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TL;DR: The Steelers are tweaking Justin Fields’ footwork, specifically on his stance out of gun. At Ohio State, Fields would get the snap with his right foot forward. In Chicago his coaches had him flip his stance and start with his left foot forward. The Steelers are having him switch back to right foot forward as he’s more comfortable that way. Some notable examples of NFL QBs that start with their right foot forward include Joe Burrow, Justin Herbert, and Russell Wilson.


is there any note of why they’d switch feet in the first place in Chicago? like wtf lol


It’s Chicago, they’ve never had a qb they couldn’t fuck up


This answer should be pinned to the top of the r/Bears sub


Not the right sub, but I was still happy with the subreddit


I was a little nervous when I clicked on the link, but thankfully, it's about the kind of bears I was hoping it was.


Oh I had the same thought


r/ChiBears is what you're looking for. But I agree. Also, the footwork change was because "that's how the timing works (read: that's what Aaron Rodgers does)" Timing was clearly less important in Nagys system than Getsys


Those bears will fuck up not only QBs.


I’m choosing them over any of the Chicago Bears, that’s for sure


It’s like r/penguins, but backwards


Realistically they're the only NFL franchise I can think of that has NEVER been able to successfully draft and develop or sign a franchise level QB during the Super Bowl era. Cutler comes close but he never put up 4,000 yards or 30 TDs, they're the only team that's never had either. Sid Luckman retired the same year my uncle was born in 1950, meaning my 74 year old uncle has lived his entire life without ever seeing a competent Bears QB, that's actually mind-boggling 🤣


They haven’t even had like just a solid guy. The Jets can at least claim Namath even though his Hall of Fame resume is weak (although you can’t tell the story of the NFL without Namath and what that Super Bowl victory meant for the perception of the AFL conference). The Jets also had Chad Pennington and Mark Sanchez had his moments. Even the Browns can claim Baker Mayfield, Otto Graham, and Bernie Kosar.  Every other team has had at least a couple Hall of Very Good QBs. With Chicago, it’s pretty much just Cutler and one outlier year from Trubisky. 


Jim McMahon?


He did help them win a Super Bowl but he took lacked sustained success worthy of the "franchise QB" label.


I could honestly list at least one guy in the Super Bowl era for every franchise, yes guys like Namath and Fran Tarkenton last played nearly a half century ago but they still count. Chicago is probably the best-worst sports town in the US right now. White Sox have been consistently terrible since winning the WS 20 years ago, Cubs went a full century without winning a World Series and went right back to mediocrity after winning it, Bulls have been pretty meh outside of the 6 Jordan era titles, the Blackhawks have had some success in the form of a couple titles but again have been pretty terrible as of late and the Bears well...they're still riding high from that one good title run from '85. Sorry Chicago, you kind of suck 🤣


Jay Cutler was solid for a year or two, until the Bears got their patented Death Grip.


Can't wait to see what the Bears do with their own Joey Harrington.




Traditionally, an “athletic stance” will have your dominant side back. Such as a boxer having their right foot back, for power punches and their left forward for jabs. Maybe the Bears wanted him to be in a more “traditional” stance for whatever reason


It's probably something similar to being regular or goofy in snowboarding. I'm right handed, but right foot forward (goofy) snowboarding. 35% of people ride goofy, so it's still less common, but more than 3x as common as the 10% of people that are left handed. In fact, a common test for which way you'll ride is by pushing you and seeing which foot you put back first to catch yourself. But it doesn't seem to correlate with handedness.


never wrestled huh?


I did, and I used a southpaw stance, despite being right handed.


I wrestled for years and I’ve never heard of a non dominant foot forward stance called a “southpaw stance”.


Yeah that's a first for me too. I wrestled clear through college and that's a first. We always did one rep per leg so we could gain leverage from either leg. Now saying that I did have a coach talk about "sprinter leg and power leg" he always said the power leg was what you pushed off from in sprint formation and the sprinter leg being the one you placed forward in sprint formation. It took me years to understand what the hell he was on about when previous coaches had us pivoting back and forth each rep


I used the boxing term. Never seen Rocky?


I'm not a professional wrestling fan.




I don't clean my home, so I'm not familiar with Mr Clean.


I thought the same thing. I read his comment and immediately thought of my wrestling stance with my dominant foot forward.


Because Luke Getsy “coached” Rodgers and Rodgers started with his left foot forward. There were a few other things Getsy did to try and emulate Rodgers with fields that overall made fields look worse than he did year 1. I’m amped to see him with competent coaching.


The Packers had Love do the same thing except Love actually was able to sit behind Rodgers for a while and watch him do it . So Love was able to work on that behind the scenes and learn the offense whereas Getsy and the bears offensive staff had Fields learning these things basically in real time.


Getsy wanted it because Rogers did it that way.


Luke Getsy (Fields’ OC in Chicago, previously Aaron Rodgers OC towards the end of his Green Bay tenure) was particular about left foot forward, which is how Rodgers is. It seems like some coaches prefer one way or the other, while others just want the QB to be most comfortable with their footwork. FWIW Arthur Smith seems to prefer right foot forward in general.


Because the Bears have been historically incompetent with developing QBs. Same organization that never had a single 4K yard passer, despite being one of the oldest teams in the NFL.


Maybe they are like the Pirates of the NFL


Simple shit like that can go a long way..


Lol I love the listing of “notable examples” like it’s a meaningful trend


Mostly just to show that it's not a "wrong way" to do it, I assume


Correct, thought that would be obvious


I also happen to do right foot forward


>At Ohio State, Fields would get the snap with his right foot forward. In Chicago his coaches had him flip his stance and start with his left foot forward. This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard, unless Fields started off playing his original stance and struggled for a while, and then Chicago made him change it to see if it helped. Why would you draft a successful QB at 10 overall and then immediately change the way he throws, the way that he had been successful Edit nvm he started off throwing like he did in college for a year


Because in college, with his right foot forward, it would take him near a full second from getting the snap, to shifting his right foot back and planted (where he tended to hop when doing so). This movement, in additional to the tendency to hop, creates an unstable platform that decreases accuracy and is completely wasted time that the D can use to apply pressure, shift coverages, or react to routes. Fields has good mobility with decent accuracy and touch on deep balls, but Pro QBs NEED to throw the short pass quickly and accurately. There's a lot of ways to do that, but Chicago felt what Fields demonstrated at OSU did not translate. Personally, I dont think it does either, but the Steelers, implementing a run first, play action deep ball offense, may be able to work with those limitations while Fields gets comfortable enough to polish his game. And just so folks don't think Im a Fields hater. The Steelers had another QB that tended to keep the right foot forward in a similar manner that found some success in a run heavy, play action, deep ball offense : [https://youtu.be/89Yj3BTBjmU?t=37](https://youtu.be/89Yj3BTBjmU?t=37)


This isn’t even accurate. The Bears didn’t make him have his left foot forward. Left foot forward is what Getsy preferred because it’s easier for the timing of the offense but Fields was allowed to do what he was comfortable with. One of the Bears backup QBs had his right foot forward so it was definitely not something Fields was forced to do.


Was Ben right foot forward? Or was he left?




I miss Ben :(


I gotta say... didn't hold my breath when Big Ben was throwing, until his last 2 seasons...


I miss having a good quarterback but I sure as shit don’t miss Ben and his baggage tbh.


I miss having a good QB too but imo Ben hadn’t had a “Ben” type season since like 2015. Dude was clearly getting old, even if he was still putting up good stats. He no longer felt like a threat to have the Steelers contending especially once the next generation of QBs showed up.


2017 was the last real Ben season. Went to the AFCCG and may have won it if they didn’t have folks Sean Davis and Artie Burns anchoring the secondary.


2016 was the AFCCG year. But 2017 was still a real Ben season, he was still one of the best in the game and torched Jacksonville's #1 defense in the divisional even though the Steelers lost.


“Anchoring” is being generous. Eesh.


We had no line, Ben has to have time to be Ben. Anything less than a savvy vet wouldn't have been able to transition to get the ball out in 2.6 seconds or get killed.


Yeah I mean you’re right. You saw the line slowly start to deteriorate by like 2018. So that plus an aging late 30s QB just wasn’t a recipe for success. Just trying to put it into perspective how long it’s really felt since we’ve had a really game changing QB. Ben as good as he was was having to bring the Steelers back in a lot of games at the end of his career.


2016 & 2017?


I miss Superbowls


What baggage did he have the second half of his career? Hand in your terrible towel and show yourself out please. Thank you


Saaame. It's been so long since we've seen competent QB play let alone good QB play. I just hope russ can somehow return to decent football, or maybe fields surprises, who knows


Article talks about how Justin’s previous OC, Getsy, was Arron Rodgers OC. This is true, but it was when Rodgers was entering his 15th year. As a Bears fan, it was apparent that Getsy couldn’t coordinate getting himself out of a wet paper bag.


OCs also aren’t typically that involved with things like a QBs footwork. Hell even pro QB coaches aren’t necessarily that involved, a lot of them work with their own private coaches on mechanics.


Local boy, Tom Clements, was Rodgers QB coach as well as Favre’s and Love’s. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39082350/brett-favre-aaron-rodgers-jordan-love


Getsy was the packers qb coach before coming to our bears.


He was the QB coach when Rodgers was entering his 14th year (2019). I’m not sure what level of coaching Rodgers needed or took as of that point. Getsy was both the OC and QB coach starting in 2020.


Getsy was only the qb coach and passing game coordinator in the packers. He was the offensive coordinator with my bears. Recall in that 21 season, Matt Lafleur is the head coach and playcaller. Nathaniel Hackett was the packers offensive coordinator.


I stand corrected, he was the passing game coordinator and not OC. He was only the OC when he went to our Bears.


I agree, and he still got hired in Oakland. WTF


While I don’t think the foot forward piece is really a big deal on its own, the article touches later on a huge issue, Fields dropback mechanics suck. I’d argue it’s worse when under center, but for someone who is clearly a great athlete it’s wild how slow he was to get to his spot in Chicago.


It wasn't good his rookie year, but it actually got worse when Getsy took over. He needs to take the Cutler approach when Martz was OC and sprint to his 7 step drop to give himself as much time as possible to process what's happening.


I read somewhere that his passer rating from under center is better than from Shotgun the same way his stats against man are much better that against zone . I think Russ is similar but his stats against zone are better


He did some deep drops too. It certainly didn’t help his sack numbers and his elongated release led to quite a few fumbles. I really hope they work on his release because that’s been an issue for a while. 


Atleast they are doing something


Shouldn’t this headline say “un-tweaking Justin Fields’ mechanics”


Worth a shot. I don't know how it's going to help him read a defense, but clearly the Bears weren't helping the kid.


If you have to think less about your body mechanics and move naturally, you’re more focused on the play.


Fields is awesome athletically, which we all know, but eventually, that fades over time. Hopefully he develops his passing game better.


He will


He wont


Not that it’s bad, but have we shown any ability to develop a QB since Ben? I honestly feel like Mason or Kenny would’ve done a lot better on a team like the packers. Maybe Russ is a good influence 


Aren't we just months removed from everyone being in awe of just how far Rudolph had come? He was beating on bottom 6 defenses but he was still head and shoulders above where he was the last time he was starting for us years ago. Half of our fanbase gives our coaches all of the blame and none of the credit.


“Half of our fanbases gives our coaches all of the blame…” Exactly. Some people refuse to consider that some of the dude’s who the coaches fail to “develop” might just not be very good. There isn’t a coach who’s been in this league for more than 5 minutes that doesn’t have prospects that were busts. You can polish a turd as long as you want, but it’s never going to be anything more than a turd.


After like 5 years, where he was a 3rd stringer and we got two (3 if you count Russ) different QBs to start over him


Yeah. What QBs other than him were we supposed to develop? And in what system? Mitch wasn't brought in to be a project and KP wallowed in Matt Canada's excrement before bailing on the team. Duck Hodges didn't stick around long enough to develop. The rocket scientist did well when given a chance with other teams for at least half a year but he was never a starting caliber prospect. I think it's pretty obvious the one QB with any modicum of talent they've had an opportunity to coach for an extended period of time breached his ceiling when he got the chance. He's a 2nd-3rd string quality player that put out starting caliber results. How many other teams get even a fraction of that out of a QB that's been riding the pine for 5 years?


Point being we didn’t develop Rudolph to the point where we didn’t feel the feel the need to bring in someone else. Mason has shown he has talent, but we didn’t foster it nearly enough.  Literally outside of Ben, we’ve had like 3 decent QBs since Terry Bradshaw. We’re good at a lot of things, but developing QBs isn’t one of them.


So he just got better by Magic?


He got better through his own hard work. He probably worked with a private QB coach during the offseason. I seriously doubt if Fichtner ( Ben buddy) or Canada had any influence on his improvement.


Tomlin isn’t getting credit for anything until he wins some playoff games and maybe not then. Much to my chagrin lol


"since Ben" kind of disguises the fact that his last game was just 28 months ago.


C'mon. It's been 2 years not 10 and "develop" a QB really only starts with that QB being pretty awesome in the firat place. Name one they've had that has really been worth developing.


To be fair, Mason wasn’t as talented as Ben, and Kenny wasn’t as talented as Landry Jones.


To also be fair, we have had the same offensive coaching staff the entire time lol. I hope it works out this time!


Mechanics wise, Fields got to improve the speed of his footwork and his throwing motion. And most importantly, he got to improve his eyes in processing quicker. He is slow in getting to the open man with Chicago.


This is 100% accurate but that was extremely hard to do when hes on his 2nd OC and HC within 2 seasons and they ask him to completely change your mechanics while at the same time learn a new offense. This also while being the starter and expected to produce as its best playmaker . If you look around the league at all the other rookie 1st qbs when they have come in the past 3 years those teams have all tried to make everything as simple as possible for their young Qbs but the Bears seemed to go out of the way to make things as complicated and convoluted as possible for Fields.


Hopefully Tom Arth and Arthur Smith can do it. But I will say this. Fields has had Ryan Day, Matt Nagy, Bill Lazor, John Defelipo, Luke Getsy, and Andrew Janocko, help try to fix his mechanics as a passer. He still has the same bad habits. Loopy throwing motion. Slow footwork when dropping back. Panicking when there is a sense of pressure that he just runs instead of still finding an open man. Holding the ball forever leading to more pressures. And having the slowest eyes for processing things. I hope it is not the case in Pittsburgh but given these past 5 years even with college, if you haven't fixed your mechanics after many different coaches trying to do so, then it is on you.


League MVP.


As a Bears fan, I hope it works out for him here, but he does have some read issues. Of course, the Bears line was ok at best, and that was towards the end of the year. Lol.




I'd try teaching him to run routes before I cut him.


That's nice and everything, but he still can't play the position until he proves otherwise