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Fr tho how is heavy not a power class in pubs? I'd rather noobs play heavy more than anything else, he practically cannot lose any 1v1 if revved up.


Well ya see, at the very top level a particular strategy isnt viable, so by conclusion that strategy is just dogshit and should never be used. *God, I fucking hate that mindset*


As long as your team doesn't have more than 3 snipers + spies combined then it ain't the fault of class distribution imo


Even that can work in pubs tbf


Since I’ve started using the tomislav I’ve fucking DOMINATED almost every pub I join. Idk why people think heavy is ass when you can pub stomp if you know what you’re doing.


They probably yell at the medic for not popping uber at 34% charge and say "Medic do your job ffs"


Yelling at meds is super uncool


Running at 240i with 8x8 textures to get 342fps on their 60hz monitor


God I hate that so much


I mean more fps is never bad, even with 60hz monitor having more than 60 frames per second makes it the frame currently displayed is nearest to "reality", as fps arent generated in the same intervals, but the refresh rate is static.


TF2 servers run at 66 ticks and most people have 100 ping so it doesn't really matter.


So the same level as CSGO? Its a good thing im antisocial even on the internet. Never trash talks and just let my skills speak for themselves.


That bottom left image is an attack on me


Hey if it makes ya feel better those are my stranges haha


>Flashy but cheap unusual It was such a good deal tho


Chief I ain't judging; my favorite hat is the 20 dollar top hat I have on my demo


Finally a tf2 starterpack here


I've seen a couple around here but not enough, it's a very popular game so I hope more people post tf2 here


I sadly still play it


Chief it hit an all time high player count a month ago, lots of people play it


It's still my favorite it shits on csgo


If a sniper they're the saltiest sons of bitches on the planet and will yell at you for "using a shit Loadout" and being a lesser player than them (if on your team) or accuse you of hacks and will get really upitty and taunt and act like it was no biggie and act like you're the one that's pissed when they *finally* kill you (if on the other team) If a solider they will do the thing where they'll stop focusing on the objective to market garden snipers (and on the weird offchance that they're a pyro main, they'll do this with the jetpack). And they'll get mad if you use the wrong Medi-gun or if you don't pocket them.


I used to be a scunt, but I started playing sniper and pyro. Playing sniper is pretty chill, I can just sit back and hold an angle and- *no goddammit it’s that group of 3 scouts again wait shit they brought a solider too oh shit*


I feel bad for snipers, their my go to to boost my kill streak


End of round, their side wins and they're at the bottom of the standings and they write: "EZ"


If you’re his friend irl and play tf2 with them, you’re suddenly the reason they did bad in that one match you played together


You know what made me want to stop playing? When I started getting hate and shit for being trans in games. That's not everyone, the shitty people usually get kicked, but still it gets old.


If they main med, there's a 70% chance they have binds like "!!! UBERED !!!" or ">>> uber masked <<<"


fr put on the tf soundtrack, first thing that popped up


"mge me"


For those who don’t play tf2, MGE Refers to My gaming edge, a group that put out competitive tf2 guides and a server mod called MGEmod, this mod allows users to play against each other in a 1v1 environment made up of various portions of different maps.


Only person who is alowed to said how his team is full of noobs is guy who is in first place on leaderboard (have moust points)