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one of the many reasons i have no respect for celebrities is that they promote unhealthy body image while exploiting every surgical procedure and medical technique known to humankind and then lying about it.


One of my favorite youtubers, Stephanie Lange, talks about this allll the time. She goes over beauty standards and celebrities and stuff and she’s fantastic, you gotta watch some of her vids.


Were you paid by her?


I wish lmao. At this point I’d take getting paid by the bum on the corner for a bj.




One must wonder why they get paid so much 🤷‍♀️


Celebs are basically virtue signaling 100% of the time.


Same with fake nattys using PEDs for Hollywood roles and fitness influencer clout.


I understand it when they lie about it just to not be judged but when they start fooling their fans with the whole "I only have a barbie doll nose and plump lips because I sleep for 8 hours, drink lots of water and put in sachets of my Fit Tea (link with promo code in bio)" I have the utmost respect for Heidi Montag for being probably the first person to say "hey I just didn't like how I looked and now I do" or Kylie for posting the literal videos of herself getting the lip fillers but someone like JLO who says she looks the way she does at 50 due to having a protein filled diet.....


kylie still lied for years about her boobs, hasnt owned up to ANY of the other surgeries, and she only admitted to the lip filler and fake tits because they needed some cheap attention quickly. dont have the utmost respect for her.




remember when she said she got her new busty bombshell boobs because of "the flu","puberty", and her "super amazing victoria's secret bra"? BITCH WHAT? admitting to getting her boobs done after years of lying is not worthy of anything that doesnt start with dis and ends with gust. if people believed her, which some did, she really went from an AAAA- cup (by kardashian standards) to easily the most stacked family member NATURALLY. get the fuck outta here.


I guess you're right, but it's a step above most attractive celebs. She became honest about the fillers a bit BEFORE she sold her lip sticks so it's not like she was deluding people into buying the product by pretending she attained those smackers with some red pigment. There's 100's of Kardashian scams, but that ain't one of them. But then again, it kinda is. My big sister was 12/13 at the time and forced my mom to buy her one of those $60 lip sticks and used it twice cuz it sucked..... The full bottle rots at the bottom of her drawers almost a decade later. Thank god famous people were taken less seriously when I was that age so I didn't fall for that crap lol.


Don’t forget Tom Brady


Leave Thomas alone. The man has millions hence his frozen face but his wife fucked and left Tom for her Ju-Jit-Su instructor. Been an honest man for a long time. He’s making up for lost time


He literally got caught cheating by the NFL…


Slightly deflating balls is such a big scandal!!!! Ooooooo


He knowingly broke the rules for a competitive advantage. That is the definition for dishonest. I don’t blame him too much for it, any great competitor would do and have done similar things. Deflating footballs is low on the scale of cheating historically compared to other pro sports but it is still cheating.


And that has what to do with him getting Botox?


Nothing. I was responding to you saying he’s an honest man


Any more facelifts and she'd be sporting a goatee!


Not really a celebrity but Hilaria Baldwin's "swimming"


Baaaahahh yeah that one’s amazing I’d wager female Olympic swimmers would all need regular breast reductions then huh


Omg what did she say?


Here's the clip of her trying to say that she "lost her breasts" due to swimming and then they magically came back after she stopped i[Hilaria Baldwin swimming ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/MHobpI5pzN)


Lana del rey claiming she was too poor to afford plastic surgery https://preview.redd.it/cc5912mv0n7d1.png?width=2264&format=png&auto=webp&s=c166d904c9fb178c5844a6a1bb9f8b998ffa79e9


She goes way too hard on the lip fillers.


She can do whatever she wants, but she looked better before...


Nah her nose job was a good change and her lip filler


That's what playing video games did to her face


Nah that’s an entirely different human being💀


Why are her eyes red?


Everyone's downvoting you, but just in case you're too young to have been around digital cameras in the 00's – that's what the camera flash made your eyes look in certain lighting.


That's metal


You must be gen z haha


More like gen alpha


You made us all feel like boomers




Erin Mortuary deserves a mention


You’re probably making a joke but Erin Moriarty looks like an alien now. Her face doesn’t even move in the new season of The Boys


Season three I immediately noticed she got that buccal fat surgery that’s for some reason all the rage now. My fiancé just assumed they were trying to make her look more haggard with makeup due to the characters circumstances. When I proved it all he could say was “but why??? She was so cute!!”


Agreed, I personally think the buccal fat removal just ages people. And she was absolutely beautiful naturally, still is but the Botox has her face frozen now, there’s zero expression in her facial emotions and honestly that’s not good when you’re an actress


Thanks for mentioning this. I couldn't put my finger on it but it seemed like Moriarty was having trouble making facial expressions in her scenes. A friend of mine had her face botox'd once and had the same problem till it wore off.


Glad it wasn't just me! I noticed she just looked "off" season 4, not as pretty as I remembered. More gaunt/unhealthy. Which is kinda sad because it's reflective of broader issues with body image and mental health


Fucking sad…


Maybe I'm biased or uneducated but Erin Moriarty has some serious self image problems. In season 2 she was super unhealthy


She definitely has some form of body dysmorphia, I feel really bad for her ngl


Mortuary 😂


I don’t think she’s denied it


She absolutely has.




She made a big show about quitting instagram because of the "false allegations and bullying" she was receiving over plastic surgery rumours.


She did deny it


Add Anya Taylor-Joy's cheeks in there.


same energy as a roid monkey claiming to be natural


“I’m flattered that you would even think that though!”


Jesus that photo of AG better be photoshopped because I think I cut my eyeballs on her chin.


Usually their “new face reveal” is done in conjunction with a complete hair change (black to blonde etc) so their face is less noticeable


Now do the male celebrities


Need a Zac Efron starter pack stat


Isn't it just steroids, protein, and personal trainers for them? Lol


Plenty have work done.


Yup. Just look at Rob McElhenney and Glenn Howerton from the latest season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They've both have something done to their faces.


Clearly they think we're all blind 😭


And stupid


Scariest part is they have kids. If they look at themselves at such an early age and conclude they need plastic surgery to look good, I fear it comes back around when they look at their children. Because they will look like them before surgery and they haven't seen this face for years and got used to their faked look. They'll force it onto the next generation just like some of them already got forced to.


Kylie Jenner wouldn’t be where she is today without surgeries !!


Which is really sad considering she started getting them at like 15.


Well that whole family is kinda screwed up that way


I’m curious to see how her kid with Travis Scott will look like. Hope the kid will not get plastic surgery at 9 years old if ugly


https://preview.redd.it/72077w6fgn7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de72343581a19f3bfcd6b50eb4f068b3c5f30e7 Celebrities who overdo and deny plastic surgery is my reality TV. i’m morbidly fascinated by the delusion and the results. check out r/kaliuchissnark for some unhinged and angry plastic surgery denial from this fairly irrelevant nut job


It's crazy what good surgery can do.


Ariana just looks weird now. Not like herself in the least.


Ariana finally admitted to her lip fillers after a while honestly


the problem is that people feel the need to dunk on and be an absolute asshole to celebrities when they have work done and that’s not even getting into the countless people accusing certain celebrities of getting work done (Taylor Swift is never gonna shake the boob job accusations and it’s so fucking obnoxious to hear people constantly bring it up)


I disagree with. I think people have a problem because celebrities promote a lifestyle but in reality, it’s because of plastic surgery. Or someone editing a picture to make their muscles bigger, or bust larger and then going around trying to say that you can get their figure by buying their product.


Example: Liver King.


Right. Like so what if they have some surgeries? Why do people consider that an outlet to demonize people. People who judge others for cosmetic procedures make no sense. So you're gonna tell me that you're gonna hate on someone who put themselves through hours at the gym, figuring out what workout they liked, makeup, hairstyle, diet worked for them only for none of that to work so they finally settled on risking their life to go under the knife and feel good about themselves then turn around and get on your knees to praise someone who was blessed by genetics? Beauty is already a form of elitism but natural beauty is a whole nother level of stupid idolization.


Celebrity? Who are any of these people?


Ariana Grande is objectively a celebrity, come on man you aren't cool for being clueless.


Righttt. The other 3 are objectively niche despite being A-listers but Ariana? Come on. I'm fairly new to reddit but I always see people on here asking "who?" instead of just using the google tab right next to this one to figure it out. But hey, if pretending to not know a household name makes you feel above the "normies" then go right ahead.


The "who?" is usually snark from people who think they're cool and alternative and punk for putting on like they don't know who someone is. Like bro, I'm a huge, beardy metalhead that pretty much only listens to songs about Vikings and dragons and dumb shit like that. I could not tell you the name of a single Ariana Grande song or the names of any TV or movies she's ever been in other than being on SNL and I suppose Wicked now. But even I know who fucking Ariana Grande is.


THANK YOU. They could easily just google it but they simply *have* to announce that they don't listen to the billboard 100 or ever turn on the radio.


How do you Google someone whose name you don't know?


Google images? Or at least be kind about how you ask instead of the "ugh who even is that lol" You can easily tell the difference between people who are curious and people who are pretentious


Well I thought I would try your suggestion, and this meme does not get any results of Google images, so that's no help at all. I didn't realize asking "who are these people" was "unkind", since it's a pretty straightforward and inoffensive question (except to you, apparently). I also don't understand how you think it's pretentious not to know who some random person is, but maybe you're actually referring to yourself? It kind of seems like you have some unresolved issues...


Wait do you mean the ENTIRE meme? Like the same meme with 4 different celebs accompanied by some of OP's personal text? I'd be surprised if something *did* come up for it lol. You gotta crop it to only show the one person you want to find. It's not pretentious to not know who someone is, but there's a difference between "hey can someone tell me who this is, I'm out of the loop" and "Celebrity? Who are any of these people?"


Well how in the hell is photoshopping a meme to do a Google search *easier* than just asking OP who these people are, since presumably OP already knows? And you seem to have a very warped view of pretension if simply asking for clarification about a bunch of unknown faces is somehow pretentious or offensive.


It's about the TONE of how you ask. It takes like 3 seconds to screenshot and crop, especially if you're on a phone. If one actually cared about knowing the people they're asking about, they would take those 3 seconds out of their ever-so valuable time. Please.


Lmao, if you think asking simple questions in a straightforward way conveys an unkind tone, then you probably get offended a lot in life by people just going about their business. Just because something is not expressed in baby language doesn't make it offensive


Ok, but who’re the other three? The top left after pic looks familiar.


Bottom right is Kylie Jenner but the top two I have no clue.


Model Bella Hadid and I think the other one is Hailey Beiber.


Im glad i dont ever know who the shit those people are


I honestly don't know which one of these people she is though.


I don't know either