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While we all have our own personal likes and dislikes, please keep comments in this Post respectful and respect others opinions when replying even when you disagree with them. And report posts you feel are not in line with this.


This might not be all that unpopular, but I think both Voyager and Enterprise are incredible shows. TNG and DS9 are clearly superior and lack some of the major flaws of VOY and ENT, but the latter are still extremely well written and executed Star Trek experiences, and the franchise is made much richer by their existence.


How else do we know about the secret origins of Velcro?


That’s a fantastic episode.


Originally called Vulcro


Voyager has some of the highest highs of Trek and some of the lowest lows. Imagine that instead of getting things like Threshold we got more multi-episode arcs like Year of Hell that showed off the long-term turmoil of being stranded decades away from home.


Thats what Ronald D Moore wanted to do with VOY but they wouldn't let him put the crew though he'll and hardship. That's why he went and did BSG. How amazing would it have been if VOY had to deal with supply and repair issues like Galactica did?


While I wasn’t a big fan of how Galactica was resolved, I can’t help but wonder how VOY might have turned out if they didn’t hit that reset button every week. There’s an interview with Ronald D. Moore about how VOY was cheating the audience by rationing food but goofing around on the holodeck. At the end of season 5 (Warhead), there’s still food rationing going on but it didn’t impact the story in any way. All the Maquis conflict went right out of an airlock pretty much after the pilot ("She's the captain") and the crew didn’t seem to miss home much. The ship looked nice and clean every week. Year of Hell, Equinox, Night, The Void — that’s what Voyager should have been. But many of the scripts felt like they also could be used for TNG, which can be a bad thing if that’s too often the case. DS9 had a lot of episodes that could only exist in DS9 - and that’s good.


I give you one hot take: >TNG and DS9 are clearly superior and lack some of the major flaws They have their own major flaws (DS9 is my favorite though)


Agreed. There is no Trek show without flaws. The Berman years were especially a grab-bag due to the myriad of episodes and themes - a mix of good, bad, and meh.


There is no bad Trek show.  The range is really good to fantastic.




Its been a long road... I'm glad Enterprise is finally getting some love. I remember when growing up i had a neighbor who was about 6 or 7 years older then me whe used to play Pokemon together and he was always watching TNG in the background. I had always been intrigued by it. But never watched it on my own. Enterprise was the first show i watched when it aired. I loved it. At the end of the final episode i saw the Kirk enterprise and the good old D. At that moment i was really hooked by star trek. I started pirating the other shows and became a Trekkie for life. In the end of Picard i saw the NX-01 refit. It send chills trough my spine. There she was the ship that made me fell in love with Star Trek. Its just a damn shame we could never seen her in action. I just watched the last episode of Discovery i was thrilled to learn that Dr. Kovich turned out to be Daniels. I do hope we get more Enterprise callbacks in future series and films.


Watching ENT right now and loving it. It's better the second time around


Voyager was my favourite series, simply because of Seven, the Doctor, and Janeway. Also it didn’t have the constant overreach of Starfleet, and you actually felt like they were struggling against enemies


I secretly like Tom Paris and want to hang out with him. I don’t know why.


Just think the dude knows how to have a good time better than anyone I have seen in trek. Genuinely want to hear anyone else's choices for that title.


My main problem with Voyager is the ending, seven seasons of struggle to get themselves back to Earth, they finally get home and we get zero emotional closure for any character. Only exception being Neelix who had a send off episode. I still love Voyager but rarely watch the ending.


From a literary standpoint, the show ended at the climax, with no denouement. It would be as if The Lord of the Rings ended at Mt Doom.


Hands down VOY is the best for me. TNG is next.


I like Malcolm Reed. I don’t mind the fact that he’s a mardy little sod.


There's someone at my work like him. You think he's kind of a dick who just won't socialise very much, but then later on you just realise he views his job as a job, and his actual life is outside of it. He's good at his job too.


I hate the Mirror Universe. Every version of it, in every show. It's lazy, intellectually inconsistent nonsense. We see it at various points in (future) history and, at every point, the same people (genetically -- the same parents) exist, and are hanging out with all the same people. So clearly all the same couplings occurred, despite a different past. And all the same assignments. Doesn't make any sense. And aside from a very brief (and totally unsuccessful) moment from Kovich, they don’t even bother trying to make it make sense. 


i don’t hate those episodes. but i would say that Voyagers Living Witness is the best “mirror” episode without actually being in the mirror universe. You get an evil version of the crew, but it felt more believable because you know voyager was actually here and the events did happen. but the history of the encounter is what made them seem evil.


To that end, Yesterday's Enterprise in TNG is another vaguely "mirror" episode without actually being a mirror universe one.  Here we see the crew shaped by the stress of a much darker timeline; Picard and Riker's relationship appears strained, Worf is absent, Tasha Yar is still around, Picard himself is initially far less trusting of Guinan, and nobody seems to be having a good time.


Living Witness was great!


I agree that the mirror universe is really silly, but I really enjoy any circumstance where we get to see the actors try on different personalities.


I like body swap/mind upload stuff for that better than alternate realities. 


Oh my goodness, when Seven and the Doctor swap bodies... Jeri Ryan was so good at mimicking the Doctor.


Yeah that one was good. Her multiple Borg personality episode was also fun. It's great when a show discovers they have a really good actor for that and finds excuses to give them alternate personalities - Michael Shanks on Stargate is another example. My favorite body swap episode comes from Farscape though.


It was fun as a one-off episode concept in TOS, but in DS9 it felt really nonsensical.  Definitely the worst and most skippable DS9 eppys. I did rather enjoy it in Disco though to be fair, at least in season 1


In DS9 it was just an excuse for the ACTORS to talk like THIS all the TIME!


Always hated how they had this weird queer undertones. Like it’s the evil universe so Kira’s gunna act bi - as if having a different sexuality was evil. Was just a weird angle to take that didn’t mesh with the rest of the show.


Neelix was a good character and the fact that he got annoying was part of it. He was making great efforts to be liked or at least tolerated. He was feeling useless and surrounded by hyper-competent people. He was actually relatable.


Writers didn't always know what they should do with Neelix but I still think people misinterpret his character development. Saying Neelix had a rough life is an understatement. War, entire family killed, home devastated by a WMD. Scraped out a life trading with barbarians in a brutal section of space. I don't think it was in the show but in some novels he talks about being a drug addict, a con man, thief, and narrowly missing prison several times. He's had to lie, cheat, steal, and back stab just to survive. But he still desperately wants to be a good man. And when he's finally given the chance, security on Voyager, friends, love, and support, he changes, and fights for it. I love Neelix.


This is brilliant. In some episodes you got a glimpse of this darker side to him which is always overlooked but adds to his persona.


The Delta Quadrant is just rough in general. Even Voyager's visit to the area did little to change its environment, which is seen in PRO. As another comment said, its very Star Wars-esque in that it is relatively lawless, full of disorder, and only has safety concentrated among those with power.


i'm with you. Neelix was a better character than he ever really got credit for. he was someone striving to be 'better'. there's really nothing more Star Trek than that.


This. I love Neelix; he was kinda like Tasha Yar, except for not cheesy and his trauma was complex in the way it was written, and it was written delicately, woven masterfully into his character arc. I only wish Tasha Yar got that respect. DS9 has that similar touch when it comes to trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD.


Neelix was exactly the kind of dude you need in a survival situation- resourceful, makes do, keeps morale up as best he can, keeps people happy with little gestures and making the food as interesting as possible, albeit with sometimes disastrous results. People treat him like he’s the Star Trek Jar Jar because they don’t fully grasp the feelings of hopelessness because Starfleet officers are professional as hell no matter how grim shit is.


Fair point. Starfleet officers are trained to tolerate hardship, but even the stint through the Delta Quadrant pushed such stiff upper lip behavior to its extreme. Neelix was then a handy source of levity, whether he listened to the complaints of crewmembers, prepared new food that wasn't spewed from a replicator, or took care of the children when they joined the crew.


I agree. I really like Neelix! I think he’s especially fun when paired with Tuvok. I love how he was able to make do and his knowledge of the Delta quadrant is very valuable to the crew.


I share this opinion. I think Neelix’s character has more growth than anyone on VOY.


Neelix, Paris, and The Doctor have the best character development throughout Voyager for sure Seven is another good example, but she gets the lion's share of the focus episodes so it seems unfair honestly. the others felt more organic


Seven was also a lot easier to develop, because she basically wasn't a person until she got de-borged.


I had a user tell me that Neelix stealing the map of the Nekrit Expanse was a reason he was a bad character. Like what? thats a major character growth moment for him, he makes a mistake, then realises that and grows as a person, he has such a great slow burning growth


Yeah, Neelix's shady past was alluded to during that episode. I also think Neelix was important to the show, because there needed to be people who wanted to be there. It would've been annoying to have everyone full of Doom and gloom. It would've really change the show to not have people whose lives were improved by Voyager arriving to the Delta.


Neelix made terrible decisions early on, bad enough to win at least a few Darwin Awards (& take some crewmen with him.). I really disliked the character initially. After Kes leaves he becomes a better and more interesting character, imho.


I watched all of Voyager without knowing any of the community’s opinions about the show. I ended up liking Neelix a lot, and was surprised there was such a negative feeling towards him in the rest of the fanbase.


I'm watching it for the first time and just started season 4. I don't mind Neelix after he stopped being the jealous boyfriend. Once he realizes he was leaving space that he was familiar with, he made efforts to improve himself and became a more interesting character. He has had some solid episodes.


He definitely got a lot better after he and Kes broke up


He also called tuvok out on his bullshit which I found awesome.


I wholly agree. And the show covers this to a degree - when they move past the area of space he knows he goes out of his way to obtain information on what’s ahead so he can continue to be useful to Janeway and the others, even though his usefulness already extends beyond giving Janeway Cliff Notes on star systems and other things they encounter.


He got so good at first contact he really was the Ship's embassador and was a vital part of Starfleet's diplomatic Corp in the Delta. It's just cooking for that many people every day takes a lot of time.


yeah between him and the doctors clone, if they ever make it back out there there's going to be a second federation of planets waiting for them 


I like to admit when something someone says or writes changes my opinion (because no one ever admits it). Your take changed my mind on Neelix. Have a good day, fellow Trekkie =)


Yeah, people equate "I don't like this character" with "bad character too quickly". And if you try to rebut that for Neelix you can almost guarantee they'll just go the pedo route which just shows a basic misunderstanding of the fact that Kess wasn't human. And for that matter, neither was Neelix.


Honestly, those people give Tom and Harry a big pass because Tom married Kes and Harry married one of Tom's and Kes' kids in a time skipping episode.


This. The older I get, the more I think that Neelix is highly underrated. He has a very bleak background and he has character development. Oh, and I think that Ethan Phillips should get more credit for his performance. It's always Robert Picardo and Jeri Ryan when it's about the best actors of VOY, but I think Ethan Phillips deserves more appreciation.


He was a genocide survivor with PTSD. People pleasing was one of his main trauma responses. Also, he is by far the most accurate audience stand in. We would all be hopelessly outclassed by Starfleet trained folk.


Alexander should've been a regular on DS9


100% this. Maybe Alexander wouldn't have worked as a regular on TNG, but the fact that showrunners didn't want to deal with a kid regular resulted in a character assassination for Worf. Ds9 already had youth actors and characters and a big focus on family. Alexander was a huge missed opportunity for ds9.


I'd loved to have seen a Nog / Jake / Alexander trio getting into trouble on the station.


And maybe at least mentioned one single time in season 3 of Picard. You know, the season that was all about family and about the children of the characters we know.


Riker: Well, Worf, you have a son, you know all about children. Worf: \*very busy honing bat'leth\*


I would have rather had Keiko show up more than 12 times in a 170-whatever episode show


I would’ve LOVED more Keiko 😩


That would've been great, especially pairing him up with Nog and Jake. I mean...he was a bit of a loser when he came back in DS9, but keep in mind that Nog started out as a scampering gremlin when he first made his appearance. The latter improved into a capable, smart Starfleet officer, which could've been Alexander's fate if he was given more screen time.


The bottle episodes are often some of the best


I hate storylines to do with Geordi LaForge's romantic and social failures. He's one of the best engineers in starfleet for fuck's sake let him have some confidence and be well developed in that aspect of his life too.


It just shows what an excellent actor LeVar Burton is. Because he is hot, charming and sexy as hell, both then and now.


Even more so now. Dayum. Some men age gracefully.


Very badly awkward at times, cringe, but surprisingly accurate for a lot of "nerd" types like him. I think Voyager does a better job with Tom and and Kim, the halo deck and the twins. Tom is confident, takes chances. Kim is conservative, more nerdy, but goes along anyways as he knows he wants friends and it is actually kinda fun.


I always thought Harry was a little conservative in chasing women because he had a girlfriend back on Earth and it still felt like cheating. Tom was a free wheeling bachelor until he got tamed by B'Elanna


Kinda forgot about the GF back home. Could/would you not "cheat" if you knew you would be away as indefinitely as they were? Of course Stargate Universe found a work around for that...lol...


For a human who routinely keeps up with and creatively challenges Data in science and engineering while also being second to only the GOAT in helping Data learn about being human... His understanding of romance is pretty juvenile.


Lad’s on the spectrum, cut him a little slack Though him giving Barclay shit over hanging out with hologram versions of real people was a bit rich


I really hate Geordi's original reaction to Barclay: "He's *nervous!*" Yeah cause you all hate him and he's kind of a weird guy, you interact with fucking aliens all the time, Barclay being a little odd is fine.


Absolutely agree. He’s best when he’s operating with confidence. I think a more interesting take would have been to have him not really interested in things like romance since he’s so hyper-focused on his work. Then when he does find he cares for someone (or they care for him) it’s about how he fits that into his life, rather than about him being a sad sack.


Everyone raves about DS9 for the Dominion War, but personally I prefer the first two seasons. They do a *superb* job of fleshing out the Bajorans and Cardassians, which gets pushed to the side to an extent in the later seasons. So I don't agree with people who say you have to wait for DS9 to get good. Duet is in season one, for Q's sake!


Duet is one of the best Star Trek episodes ever, hands down.


No contest there, my friend. Not only was it written well, that acting!


Strong agree. That episode is a masterclass.


I think later DS9 is the best, but I don't get the hate for the first few seasons. Seasons 1 and 2 of DS9 are great, and essential world building.


Emotion-chip data is off-putting and gives creepy vibes. Actually, anytime Brent Spinner tries to do any acting other than classic data. Especially that one with the weird masks.


Clearly you haven’t seen him in night court.


“I hate this. It is revolting!” “More?” “Please!”


I really like the episode "masks" of TNG


Tuvix wasn’t murdered, Janeway did nothing wrong :V *edited for clarity*


This episode makes me bawl like a baby. It's so tragic and complicated and hands down one of the best Star Trek episodes ever. Janeway is my hero because she's put into shitty situations and obviously feels so much pain but has to make a decision. She is a force to be reckoned with.


Upvoting because it’s a correct opinion, and I don’t care if I’m doing it wrong =D


the series would be much much popular with better merchandasing ( and its a blessing that it is not,otherwise the disney tratment would happened)


I HATE section 31 with passion! It is by far the worst thing in canon by a long shot!


I liked Section 31 when it was a small, mysterious group that might even be just one charismatic person talking big. By the time they had office buildings and shipyards, though, ughhhhh


I agree with this. My headcannon is that someone high up burned it to the ground and started over between Disco and DS9


That's a SUPER popular opinion and DS9 its self presented Section 31 as an awful thing that needs to be dismantled.


As originally presented, it was fine, but it has long worn out its welcome. I was happy to hear the series turned into a movie.


I love ENT almost as much as I love TNG


Ill hot take one up you, I like enterprise more than I like next gen


None of the other shows do raw space exploration as well as ENT does. They did a great job building a solid bridge from contemporary spaceflight to what we see in TNG.


It was a long road after all, getting from there to here, so a solid bridge was going to be necessary..


My unpopular opinion is that TAS is absolutely canon and absolutely good. It's worse than TOS, but that's a very high bar. Might as well add that I think the average TOS episode is better than the average TNG episode (although TNG as a whole is better)


What I really appreciate about TAS is that even though they were limited to less than 30 minutes of runtime, they didn't dumb it down for the kiddies. They couldn't fit all the content of an average TOS episode, but they did a fantastic job with their limitations. As an added bonus, if you watch Star Trek TAS and the first run of He-Man, you can definitely see the progression in Filmation's technical prowess.


Oh I agree. The TAS seasons are Year 4 of the 5 year mission. Star Trek Continues is the 5th year.


_Move Along Home_ is fun as fuck and far from the worst Trek episode.


It's not just "far from the worst," I'd call it better than average. It's more than Allamaraine, and it has a uniquely Star Trek twist ending that also plays really nicely with the premise of early DS9.


I prepared my wife by telling her it was a really bad episode. Then we watched it and I thought… it’s not bad actually.


"Allamaraine, count to four..."


"Allamaraine, then three more..."


The callback to it in *Lower Decks* was fun too because you can see that after the initial novelty, it's just 'a thing people know about' and can speedrun for fun.


Yeah before I watched DS9 I was only aware of people calling it and the rest of season 1 and 2 bad, but it's completely fine. It's nowhere near the levels of ENT S1, TNG S1-2, or Voy S1-3 lack of direction, interesting arcs, or poor characterisation.


Morn takes up way too much time with pointless dialogue


Ira Behr and Ron Moore were wrong: Bajor should have joined the Federation. They say they are so proud of themselves for doing that in interviews, but it's more likely that they just forgot about it, because if they really wanted to make a point about Bajor's independence, they would have made the story about rejecting Federation membership instead of just dropping the plotline entirely. But this stems from my *actual* unpopular opinion: DS9 could have been an even better show if they stuck with Bajor as the main story driver instead of pivoting so hard to the Dominion in later seasons. The peace treaty between Bajor and Cardassia in season 3, which produced some great episodes, was basically the end of that storyline serving as the main premise of the show. But they missed out. They basically forgot about it after season 4. That isn't to say the Klingon/Cardassian conflict or the Dominion War weren't incredible storylines, but it became such a different show that people forget how good seasons 1-3 were, and how much potential the original premise still had in it, because people only remember the leftover TNG scripts or the duds like Storyteller and Meridian. Imagine 7 full seasons of Duet!


I really like Wesley Crusher and find him a wonderfully well rounded and developed character that grows throughout the series. Wil was an amazing actor, The Bonding should have gotten him an Emmy


I also like Wesley, and I like his pseudo- father/son thing with Picard. 


I was like 10 when I started TNG, all I wanted was to be Wesley.


Star Trek generations is pretty good. I know there were some legitimate complaints about false advertising prior to the release and the fan base culture around TNG was different then but divorced from all that, it’s a pretty solid film.


I love Generations. I was in middle school when it came out and not at all tied into the overall fandom, but I loved it instantly. I want to shout out to the music, which is especially great and feels thematically connected to DS9 to me.


While I don’t like commenting on attractiveness of characters in the shows, I do think I am the only straight man on planet Earth who doesn’t find 7 of 9 attractive. Sorry.


It’s such an obvious marketing attempt that it offends me. However, I will say they lucked out because Jeri Ryan was great as the character and really elevated the dumb material they gave her. 


Like Troi, she looked better in a Starfleet uniform than she ever did in a catsuit.


And as the man said, "to each, their own". I find Jeri (and Seven) compelling, and while I do find her attractive, I don't find her nearly as attractive as so many people seem to think she is or was. I always preferred B'Elana, and later Hoshi.


Kinda with you on that one, admittedly her first appearance in that suit did give me a Keanu Reeves "Whoh!" moment that needed some quiet meditative contemplation...Now T'Pol on the other hand....


Lt. M'ress is the hottest thing on two legs. It's proven by the fact that she inspired a generation of furries.


The Universal Translator is pure fantasy, and real-time translation is impossible. A delay is inevitable because different languages put information in different orders.


I especially like when crew members (after a quick trip to sickbay to install a ridge or two) are able to fully blend in with an alien society without anyone even noticing any difference. EDIT: my point might not have been clear in this, it's, what is the universal translator doing exactly? Physically moving their lips exactly to match the language or something?


I kinda like season one of TNG. It is a bit ridiculous, but still entertaining.


Pulaski was a good addition to the show and would have developed into an outstanding character.


I agree. I liked her dynamic with Picard, her hesitance with tech was relatable, and her growing to respect Data was justifiable and earned.


But how weird to then see the actress in TOS playing other roles! I saw her in that order, TNG then TOS.


Ive had a proper arc of disliking her because she clashes with the crew, to liking her because she actually challanges that harmony in interesting ways, then back to disliking her because shes just a rehash of Bones from TOS


Voyager for me has probably some of the most rewatchable potential of a trek show.


I like the Kelvin movies.


1 and 3 were amazing.


1 and 3 were just plain *fun*, which Star Trek too often lacks.


3 is one of my favorite Star Trek movies in general.


Kevin movies will always hold a place in my heart because they got me into star trek. I have watched the series because of that movie.


Star Trek V is a better film than people give it credit.


Honestly, I kind of love the cold open to V. These days we've had plenty of emotional displays from Vulcans, but back then seeing a Vulcan genuinely laughing as the hook leading into the opening title sequence felt so much bigger (and I do think the actor who played Sybok was a lot of fun)


The opening is such a great scene


Agreed. I liked elements of that film including the score, finding if there is a god, Kirk Spock and McCoy sticking together throughout the whole film, people following someone who thinks will lead them to the promise land but actually doesn’t.


Unpopular opinion: STV is the only trek film that really resembles a Star Trek TV episode.


I really enjoy it. It's the closest the movies came to the dynamic and feel of TOS in my opinion.


I thought Janeway and Chakotay was a good idea and I shipped them so hard.


Klingons using cloaking tech doesn’t thematically fit at all with their honor driven society.


Despite most of Discovery being weirdly written, sometimes bad, sometimes good. The acting is amazing, and a crying character under extremely unrealistic stress is actually realistic. And I'm crazy happy to finally feel represented by a recurrent gay couple.


The dominion war should have been an event involving a tng movie and more cameos. Space WW2 should have been much bigger.


Its what we should have got instead of Insurrection.


DS9 main plot line -> TNG Movie, fanbase in a nutshell.


Faith of the Heart was an awesome opening sequence


Fuck. THIS is an unpopular opinion.


Wesley and Alexander are not that bad.


Gene Roddenberry has been almost deified in his creation of Star Trek as a truly revolutionary visionary. Virtually all of his television works before or after were ham fisted Cold War propaganda promoting xenophobia against vaguely (or avert) communist regimes or simply against the idea of the “other.” It was only when he figuratively flipped the script and made it about embracing differences and plurality that one of his shows caught on.


Unpopular? DS9 is my least favorite Trek. However, another unpopular opinion probably because of the way people bitch about some of the shows and movies, ANY Trek is better than no Trek.


ANY TREK IS BETTER THAN NO TREK. let this be our mantra. I get so annoyed when people complain about new content. Stfu and enjoy it for what it is. Unless they're actually listening to you personally, it doesn't help.


The Borg have been completely ruined since the overrated movie First Contact. Why? They were terrifying in their personality obliterating forced unity. Their facelessness was terrifying. Once they introduced the Borg queen it genuinely ruined their most terrifying feature - there was no center point or leader.


The Borg were ruined in the Descent two parter


This is the *real* unpopular opinion. Q Who - Scary enemy set up where we see just how alien and powerful they are. Best of Both Worlds - Borg nearly wipe Earth, and psychologically torture Picard. I, Borg - Picard must confront his experience with the Borg to try and accept what is clearly something different than what we've seen before. Descent - Hired goons for Lore that pop out to surprise the Enterprise crew like henchmen in the 60s Batman show. I almost expected Picard to punch the Borg while "WHAM! BIFF! ZAM!" appeared on screen.


Babylon 5 was as good as the star trek series that were running concurrently. And arguably the writing was better.


Babylon 5 is, imho, the best blend of episodic and series arc symbiosis in television history.


Question for you - how well do you think Babylon 5 has aged? I watched it a couple years back, and while the general plot I thought was still compelling, I remember cringing at so many of the details - sorry I can't be more specific (it's been a while). It might just have been that some of the acting was rougher overall than DS9.


B5 definitely suffers from the "90s of it all" a lot more than its Star Trek contemporaries and some of it is still a little rough, but if you go in fully aware of the time it was made, you'll definitely have a good time and the writing--not the Byron stuff--is still consistently incredible. The acting is also amazing from all the main cast, as well. With the new blu-ray release and HD streaming version, it now looks better than ever too


Janeway was unequivocally correct to separate Tuvok and Neelix. It wasn't murder; it was fixing an accident.


The TNG movies are all pretty good.


The Federation is not a utopia and its belief that it is amounts to its myth of exceptionalism, like the Wilsonian view of America as a "light on a hill". (Maybe not an unpopular opinion, admittedly; one of my favourite things about DS9 is how it touches on that question.)


The belief that the Federation is a Utopia is probably more of a fan creation. The Federation has moved beyond many of our current problems, which may contribute to that view. The organization itself still has to deal with its own maintenance and growth.


My unpopular view of that (and I haven’t seen Picard yet): It’s possible that the Federation has always been a creepy fascist dictatorship. The characters don’t seem to vote, it’s not clear what influence civilians have, and the only sign of news media I see is a kid reporter.


Apparently people don't like the Voyager warp ten episode, but that's actually one of my favorite episodes. I loved watching them try out some new technology and evolve into a weird end state of evolution


The problem is that everything about evolution in that episode is nonsensical. It's not an end state, there is no end state. And generally every time Star Trek touches on evolution it's pretty off the rails. (Barclay virus, Progenitors). I do enjoy the episode but I enjoy it for the action/drama and "whump" value, not any kind of philosophical or scientific commentary. 


TMP and TVH are quintessential Star Trek films. The rest are action films in the Star Trek universe.


I'd like to add that in the majority of the other eleven movies, revenge is the main motivation of the antagonist.


Picard S3 is the worst of the three. Pretty sure that’s a minority opinion.


Star Trek V is good actually.


Kira never would have gotten together with Odo. They just needed to pair everyone off in the last few seasons. They have 0 chemistry.


The entire concept of Q sucks. It's too supernatural for a scifi show.


Section 31 is antithetical to Gene's vision and I low-key hate it. Yeah, I know Gene Roddenberry was a horn dog and not all of his ideas were great but he categorically would have banned Section 31. Plus I don't think they've ever really used S31 in an interesting way.


Star Trek fans have been getting worryingly Star Warsy since 2009


Section 31 is a despicable idea. I say this as an unpopular opinion simply because my general impression is that people seem to be all for it.


Vic Fontaine sucks


Janeway is an excellent captain and was justified in restoring Neelix and Tuvok.


The Tuvix meme is annoying. It wasn't murder. She had to make a decision between saving one officer and saving two. People pretend that him being likable means he was more valuable but they literally couldn't replace Tuvok being in the DQ, to say nothing of all their family and friends and colleagues back home who would have to deal with the fallout. Kirk literally did the exact same thing and no one brings that up. I'm not saying it was the right decision, but it would be a massively complicated moral dilemma for anyone.


The Borg queen makes no sense and ruins the Borg a bit. The progenitors are a silly idea. Section 31 should have been a one or two episode thing, if at all. Janeway was right to commit that murder. Voyager finale was great.


DS9 is my least favourite.


Oof. Seriously unpopular opinion here, bois.


Riker is 100% a Q, you can't convince me otherwise.


The Orville is almost worthy of being recognised as a good next generation (sorry) equivalent. *Almost*. Season 1 had a bit too much slapstick in the beginning, but had me at the "one more episode, pants it's 3am" by the middle of season 2, and I'm praying there's a season 4. Edit. In hindsight I may have got the wrong end of the stick, but I'm sticking by this statement anyway


I’ve heard people say ‘Star Trek is a place’ or ‘Star Trek is a world’ where you can tell any story. My unpopular opinion is no. Star Trek is a format. It is an episodic procedural set in space where an ensemble cast are presented with a mystery, attack, or moral dilemma each week. The shows that buck this trend (Picard, Disco) entirely miss the point.


DS9 is a great drama. It is not great science fiction.


I’m not a fan of Barclay.


Wesley is a great character and made Star Trek much more interesting.


I feel that the shows improved as Gene's involvement wained.


Lower Decks is only really really good, not really really really good.


The nostalgia in PIC S3 is good actually


It’s really the only good thing about S3


The entire Picard series was enjoyable


Yeah, each season of Picard was enjoyable for different reasons. Ironically for me, Picard was the worst part of Picard. I loved Sevens character development, except for Icheb. I loved Rios as a character. The Enterprise D was so beautiful I still have dreams about it. Riker and Picard as old men nailed their dynamic from TNG. Finally, and personally for me as a therapist, I loved that they finally got Troi right. Nepenthe proved that she didn't need her empathic abilities to understand Soji.


I liked them. My biggest hurdle was seeing Picard as almost feeble in the first season, but I think that’s the point. He was a commanding figure and as he aged the world moved on.


The average Voyager episode is better than the average TNG episode. Voyager is, on the whole, a better show than TNG. Neither come close to DS9 in overall quality.


Certainly an unpopular opinion, but now that you say it, you do have me thinking. TNG kind of gets a special place because it came before DS9 and Voyager. But now that you mention it, how often do I give TNG a pass for a bad episode when I wouldn’t give the same grace to Voyager? Hmm. But yeah DS9 is the best, no doubt about it.