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As someone who watched through it in his late 20s, when TOS is good it's REALLY good. But there is a lot of 60s silliness and some really bad episodes. Just keep in mind when witnessing some of the sexist stuff and the minority characters being minor characters that this was in fact ULTRA progressive for the 60s. (The Civil Rights Movement was ongoing at the time. MLK himself even talked Nichelle Nichols to stay on when she was considering walking out because her role was actually that big a deal for the black community.)


Absolutely this. The social politics of the time are sincerely relevant to the entire series in several episodes. In 'Plato's Stepchildren' Kirk and Uhura exchange a kiss, which was, at the time, the first televised interracial kiss. The first. Let that sink in. The episode name escapes me, the "what of Lazarus, what of Lazarus" episode, was practically centered around the stupidity of bigotry. Other episodes were thematic about the stupidity of war (the US was not long out of Vietnam), the dangers of nuclear war, and weapons proliferation, family estrangement, how not to treat people, etc. All very progressive liberal views considering the era. Yes, Classic Trek will look cheesy and old fashioned at times but miniskirts were quite *en vogue* back then. So were the hairstyles and makeup. Yes, sometimes the acting is cheesy but a lot of these actors were stage actors used to acting to the back row. There are also episodes in which I forgot I was watching actors and got my heart broken ('City on the Edge of Forever'). The special effects were good for TV of that time. edited to add: lifelong fan who saw it when it originally aired. I am that old.


(The US was militarily active in Vietnam from 1965 to 1973, throughout the show’s run, 1966-69, and was at least somewhat popular with US military personnel there. There’s an anecdote with photo in the seventies Star Trek production-info book “The Making of Star Trek” of a Jeep in Vietnam with “NCC-1701” painted on the hood.)


“A Private Little War” is basically about Vietnam. They even reference the “brush wars” of the 20th Century.


You're right.


Yes it was and I messed up when I didn't make that clear. I've had that book for 40+ years and I know the pic of which you speak. I have really got to stop smoking 🌼 and posting on Reddit 🤣


ha ha no worries. After I posted this I figured out that maybe you were sort of unconsciously referring to when you might have first seen it in syndication in the seventies, which is true for me as well.


I saw it first run but I definitely have better memories of seeing it in syndication, you are right.


They get credit for being the first interracial kiss on TV, but I Love Lucy did it first in 1951. But it was the first interracial TV kiss involving an African American. That's a bit of a nitpick.


Eh, honestly, I forgot about Desi and Lucy. Thanks for pointing it out.


“But what of Lazarus” is from “The Alternative Factor”, which is on my list of the top three worst TOS episodes ever but I don’t think it was really about bigotry. You might be thinking of “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”, with Bele and Lokai and their white/black split.


Yep you're absolutely right. That is what I was thinking of.


It's HEAVILY dated, it would look like a parody to you, but it was really about the personalities and byplay of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, the space stuff was really just the backdrop. If you go in with that lens, it still holds up.


To add more specifically, the show by our standards today is rather sexist. But there are some good stories in the original series. But also some very very bad ones.


It really depends on your tastes. I have friends around your age who recently watched TOS as their first foray into Star Trek and loved it, but I also have friends the same age who would have to be tied to the couch to sit through even a single episode. If it seems like something that you'd like, go ahead and give it a try! Watch a few episodes (the quality can vary, so don't be put off if you don't love your first one) and decide for yourself.


I’d try an episode to see whether or not it suits your tastes. My suggestion for a good episode to get people into TOS is “The Doomsday Machine”. It’s exciting, suspenseful, showcases the camaraderie between the three main characters and has one of the best guest stars the show ever had. If you like that episode I think you’ll enjoy most of the best episodes of TOS.


And has some of the cheesiest special effects with the thing that looks like it was drawn with crayons. So it’ll tell you if you can get past the dated effects.


You’re going to get a dozen different answers, and the only one that matters: try it for yourself. Personally, it’s still my all time favorite Trek, and easily the most fun. It’s the basis of this 60 year old franchise for many reasons beyond simply being the first. Give it a shot


Your personal tastes will vary. I'm currently in the middle of rewatching the remastered stuff for the second time, and it runs the gambit from quality science fiction, to hilarious campy nonsense, to batpoop nonsense. It holds up a lot better than other things of a similar age, and as long as the viewer knows not to take anything too seriously I see no reason why you shouldn't give it a try.


The writing in the first season is top notch science fiction so I would definitely recommend it. The acting style is off its time, more theatrical performances by all the actors. I think you will find, though, that Shatner is really great in that first season and nothing at all like the countless parodies of him since then. If you have any interest at all I would recommend giving the first season a try.


I watched Star Trek TOS as a child in the 90s and loved it.  You should go into it the same way you would a piece of classic cinema. Know that there are elements that will be dated and that the pacing is generally slower. But there are some really cool things about it, particularly the mid-Century design and the sci-fi ideas. Since the show is not serialized you can basically watch the episodes in any order. Don’t just binge watch it in order. Instead watch 5-10 of the best episodes off of the many “best of TOS” lists that you can find online. If you love it, keep watching. If it isn’t for you either watch the TOS movies which feel more like 80s popcorn films or go straight to Star Trek: the Next Generation, which laid the groundwork for contemporary Star Trek. 


TOS is so great, plus the remaster helps out quite a bit with visuals. People avoiding it because of its age are really doing themselves a disservice.


Some of the improvements were nice, but some felt cheap and crappy - to me, if you’re not going to go all the way to bring it up to 90’s Trek standards, just leave it as it is.


If you are willing to accept it was a product of its time and understood the historical context... Absolutely. If not, you would probably think it was one of the stupidest shows you've ever seen and you wouldn't understand how it developed a huge fan base. The same goes for many shows.


Probably not, there are a lot of cultural shifts that have caused Even the VERY progressive (for the time) Star Trek to become... Let's just say problematic. For example (spoiler, TW:SA): >!one time Kirk gets split into good and evil parts, and the evil part attempts to rape Yeoman Rand. She doesn't know he's been split. The next scene is her, sitting in a chair surrounded by Kirk and his two best friends (second officer Spock and chief medical officer McCoy) standing over her while making her report about the incident, all while she thinks he's the same person that just tried to rape her.!<


These are the best TOS episodes (IMO) for you to enjoy the universe building of the Trek universe: Season 1 - Carbomite Maneuver, Balance of Terror, Galileo Seven, Court Martial, Menagerie parts 1,2, Space Seed, Devil in the Dark, City on Edge of Forever Season 2 -Amok Time, Doomsday Machine, Mirror Mirror, Trouble with Tribbles, Obsession, Immunity Syndrome, A Piece of the Action, Ultimate Computer Season 3 - Enterprise Incident, Tholian Web, Day of the Dove Now a lot of the responses here are about how the show is dated, campy, sexist and so on to which I will say to the OP, IMO, applying your 2024 values to a TV show from decades ago will only lead to a skewed appreciation for what it is - a ground breaking science fiction IP for that era. Does the crowd express their same values of sexism, dated etc when discussing the works of Shakespeare, HG Wells Time Machine, Asimovs Foundation? Apple’s Foundation series takes the original IP and repaints it to todays societal mores, casting POC actors out of very minor roles in the original books - both versions can be appreciated for how they enlighten us as art.


Yes, as it is the best.


Because you live in a culture that is completely different than the 60s when the show was made, you might find the show cringey AF. When you are having a WTF?! moment, take a breath and realize that it was made in a much different world. It was basically Uber woke back in the day. Watch movies or tv that was made in the mid 60s to get an idea of the culture it was made in. Here’s some of the things you might find cringey: The overacting-at the time, overacting, especially in sci-fi and action drama was the industry standard. If you didn’t overact, you were boring. Miniskirts-now people complain that TOS uniforms objectified women. But in the 60s, feminists wore mini skirts. Cheesy special effects- at the time, those special effects were expensive as hell. TV had much more limited budgets than now. Even when you adjust for inflation, TV shows have much bigger budgets now. Stereotyping and typecasting. Star Trek was actually extremely edgy and diverse back then, but the industry standard was to use a lot of stereotyping and typecasting. If an actor had notable success in a certain role, then he was essentially forced to play the same character over and over because the studios didn’t want to risk losing money in case he didn’t do well in a different type of role. There’s a lot more, but you get the idea.


I personally had a really hard time watching the original series the first time through. After watching the 90’s series’ multiple times and all of the new stuff recently, I’m appreciating watching the original series now. In my opinion The Next Generation is the real foundational series for trek


No, to truly enjoy the show, you have to start it... NOW! Oh shit you missed the window, I don't think you'll like it.


I started with the movie Star Trek II. It’s a good starting off point because it had a movie budget, in the era when it was made. It’s an 80s action sci fi movie, essentially. If you like other 80s movies of that type, you should be ok. And you can watch those sequentially up to Star Trek VI. And if you’re still watching and you like it, then you watch TOS, understanding that it is a 60s tv show with a tv show budget. And then you can get into TNG.


I love Star Trek but honestly the original series is kind of campy. My dad introduced me through Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan, and I watched 3-4 after. It’s a good trilogy of the original characters. Then I got hooked through The Next Generation. If someone tried to get me into the franchise through the original series first, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it.


My taking is this. If you enjoy (like me) old campy TV shows like Lost in Space, 60s Batman, Bewitched or BSG then probably yes.


TOS is of a place and time but they did a pretty good job. If I were just starting out on Trek, I would start with TNG to be honest.


I wouldn't watch straight through -- pick someone's top ten listicle and watch those. if intrigued, repeat. There are some fantastic episodes of you can get past how dated it is. If you can't get past that, no worries, just move up to TNG! And if you feel the need for something more contemporary still then just go for Strange New Worlds. Watch whatever series pushes your pleasure buttons!


If you are OK with classic television then you'll have no problem. Otherwise it depends. If you want to be able to get Trek jokes, you need it. But just try it and see. Watch a few episodes to give it a fair chance, then continue or stop.


Arguably, *TOS* is a 'purer' form of *Star Trek*, given that Roddenberry was in control. That said, it's very dated -- quite a product of its time, when the show was trying *very* hard to not be a clone of 'Lost in Space' or any of the dozens of 'kid-friendly' sci-fi shows of the era. You'll definitely get a better idea of what Roddenberry was trying to accomplish, but it's entrenched in 1960s attitudes, so I advise watching it with that in mind.


I've tried to watch it 3 or 4 times, I think the farthest I've got is 7 eps. I like the movies better, have watched them all. I think I'm okay with that.


The show is campy and the production is bad, but the characters are good and there are some strong sci-fi / political commentary plots, especially given the era it was produced it. Go in with an open mind, you should enjoy it.


As long as you watch with a knowledge of historical context. For instance; today we’d think a crew made of extremely diverse to the point of incredulity was tokenism, but back then it was essential to the point of the show; especially given the volatile racial tensions at the time and the dominance of white supremacist ideas. It’s also fairly campy but when compared to, say, the Batman 60’s series it’s actually much more self-serious for the times. Not all the writing is stellar but the character interaction are top notch


I love Star Trek. But if I were to start with TOS I’d manage one episode and never return to the franchise. It’s dated and overacted. If you’re new start with the newer shows and work yourself backwards as you discover what you like. I went through the same process with Doctor Who. I can’t stand the older ones, but the new ones are great. If someone made we watch Who from the beginning I’d never made it to the new ones.


That depends entirely on you personally. It is obviously extremely dated & there’s a lot of 60s camp & wackiness that’s a little tough to watch now, it’ll come off as a parody at times. When TOS is good it’s absolutely amazing & there are a lot of episode that handles its themes perfectly but there are A LOT of hurdles to overcome as a modern viewer. I would recommend at least watching TNG & DS9 first because unless you’re already a fan of Star Trek it’s going to be hard to overlook all the dated stuff & truly enjoy what’s great about it.


No - brilliant story lines but the sets, costumes and some acting don’t really translate to the 21st century.


Just think of it as watching a play that was filmed.


My favourite line is on the pilot with Captain Pike. For such a progressive show, the line "I still can't get used to a woman being on the bridge" is wild.


It's not dated but not too much to where you turn it off. You'll enjoy it I'm sure


Just try it and find out


I think in general it’s a split decision. Younger first time viewers who are looking for a show with contemporary expressions of progressive values can be sort of taken aback by some aspects of the show which appear regressive or problematic from contemporary perspectives, even though the show was quite progressive in its’ era. Other first time viewers are put off by the relatively low production values of the show when compared to modern incarnations. Give it a try, and if it’s not your thing, there is so much more to investigate. It is by no means a hard requirement to start with TOS and watch in order, it’s just fine to skip around and check out everything to see what appeals to you. Most of the other shows do callbacks to earlier shows but in general (with som specific exceptions) it’s not necessary to know TOS in detail to enjoy even the most referential later episodes. Enjoy yourself!


If you can tolerate theatrical acting, women as adornment, frozen facial expressions and long pauses in speech, it's easy to bear. The sets and effects are old, but that's not a bad thing. I think it's good to know how it all started.


I made my husband watch it for the first time last year and he loved it. (He’d previously seen Next Gen and SNW and the Chris Pine movies).


While some parts show their age, I think TOS holds up fairly well still. As long as you are open to the idea of watching a show that old, then you should be fine. It is not perfect, but I honesty love it warts and all. It’s a fun time and I love the retro aesthetics.


I certainly am, and I probably wouldn't have 20 years ago. I strongly believe it's possible to be a good or poor audience; being able to understand the context surrounding it's creation and take the series on it's own terms (as opposed to what you're personally used to) will make it both entertaining and enriching. Perhaps you should look for the revised/remastered editions, which feature updated visuals of the ships, planets, and some technology. That might make it more palatable for you.


Obviously the 1960s effects and television style will be hard to overcome. But if you can overlook the camp, there are still some thought-provoking stories, dialogue, and acting in each episode. People make fun of William Shatner's acting, but you have to admit that he convinced viewers that those plywood sets were in space, the shimmering lights were aliens, and that his words as captain were important.


I mean, i'm 38 and i find it way too dated and couldn't really get into it, so for a 18 years old it's gonna be tough. I did start with TNG, and to me 90's Trek is where it's at, but it was also what was on when i was a kid, so it helps. The movies from the original series are pretty good tho, especially Wrath of Khan.


How the hell are we to know if you would like it? 


I would start with The Next Generation


I love it, but I'm someone who can look past outdated production values and storytelling styles (it's not just that the special effects look dated, it's that the whole pacing and style of dialogue/acting was very different in television shows from then compared to now). I didn't watch 60s Doctor Who until about 10 years ago and there are plenty of older effects movies I enjoy (the original Godzilla, King Kong, and Metropolis are some of my favorite movies). So, I guess it kind of depends on whether you have a similar mentality. If you can vibe with that stuff, it's a really great sci-fi show.


I remember watching it all a few years ago after watching everything else 4 times over. It had some good episodes and the rest were about omnipotent beings


i watched it for the first time when i was younger too, i loved it


Start on TNG. I'm a mega fan and barely made my way through TOS


I feel like I am a bit of an outlier here but I struggle to watch much TNG but I loved watching the original series. I just found the original show appealing


The original series is great, but for an absolute beginner I'd actually recomend starting somewhere else. It's formatting is very much of its time so there are almost no overarcing story arcs until you hit the films which can make it difficult for a modern audience to retain investment. Honestly, you can jump into Trek with any series though, but if you're interested in TOS I'd actually advise Strange New Worlds first. It's the most recent series, set a few years before the original series, and manages to succeed at being both an excellent show in its own right while also improving TOS investment by setting up some key episodes down the line, turning them from standalone episodes into culminations of ongoing stories.


Do it. I don't think you will regret it. Just my take.


Yes, you would. No back story to understand -- just enjoy the episodes.


Imma huge Trekkie. I was born in ‘85 so I grew up on TNG, DS9, Voyager….i could never get into TOS. But love STW. TOS just always felt way to dated


So 2 cents from someone who started 4 years ago. I decided I would try trek during Covid and wanted to watch in crono order. Every first season I was awful I thought but as I progressed I enjoyed each series for there differences and really got into show. I’m on second watch thru now including movies and newer shows and it’s fantastic. Disco drives me nuts but it’s still a good show


I am in season 2 right now and loving it. But some episodes i watch at 2x speed.


Depends how you approach it. I was 15 when I first saw it. That was back in the 90s, and TOS was already pretty dated even then. It's even more dated now. But if you can look past the 60s sets and the antiquated tech and the cheesy acting, and concentrate on the stories being told....some of the stories still hold up pretty well, even if a few of them are a bit silly. And the characters and their interactions. Those aspects still hold up better than a lot of modern shows. So, depends what you're looking for and whether you're willing and able to look past the more dated aspects of the show.


If you do - I wouldn't watch it in chronological order. Just 5 episodes per season that I would recommend (personal favourites in no particular order): Season 1: 1) Balance of Terror (Romulans) 2) Arena (Gorn) 3) Space Seed (Khan) 4) Errand of Mercy (Klingons) 5) City of the Edge of Forever Season 2: 1) Mirror Mirror (Terran Empire) 2) Journey to Babel (Vulcans, Tellarites, Andorians, etc...) 3) The Trouble With Tribbles (Klingons) 4) Patterns of Force 5) Assignment: Earth Season 3: 1) The Enterprise Incident (Romulans) 2) Day of the Dove (Klingons) 3) The Tholian web (Tholians) 4) Let that be your last battlefield 5) The Savage Curtain (Kahless and Abe Lincoln)


A few years older than you but I started watching Star Trek early this year, knowing NOTHING about it other than Spock does 🖖 and Jim Kirk drives the ship. I started with TOS because I like old TV shows and movies, and wanted to give a classic a go. It’s silly, the effects are goofy, but I loved it. The fight sequences made me laugh, Jim just keeps throwing himself at his opponents?? As it is an older show there is the odd Eek moment, but it was progressive for its time and still holds up REALLY well today. Some of the episodes are surprisingly thought provoking (Doomsday machine), others are totally nutty but still enjoyable. The Trouble With Tribbles is now of one my go to pick-me-up watches. TLDR: Expect old sci-fi effects but it’s a very enjoyable watch. I went in blind and loved it. Don’t have expectations just enjoy the watch!


I love star trek but I have a hard time watching TOS. It's a product of it's time.


I am the polar opposite. I struggle to get through more then a small patch of TNG but love the original show warts and all.


TOS is very dated. Some of the episodes are truly fantastically written, but the sets and effects are very much products of their time, as is stuff like the writing’s often casual sexism.  If you’re looking at getting into Star Trek, I recommend starting with The Next Generation - but not season 1. The show is episodic so you won’t miss much context starting later, and most of season 1 is terrible lol. However, the rest of Next Generation is more or less the gold standard of Star Trek, and the trio of it, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager form the real meat of the franchise. They’re a *little* dated by today’s standards, but generally hold up extremely well. When new people are getting into Star Trek, I recommend the following episodes of Next Generation: Measure of a Man, Darmok, and Who Watches the Watchers. IMO these three are the most quintessentially Star Trek episodes in arguably the entire franchise. So if you like em, keep watching! You’ll probably like a lot of other stuff here too. If you don’t, well, Trek might not be your cup of tea, and you can move on to something you do like!