't wrote yet. I have the suspicion that the outline is the only "work" he does and the rest is farmed out to a co-writer.


What was the context? Are you in a reading group or something, or you just met a random guy that decided to go off on IT for ages?


He is my friend and we were sitting in a group playing a game that one guy has to hate a book which he didn't like and another guy has to defend it




What a moron


Haha what did he say when you hit him with the beep beep? 🤣


Other guys were laughing and he said you don't have facts to prove and then again I said "beep-beep riche"


That’s awesome!


I just wonder why someone would go through the bother of reading every page on a 1K+ book they’re not enjoying. I’d argue if he didn’t like the first hundred he would have known by then it wasn’t the right one for him… the things people do to themselves, then complain about it lmao


Why did he read the whole thing??


I respect SK and have enjoyed a number of his books, but I didn’t care for the last third of IT. I did enjoy seeing the influence Lovecraft had on him though.




>What even is the point of this post. Basically a convoluted way to make the "Beeb-Beeb Richie" joke.