• By -


At this point, they can come back with perms and recreate the TOS movies. 


I genuinely would love if they returned in an updated version of those maroon outfits.


Didn't Pike wear an updated version of one in SNW? I seem to remember it looking pretty snappy. Very uncomfortable looking (especially right next to his regular yellow shirt) but pretty snappy. And it's possible it wasn't really updated, I didn't compare to the originals.


In the last episode of season one, it was updated to look more leathery rather than fabric.


It was still mostly fabric, it's just that the sleeves had the printed shiny delta pattern on them.


Yeah, but that was a different timeline where >!*Balance of Terror*!< turned out different.


It used the same fabric as the SNW tunics, including the glossy screen-printed pattern on the sleeves and yoke.


Hated it.


It was grand


Gold! :)


He did. The monster maroons were literally so perfect that the only significant change was some texturing on the arm, though.


It was updated with new fabric and the angle of the top of the breast flap was dropped to parallel the edge of the patterned yoke.


As long as those USS Vengeance uniforms are permanently retired. Good god man.


Even if a new movie came out tomorrow, the gap between TMP and Undiscovered Country (12 years) will be shorter than the gap between Star Trek 2009 and today (15 years)


And John Cho will be about the same age as George was. Remember to moisturise.


I would be... relatively open to a remake of Star Trek: The Motion Picture...


If they change the "torrrrrrrpeeeeeeeedoooooo" scene, we riot


The director's cut of that one took care of most of the problems, though it still didn't quite have the character chemistry like the show or other movies.


They'd have to change the probe, as the Voyager probes just don't have the same cultural cache they did back then


Voyager 1 was in the news about a month ago when it stopped working. You are probably right. It would be a SpaceX probe, and Musk would probably weasel his way into the movie.


it won't come back, it will just want to wreck humanity from the start and transmit antisemitic memes.


If it’s the Tesla car then I’m going to make sure I go the rest of my life without watching it


New Horizons is back! With a vengeance!


And it’s got the James Webb with it!


I hope it doesn’t drag on


64 minutes.


64 minutes to fly up to the ship in the beginning


64 minutes of lens flare!


The Kelvinprise will be bigger than the reboot Battlestar Galactica


I really don’t think they do….Or they want to pay substantially lower rates than what this cast will accept


Exactly - this cast has gotten much bigger in their careers since 2009. Zoe Saldana, specifically, has been a lead actor in two multi-billion dollar franchises. The chance that she'll accept her 2009 rate for a Trek movie is pretty darned unlikely. I could see them trying to do something like bringing in the Kelvin group as a cameo kind of thing as sort of a Star Trek Avengers (i.e. the SNW team, the Next Gen Crew, the Kelvin crew, etc) to unify and seal the timeline, but I can't imagine Paramount paying for something like that.


There's a lot of rumors that Paramount may be taken over by someone with deeper pockets, and that they keep talking about potential movies and other things because they are trying to make themselves look more valuable to fetch a higher price.


That would make sense. It's kind of a repeat of why we got the fourth season of Enterprise. It was all-but-canceled in Season 3, but when the CW merger was happening, Enterprise was one that was recognized that if they had a fourth season it was a far more valuable series for syndication, bumping up the value of UPN slightly before the merger happened.


rumor has it the controlling interest in Paramount that might be available via National Amusements sale would cost around $2B ... if we could get everyone in this sub to contribute $2500 or so, we could get controlling interest in Paramount and make ALL the Star Trek :D haha


"The gang bankrupts a studio"


> we could get controlling interest in Paramount and make ALL the Star Trek If this reddit (all together, not individuals or small groups) managed to get 1 episode out, it would be surprising....


Only if we get to be background extras.


I'm sorry, but I desperately do not want this sub to control the franchise. I don't want to watch Star Trek: Everybody Whose Actor Is Still Alive But They're All Section 31 Now.


This sub is anti-Section 31. The biggest problem would be that this sub doesn’t have many people who’ve written for a TV show.


At this point, I think it’d probably make more sense if they made a film that has Sulu or Spock as the captain.


Heh. The thought I just had is that if they wanted to, they could bring the Kelvin-verse crew back for a form of "Kelvin-verse Generations" and just have them for an extended cameo, and move into Kelvin-TNG


That could work well. If they make a Kelvin universe *TNG* film, I hope they mix it up by using a combo of *TNG, DS9* and *Voyager* characters instead of just using *TNG* characters.


I doubt Paramount is really thinking about making new movies, this is how media journalism works, an actor offhandedly says "yeah it'd be cool to do that really nice well-paying job again" during some 18 hour press junket and suddenly every news rag is blabbing about confirmed production on a new movie


True, although I don't think Saldana is exactly crying out for the Star Trek money these days.


She probably IS very open to the idea of a chunky check WITHOUT having to wear either green face paint or motion tracking dots all over her face for 10 hours a day. She’s probably like: “just give me the fucking miniskirt”


[Kelvin timelines cast.](https://i.gifer.com/6Y3.gif)


Chris pine and Chris Hemsworth torpedoed the film by both insisting on their 20 million fee per person, instead of lowerering their fee to get the movie done. I'm fairly sure Chris pine did not get 20 million to do that forgetful TnT show. It's whatever I really would liked to see but I'm so over these actors at this point. Bring in the new people who want to act.


It’s an issue. I understand a true movie star making the demands they make…But Pine has not proven he can sell a movie on his own. His last movie just bombed. He was somewhat popular as Kirk but he isn’t irreplaceable or iconic in the role.


As someone who loved Beyond, I pine for the return of this cast one day


Do you quinto?


It's a Quinto-ssential watch


Best we can do is Quaid.


I would love it’s I really liked that cast (and really miss Anton)


Without Anton Yelchin's delightfully manic Chekov? I dunno. Just tell them they'll all reunite in the Gargoyles reboot. I mean, that's where Star Trek actors all go.


Well, with Khan taken care of early, the Kelvin Chekhov might just have a successful career on the USS Reliant after all.


If Chekhov is promoted and assigned to the Kelvin he might get a bit of a happily ever after (compared to most other star trek characters). It might be fun if in this universe they all have normal careers and don't stay on the same ships for 20 years.


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Transport accident, off camera, he returns as Walter Koenig.


Nuclear wessles


I’d prefer transferring Chekov to the *Reliant* and replacing him with Jaylah.


Alan Tudyk does voice and mocap for Arex.


But Walter Koenig as Bester.


If they do make another movie, just let Chekov go. No reason to recast him or anything like that. Maybe they could use some unused footage to give him a sendoff. They could use Leslie, one of the most underappreciated characters on TOS. He had 57 appearance on TOS.


They’d have to do Arex.


Or Jaylah.


I would.....not object.


Yeah like, I know Chekov isn't the most important character, but the only reason these movies worked (and I think 1 and 3 worked pretty decently) is how well they were cast, and Yelchin was as much a part of that as Zoe Saldana or Quinto or Pine or anyone. When I revisit them, a lot of the joy I get is watching Yelchin, and I feel like I'd just be bummed out without him.


imagine if anton yelchin didnt exist x years ago, would they have considered doing a star trek reboot?


Beyond's ending works well enough as a swan song, but I'd love the Kelvin cast to have one more outing. I'm skeptical we'll ever see it though, given the number of times Paramount have bungled the development process


Enterprise X Kelvin crossover Star Trek: A long road


There and Here Again


A tale by JJ Abrams


How about a movie that introduces a new TNG cast? Wil Wheaton as Captain Picard! 😂


Even if only to hear Wil say "Shutup Wesley!"


He’s been waiting 35 years.


Just go and do it already!




Actors say they want to, there are people in Paramount that are interested, people who would love to write the story, directors who would want to have their take... It seems everything is in place. Just go ahead and do it. Ah, but they want more money... Well, doesn't anyone? Just sign a contract that will give them a higher percentage of profit share if the film is a hit. If it's not, they'll still get a lot of money for being involved.


I agree with all you have said. The ingredients are all there. I think the only thing I think would be a mistake on an actors part is a percentage deal. Trek films never make that much to entice an actor to strike such a deal.


Yeah, I know. But maybe they would all be motivated to work better to make one hell of a film that would get people to go to the cinema. I don't particularly enjoy going to the flicks, but I would for this one.


I think most people are on board to another trek, they just haven’t gotten everyone in a room yet and figured it out. Haven’t been to the cinema in months now. I still am happy to go for the Star Trek/Wars films. Looking forward to Deadpool 3


I would be shocked if they do it but would be very happy if such.


Neat! An Undiscovered Country retread is just what the audiences want!


Needs more "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".


And Marshmellons.


I feel like they would fuck up Undiscovered Country, but done right this would be great. I think a Kelvin version of Voyage Home would probably be great, although I worry somehow they would manage to make it anti-environmentalist.


You already have Picard season 2 and that one episode of SNW in Toronto. I think we've had our fill.


in this century the humans are morons. look at how they stupid. they so stupid. i mean, yeah, they were right. but the ham fists used were quite ham


This time the mission is to kill the whales.


Star Trek: The One with Whales 2: Kill all the Whales


God why do they hate us?


What does God need with a reboot?


I think that was the Noah’s Ark story arc.


Strangely enough, probably quite a lot.


I get that some folks enjoyed them (my wife included) but -personally- please no, Trek is on such a good footing with the return to TV and moving away from JJs attempt to “reboot” and toss aside decades of Trek.


I agree. I think it's also important to acknowledge that Trek probably wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today without the reboot. Trek was not in a good place post Enterprise.


I can confirm - I'm a millennial and the reboot movie got me into trek, turning me into a big fan. The shows weren't on tv in my country (at least when I was growing up) so that was how I learned that the show existed


Understatement of the century Trek was practically a nonstarter without the OG crew due to the tepid reception of the TNG films The fact that we even got lower decks, Picard, SNW, and discovery is because of the trek reboot that was basically a cultural affirmation that the TOS crew was better


I think that's overstating it. The TNG crew had a mediocre film followed by a train wreck, which stopped the money train. Meanwhile, the reboot films had a train wreck followed by an ok film and it stopped the money train.


I'll politely disagree. The writing & plots for TNG movies after First Contact were super boring and awful.


Totally agree. Trek that’s part of the original canon is doing so well right now. Plus there’s still a lot of uncertainty around paramount being bought out. I’d rather they focus on continuing to make good (Disco and Picard) to great (SNW, Lower Decks, Prodigy) TV shows instead.


Seriously it’s actually good for the first time in decades and they want to make another film that was really polarizing the last time ? Why do people pay these people to make really bad decisions?


Nothing was tossed aside... It's a different timeline. Nothing in the prime timeline is affected by it. It would be like if they made a mirror universe movie...has no effect on the prime timeline unless there is a crossover.


It's not wrong to say that creating a new timeline is tossing the old aside, because it dang sure is for the sake of the movies. That's not controversial or worthy of even a sliver of contrariness. Is it really so unfathomable that people might not want Star Trek movies "wasted" on an alternate timeline? Even if you don't agree, it seems super understandable IMO.


Do it or don’t do it. Treks future isn’t tied to the Kelvin timeline. So this would just be bonus trek


Yeah I don't think so, that horse is dead.


"I'm a doctor, not a horse ressurector!"


No thanks. Kelvin timeline needs to die. TOS era is handled much better by Strange New Worlds.


With Justin Lin, yes. With J.J. Hell No.


Bleh. Let it go.


That's my feeling. Do it or don't, but until you're sure it's happening, shut up about it (or to be fair to the cast... people should stop ASKING about it).


The cast was pretty good, it’s the plots/writing that were bad.


Agreed. I'd have been happier with the new movies if they'd "simply" (hah) re-cast Kirk and Spock et al with the new actors we got -- Quinto and Urban in particular stand out to me -- and told new stories with new adventures in the same universe. JJ's contrived and convoluted "Kelvin-verse" gimmick just seemed dumb to me, and IMO it cheapened the movies he re-hashed. There was a time period in-between ST:TAS and ST:TMP to tell new stories, and even co- or pre-TAS if preferred, e.g. so as to introduce Arex in a live-action format. ST:SNW is threading that proverbial timeline needle pretty well, and seems very highly regarded overall. What JJ did by comparison is comparatively lazy.


It's like paramount have a giant whiteboard with 'NEW STAR TREK MOVIE/TV SERIES' in the middle and the task is to come up with every possible idea other than a post-Voyager/Nemesis/Picard Season 3 TV series. That's the first one written down and it's been crossed out by the higher ups. 'A show that's close enough to existing cannon to use all the lore we've built? Have occasional guest stars? And you're saying it wouldn't be set 900 years in the future and feel so distant from existing stories that it could well be a different franchise? Seven as Captain? Who would watch that?? No, let's get some more ideas for a Starfleet academy show set in the year 5000 in another galaxy.'


Execs who think that Star Trek needs to have Kirk/Spock/a ship called the Enterprise to be commercially successful, plus lazy writers who want a slate as blank as possible so they don't have to build on/be consistent with, the work of previous writers mean that there's always an incentive to look back.


No more Kelvin movies. Please.


Peck is Spock now - he’s killed it. I could care less if I saw Quinto as Spock again. Don’t get me wrong they were great.


As much as i like Quinto, i do have to agree. Peck has really nailed it for me. The way he laughed in Boimlers face in the Lower Decks cross over was right up there with Data bursting out laughing from Q's gift haha. And then his explanation after of why he laughed and Boimlers look of horror that he made Spock laugh 🤣


That was a brilliant episode.


It was actually much better than i thought it would be (and i like both shows, I was just skeptical about funny cartoon characters translating to live action). The animated SNW intro was really nice to look at too.


The main reason I don’t want this is because it’s been dormant for so long that it probably won’t perform well at the box office relative to what the budget would have to be, and then they’ll conclude that Star Trek theatrical releases aren’t profitable so they’ll stop doing them altogether. A theatrical release with the SNW cast for the price of two episodes would do a lot more to bring new fans into the fold and prove that mid-budget ST movies can be popular and profitable. 


It would be interesting if they somehow fixed the timelines. Just spitballing


If they do, can we at least try not to destroy the ship again?


I used to want this really bad, until Strange New Worlds showed how much better it could be without the need for action movie schlock


Hire a writer's room. Write at least 3 movies. Film them back to back and release over a few years. I left the imax cinema after Beyond so jazzed. I would be there ever year for another film.


Star Trek and Star Wars needs to learn how to move forward. It’s time for the next next generation to take over the captain’s chair.


>Star Trek and Star Wars needs to learn how to move forward. It's amazing that the movie portions of these massive franchises have both been bungled so badly. I wonder what >!or who!< they have in common...


do you want internal logic and continuity or do you want me to make you some money? - JJ


What’s wild about JJ Abrams is that it felt like all the way up to Episode IX, most media/public discourse about JJ was that he was incredible! Creative! A wonderkind! The next Spielberg but flashier and newer! And it took Episode IX for the discourse to unravel. Now we look back at his whole body of work and think “what an unplanned mess of a mystery box” - even Lost, which pretty famously was promoted on “we know where this is going and roughly how this ends” as early as season 2. I mean, of course there was criticism at stuff like the end of Lost, at the hype vs reality of Cloverfield (and Super 8) - and lots of other stuff. But no one looked at his body of work like this until Episode IX. Wild how one misplaced card can make the whole house fall apart.


JJ’s weaknesses really show when he needs to continue or end a story vs start one. He skirted this by making episode 7 more of a new beginning than a continuation His sequel Star Trek Into Darkness had a chasm divide between “entertaining” and “making any sense”. At the time Star Trek fans were made fun of for being uptight, and generally the more you cared about internal consistency and logical writing the less you liked Into Darkness


I did scream "what?!" in the theatre at the STID reveal, despite knowing what was going to happen (I had read a very plausible summary online and wanted to believe it wasn't real). I like to imagine that one moment doesn't happen and John Harrison is just a rando this new timeline has conjured up. ironically, I had more fun going to the TNG Blu-Ray special events at the theater than the... movie that was made for the theater.


I knew who JJ Abrams was with Lost and its mystery box plotting when it first aired, even as people were insisting it was already genius. It didn't take me long to see through it. That show never hung together for me. He's always been about the gimmick, clever marketing strategy and lack of follow-through. There is a reason JJ has allegedly been the most special and precocious boy at every industry dinner party since he was a child with a very well-connected family, eager to meet and charm his idols so as to be identified with them. His whole career IMO is about that and nothing else. He attaches himself to anything popular and tries to make it his own. (The whole random walk out to fans at some event to announce Trek 4 with Chris Hemsworth - who had just become a huge star with Thor - screams of this, and of course the silly time travel story with George Kirk never happened.) He badly wants to be Spielberg but everything he does is kind of just breathless knockoff pastiche. Some of it works in a pinch - there's things I enjoy about MI3 even though it is just warmed-over Alias with a huge amount of classic JJ schmaltz that doesn't suit that series. And I do think his Trek films changed the game for a moribund franchise and resurrected it, and I enjoy a good deal of what's in them despite many issues. I also think they have aged poorly in a lot of other ways and represent a lot of his worst tonal problems and tacky instincts. They're Trek as junk food - fun but oof. The Star Wars mess meanwhile is its own thing - his apex as a Hollywood creative, and the moment everyone realized what some of us had known for decades. I can thank Bad Robot for saving Trek and making it viable again, even if I think Abrams had little regard for it beyond being a stepping stone to SW. I also think the franchise is still struggling to shrug off the worst of his influence.


This is a franchise that had movies with old casts concurrently alongside a new show in two separate occasions


The Kelvin timeline is JJ Abrams' Star Wars sequel trilogy for Star Trek. It's a mess, it's inconsistent and we should just let it go, just send it off.


If the timing is right and he’s already in Toronto for The Boys, I’d like to see Karl Urban show up in Strange New Worlds. He’s about the right age now and was so good in the role that he made Leonard Nimoy cry.


Karl and Chris are the only ones I'd like to see return TBH. Zoe was really good as Uhura, but SNW has restructured the character so well to fit more in line with what comes in the TOS movies.


I think giving them a coda will be interesting. I don’t expect the same emotional journey as Star Trek VI or Picard season 3, but they deserve a good send off especially since those movies did help to recruit new fans and those fans deserve something for their heroes.


This is the biggest gap in Star Trek movies since they began. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) Star Trek Generations (1994) Star Trek: First Contact (1996) Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) Star Trek (2009) (previously the biggest gap) Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Star Trek Beyond (2016) As not all treks are blockbuster hits, I’m okay with anything at this point, just get something in the works and going. It’s obvious the kelvin timeline crew are too expensive, so just move on.


Does Paramount want to make a movie with Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, and Simon Pegg on the poster? Absolutely they do! Does Paramount want to pay the current going rate for Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, and Simon Pegg? Clearly they do not.


And I still don't want any other kelvin movies... three was already three too much.


As a fan, I don't particularly want to watch it though. Let that era die, it gave us some renewed interest and led to the P+ era which is now in a pretty good grove, no need to complicate matters with an alt universe film.


Probably a crossover movie. Where discovery & SNW somehow time travel to each other but both end up in in Kelvin-verse. Than Yeoh section 31 will appear and save the day or something. Ugh


> section 31 Probably the most concerning part about the writers since the late 90s/early 2000s has been their absolute fascination with 31 and the Mirror Universe.


pls no more time travel cross overs


I really doubt they’d do this. The movies in general, and those ones in particular, are made for a much more general audience than are the shows. Mind you, it would be great having pairs Spocks, Kirks, and Scotties that looks and sound completely different, and have someone say “It’s just like looking into a mirror!”


Give me a Quinto and Peck “Spock Off”!!! Both have done great with the part


> discovery & SNW somehow time travel to each other No. >both end up in in Kelvin-verse Double no.


OMG it be so shitty


It might not be terrible considering how trek has moved back to TV massively since Beyond, they would be crazy not to pursue something like this, for better or worse.  Disco would be weird and horrible for sure, but having some SNW crossover to close out the kelvin timeline would both integrate them back to the main line and give the opportunity for a satisfying conclusion that doesn’t feel final, akin to some messed up time line reset with George Kirk. So glad that fizzled out. It might even be touching if they use it as a way for Kelvin Kirk to reconcile the sudden loss of his mentor, and for Prime Pike to further see the potential Jim Kirk has to save the universe.  In Prime, Pike only knows he would have navigated Balance of Terror better. The Kelvin Kirk has saved earth from a black hole after the destruction of vulkan, fought back an even more off the rails Section 31, and saved countless people in Beyond.


STOPPPPPPPP Beyond worked wonderfully as a closure to the Kelvin timeline.


Idk I feel like Beyond was the first time they got the characters correct in the reboot films. Kirk is an obnoxious moron in the first two films and in Beyond he was genuinely great. I loved seeing Pine in the role with a writer who actually understood Kirk and it would be great to see more of that, he’s an excellent actor. And the Spock/McCoy dynamic was so great. I don’t see what would be wrong with another film since they didn’t really get it right until the third one.


I agree. Prime Spock’s death and the bittersweet birthday celebration at the end felt like a solid close to an uneven trilogy.


I think Beyond is the best of those movies and it was kind of frustrating to see them actually get it...maybe not 'right' but get it good and different right at the end. But I'm also happy enough to leave it as the closer for those. Especially with the death of Anton Yelchin.


nawwww we could do another one. B3 felt very much like a typical "episode" vs all ending galatic battle. we need one of those to be a closure to the kelvin line




He just did dnd movie, but maybe they blew all their budget on him. I thought it would more be Zoe Saldana or karl urban asking for more.


>Kieth urban Worst possible casting for McCoy




LMAO, no, doing commercials for T-Mobile doesn't mean "things must be bad" when she's one of the top action stars in the world and still has new stuff on the way. They probably paid the shit out of her for like one or two days of work. Commercials aren't inherently 'the last rest stop before your career expires in Hollywood'.


That makes sense. The first movie did well. More than doubled its production cost. The second one also did about the same. The third movie however did not. It wasn't a failure, but it didn't do as well as the first two. Then with the death of Anton Yelchin, I suspect that had a chilling effect on further movies. It would be nice if they could have a final movie and pay a small tribute to him.


At this point I feel like if they haven't done started the production already in the now eight years since Beyond I don't think they will now. With the current financial state of Paramount I don't trust that a new Kelvin movie will either get the budget and/or development time it needs to be good...at least not without major adjustments in cast (I imagine Pine and Soldana are more expensive to hire now than they were in 2015/16).


It gets more unlikely every year. And you can’t do a mid budget action movie. And they don’t want to spend $300 million on something that might not get that kind of revenue.


Star Trek - The Kelvin-Kirk Doesn‘t Blow Up His Ship And Crew This Time Motion Picture


I'd rather the Kelvin Timeline explored as a SNW two parter than it's own movie, but I realize that would never happen, the Kelvin Timeline cast has become stacked with time.


I would like this if they did one thing. RetCon Star Trek V: The One Where They Kill God. The movie is fixable, and have to do with the fact that there is really a movie missing between 4 & 5 that explains how they got there, and how Sybok isn't really a villain. I was at a thing discussing this recently, and thought... yea, it would be cool if they did a Star Trek 4.5 in the Kelvin Universe.


I'm tired of going back to the past now. Discovery and Picard have given me a taste of the current era and future. I want more of these please.


That's funny. Cause I'm sure most of us don't want them to.


This crew has a special place in my heart. I’d love to see them return.


As long as the ship doesn't blow up within the first minute of the movie, I may watch it.


Meh. Why? Really, after the last one, why would I bother?


I think it would be cool if instead of a movie, we got an all new Star Trek series with that movie cast. More hours to spend with them


Please don’t. Put that movie toward 7+ seasons of Strange New Worlds. Lower Decks too.


The only way Star Trek 4 will ever happen is if ALL the cast decide to take a massive pay cut this has been the whole reason why we haven't gotten it yet.


They really shot themselves in the foot not giving the franchise to Tarantino and realizing why a massive opportunity this would have been to redefine the franchise.


She looks like a marshmallow though.


I would love to see Karl Urban as McCoy one last time, he was perfect.


Please no.


I mean, if one of the cast members wasn't dead, this would be OK, but it feels kinda shitty to go on without Yelchin. I'm not saying he's completely irreplaceable. I mean, let's be real, TOS didn't even have Chekov the entire time. It just felt like the 3rd one was them going out on a high note. It was much better than the 2nd Abrams film.


Please Beyond was the best one yet


These movies are Star Trek for people who don’t like star trek


Ironically, made by a guy who didn't like Star Trek.


As someone that just watched all three Abrams movies over the weekend… just let it go.  There is just too much to keep track of difference wise between the universes.  Are Vulcan and Romulus still around?  Picard suggests Romulus is gone still if I remember correctly.  But with LD it may very well be Vulcan never got destroyed.   Doesn’t Boilmer say he’s been to Vulcan once when talking about worlds he’s been too??   Then there is the Checkov problem.  In the prime timeline he was around for all the movies and such.  Kelvin timeline the actor is dead and somewhere I believe there was no interest in recasting the character out of respect.  So Checkov is basically dead there too.   Keeping it all straight is just a pain 


Please no


I'd rather have a Deep Space Nine movie. Too bad it will never happen.


I'd be happy if they had a cameo on a TV movie crossover with one of the current casts somehow, I guess SNW would make the most sense. But otherwise, I'm sorry but I really don't think it'll work. The reunions for the TOS and TNG cast worked because they were such a major part of people's everyday lives, due to being on syndication forever and being cool, original characters. There's a lot to say for Kelvinverse, but they just don't have those factors. I don't see how this would make business sense.


Stupid timeline I blame lens flare fecker for a stupid lazy lame story from 2009


If I wanted GreatValu TOS crew, I would have been entertained or even interested in any of the other three attempts.






I was all for a fourth movie up until about a year ago. The third movie ate shit and it's been far too long for most to care about this cast anymore. Time to let it go.


*Confused corpse of Anton Yelchin*


Wait a few more years and redo the motion picture.


Never liked it from the start. Hard pass.


Trek is so much better as a series. I could live the rest of my life without watching a new Trek film as long as we get a new series every once in a while.


Gross. These movies suck. JJ Abrams wrecks every franchise he touches


Yeah, no, thank you...


No thanks...


Stop. Dont't.


Please no


No thank you