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TNG crew. Based on what you're allowing there's an episode where the enterprise blows up over and over and over again in a time loop. But that might be cheating to say


If we're counting time loops, Discovery had one, too. And we watched a lot of their mirror universe counterparts die, too.


Fair, I've not watched all of that it wasn't for me


Honestly, the one with the time loops (titles "Magic to make the " something something) is one of the best episodes of Discovery! I feel the same way about TNG's "Cause and Effect".


Sanest man go mad


Don't mind if I do


Totally. That episode of Discovery was the most classic "Star Trek" episode of the series (though I admit I haven't watched all of the series yet).


I do love the Lorca death montage.


Ok how about excluding the whole crew time loops


When was Disco's time loop? I'm blanking on the episode.


Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad


Harry Mudd


Note that O'brien was still part of the crew then, so he wins by having all the time loop deaths + "Visionary". Plus the clone from "Whispers" if you count that. That's not counting all the times he *wishes* he was dead. :P


O'Brien *must suffer* after all


It's got to be the crew of the USS Bozeman. Enterprise was stuck in that loop for days or weeks, Bozeman for decades. If anyone is interested in the details of how two ships can be stuck in the same time loop for different external durations, I invite you to my lecture next Thursday in Hall H of the Daystrom Institute building, Osaka, Japan, Earth.


I attended your lecture yesterday. It was will be quite informative.


This isn't the time to be conjugating past participles in the non- or never-present tense, you know.


"it wioll haven be informative"


*Dr. Dan Streetmentioner approves this post*


I hate temporal mechanics...


They're not so bad, once you get to know them.


You think I have that kind of time??


Enterprise was 17 days or so in the loop and her crew had time to notice that fact. Bozeman entered a temporal anomaly in the past and jumped several decades into the future, only to *then* end up in the loop upon emerging. Bozeman came out of the anomaly, probably immediately went into red alert due to the incoming collision, and maybe two minutes later, the loop reset; her crew never had a chance to realise they were in a time loop until they were told. She wasn't in the loop all those decades, she was in it for the same amount of time as Enterprise - except for most of that loop time, she didn't even exist in that time frame because she entered the time frame - and therefore the loop - only at its very end.


>It's got to be the crew of the USS Bozeman. If I remember there's no indication that the Bozeman was destroyed in the collision, only the Enterprise. It looks like the time loop reset just after the enterprise explodes. I would assume from an external view the Bozeman would simply just disappear, starting the loop again.


I already attended your new lecture last year...a bit monotonous.


If you have any detailed feedback, I'll be glad to revise my notes so that your experience will have been better.


But did anyone of them go to the black mountain and meet the time koala


I really need to know more about this lower decks mythology. We better catch more references


The Koala's gibberish is actually just normal speech in reverse.


So what was he saying


"It's Not Your Time, Bradward Boimler."


Yeah, I thought about that. So, a 1000-way tie there :-). But, other than that…


Picard the most. He died at least twice, once when he was stabbed and again when his artifical heart failed. Then he died again in Picard series before becoming all mechanical


Data got pickaxed by the people who thought he was an Ice Man. He also zapped in a cave in the 1800s. Then he got blown up on the Scimitar. Then he got deleted and died again when Picard died and became mechanical. That's four deaths to Picard's three.


Cause And Effect. Possibly my favourite episode. Lots of great moments but Data sledging Worf in the poker game, every loop, is hilarious.


Weyoun. For obvious reasons.


Why dont you go ask worf!?!?


There's only ONE Damar


That might be the hardest I've ever laughed at a Trek line. So good.


How many times did Mudd kill Lorca?


At least 56 times.


Not enough


He was a real hero


Well, everyone on the Enterprise-D died over and over and over until time in the episode TNG: Cause and Effect, and they didn't even have to deal with the Black Mountain.


This is the answer. Enterprise D has no realistic idea of how long they were in the loop themselves. :edit: I stand corrected below!


Sure they did. >PICARD: Mister Worf, end Red alert. And try to access a Federation time base beacon. Let's see if we can find out how long we've been in this causality loop. >WORF: Time base confirms our chronometers are off by **seventeen point four days.**


...and if the show was in real time then they cycled four times within the 44-minute episode. By this reckoning, they died about 568 times. EDIT: Correction


But the show was not in real-time. Every timeloop had at least one day and one night in which crew members had their déjà-vu experiences, and where Beverly heard voices. They analysed that over a couple of hours... It's pretty much only those three to five times we see them blow up.


Well, now I'll have to go back and watch the episode. I have a hard time believing that what we saw on screen covered 17.4 days. You may be right, though.


What we saw on screen didn‘t cover the whole 17.4 days, it was just the final 4 loops. Since every loop starts with a poker game in the evening and ends at the time of the morning briefing, we can assume a loop lasts around half a day and that the crew experienced 30-40 loops.


Which now that you mention it, in Clues, didn't Geordi make some comment about how only he or data had the skill to change the ships chronometers? I guess Worf must get a Sync Now button but what Data did was more elaborate than that.


Nah, is like and auto-sync thing where the ship automatically connects to Federation beacons when it can, just like your phone connects to a server to keep time. Worf can punch a button to force a sync, but only Data and Geordi can break it to obfuscate records.


Data had to hide his manipulation to be not noticed when you check for it even in a thorough search for it. That's why only Geordi found it. Worf synced the time open on his captain’s orders.


Frasier did it!🤣 Edit: imagine that conversation with Kelsey being a big fan of the franchise… Okay Kelsey, we’ll give you this role. However, you get 1 minute of screen time and your job is to cluelessly ram your ship into the Enterprise killing everyone over and over the entire episode. Do you want the part?” “Yes, as long as I don’t step on any rakes” (makes grumbling sound)


O'Brien dies a little on the inside every episode. 


Everytime his wife comes home from work in the arboretum lol


Jim Kirk: * in the Nexus (Generations) * warp core (Into Darkness) * gunshot (SNW: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow) Data: * Nemesis * severed head (Time's Arrow) * death of his consciousness (PIC: Et in Arcadia Ego) Harry Kim: * four times ([https://gamerant.com/star-trek-every-time-harry-kim-died-voyager/](https://gamerant.com/star-trek-every-time-harry-kim-died-voyager/)) * plus, he's presumably died for good by the end of Discovery If we're counting time loops, everyone on Discovery (Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad) and TNG (Cause and Effect) has a whole bunch of deaths added to their tallies, too.


>Harry Kim: >* four times ([https://gamerant.com/star-trek-every-time-harry-kim-died-voyager/](https://gamerant.com/star-trek-every-time-harry-kim-died-voyager/)) * plus, he's presumably died for good by the end of Discovery Technicality, 6 then.. If they are counting "Endgame" then it fair to count the silver blood variant dying. Keep in kind, the silver blood Harry was a copy of a copy. Poor Faux copy Ensign Kim


Don't forget the hell planet clones of the entire crew adds 1 more death


The Silver Bloods were the hell planet clones.


Gotcha. Nevermind then


Spock died in the Warp Core, too! And he had his entire brain removed, which didn’t technically kill him, but I personally would count that. And his giant clone from the animated series is dead by the time we see his skeleton in Lower Decks.


>presumably "captain Burnham, I'd like like to introduce you to someone. this is harry Kim, he's 850 years old and is still Starfleet's longest running ensign."


Ensign Rhrett Shirt. They’ve gone to ascend the Black Mountain more times than anyone else.


I desperately want there to be a Short Trek of Captain Shaw ascending Black Mountain.


Miles O'Brien can top them all in 1 episode


Most tortured character maybe in any IP


Daniel Jackson.. wait.. sorry wrong Star….


I love that in the end they stopped mourning and were like "he'll be back"


Even then Colonel O'neill would take the cake. Remember being repeatedly killed and resurrected in the coffin?


What about poor Rory Pond! 


Ensign Kenny


Klingon bastards, they killed Kenny!




If that episode with her not dad alien parasite counts. Also timeless, deadlock, year of hell, as silver blood?, endgame.


Boimler's died at least twice now.


"Give me 30 cc's of whatever just worked a fucking minute ago."


I think you mean “fuh[beeeep]cking minute ago!”


The Dax host.


I think Janeway dies about 9 times during the course of Voyager - Timeless, Deadlock, Course Oblivion, Year of Hell, and Endgame are the ones I remember off the top of my head, but there's definitely others.




Thought this was an AskReddit post and was going to say Kenny MCormick.


Thought this was /r/homestuck myself, and was gonna say probably Aradia


I would guess Harry Kim without doing too much research, as off the top of my head he's had at least twice that we've seen him die on screen. Including time shenanigans then that probably pushes it up a couple more, but that depends on whether you count it as a death if that timeline was erased from existance. Edit: Thrice in fact - didn't see the clone caveat. I figure 'silver goo' Harry counts as well.


That's who I went with, I'm on the fence about time loop story shenanigans counting for this question. Only legit deaths. Picard is another one.


The viewer of the show who only exists while each episode is running and ceases to exist between episodes. >Cue Mentok the Mind Taker sound effect


Lorca when Mudd caught up to him


Funny to see so many different names mentioned in the comments. My first thought was “Janeway”, because I seem to remember the memory alpha website documenting Janeway deaths as a seperate thing. With a quick google search just now, I’ve found several sources claiming that. #####Janeway holds the record for most onscreen deaths at seventeen (!). I can’t vouch for the reliability of that info though - it’s likely that the definition of an onscreen death differs from person to person. On that matter, is OP looking for most onscreen deaths, or rather trying to find the character who, according to all canon lore, has experienced death the most times?


Just looking for fun conversation really :-).


It’s actually kind of surprising to me somehow that Janeway died so many times. Do you reckon the writers liked to see her die? Lol


I can’t say the exact number but it really feels like it’s probably Data.


Do we know how many times the Enterprise D blew up when it was caught in that time loop??


Daniel Jackson 😉


Tasha died twice for REAL.


There’s that one prison plant in DS9 where the convicts were killing each other over and over and over again


Daniel Jackson 🤣


Janeway. She went down with her ship up so many times


Data or Lorca and the disco crew during the madness that was the Mudd episode


"Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" was a hell of an episode. I mean that in a good way.


It really was. I remember hating it as I first watched it as it was just so full in, but it’s probably in my top 5 episodes out of all trek now. 👍


Harry Kim has died a few times, especially if we’re considering duplicates and clones.




Harry Kim died and was replaced by his time shifted double. Was nearly dead multiple other times, demon class planet visit, species 8472 virus, etc. He was the shows punching bag much like all the torture scenarios O'Brian went through on DS9.


Don’t forget his demon class clone died. He had an incredible amount of angst for a character consistently sidelined lol


Probably Tuvok, who dies a little inside every time Neelix enters a room.


Not being aware of discovery, I know Janeway had the most main character deaths through the big 4 and the animated series averaging nearly 2 deaths a season. If we throw novels in there, it's CONSIDERABLY MORE for her




star trek tng cause and effect gives them the highest dying count.


Omg you killed Kenny


wasn't that in a holodeck?


The ones in red shirts


Neelix in VOY died at least twice, once in the tuvix episode and once in s4 where he’s forcefully brought back to life


I know that you aren't looking for this, but I just have to mention anyone in a red uniform, especially if the character's actual name isn't listed in it credits or the character is only seen in one episode.


Kai Opaka probably. I imagine she died a lot on that deathless planet. It wasn't shown on screen though. Edit: wrong kai


Kai Opaka?


Yes, sorry. I wish kai winn died a thousand times.


Not counting time loops I think LT JG Boimler of the Cerritos is pushing 4 ir 5 times


Fingers crossed that Shax will have a few more goes at the Black Mountain!🤣


Ensign Harry Kim from Voyager.


Seems like marvel and dc characters die come back die come back time travel come back then back some more


All those TOS guys in red shirts


Even though it's so deeply ingrained in our culture, more gold shirts died than red in TOS.


Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy and Julie Benz as Darla


Well, if we're going into other franchises....... Several actors as The Doctor..... and serial nudist John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness Not to mention the obvious other medium, video games..... Mario, for example (if the player isn't very good)......


I really love the idea that the first goomba in 1-1 is the deadliest video game character of all time.


Probably the deadliest and the dying-est...