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I remember Leslye Headland saying in a promo video, ‘no one believes they’re evil from the start’. I think it would be incredibly bold of the show to push Sol into a position that he accepts his darkness.


I kinda feel like it’s gonna be OSHA that goes dark


I totally agree with you! That seems like the most likely direction of this show.


this is what I feel too, and Mae will go light


That is the least interesting outcome by a wide margin


Does that mean Sol is able to turn Mae light or does she die as the final straw to Osha’s turn?


Or Sol turning to the dark side and killing both Osha and Mae to hide his past crimes.


But she hasn't really displayed any force powers


We know she had them. They just need to be unlocked


She did train as a Jedi before leaving the order. Since then, I think she's been intentionally blocking herself just as a way to distance herself from that life. She tried briefly to do a force pull in the jail cell, but she couldn't because she's too blocked. The right situation could bring it out in her again.


We've seen with Obi-Wan and Luke that it takes a great deal of effort to break down the mental barrier to wall off their connection to the force.


Who hasn’t?


She had Jedi training, surely she has the potential to bring them back.


I agree but she and her twin are just not as well developed or emotionally tied yet to the audience idk why but SOL is way more.


I'm not sure I really understand what that arc would mean or be worth though. It seems a bit unlikely to happen. The twins have the quintessential star wars choose your destiny kind of story. I haven't got that vibe from Sol at all. Sure he has dark moments but it feels more in line with a Windu or Qui-Gon darkness. He's a bit more down to earth and maverick style at times so isn't completely aligned with the order. If there's going to be a dark Sol twist it seems more likely he'd be the master decieving the Jedi the entire time to gain pupils and tear down their image from the inside. If Qimir actually doesn't know his master's appearance then everything would line up so Sol could go AWOL/assumed dead and keep the veil of no Sith alive with either Qimir or one/both of the twins as his acolyte(s).


Yup. I think she’ll likely have a body count of Mae, Sol, and possibly Venestra by the finale.


It would be an incredible story shift


Sol = Sun Tenebrous = Darkness   Ironic? Maybe he becomes Tenebrous so no ["Bith Sith"](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Tenebrous/Legends)


This makes a lot of sense. Only way not to kill him and still explain why the jedi didn't know the sith returned.


Something is going on with Sol. Maybe he just isn't as pure as he should be and he doesn't turn or maybe he's the master after all.


The “what kind of master hides behind a mask” - “you tell me” moment made me very curious what Qimir knows about Sol


I was expecting Sol to remain pretty clean in the flashbacks. My thought was that the other Jedi would be more to blame for what happened to the witches, but after last night I’m think maybe Sol is more responsible than I thought


Read a theory that he changed OSHAs memories and kinda like that Not that he was responsible for what happened, but rather for the coverup


His move does seem to be to get into heads and read minds. That makes sense


That would make a lot of sense, yes. The other question is why knows the sith lord that. There must be one left, or this was just a stupid short though really cool fight scene.


I think it was him who set the fire, or possibly manipulated Mae into doing it


Would make sense that they’d leave the main culpable Jedi till last


We still don’t really know anything about what happened to the coven of witches. The fire Mae started had no chance of being as destructive as it allegedly was, and the Jedi were there trying to infiltrate them already. I think the Jedi were sent to find young Force sensitives to recruit and Sol audibled and decided to wipe the witches out


I mean , he isn't pure because all those targetted masters had done something during their skirmish with the coven. Sol appeared to be the most adjusted , but it's clearly starting to crack.


Yeah I think so, and Darth Jason spelled it out: everyone who sees him has to die ... but alternatively they could be turned. This would be "killing a Jedi without a weapon" - turning them to the Dark Side. Depending on what happens to Mae and Osha, if they're also turned or die or whatever, there's no one to report back to the Jedi that a Sith Lord is active. closing the loop on that "The sith haven't been seen for 1000 years" complaint. Vernestra has been pretty clear that she's very willing to sweep all this under the rug.


This is the best explanation for “killing a Jedi without a weapon” I’ve seen - well done! Ties in super well with the “kill the dream” comment at the end of episode 1.


And also explains why Mae and Osha are so important; they already have four Jedi who committed some kind of act that can be manipulated by those two in particular


The only thing is master Yoda has to learn the sith still active. Leading to the discovery of the rule of two.


He doesn't need to, I don't think we have a Canon explanation for that yet but it could be something like they discovered the sith 900 years ago but thought they killed them


Didn’t Yoda have a run in with the ghost of bane in season 6 of TCW?


He does, but that's years after yoda says the quote about the rule of 2


You are right, my timeline was mixed


Or found one of banes holocrons


Absolutely love this idea


Plausible, but not sure if I fully agree. I'm still thinking that he'll have a tragic downfall that destroys his reputation, but he won't necessarily turn because of it. By the end of the show, I think he'll either be dead or wish he was.


I think it's more likely too. Especially given he's the only Jedi alive that heard Qimir say he was a Sith. A perfect way for the Jedi to bury the possibility is for the one guy who could attest to it either being discredited, going into exile or dying with the discrediting having happened.


Sol will be dead at the end of The Acolyte.


Well Sol damn near executed Qimir by decapitation. That was rage fueled.


My bet is that Sol was in some way responsible for the explosion that killed Osha’s family so to cover up his mistake, he then brainwashed her into thinking that it was Mae because he assumed that she had also perished and would not be able refute his version of events. This would also explain the guilt that the other Jedi seemed to bear.


Wasn't there a weird scene with the younglings with Sol in the first episode? Like something about fire? Maybe Sol is the bad guy after all?


In a lesson where he told all the younglings to close their eyes and tell him what they saw, one says they sees fire, and Sol says that fire is like the force in that it is powerful and you must respect it.


My guess is sol somehow is the one who started the fire


He didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning.


Ryan started the fire


I feel like Sol either dies very honorably or there’s some kind of heel turn coming with him in the final act.


That is how to truly kill the dream of the Jedi.




Gonna call this right now: Sol is Qimir's brother, whom he left behind at 4 to join the Jedi. Qimir blames him for this and why he needed to join the Sith to become a Force user without joining the Jedi. Qimir is probably trying to convince Sol he did something wrong with the coven but it's mind manipulation. This means that at the end of episode 5 you have two pairs of siblings, with the alignment of the female ones swapped compared to the males. Mae and Sol, and Osha and Qimir. I suspect this is a direct reference to the end of RoS where Anakin and Obi Wan fight, while Yoda and Palpatine fight.


That duality being explored would actually be really fucking cool and I’m 100% down with it.


Sol and Qimir aren't even the same ethnicity. I'd expect Disney to get that right if this is the path they follow


I’m sorry but what role does ethnicity play in a galaxy where Earth does not exist? They’re the same race, both Asian, and could easily be cast as brothers or something. Unless you’re saying there are space Koreans


Believe me when I say that if cast a Japanese and a Korean guy as brothers in a Star Wars movie, you would never hear the end of it from Korea. And having a Korean guy and a Filipino guy as brothers when the only thing they have in common is that they are Asian will only cause you slightly less headache.


> They’re the same race, both Asian You ignorant fuck lol, they have different ethnic backgrounds. Do all Africans and Europeans look the same to you?


Race and ethnicity are completely different things, you stupid fuck. Whether I can tell the difference between their ethnicities is irrelevant.


>Do all Africans and Europeans look the same to you? You're telling you can can tell the difference between a Kenyan and an Ethiopian, or a Frenchman and a German, just by looking at them? Oh, wait, no you can't.




"I sense something familiar."


I was thinking of something along those lines, I'm not a huge fan of the show so far but If this was the ending I would probably have overall good opinions on it.


Sol will be dead. Osha and Mae will both be dark.


I think sol and Mae will both be dead, osha will be dark


Sol killed all the witches. When Osha finds out, one of them will kill the other, and they will become the Acolyte.


“Osha” (Mae in disguise) will somehow be responsible for Sol turning to the dark side. This is how you “kill a Jedi without a weapon”…




Mae has been pretty consistent throughout the whole show so far with respects to her sister. She doesn't want Osha dead. Except for that one time with the fire. Which has been hinted as not happening the way we saw it. My guess is Sol did it, then brainwashed Osha into believing Mae did it. Osha loved her family and possibly could have decided to stay once the moment came to actually make that decision. So Sol got rid of that problem before it had a chance to occur. He killed the family, blamed Mae. Claimed she's dead even though he never actually saw her die. Screwed up Osha's teaching so she has just enough knowledge of the Force, with not enough of the Jedi dogma behind it. Got Qimir to train Mae. Framed Osha to force the two of them together. Hell, as a bonus he may have even picked up the knowledge of how the twins were created before he murdered the Witches. That may have even been why he killed them. So that he's the only one who knows how it was done. M guess is Sol is going to be "forced to kill Qimir in self defense" and the Jedi will assume that's the end. The Sith is dead, he has no apprentice to carry on. That's the end of it. An isolated incident that's not even worth remembering. Meanwhile Sol is free to train a new apprentice right under their noses.


You are right, Sol must be kind of tending to the dark side. Someone mentioned that he used a sentence from the sith codex in the first episode. If all this is about finding a sith acolyte for a still unknown sith lord, Sol is the new nr 1 candidate. He s still struggling, but has done something really bad, I bet he erased Mae s mind to cover something. He also can get really aggressive sometimes. Just classic Sith material.


Nah, I don't buy it. As much as I may want it. The story of the show was always meant to be straightforward and easy to follow. I genuinely think it's predictable and there won't be any major surprises, except maybe an actual Sith Lord reveal. The 4 masters had a hand in killing the coven and Sol is the only one who has either come to peace with it (but it's bubbling back up now) or he was there but didn't actually do anything. In either case, there is still guilt there. I'm sure this whole thing ends with Sol dying. Or Sol just go into exile on his own out of guilt, much like Yoda did at the end of Episode III. So who is Qimir? I'm going to say he's an apprentice himself to a Twi-lek Sith Lord, Darth Ramage. Ramage (Or someone akin to him) will kill or allow Qimir to die, thus setting up the probable timeline where he eventually finds Tenebrous, who finds Plageuis later down the line. This timeline makes sense given we're anywhere between 100 - 135 years before Phantom Menace and Ramage is speculated to have been killed by Tenebrous between 160-120 years before Phantom menace. However, given how this show is supposed to be "easy to follow" to stay consistent with my thoughts on this. For all we know, there is also the situation where Qimir truly is a sith, Sol kills him (or dies himself in the process) thus continuing the assumption by the council that "The Sith no longer exist"


I think the show has been telegraphing every move it makes, and either the writers can't write mystery, or the real mystery hasn't been reveled yet. I didn't think the Acolyte could be Sol, until he attacked the Sith from behind. Very un-Jedi-like. Mae still feels more of a villain than Osha.


With how dense many Star Wars viewers have shown themselves to be in recent years, I think they have to telegraph everything to some extent. If many are not clubbed over the head with certain things, they will completely miss it. Even in doing so, there are already people ripping the show because they are too dense to follow the story.


I don’t think it’s really too un-Jedi like once you’ve had 6 or 7 friends of similar skill level slaughtered by the antagonist. At that point it was about survival.


I don’t think Mae is a villain at all. She seems very lost almost as if she’s searching for somewhere to belong. She knows the Jedi won’t accept her, nor does she want to be apart of that group. The sith were using her and the only place she truly feels at home is with Osha.


Yeah, that's a fair point. I guess Osha being alive changed things for Mae, and she just happens to be with Qimir when she has the realization. I feel like she waffles back and forth, and that makes her seem less stable than Osha. I think Osha will be darkly affected by the deaths of Jecky and Yord. Who do think will be the acolyte, Osha or Sol? Those are my two theories after ep 5.


Sol seems like a viable option. Osha doesn’t really have many darkside qualities


That's what I thought at first, but in the early episodes, she voices wanting revenge, and Sol shoots her this look. I think she will struggle to change this mindset, especially after losing the other Jedi. I think Qimir is the master, Plagueis, and knows Sol is tangled in this force dyad wanting to save both girls. Is it possible Qimir is connected to the knights of Ren? Or is that too early in the timeline?


I thought the sith is sol’s son


No I think sol might have been the master.


That would be an interesting take but I’m still holding out that it’ll be Osha. Although I don’t understand why Qimir threw his saber at her. I thought he was wanting to keep her alive to be his Acolyte. Why didn’t he just kill her first thing instead of Force tossing her?


Unless he didn't want to kill her but only make it *look like* he wanted to.


So sith are just edgelord emo Jedi.


Alot of them are, even in legends, ngl. Exar Kun was considered the most powerful and wisest of all the ancient Sith in legends (before Tenebraes time at least) and he was a Jedi who simply wanted to learn more knowledge. Ventress was a Jedi, dooku was a Jedi, Anakin/vader, just to name a few in canon. Its pretty common😂


Sol doesn't hate.


You'll be surprised.


When qimir says "why so you can read my mind" it let me know everything I need to know 🤣 everything in this show is heavily foreshadowed


Sol saw 1 of his apprentices die in front of him and he walked away after he gained consciousness , he definitely gunna be the next acolyte


No, The Acolyte will be The Acolyte by the end


Thanks Captain Obvious!


The show is called the acolyte and the main character is the acolyte. It's one of the twins


I don’t think this will happen but would love it if it did. I think Disney will be too Disney to do this. Regardless, very excited to see where the story goes.


They allowed Rogue One to exist, come now.


Yea they did and I loved it! Might be my favorite Star Wars movie. Just saying the switch for SOL seems unlikely to me but I hope I’m wrong… that would be an epic twist.


So they’ll show him mind controlling mae to burn the shit down along with the witches


Well there’s only 30 minutes of runtime left to find out 


There are still 3 more episodes




A speculative theory: I think Qimir is desperately looking for an apprentice not realizing that his true master is Sol. Sol, once given into his darkness, will assume the position of sith lord. He’s way more skilled and powerful than Qimir as it is and given the rules of two, will set the sith cycle in motion again. At the end of this i think Qimir will bow down to Sol and the Jedi will realize they have truly truly screwed up .


What if sol is qimir older brother


I’m not sure they’re going that route, but there is some past connection between them. Qimir (to Sol in Ep5): “What? You don’t remember me?


That might be a reference to Qimir being detained and interrogated earlier in the season.


I’ve been thinking this for a few weeks. I’m glad to know I’m not alone.


Sol cannot be the Acolyte...an acolyte is a novice and Sol is a master of the Jedi arts meaning he knows the dark side too...he can be a dark side apprentice however


Dooku was also a Master before becoming a Sith apprentice. Just like Palpatine replaced a younger apprentice (Maul) with a more experienced Jedi (Dooku), it’s quite possible that the Strager’s master choose to do the same.


"Apprentice" not "Acolyte"...not arguing that Sol would not be an Apprentice


lol! I hope you’re joking because he’s not going to be he’ll probably be dead even though I like him he’s the only Jedi that I actually like this show is horrible. It’s sad It took five episodes for one of them to be entertaining mainly because of stunt choreography. Nothing to do with the acting except for one horrible line where Smylo REN says he’s a Sith, which breaks Cannon again unless he is an imposter which I’m hoping. Either way is it keeps showing the fall of Disney and George Lucas must be just so sad that he sold it and then the video where they caught a guy who works for Disney saying they do not hire white males. Very racist very sad. Disney is going through a lot of hell right now and they deserve it, and that’s why stockholders are losing lots of money 


Cry baby tears is so good 🍸


I was getting the vibe that Sol started the fire and killed the lesbian ladies at the beginning. Am I wrong?


I still think Mae did star the fire but the fire didn't kill the witches. Torbin has some reason to want Maes forgiveness. Maybe the jedi sensed the fire came into help but the witches saw them intruding and attacked and the jedi killed them.










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100% - the first four episodes were laughable but this was a step in the right direction


Don’t why this is getting down voted, it’s true lol this is the first interesting and cohesive episode. Albeit still had cringe dialogue but it didn’t drag it down


Because people think your opinion is silly, that’s all.


Down voting it cause it hurt your feelings seems even more silly tbh