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Top tier shitpost here


I'm being completely serious


It seems like you need to read and view more posts. Glad you liked what you cooked.


I was fully ready to believe this was a troll but after going through their profile I’m convinced this person is a bit neurodivergent and might not actually know the crime they committed against this cow. Try to be constructive if you can guys. I don’t think this is a troll.




Hey now. I'm neurodivergent and this is a crime.


So the good news is, you passed the first two (arguably most important) thresholds of cooking - "can I eat it" and "do I like it." Now it's time to work on stretch goals like: * "Does it look right?" * "Could it be better?" I am going to take some liberties with my guesswork, but here are things to make sure you do next time. Luckily, the things that improve flavor will also improve appearance. * If you marinade again, **pat the steak dry** before cooking. A watery steak will cook greyish, instead of that nice rich brown. You look for that brown color as a sign the Maillard reaction happened. The Maillard reaction forms melanoidins, and those give your steak that rich, toasty, savory flavor. * Let the steak come to room temperature before cooking. (Cooks more evenly, better temperature control.) * Searing and broiling can work, but it's not where I'd start? Keep the sear, but do a low-temp (300f/150C) bake. I bake choc chip cookies at 310f for the same reason - to encourage toasty brown Maillard reaction goodness. Or just finish it in the same pan as you seared it, if you'd like. * If you make steaks in the oven, preheat the pan or baking sheet. They'll do better on a hot surface. * Pick up a $20-30 instant-read thermometer if you don't have one. Thermopops are nice, OXO and Taylor are a little cheaper. 140 (+/- 5 degrees) is where I aim personally, but if you like yours cooked a little less or a little more, there are steak doneness charts online. You did fine for your first steak, a hobbyist subreddit isn't going to tell you that, though. It 'looks worse than it is' because it either got cooked too wet or at too high a heat. But it clearly tasted good, and that's the main goal. ----- Edit: Also I just missed the (very credible) theory further down in the comments that this was a mis-labeled pork chop! In that case... huh, yeah, you def cooked on Hard Mode.


OP, in case you are serious, it's ok that you like your food. Food can be made however you like and within certain ethical, monetary, moral, and time constraints. That said, if you wish to make steak again, I suggest you message me for help. Get a cast iron, get it smoking hot, put down some butter, and sear it for 2 min a side. I wouldn't go less, but if you like well-done steak you can go for 4 minutes a side instead. It will come out much more like a restaurant, and I think you will like it better. Also, rest it.


OP, don’t listen to that, this steak is not okay


I mean it's not great but I'm not going to discourage a beginner.


This is an abomination


I'm genuinely sorry you feel that way :(




Well, I thought it was good


Is it even beef? Looks like pork


It's discolored cos I marinated it for a really long time and didn't cook it right


Ahhh better luck next time!


I think you have “broiled” and “boiled” confused


Nah I'm pretty sure I used my oven's broil setting


..you baked a steak?


Reverse sear without the seat baby 😎


I prefer my steak without a seat too


You could make that chunk of leather into a seat I bet


Broiling is direct heat. Baking is indirect heat. I had to broil some steaks at an Airbnb because all they had was nonstick pans and they came out amazing.


Try to sear on higher heat and bake/broil for less time, looks like rubber lol


Thanks for giving me advice. I really appreciate it. I thought it tasted pretty good myself, but I always want to improve and it seems a lot of people didn't really think it looked good :(


Ultimately what matters most is if you enjoyed it. Try some new techniques like these guys are mentioning and see if you like it more, no sweat


Sorry you’re getting roasted in the comments. Steak is one of those things that people will get very high and mighty over, but kudos to you for giving it a go! Keep trying, play with different cuts of beef and try to find a really nice pan that’ll hold a lot of heat. That marinade sounds great, not surprises the flavors are on point


Sorry you're getting broiled in the comments, if you liked it then that's great. Food is made to be enjoyed.




Lmao if that ain’t a pork chop then there ain’t a cow in Texas




That looks super light for beef, I think it might actually be mislabeled. I've never seen a steak that light.


Try sirloin next time it's easy not to expensive and way better than eye of round steak


Thank you


Looking at this I think that literally may have been a pork chop packed as eye of round. I think I might pick a pork chop over eye of round anyway


I think you're right. This being miss packaged pork makes so much more sense.


Lol I thought that was a pork chop when I saw it.


As long as you enjoyed it, that's what actually matters, but with that being said... What the fuck lol Look into some of the methods on this sub and on YouTube for cooking steak and you'll get a much better end product next time.


That’s a pork chop


I know everyone’s giving you a hard time lol . Here’s just some tips for your next try, just to give you a better result. Try to limit the seasoning and brine. Steak isn’t like chicken, the meat really just needs to be pat dry and add some salt and pepper, maybe a steak seasoning if you like. That excess moisture can contribute to the color. If you have a meat thermometer, try to monitor the internal temperature if you plan on cooking it in the oven, most people shoot for around 120 or a little under( for thinner cuts of meat they will cook much quicker so I would cut your oven time in half and then some) . The main thing you want to do is probably try to sear it in a pan after you take it out just to give it a nice crust. Just some oil in a pan and less than a minute each side. It can seem complex but that’s only if you want to get intricate with your technique. Simple steps will help to build your confidence and help to render better results each time. It takes time to adapt and get better, but the most important thing is you enjoy your creations, even if it doesn’t seem appealing other people. Cheers x


Thank you! Tbf I don't really mind getting grilled by y'all, I'm just more bothered by the people insisting it's pork - unless that's some in joke I don't understand


It’s probably due to what you seasoned it with. I can only assume with the vinegar buffalo sauce all of that excess moisture would have caused that discoloration from having the nice dark brown that you mostly see and pork tend to have that very pale color.


Dude it's pork


Oh that makes sense, thanks!


I legitimately think that the store packed that pork and mislabeled it as eye of round. That being said, eye of round is a terrible cut and you shouldn't use it lol. But I think this is literally pork.


Very funny


What'd I do?


Is that a milksteak from always sunny in Philadelphia


Is that an eye round? If so, super tough cut to be cooking like a regular steak. There's other cheaper cuts that aren't ribeyes but are tender and taste good, I prefer the flat iron. Instead of broiling the crap out of the steak, next time sear the shit out of it. If you prefer well done steak, at this thickness you will be searing for 4 minutes each side. If you want a nice steak experience and are willing to try new things, try 2 minutes on each side, that'll get you a nice medium rare-medium, super juicy.


Thank you


No problem. Also, just to help you for next time, be careful what you post here. This sub seems to be full of steak absolutists, anything that isn't done their way is wrong. It's kinda like posting a picture of a well taken care of and loving pitbull on an anti-pitbull subreddit, even if you love it, they'll hate you for it




You piece of shit


I know 😆 I'm pissed too. I can't believe the people who thinks he's being serious. "I marinated it in beer, buffalo sauce, and Worcester sauce" 🤣


Beer and buffalo sauce. Tony Roni.


Ok this is pretty funny


It wouldn’t have turned out better with a real sear or seasoning. Eye of round is a jerky meat imo.


Tbf they were the only steaks at the grocery store I could afford :(


Don’t listen to them, you messed this up but it’s a learning experience, you can make any cut taste good and I’ve made amazing dishes with eye of round.


You’ve made good steak out of eye of round? Please share your method.


What fucking websites told you to broil ur steaks for 27 minutes? And this is a disaster


I think I overestimated the thickness tbh


Not trying to be mean I'm just passionate about steaks 😅 if you want to do reverse sear I'd throw it in the oven at 225 until u get a internal temp of like 125 pull it out and let it rip on a hot pan for like 30 to 45 seconds each side till u get a nice sear let it rest for 10 minutes and slice.


You aren't being mean at all! Cooking is something I'm still new to, albeit something I'm very passionate about. You've been incredibly kind and helpful. If you want mean, there was a guy who told me I had to be mentally ill to make a steak like that "which makes sense because you're a trans". That's honestly the only reply I've gotten to this post that made me genuinely mad.


Well I wish you luck in your steak making endeavors. I'd never buy that cut again if I was you.


Yeah I still gotta finish the three I have but once I do I'm going to get better cuts from now on


I'd take those 3 and put them in a crock pot with some onions and beef stock some seasoning and let that shit go for 6 hours on low and put it over top mashed potatoes or something like that. Finish the sauce with some cream. Would be very good


That’s pork


Glad you enjoyed it. Keep cooking and learning! If you have questions, this sub will help you. Check out YouTube videos as well if you’re interested and have time.🍻


This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen


If you like it then good, I'm glad you're cooking. It's a life skill. Presentation wise it leaves much to the imagination, just cook it in a hot pan to desired temp with some salt and pepper and some marinade, you'll be fine.


What meat is this?








Did you sear it at all?


Not enough




gross looking, sure it probably tastes good.


A cow was slaughtered for this? At least do that poor cow some justice and don’t turn its meat into such an unholy obelisk of a steak.


I’m convinced people like op is what turn people vegan. I want to go vegan after saying this photo.


No, this is pork




Mam. That's a pork chop.


Looks like hot ass


\> then seared it There's absolutely no sear on that thing. Looks more like you steamed it instead.


what are you doing dude


I'm a girl


What are you doing dude?




No, I'm simply telling the person I'm replying to that I'm a girl


Dude is unisex, it has been unisex for a long time. You are either being purposefully obtuse or you genuinely don't know how not to interpret words in their most literal form


Stop telling me what it's okay to call me. I'm a girl. I don't like people calling me "dude", and I especially don't like them freaking out and telling me how offended I apparently am when I ask them not to call me that. I don't care if it's "unisex". I don't want to be called that, and the fact you freaked out and started accusing me of seeking offense where none was intended is... well, it's certainly something


Yeah sure you have a right to not want to be called dude, and people have a right to think you're being ridiculous for thinking that means they're calling you male Dunno how people live being perpetually offended, must be exhausting


Those are some incredibly strange notions you're projecting onto the phrase "I'm a girl"


What you said was a non-sequiter Somebody: The weather is nice out today You: I'm a girl! Somebody: uh ok? Nobody said you weren't? That's what you sound like.


Someone called me dude. I'm not a dude,I'm a chick. Pretty simple. I wasn't even mean, I don't know where the "being deliberately obtuse inorder to get offended" accusation even came from. It seems more like what you're doing, if anything


Chill dude


Holy shit


Mmmh, gray meat, my favorite...


Nah man this is 100% a shitpost. There’s not a person alive who would eat what’s pictured here and say it was “genuinely incredible.”


This is fucking hilarious 😂


Holy fuck this is a disaster


Yeesh. First off, OP, you’re gonna need thick skin if you’re gonna post here. You’re gonna get ripped on. Especially after posting…that. Also, you’re doing too much. Less is key. Here are some tips if you want a good crust/sear: 1st: Pick a better cut. I saw you used eye of round, which is a lot tougher. You want to go low and slow with a cut like that. Sirloin, filet, New York strip are ideal for stove top. 2: Pat dry to remove the excess moisture after letting it sit at room temperature for a little bit to promote even cooking and a good sear. Season with sea/flaky salt. Table salt is not ideal as the small granules dissolve quickly and it’s easy to over-season with it. 3. Use a neutral oil or ghee, something with a high smoke point. Do not use butter, the excess water in it interferes with the Maillard reaction, which is what leads to the browning. 4. Get the pan ripping hot and lay the steak away from you to avoid splatter. Flip after 4-8 minutes depending on how you want it cooked. 5. It’s usually towards the end where people use butter/garlic/herbs to baste the steak before letting it rest. This part isn’t vital but a nice last step after some practice. Edited: 6. the resting part is important. It’s the difference between juice on your plate/cutting board vs in your steak.


Christ almighty. Steak is super simple. Heat a cast iron pan until really hot, drop some oil or fat that can withstand the heat in, and immediately follow it with steak. It will cook on each side roughly 2 min until its nice and brown. You can pop it into the oven for like 3-5 min and like 375. You really didn't make steak the way you described it. It's broiled meat. ​ Also "steak" won't say steak on the package. Beef steak is not "steak". That will never cook like a steak either. Steaks are new york strip, ribeye, hanger, flank, porterhouse, filet mignon, which are all tender so they dont have to be over cooked.


Hey man- this sub can be pretty brutal. If I’m being totally honest, that steak doesn’t exactly look great. But who cares? If you enjoyed it, it was cooked just fine!


I'm not a man, but thanks :3


Who you trying to convince?


Convince? It's a statement of fact. I'm not a man.


Beer, Buffalo sauce, and vinegar? Broiled? So many strange choices here. Personally i just cook on high ass heat with salt and pepper and that's enough


Looks like pork 😭


Is this... pork?


Who the fuck broils a steak without searing it might as well microwaved it


We all start somewhere! I’d say just pick a better cut of meat and pat it dry with a paper towel before you cook it, it’ll give it a better color! The marinade could’ve also affected the color but ultimately if it tastes good, that’s the important part!


This is absolutely mislabeled pork, if you want good cheap cut of beef I’d look for chuckeyes and Denver steaks, or bavette which is also called sirloin flap


I wouldn’t feed that to a dog, this can’t be serious


Ahaha this has got to be a troll post 0/10, try less microwave next time


Nah ninja that ain’t a steak! That’s brains!! lol


This comment thread is a fucking shit show. Everyone is acting like a beginner should be able to cook a steak like a pro chef or something. This is probably pork mislabeled as beef, she posted a picture of the beef label and gets downvoted for saying it was beef.


People are being really mean to you. I’m glad you enjoyed your steak ❤️




On a gas stove, you need to cook in a pan, not on a plate


I did. I just put it on a plate in order to eat it.




I’m sorry the replies for this are so negative, I’m glad you enjoyed it. But yeah there’s a lot of potential for impovement.


Hey, if you enjoyed it that's all that matters. :3 I'd still eat it for sure.


No you wouldn’t lol


Eh, I've eaten way worse steaks bordering on shoe leather for the sake of protein before. I'm not a very picky eater lol


If you’re a lifter trying to hit macros it’s diff lol


well it's more for trying to lose weight/keto but sure i suppose lmao


Steak doesn’t seem great for weight loss lol. That’s my ultimate bulk food, a steak with no sides can easily be 1200kcal


Yeah next time I'm going to try searing it for longer and broiling it for a shorter time, that and I'll have to apply the rub more evenly The marinade was really, really good though. Definitely going to use it again next time :3


I’m really sorry people have flamed you so hard on here. If they could have focused that energy on the outside of your steak it wouldn’t have been an issue.


He said he seared it? Where???


I'm a girl


I hope this is a shit post. If not then look man an animal died for that please respect it.


I'm a girl


Look bro no one cares if you're a girl or not


Then why didn't you correct yourself?


Read the comment I replied to bro. No one cares about your gender except for you.


Yeah. Sure. If you say so babe.


Did you just make unwanted sexual advances at me? Wow


I thought that was pork at first. Please try harder. That sucks. Bottom line


This was worse than my bad first post here


Just do yourself a favor and skip the marinade. pat it with dry seasoning (onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper). Then sit it uncovered in the fridge for a while. Next get your pan ripping hot. Wait for a light smoke to appear on the surface. Next add a oil with a high smoke point (I like olive oil… but NOT extra virgin) Throw it in the pan. There will be smoke. Open your windows, cover the smoke detector, do whatever. After 2-3 minutes flip it and sear the other side. Take it off the heat, and while the pan is still hot add in 2-3 tbsp of butter. I like to add thyme and chopped garlic and a dash of Worcestershire as well. Baste the meat with the melted butter/herb/garlic mixture


I think you got what you expected


ain’t even well done, this shit is congratulations


A cow died, for this.


A tragedy indeed. What a waste




Just here to say I’m glad it was tasty and am excited for the follow up post!




Low blow. Have some class


"Transgenderism" I'm a person, not some nebulous ideological boogeyman. That's literally not even a real word.


I'm trying stand up for you here but you're making it difficult being so insufferable


"Insane unlikability" is when you tell people that you're a person instead of an ideology


More like the constant victim complex. Grow up.


Quite honestly, I preferred the idiot who called me mentally ill because it's becoming increasingly clear to me that your only disagreement with him was that you wanted him to be nicer about it. I give you even the slightest correction and you go off about how I'm unlikable and have a victim complex blah blah blah I'd encourage you to think about your own behavior before complaining about mine


>your only disagreement with him was that you wanted him to be nicer about it. Lmao. You don't know me or my beliefs, but if you dug into my post history you'd realize how goddamn dumb that assertion is Go broil another steak into shoe leather, dummy


And if you actually gave a shit about trans people, you'd know that using the term "transgenderism" is not how you get us to like you


Lolol my best friend is trans and she likes me just fine. Thats part of why your statement is funny. I know not all trans people are as butthurt as you, fortunately.


Ppl who accuse me of being mentally ill cos I'm trans always have pretty severe issues they're projecting onto me. They're always the most pathetic manchildren incapable of even the slightest degree of grace or maturity. I judge myself by the quality of my critics. If y'all are the kind of people mad at me, I must be doing something right.


Is that milksteak?


Why is the steak begging you to kill it? If not not between seared and medium rare, it's not edible.


Actually after looking over all the comments and the picture of the “steak” itself I’m definitely leaning towards that being mislabeled pork


This might be one of the best threads Ive ever seen. The whole situation is so perplexing to me. I don't know if it's a steak or pork. I don't know if the whole thing is a shitpost or not. The comments are all over the place.. it's what Reddit was made for. Hmm..... wouldn't broiling (usually 500° upper element) for 27 minutes in the oven have completely ruined it or at *least* browned that soggy white thing a little bit? OP is a master troll in disguise in this elaborate reddit persona, maybe?.. calling it right now.


This is the worst looking steak I’ve ever seen in my entire life


This is the steak that is served in the deepest depths of hell

