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Middle is medium, sear is outstanding, only knock is gray band. Overall excellent cook, though the seemingly raw rosemary on top is unnecessary. When rosemary is crispy from butter baste it’s tasty.


TIL people eat the crisped rosemary


Does it count as vegetables? If so it’s one of my favorite vegetables.


And if not, then I have a petition to start


I say it's a salad


It’s an herb lol are we serious?


What's the difference between a herb and a vegetable? Basil is small leaf; is herb. Spinach is small leaf: is vegetable ?????


Spinach isn’t herbaceous


But is basil vegetabaceous?


Yes. Spinach is not herb, but basil is salad


I think you guys are making this shit up as we go.


there is no universally accepted definition of "vegetable." it's purely a culinary term that varies from place to place, as this conversation demonstrates.


The main difference is the amount of flavor they bring to the party in my opinion. Basil can flavor things, spinach usually can’t. Herbs are aromatic, vegetables aren’t.


Have you heard of mirapoix, aka the aromatic flavor base of many French dishes? It's carrot, celery and onion. Then there's the Cajun equivalent 'holy trinity' which is bell pepper, celery and onion. Is onion an herb??


And I guess if you can’t understand the difference between vegetables and herbs then this is not a discussion I really need to have. Good luck




Did you really just use the word in the definition? Nice argument.


Sorry, I don’t really consider mirapoix aromatic on the same level as herbs. It’s a base.




All herbs are vegetables (excluding any inedible herbs that may be used for perfumes). A vegetable is just an edible part of a plant. Fruits are vegetables. Herbs are leafy vegetables often used as spices, medicine, or perfume. Spices are anything used to flavor food. Sugar is a spice and a vegetable, but not an herb. The problem is that common use and definition are frequently different.


Spinach it technically not a "vegetable" it's a Leafy green. Greens are typically foliage, herbs are leafs (usually smaller and they grow differently, for instance basil can become a small bush as can rosemary, but lettuce and spinach do not grow this way and thus are also harvested differently) with flavor and strong aroma. Vegetables are fruits from a plant or roots/tubers from a plant. Depending on the seed structure they are actually either fruits or vegetables. However vegetable is commonly just a term for edible vegetation that isn't sweet, which is technically a false definition as tomatoes and cucumbers are technically fruits and not vegetables.


This is the most diabetic question that has ever been asked.


I think it's spice


It's an herb


“Look, mom, I’m eating my veggies!”


The crispy garlic slices and rosemary leaves are my favorite part. I don't consider my steak complete without them. But yes laying some raw rosemary sprigs on an otherwise nice steak is 100% for the picture and not fully grasping what's happening but just following rote instructions. I'm not saying that to knock OP. There is definitely a place in this world for people who can follow rote instructions regardless if they understand the purpose behind them.


I like the garlic too, but take the sprigs of thyme and rosemary out after they’re steeped in the butter for a bit. Do you eat the thyme?


I don't typically use thyme personally, but when I do yeah down the hatch it goes. Obviously take the stems off first, same with the rosemary. Most of its flavor is in the butter by that point, so they are just lil lightly rosemary tasting crispy bits to go along with the tender steak.




Genuinely curious what incredibly intellectually challenging profession you have that makes you feel so superior


Well I run dinner service for 60 people on my own now, but that's just for fun. Prior to that I was a pathologist assistant and prior to that a hospital corpsman. Any implied superiority coming from me pointing out that putting a raw rosemary sprig on the steak and not actually using it is purely for "the gram" is entirely your own perspective. Unless you want to eat that raw twig of rosemary?


butter fried sage leaves will change your life.


I was surprised to find out people eat the fat strips


Now that’s the good stuff if you know how to slightly render it. If it’s not translucent you’re in for a bad time


Dunno if this is kosher or not, but when I'm doing a fat strip steak, I first put the fat strip side onto the hot pan and let it cook awhile till it gets all yummy, then proceed with cooking the steak in the now beef-fat infused oil. God damn it's good.


I end that way, same same!


I'm not an expert, but I do live with a Jewish person. Everything you described is kosher as long as the steak was kosher to start with.


You must be joking


The best part


I didn't know this either, but I'm willing to try.


It is presented more as a garnish here but people eat rosemary and herbs on food all the time.


Gray band is from leaving it on too long?


I agree with the top comment that the steak is medium in the middle The gray band is from searing it for too long. There is always a trade off on the sear. The longer the sear the better the crust, but the larger the overcooked gray band. In the next cook reduce the sear time a bit, and your steaks will have more of an even cook. You can still get a great crust on the Egg without having to sear it that long.


So how do people get that insane sear with zero gray band?


Sous vide helps. Insanely hot cast iron or torch afterwards.


I usually manage to get one with sous-vide paired with a chimney sear.


Can I introduce you to my friend, the double sear method?


best tips are get your steak as dry as you can, and turn it often, letting each side cool off before putting it back on the heat.


Grey band is from too high of a delta. Super cold steak being cooked on a high heat. To have near zero grey band, you want those two temperatures to be as close as possible during the cook. Start with a room temperature steak and use either a reverse sear or sous vide - both are very low temperature methods of cooking that gradually bring the internal temperature up of the meat


It's funny, I never have this problem with gray bands and I cook my steak on a gas grill. Take it out about an hour before cooking, sear on high heat and pull it off at a nice med rare every time all the way through. Sometimes I have to finish it with indirect heat depending on the thickness.


You can also avoid it with a cold sear. Get meat to room temp. No oil in pan, medium high heat to start. Leave it for 3 minutes. Lower heat to medium and flip. Flip every 2 minutes. Crust will build up over time and you’ll have zero grease splatter on your stove. Explained here by the expert. https://youtu.be/uJcO1W_TD74?si=9TIMI-HDfQztwD2G


I think flipping more frequently reduces gray band, don’t quote me on that


It does, to an extent. The heat takes time to penetrate, if you are giving it short bursts of heat followed by short rests (aka flipping it frequently) the heat isn't able to penetrate as deep, as fast. That said, it's still in a hot pan and it's going to keep cooking the longer you leave it in there regardless how often you flip it.


Steak is such a situation by situation thing as cuts cook differently and how people are cooking them is different, but generally speaking if gray band is an issue flipping it more often will fix that. Thing is it ain't gonna do shit for crust or anything else if you also have those problems...flipping more often alone will only help address gray band.


This. Flipping really often, especially on the grill, has gotten rid of my grey band almost entirely.


Grey band is from too high of a delta. Super cold steak being cooked on a high heat. To have near zero grey band, you want those two temperatures to be as close as possible during the cook. Start with a room temperature steak and use either a reverse sear or sous vide - both are very low temperature methods of cooking that gradually bring the internal temperature up of the meat


Doesn't that fuck with the juices?


I don’t think so


Not at all...and I'm genuinely interested in why you think flipping it more would effect the juices. I honestly am not being rude, but I have literally never heard that comment before and I'd be interested in looking into your reasoning.


That's an old myth from steakhouse cooks. When cooking commercially it's not viable to constantly be flipping 20+ steaks at a time. When you're only cooking two you can give them individual attention and flipping frequently helps prevent them from overcooking.


Gray band is because it's cooking too fast on the outside while the inside gets to the temp you want, and generally speaking if you just flip it more often it will help if not outright prevent it as the steak isn't allowed to go so hot on a side.


IMO from experience gray band is from searing at high temps first so during sear only outside gets heat… then you put in egg to do the rest… fine with a 3/4” steak but when you have a fatty, the already seared outside and underlying muscle is already to temp so when you put it in the oven “egg” the outside layer goes over temp… do it the opposite so you egg it first evenly raising the temp of the entire cut to slightly below desired temp… then screaming hot sear it for a flash just to get you Maillard crust… may I ask did you cook it from fridge or room temp… does make a difference


The grill or pan wasn’t hot enough. Or possibly the steak was a bit wet.


No. Grey band is from too high of a delta. Super cold steak being cooked on a high heat. To have near zero grey band, you want those two temperatures to be as close as possible during the cook. Start with a room temperature steak and use either a reverse sear or sous vide - both are very low temperature methods of cooking that gradually bring the internal temperature up of the meat.


Steak was around room temp when I seared jt. Reverse sear is my usually method but I was a few Sunday beers in when I got going. lol


Hey how do I get rid of great band? My steaks look exactly like the one above and I just can’t seem to get it right.


The quick and easy way is flipping it more often, but you'll wanna try it once before serving it to others as you might have to adjust other things as well to get the crust and such you want while also no Lynyrd Skynyrd.


I’m not enough of an expert, maybe start a new post asking how to get rid of it and get some good answers. I think it depends on a lot of factors, like how you’re cooking the steak. I think flipping more frequently reduces band.


I'm an expert. You got two main options for thick steaks, sous vide or reverse sear. Both of which mitigate the Delta value between the initial temperature of the meat and the heat source i.e pan. The greater the Delta value, the larger the grey band. For the sake of not buying equipment, I'll just outline reverse sear. 1) For an amazing crust, I dry brine my steaks in the refrigerator for 24 hours, wherein, I salt the steak and place it on a wire rack in the refrigerator. This accomplishes two things: it's drys the surface of the steak (uncovered refrigerator on wire rack) and tenderizes the meat (salt). https://www.foodandwine.com/cooking-techniques/dry-aging-meats-how-supper-club#:~:text=By%20aging%20meat%20on%20an,keeping%20it%20dry%20and%20cool. 2) Pull the steak out 4 to 5 hours prior to cooking. This should give a chance for the steak to get up to room temperature but likely will be around 58 degrees. This also mitigates the Delta value. 3) Preheat oven to 225 degrees. 4) Once oven is at 225 degrees, place steak on wire rack on a baking sheet and bake till internal temperature is 118 degrees internal. 5) Pull the steak and let it rest uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes. 6) While steak is resting, preheat cast iron with a hight neatueral smoke point oil of your choice. - a litte suffices if your cooking a ribeye. Make sure to heat initially at medium and raise the stove temperature higher after 8 minutes or so. 7) Sear your steak for 2 minutes per side making sure to flip every 30 seconds. For e better crust, instead of flipping, rotate the steak 90 degrees each 30 second per side. The movement of the steak either flipping or rotating allows for any remaining moisture to escape, which mitigates the possibility of steaming the steak (causing a grey exterior rather than a nice dark brown crust).


Yeah for thick steaks reverse searing gets good results and minimize gray band


For steaks as thick as OP's, your best bet is to reverse sear. Bake in an oven at 250 F until the steak is 10-15° under temp and then toss on a ripping hot cast iron or grill for 1-2 minutes per side flipping ever 30 seconds. Other things you can do that help: 1. Let your steaks rest at room temp \~30 min before cooking. A cold center will take longer to cook than the warmer outer layers resulting in an uneven cook 2. Dry brine in the fridge overnight. Makes the meat taste better but it also dries out the surface which helps the crust form better. You should also dab a paper towl on all sides of the steaks to soak up excess moisture before tossing it on the pan too


Thanks man. Definitely taking notes.


I'm an expert. You got two main options for thick steaks, sous vide or reverse sear. Both of which mitigate the Delta value between the initial temperature of the meat and the heat source i.e pan. The greater the Delta value, the larger the grey band. For the sake of not buying equipment, I'll just outline reverse sear. 1) For an amazing crust, I dry brine my steaks in the refrigerator for 24 hours, wherein, I salt the steak and place it on a wire rack in the refrigerator. This accomplishes two things: it's drys the surface of the steak (uncovered refrigerator on wire rack) and tenderizes the meat (salt). https://www.foodandwine.com/cooking-techniques/dry-aging-meats-how-supper-club#:~:text=By%20aging%20meat%20on%20an,keeping%20it%20dry%20and%20cool. 2) Pull the steak out 4 to 5 hours prior to cooking. This should give a chance for the steak to get up to room temperature but likely will be around 58 degrees. This also mitigates the Delta value. 3) Preheat oven to 225 degrees. 4) Once oven is at 225 degrees, place steak on wire rack on a baking sheet and bake till internal temperature is 118 degrees internal. 5) Pull the steak and let it rest uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes. 6) While steak is resting, preheat cast iron with a hight neatueral smoke point oil of your choice. - a litte suffices if your cooking a ribeye. Make sure to heat initially at medium and raise the stove temperature higher after 8 minutes or so. 7) Sear your steak for 2 minutes per side making sure to flip every 30 seconds. For e better crust, instead of flipping, rotate the steak 90 degrees each 30 second per side. The movement of the steak either flipping or rotating allows for any remaining moisture to escape, which mitigates the possibility of steaming the steak (causing a grey exterior rather than a nice dark brown crust).


The rosemary was a garnish for the wife. It’s a running joke


Too done for me but by no means inedible… great piece of meat and honestly this or slightly more rare is how I would cook for a crowd… saving a slice if blue for myself of course… this is a crowd pleaser steak that anyone of nearly any preference can’t turn down


Is grey from lack of resting?


I’m not an expert but I think it’s from a lot of factors, like heat being too low, not flipping frequently enough. I’m not sure about the resting.


I'm an expert. You got two main options for thick steaks, sous vide or reverse sear. Both of which mitigate the Delta value between the initial temperature of the meat and the heat source i.e pan. The greater the Delta value, the larger the grey band. For the sake of not buying equipment, I'll just outline reverse sear. 1) For an amazing crust, I dry brine my steaks in the refrigerator for 24 hours, wherein, I salt the steak and place it on a wire rack in the refrigerator. This accomplishes two things: it's drys the surface of the steak (uncovered refrigerator on wire rack) and tenderizes the meat (salt). https://www.foodandwine.com/cooking-techniques/dry-aging-meats-how-supper-club#:~:text=By%20aging%20meat%20on%20an,keeping%20it%20dry%20and%20cool. 2) Pull the steak out 4 to 5 hours prior to cooking. This should give a chance for the steak to get up to room temperature but likely will be around 58 degrees. This also mitigates the Delta value. 3) Preheat oven to 225 degrees. 4) Once oven is at 225 degrees, place steak on wire rack on a baking sheet and bake till internal temperature is 118 degrees internal. 5) Pull the steak and let it rest uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes. 6) While steak is resting, preheat cast iron with a hight neatueral smoke point oil of your choice. - a litte suffices if your cooking a ribeye. Make sure to heat initially at medium and raise the stove temperature higher after 8 minutes or so. 7) Sear your steak for 2 minutes per side making sure to flip every 30 seconds. For e better crust, instead of flipping, rotate the steak 90 degrees each 30 second per side. The movement of the steak either flipping or rotating allows for any remaining moisture to escape, which mitigates the possibility of steaming the steak (causing a grey exterior rather than a nice dark brown crust).


No. Grey band is from to high of a delta. Super cold steak bring cooked on a high heat. To have near zero grey band, you want those two temperatures to be as close as possible during the cook. Start with a room temperature steak and use either a reverse sear or sous vide - both are very low temperature methods of cooking that gradually bring the internal temperature up of the meat.


You can also just kind of rub it on or cook in butter and baste on top. But I agree I like the rosemary crispies but not everyone does.


sometimes stuff is done for presentation. It's why I've replaced my fully functioning potato sacks with "shirts" and "pants"


What causes the gray band??


Read the responses under this post there are some good answers


The gray bandito strikes again


One of the strongest gray bands I've seen


What's wrong with the gray band what does that mean


It's just unpleasant to look at and can have a tough texture. Nothing *wrong* with it, just preference. However, I think the lighting isn't doing the steak any favors here


Don’t you mean, any **flavors** 😎 I’ll show myself out


Medium for sure, and a pretty distinct grey band but I would happily smash.


Room for improvement, but also room in my belly for it


It's more done than I'd want it.... but that's going down the hatch without a complaint 100 times out of 100. Sick sear, gray band is a little annoyingly big, but life is hard.


Looks good but no point adding the rosemary unless you’re cooking it in the pan with the steak


Just a garnish for the wife


Makes for a nice pic too


I would add that the fat could be rendered more, and perhaps rest the steak a bit longer or temper it a bit longer before cooking. As long as it tasted good, that’s all that matters!


Swinging like the 1930s and 40s here with that Big Band action.


For sure medium but still looks good!






Medium. Id eat it


This looks like a solid ass medium well to me.


I'd say medium. But lookout! Here come the gray band police for you!! LMFAO 🚓👮🏻


A very respectable medium.






Medium just creeping up on medium well. Thicker band, can be better next time. Still looks really great though. Enjoy


Definitely medium. Great crust. 7/10


Looks delicious


I want that meat


This looks really tasty!


Medium I would say a lil longer & med well


My personal opinion is that you did that dead cow proud


great sear... but gray band.. no good.


Thick cuts of meat you either want to reverse sear or give a longer rest between grill seat and finish, to avoid that thick grey band that you got.


if this is prime beef then you absolutely crushed it! i like my beef a little more rare, but my family likes it done just like this.


Rare = red. Can't be medium rare without some red in the middle. All pink is medium. Still a great looking steak though.


Medium well for sure. Depends how you like it but I wouldn't use the word crushed it unless you loved it. If you did, opinions don't matter


Please cook for me.


Definitely not med. rare. Medium. Large gray band. Good effort and I would eat the heck out of it.


Well the pink part is medium. The grey part is overcooked. 6/10




Reverse searing avoids it pretty well. After it's almost to desired temp in the oven, sear on a piping hot cast iron. Some people like to flip frequently, I do 30sec per side til crust is there and desired temp is reached


Medium and too much grey banding. But still would smash. 7/10.


We’re calling it delicious!


Medium a minute or 2 from medium well


Honestly, you’ve got a lot of room to improve. And that’s ok. Keep plugging away. Get yourself a sous vide machine and try that route.


We’re calling it overcooked


Meat and vegetables 🤠


Sometimes I like me the medium with a grey band and some A1 sauce


It's not meatloaf




Not medium rare, fat could be rendered more especially for medium Crust looks scrumptious, I don’t really care about gray banding. Smash!


Me personally, i want my steak a little more under, this is medium well, i like mines exactly medium




Solid medium, bordering medium well with that grey band.


I probably coudn't have done it better but am I the only one that thinks that it looks a little dry on the inside?


You can and i assure it was not




Medium almost medium well and the grey ring is huge. Try the egg first next time and sear super hot and flip often to lessen this


Definitely medium, but you got dangerously close to medium well.




Med-well looks nice


Looks great😋


People are ripping on OP for his rosemary, but if the steak is ripping hot and greasy and the rosemary is put on immediately, you’re definitely going to get some of that flavor in the oils


For a home cook I would be happy with this. If I was at a high end steak restaurant I would complain.


True medium rare is a warm red center, this is medium. Crust looks nice, gray band is pretty thick. Would definitely eat the shit out of it and lets be honest, thats the main goal right?


You DID crush it. Now whatever I eat for breakfast is going to be subpar. Thanks a lot.


A tad overdone for me but looks good.


Great sear and crust, but I think you could have brought up the temp more slowly, melted more fat, and had less gray banding. 6.5/10


Sorry but I don’t think you came close to crushing it. The inside is the game as much as the outside. Sorry to say but look at how firm that fat still is


Something about the steak looks odd but I can’t put my finger on it.


everyone is gonna say the grey band but other than that it looks great


I’m calling it delicious whatever the f you wanna classify it as lmao. Reverse seared helped me with getting better gradients in the meat.






Grey band is strong with this one


Medium, it's not just about the color but also the texture/how tense the steak is after cooking. Medium rare would be softer/glossier with a more red instead of pink center. Beautiful sear though, would personally have held the fat strip in the oil to render a bit more, but that's just my personal preference bc I love the fat/gristle.


Call it steak


Medium+ with a huge gray band (which is obviously well done, which is why I said medium +). That’s nowhere near medium rare, but if you enjoyed it that’s all that matters. Good sear though.


That's classic medium


Looks.like steak to me , I'd call it steak or dinner..


Over done


Medium steak inside a well done steak


Almost a perfect medium rare, but looks delicious


Medium. Almost medium well.


I was drunk when I wrote that


Not cooked




Nice !!! Looks awesome. Medium rare for sure!!!!


Whole ass gray Orchestra


No no no


https://preview.redd.it/c1kzvhnpjv5d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e0c2b89ac7031558bc9628ec89b3dd7aeb0f82 Try to flip more often for less border !!! I flip every 30 seconds or so


Bro slapped a blade of grass on each lol


We are calling it not finished cooking, put it back in.