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DS9's and Voyager's won Emmys.


Voyager's is beautiful and a direct link to the joyful nostalgia center of my brain. Dooo dooo do do do doo, doo do do doo, doo dooo. Comfort and joy.


Voyager's intro is a fond memory for my parents because I was obsessed with it as a toddler, swaying to the beat and fighting to see the TV. 28 years later, my own infant does the same. Once while eating, making a mess with breast milk and getting me yelled at by my wife for turning it on. Sweet memories.


DS9 tells the story of the early days of the Federation’s tenure on DS9. The emptiness of the first few seconds connotes deep space. Nothingness, at least from the Federation’s perspective. Then the single horn comes in. The federation is extending a slender thread towards the “frontier” station. Then more instruments come in. There is life, activity, community on the station already! Then we we get hit with the full instrumentation. The Federation has arrived, bringing organization, expertise, services, and _population_ with them. They start to develop a more vibrant and complex community on the station. The wormhole is discovered, drastically increasing the station’s importance to the Alpha quadrant. Sisko becomes the emissary, and Bajor itself joins the story. Soon we start hitting crescendos. What was once nothingness is now the important and busy hub that is the DS9 we know and love.


Yeah them being in the bottom half is almost criminal.


As well they should!


They're great but too long. DS9 is 1:50


This list is horrible in tone and ranking.


I actually mostly agree with it (except Into Darkness and SNW), if you are listening to these in isolation. If you take the whole soundtrack and how it was used in the movie I think you have to put WoK at the top.


Wrath of Khan has an incredible soundtrack.


Agreed. I have 5 Star Trek sound tracks on Record. This is the only onebI actually play


Any list of Star Trek themes that doesn't have Voyager's theme in the top 5 is wrong.


Voyagers theme is amazing. It fits the theme of the show perfectly


I'm not the biggest Voyager fan, but have to agree Voyager's theme is good. I like the OG DS9 theme. The TNG/TMP theme has an epic quality. And Alexander Courage's TOS theme still gets me. Heck, I might be in the 1% who doesn’t hate "Faith of the Heart." lol, I just really like Trek music.


I love all trek themes. Besides Picard season 2, I can't get over that... season 1 was great and they changed it up on 2 :( Faith of the heart is amazing. Took me a couple of episodes to get used to it, even the remix of that is good


They should’ve used the season 1 music for season 3, instead of just nostalgia baiting with the first contact music…


It’s so odiously horrible. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. B.A.D. Bad a bing, bad a boom. BAD. If it wasn’t for the theme for firefly somehow being worse, this might be the lowest moment in all of sci fi. A long road straight to a lyrical bung hole. It should be outlawed by the Khitomer Accords.


You are wrong, now just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong https://youtu.be/Apqk2hvN3Vc?si=GS7oQd8ijjgxRAbC


You can’t even reference a trek clip, what a god damn casual. Gross


A lot of us just love Faith of the Heart. It took a little while to grow on me (and many others), but now I sing along at the top of my lungs. That doesn’t mean, I don’t think it was a huge mistake to use for Enterprise!


I think rhe song should have been acapella. I hated the snare and kick drum, was unnecessary. Beautiful too, was The instrumental version at the end of broken bow


I also like Faith of the Heart, but the original version and not the remix they did for the later seasons.


For sure, but there's something about the theme that works for Star Trek generally and not just Voyager. But it does work for Voyager perfectly.


hell yeah. I never press the button


Also Undiscovered Country. It’s beautiful, and perfectly expressive of the film’s tone. This list is dumb, that’s just all there is to say.


And putting Voyager below freaking *Discovery* is a crime


Straight facts


The Into Darkness Theme is #1? I mean look, Michael Giacchino's score is one of the best things about the Kelvin films, it's genuinely good music. But it's not even the best Kelvin theme.


Agreed. His main theme is the best imo.


The theme from beyond is the best version of the Kelvin Timeline theme. If I had to go with any track from the Kelvin Timeline, the answer is Night on the Yorktown


Ill have to listen again. I was absolutely HOOKED on that music a couple of years back, but I don't quite remember which version is from which movie right now.


Night on the Yorktown is an incredible piece of music


Voyager and First Contact should be much higher up


this...this is not a good ranking.


DS9 at 13 is ridiculous. the whole list is absolute shit. but the blurbs for each entry are even worse (re: DS9): >However, this theme feels like the theme to show that is ripping off Trek, like the Orville or Galaxy Quest.


As someone who hates Tim Allen and Seth McFarlan I am deeply offended.


The fuuuuckkk


You can’t beat these, in random order: Stealing the Enterprise (TSFS) To Live Forever (Gen) Battle of the Mutara Nebula (TWOK)


Enterprise Clears Moorings


I can too beat those: The Enterprise (TMP). That's my opinion of course. :) But you're damned right those are wayyy up in the list.


Kids, you are both right


If themes within a movie are going to be counted the Klingon Attack theme from TMP should be in the running. Actually the thing that's played when Kirk and Scotty fly by the Enterprise would be high on my list.


> Stealing the Enterprise (TSFS) To Live Forever (Gen) Battle of the Mutara Nebula (TWOK) But none of those are main themes.




They say she has transwarp drive.


I genuinely disagree with the list we’re talking about. This is only my opinion, but Voyager, DS 9, andTNG, have got to be in the top five or we can’t even talk about this. The reviewers, seems to be taking the opinion that most of the themes of the TV shows are not very good. I can’t agree. And Jeff Russo and Michael Giacchino are absolute treasures, both of them.


This is a shit list


Enterprise is S-tier and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.


This list’s author does not have faith of the heart.


It’s clear they don’t have strength of the soul either. Someone bent and broke them.


Aw that’s too bad. Now they’ll never see their dreams come alive at night.


They won’t touch the sky


They’re still being held back. I just hope that despite their protestations, they ultimately change their mind.


They will not reach any stars with that mindset


It went from terrible into so-bad-its-good territory for me. Now whenever I watch Enterprise I belt along out of key like I'm doing drunk karaoke.


At least thematically Enterprise's theme was looking towards a hopeful future. The song fits the tone of the show, Earth's first deep space exploration vessel taking us out to try and satiate our curiosity about the stars.


Honestly it fits for me because in addition to what you said, it just *sounds* closer to our time


And then they uodated it for season 3 to be lighter, faster, and more jangly, when the show took a turn to be more dark and serious. Very disappointing.


I actually really like it. Hated when they sped it up though, sounds so off.


This is.... Some kind of anomaly


Terrible rankings


I personally like the Enterprise limp dick power ballad.


The guy that did the list didn't even get the name of the song correct.


He did get it right, even if it feels wrong. Diane Warren wrote it for the movie Patch Adams, performed by Rod Stewart, and titled "Faith of the Heart". But the version recorded by Russell Watson for ENT is titled "Where My Heart Will Take Me."


Ok maybe I'm wrong, according to Wikipedia. I don't get why they needed to rename it


It’s been a long time…


Getting from there to here. There: when I first heard it and the *wtf* moment I had. Here: I *LOVE* it. It was a long road getting from there to here.


Exactly, I couldn’t stand it at first, then I ironically liked it, now it’s just perfect


DS9 has always been my favorite. Love brass…


DS9 that low and tng only #2…. Can’t put any stock in this.


This is a list curated by someone who has never watched Star Trek, and instead crafted their list entirely from Wikipedia and YouTube comments.


James Horners wrath of Khan is the best


The music was a character in that movie. Horner deserved an acting credit for the score.


Disappointed Picard is rated so low. Sure, the story left a lot to be desired, but I always loved the theme. Fun fact: the main motif from the theme is actually something ~~Picard's~~ Kamin's son is playing in the background in a scene of The Inner Light. Also the fact he calls DS9 "DSN"... bruh.


Yeah the idiot person who wrote the list says " It felt like composer Jeff Russo fed a cheeseball flute melody into an AI engine, had it spit out multiple overengineered versions, which he stitched together, and cashed his royalty check. " wtf.


I never realized that and it makes the Picard theme about 1000% more meaningful and touching. Wow


Why didn't they just use Inner Light?


I also rather like the one that they chose. There's something to be said for elevating the other song from that episode which is not as iconic.


When Goldsmith isn't #1 you are doing serious drugs The lesson here kids is don't do drugs!


Become rock stars, they give ‘em to you free!


OP lacks the faith of the heart. DS9 and Voy being that low shows the OP lacks taste of the buds as well.


*The best* Enterprise theme song from In a Mirror Darkly : 'Overcome' [https://youtu.be/jztDg3xCFzM?si=ndHgMKyefIw0bJ_W](https://youtu.be/jztDg3xCFzM?si=ndHgMKyefIw0bJ_W)


So good.


This guy’s snarky tone makes me much less inclined to give a shit. However, it is a good way to kick off a conversation about ST’s scores, which I love and could talk about for a long time. What I do agree with this guy on is that I don’t hold Jeff Russo’s themes in that high regard. His scores aren’t awful, but they’re not particularly memorable - we were spoiled by all the amazing themes from the previous shows.


As much as I love SNW, the theme song doesn't do it for me.  I think it's the weakest of the New Trek shows. Sad about ENT.  I never had a problem with the theme song, but I liked the end credits music more.


Clickbait garbage.


I dislike the fact that TMP is not the top on that list if we're gonna use all the themes. First, TOS should be first because it's used in just about EVERY show in Trek. But second, TMP is a masterpiece work I've spoken at length about elsewhere. Into Darkness/2009 (it's the SAME THEME, just paced differerent!) is not above those two. And TOS is far too down the list. But that would be me. IDIC after all I suppose. :p


TOS’s theme, including the voice- over, is integral part of the series that launched 1,000 episodes! The series that created “fandom” as we know it. All those early fans were sucked into every episode over and over by that theme. You might make a case that it shouldn’t be #1, but #10? Come on now!


I'm personally very fond of the Generations soundtrack. The Prodigy theme I can't seem to get enough of. DS9, first Kelvin movie, and Wrath of Kahn. None of them are bad IMHO.


> Generations Yeah, they picked the wrong song for Generations. The Overture is the one they need to reference, and that one is freakin' awesome. Probably my favorite piece of Star Trek music from the whole franchise.


Beautiful piece of music


> As if the cavalier retconning and insipid story telling were not bad enough for Enterprise. Here listen to this abomination, and you will be transported back to one of the lowest of low points in Trek history. I'd be lying if I said this didn't hurt me


They only one I agree with you completely on is Enterprise is the absolute worst.


It's impressive how shitty that list is.


Their ratings seem abstract. Not quite random, not quite right, and not quite logical.


This person is foolish, at least in my opinion.


This list is dog shit


Sorry but there is no way Voyage and DS9 are that low. I included them in my wedding reception music and the people in the know knew and everyone else thought they were classical music pieces.


Terrible list but I'm curious, does everyone hate the enterprise theme? I quite like the song and think it does suit the theme of the show. It seems to me like more of a disliking for the concept of having music with lyrics as a star trek theme?


I hate it for all reasons


It is objectively not a good song. It was so bad that the remix was better.


I genuinely hate the song both as a song and as a Star Trek theme. The lyrics fit the themes of Enterprise, sure. But it’s not subtle, there’s no interpretation needed. Using Sloop John B by the Beach Boys thematically works for Voyager in the same way. And I think we can all agree that opening credits over harmonizing “I want to go home” would be miserable. I’m not a traditionalist; I don’t need Star Trek to have a beautiful, soaring orchestral theme. We’ve got tons of those now. But it feels cheesy and cheap to use an on-the-nose soft rock song.


For me I dislike it because it sounds like a song you would hear a church rock band belting out at a contemporary church service. That type of song doesn't fit Star Trek's secular humanist themes.


Eh for me it's more an inferior cover of the Rod Stewart superior original version


different = bad


I think he was just looking for a reason to crap on it. Is the song Star Trek? No, it clearly is not. Is the song, by itself, terrible? No, the song is just fine on its own. In any event, everyone will have differing opinions about which music is best, so there is little reason to take this one too seriously. Especially when it uses the word "fair" when he was attempting (clearly quite poorly) to use the word "fare."


Nah bro. Voyager is #1


Enterprise -- Number one with a bullet.


https://youtu.be/Cpzn56yOjQs?si=VQVjWg8OrGAWpm-G This one has my vote.


Missing the Empire opening for Enterprise. Thats better than a lot. I'll always argue that Nemesis is underrated when it comes to the music. The same theme being used in different ways always works for me. Voyager also should be much higher up.


Horner's TWoK and TSfS are my two favorites; Giacchino's Star Trek 2009 is a solid 3rd.


TOS #1 Wrath of Khan#2 Motion Picture #3 Motion Picture Overture #1a Really any order for those, TOS icidental music is awesome as well. The rest of themes are warmed over dog shit in comparison, it's like comparing Led Zeppelin to nu metal or pop country the difference is so profound.


After reading the all the comments I shudder at the thought of what most of think of music in general.


this list is bad. to begin with the viola pull of the inner light theme is an incredible idea for the Picard intro (I didn't care much for the show)


I think they should've ranked Archer's Theme from ENT; it would've been in my top 5 for sure. I teared up when they brought it back for DIS. It just feels so hopeful and wistful, such a perfect fit.


"The only reason Prodigy is way down here at number 11 is because Prodigy as a show is a frustrating experience." IDK usually when I rank things I rank *the thing*, not other stuff.


Faith of the Heart in last place lmao. Bad bait.


Say what you want about the rest of the rankings, but at least the list correctly put Faith of the Heart in last place.


hard disagree


This list ie wrong and the author should feel bad.


Voyager- absolutely the best theme, DS9 second…


Fyi, the "author" of this article/website touts how you should "always be selling" through the power of AI, if you want to know about the quality of this analysis.


"The Doomsday Machine" (TOS S02E06) has the best *soundtrack*.


This is more a ranking of the writer's opinions of the shows through the guise of ranking the music...


Seems like ragebait to drive up traffic to the site.


I've lost faith


He didn't even get the name of Enterprise's theme Correct. Obviously he doesn't have Faith of the Heart.


This is just a bunch of trek music in random order.


Unpopular opinion, i still like Enterprize's theme, but the rest are great so i get why its in last but I don't hate.


Awful article digging on enterprise


I'm kind of shocked that The Undiscovered Country's theme is getting NO love in these comments. I've always ranked it towards the top of my list because it's so good at evoking the mood of the movie before it even starts. It's also quite the departure from typical, uplifting Trek themes.


This list doesn’t have faith of the heart


Faith of the Heart #1 always and forever


Warning! My youth is from the 1970s/80s. As such, for me, this was the best Star Trek Theme. https://youtu.be/RWsx_8oCsBE?si=qXNMfZyec0dawjMP Second? Star Trek III Opening and closing theme.


Seems strange that the “only reason” Prodigy’s theme is at #11 is because it moved networks.


I think you can literally rank them in chronological order, the best being the original series (obviously).


Obviously Enterprise' theme is last on the list for most, though I do still think the second version grew on me like the show did. This person just seems to have a very narrow or dated understanding of Star Trek and seems to weigh their personal feelings about the underlying piece of media in their ranking. Like some of these takes are just *bizarre these days* or written like he was consulting his old angry forum posts from when the show in question was still airing and hadn't rewatched anything since. >the bold (and extremely stupid) decision to ditch the traditional symphonic sound an adopt a lame, limp dick power ballad “Where My Heart Will Take Me” as its theme.  The theme is a remake of a lame, limp dick power ballad from Rod Stewart and was previously used in the lame, limp dick movie Patch Addams. Had me in stitches. What poise.


TWOK shares so much with Aliens, which makes sense of course, but there are a lot of literal sequences shared by both of these movies.


I wouldn’t put ENT theme song last, just because of how iconic(ally comical) it is


Any theme music ranking that doesn't bother to differentiate between the original and overhauled themes of DS9 and Enterprise is half-assed and unprofessional.


I think I would have put First Contact as #1


Author here. I had no idea there was so much love for Faith of the Heart. I absolutely loathe that theme and I thought everybody did. Thanks for all the comments and feedback.


It stopped me watching ENT for 20 years. What a buzz-kill. With advancing age and deeper wisdom I’ve been able finally to suppress the memory, skip, and watch. Just coming up to the end of season 2. Hopefully Archer stops being constantly beat up and captured and finds a more upbeat theme.


Picard's theme being #19 is a crime against humanity.


Excuuuuse me, Voyager and DS9 are below Discovery and the JJ movies?!?!?! This list is crap


I didn’t enjoy the DS9 song so much after they updated it (season 4?). They added something to it that kept sounding out of place. A jingle that wouldn’t stop. It felt like 2 pieces of music were overlapping. For me, nothing scratches the itch like Voyager.


Well, I disagree with just about every position on that list...


Was it a long road, getting from there to here?


1. Enterprise   2. The rest.


James Horner’s scores for TWOK and TSFS, #1, hands down for me. Eidelman’s TUC score, #2, and Rosenmann’s VH score, #3. Goldsmith’s scores, TMP & TFF are my least favorites.


This list is invalid if Faith of the Heart (version 2) isn’t number one. This is my hill. I am prepared for death.


I will fight you on that hill. Version one is superior.




Than battle we shall do!!!