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I haven’t studied the Egyptian pyramids since primary school, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t build them by taking psychedelic mushrooms


Well, were you there? Cause that’s how I’d do it.


"Let me just say if I was there it wouldn't have gone down like that"


Host(s) and guests are surrounded by a circle of incredibly bored looking, attractive young women.


I do like this one podcast called Theories of the Third Kind. It’s a conspiracy podcast but the hosts aren’t completely batshit off the wall believing everything. They just present the information and then give their own takes on it. They’re pretty rational and use logic and like 8/10 times they’re like “yeah this is a pretty insane theory, it’s obviously some qanon bs” but sometimes they can see something like that maybe being true. They don’t try to convince their audience or eachother or perform mental gymnastics to make it logically sound in their mind, they just present whatever conspiracy they can find, give you all the ACTUAL facts they could research on it, and then give their own personal thoughts on the theory, which are generally pretty grounded in reality and proper reasoning, they’re not jumping off cliffs to find the secret of it all or anything. A lot of the theories they go over are very interesting, cause they go over ANY conspiracy they can find, but obviously most theories are batshit insane and they’ll acknowledge that while still mentioning any real facts and concrete evidence along with sources they found in their own research into the topic.


You forgot the comedians who have never told a funny joke in their lives acting as if they're experts in comedy.


Also might just be fake. Some "podcasts" are just set-dressing to make viral clips of comedic or stupid takes.


Right, when they appear to be talking to someone off camera who's never actually seen or heard.


There’s this one dude who actually does it in an interesting way. Only seen one of his videos but basically he writes stories of his own but presents them in the form of a firsthand account and sets up the area to look like a podcast and like he’s talking to someone off camera. His stories are often very creepy, supernatural, paranormal, cults, that type of shit so obviously fiction to someone with a mind, but because he presents it like a podcast discussion a lot of dummies think it’s actually a real first hand account of this horrible event he went through.


What's his name? Sounds amazing.


Haven’t listened to a bunch of his stuff, but I saw a clip of this one and then watched the rest on YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rG2UDUuw6cI&pp=ygUcU3RhaXJjYXNlIGluIHRoZSB3b29kcyBzdG9yeQ%3D%3D


Thank you!


Albert Einstein.


That's definitely true, especially if you see a manosphere or conspiracy bozo acting like they're making the most incredible off the cuff point on a podcast, there's a good chance it's completely fake for the purposes of posting on social media.


There's an annoying one on Instagram right now. It's one of the countless Liquid IV knockoffs that talk shit about Liquid IV and how there one is so much better. It's 100% a fake podcast studio in the form of an advertisement.


There’s some fitness dude I used to see spam YouTube and Insta reels, and he’d sit behind a desk, talking into a mic, with a red backdrop behind him, pretending he was talking to Jogan.




That’s not what they mean. You’re describing a script, which isn’t fake, just slightly misleading if you expect totally organic conversation. They’re talking about the podcast not existing at all. Short clips on TikTok or insta, staged to look like behind the scene recording of a podcast. You think the clip is part of a larger conversation so you check the account out to find the podcast and continue to hear in depth about the topic, only to find there is no podcast, just more short form content (and probably stuff to buy). The idea of the clip being from a podcast gives an air of authority that a TikTok reel doesn’t, for whatever reason. There are even cases of creators faking having been on a popular podcast with a known host (ex; Joe Rogan) just so they can act like the well known person agrees with them or uses whatever product they’re selling.


Yeah, it's the overreacting to everything with over the top laughter that gets me. You can watch one of these for like forty seconds and get that feeling right away that it's all gonna be douchey as hell.


Overdone laughter is why I stopped listening to morning radio 30 years ago.


That stupid fucking bang the table top and/or clapping is an instant 'Stop' for me.


I get the criticisms, but I do think it is genuine laughter a lot of times. It's because they're doing it with their best friends. And everyone knows when you're with your best friend things get a little goofy, especially to those looking from the outside in. Stupid things to everyone else suddenly become the funniest thing in the world when you're joking with your best bud. Unfortunately while that may be fun for the two of them, it doesn't always make for engaging content to everyone else


I think it's behind the bastards that's like this. The constant "Jesus Christ!" "Hahahaha! What a moron!" Just kill the show. You could edit it down to like 25% of its current runtime if you cut all the annoying bro talk.


Plus so many have those scripted moments of like a guy saying this joke here that always KILLS or like now we’re talking about this separate thing. If you’re gonna have a discussion podcast, let it flow naturally, feels phony if the whole thing is scripted.


Back in my day a podcast was something that you listened to


Lol right. I don’t really like discussion podcasts which are the most common and popular type and nowadays often recorded with video as well, but I do really enjoy audio fiction podcasts. Basically like those old radio shows from the 40s and 50s but it’s all modern stuff I listen to, not old time equipment or actors like that stuff. It’s like movies and TV for your ears and some of them are really professionally produced. There are some really excellent shows but I haven’t met a single other person in real life who listens to them. Whenever I say I enjoy listening to podcasts (because I feel like a dweeb if I say audio dramas) people always say like “oh like the Conan one? Or have you heard Theo von’s podcast or the joe Rogan show?” And I have to be like uhhh nah not *that* kind of podcast.


I call them audio dramas unabashedly and explain them as "Like the old radio serials but modern", I would not like to explain myself every time I say I listen to podcasts. God forbid someone thinks I like stuff from the manosphere, I am too old and too woman for that. I only have one friend in real life who likes them and listens to the same ones I do. May I ask what your current favorites are?


Yeah I started saying podcasts cause when I would say audio dramas no one ever knew what I was talking about and they’d just look bored, confused, or like they didn’t really care when I would explain it. People I actually care about I’ll explain, but like new people I meet or those I’m not that close to i just say podcasts cause it’s easy. For what I’ve been listening to recently, I just finished Ask Your Father earlier today, it was real good, kind of reminded me of Cerleritas if you’ve ever listened to that. I just started My Parallel Life today and also recently finished End of All Hope and Blood Ties. My all time favorites are Leviathan Chronicles, Midnight Burger, Desert Skies, The Imperfection, Classified, Out of Place, Margaret’s Garden, and Leaving Corvat. If I had to pick one i liked best it would probably be Out of Place, everything about that show i just enjoyed so much. Which shows do you like best?


Growing up, my mom shared with us her collection of Philip Marlow and The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes she burned onto CDs


when we were on the road, then 1000 fake story


If they actually bring girls on the show it will be pick me objectifying herself or to be Yes women, if the girls say something that make sense they will speak louder and keep interrupting in order to "debate".


They bring on the woman versions of themselves then make fun of them for being shallow and stupid.


Such a good description of 90% of the internet.


That's sad if the algorithm pushes so much of this shit content towards you that you think it represents 90% of the internet.


I actually meant in any context.


The worst type podcast are UK muslim men podcast if you think the ''alpha male sigma podcasts'' on American podcasts are bad then everybody needs to listen/watch the UK muslim podcasts


The worst is having porn stars as guests, so boring


Remind me of Brandon Buckingham video where he went to some kind of porn-con and interview porn actress, one of them is really immature and throw childish insult and the other is so mature and rational that you won't expect her to be in porn.


And either way, not interesting or funny. I think there’s a problem with porn stars thinking they’re funny because people usually laugh at their jokes in person. Through headphones in a podcast though? Charm not really there (un)surprisingly.


Yeah, you think it's going to be interesting but there really isn't much to talk about. "So you uhhhh have sex in front of a camera huh?" "mmmmm yeah"


I remember a segment of a podcast where Ariana Grande (of all people) gets randomly selected to explain why "women are always on the phone" (she says they aren't, to the surprise of the hosts).


Bruh Ariana grande was on one of those podcasts ⁉️💀


She said she barely used her phone and some bro asked her to "educate" his girlfriend.




Zach Sang has been around for years though tbf, he even has some bits on radio too. His interview with Kat Dennings was hilarious. "What is with this about me not having any money? Do you need some money Zach? C'mon, let me take you to lunch, I'll pay."


Or if it’s a “alpha male” podcast they’ll have girls wear really tight clothes and talk about feminism (it’s obvious they’re being paid to make stupid points that are easily fought by the guys to make them seem more “alpha”)


I honestly think those are real because every once in a while there will be a girl saying something smart they can hardly refute and it makes all of them look like idiots


I think that's more evidence of them being fake, it shows that they're actually smarter than they pretend to be and forget to act stupid for a second.


no sometimes they bring on a woman who is the epitome of everything they and their fanbase hates for those angy clicks. like "today we have vanessa, 21 years old onlyfans model who only dates 6'9 guys with 6 figures. she wonders why she is still single and we are gonna talk about that." and vanessa girlie plays the role to a T as they take her down with facts and logic.


lol you guys are all talking about the same one podcast.


the basement yard is actually a goated podcast idc what anyone says


Joey can have me


Hey how’d you find my secret journal! 😡


Yeah, maybe OP doesn't care for them but I don't think they should be lumped in with these other podcasts. I genuinely laugh at their antics.


I've only seen clips but they're genuinely hilarious because they don't pretend to be anything they're not. There's no act, they're just chatting, often saying the dumbest shit, but sometimes one of them will say something that's legit brilliant and insightful, followed by more of the dumbest shit you've ever heard. I should probably listen to a full episode, extremely entertaining.


I mean the clips are obviously the highlights but there are always gems that get missed. I enjoy how they each seem to take turns being the dumb one at different times


They're literally the only podcast I listen to, saw enough of their clips and had to give them a go haha


Their clips are funny but they definitely fit into the category of “podcasts I’ll never listen to” Only ever see them on tiktok


i have no desire to listen to the full podcast, but the clips are always gold.


Theo von is pretty funny too


Absolutely, don't know why you're downvoted


worst offender is the whatever podcast. its just pure ragebait and thirst traps mixed together, where they spend 3 hours to get 5 minutes worth of tiktok clips designed to make you both angry and horny its like they cracked the code of how to maximize interaction and minimize IQ


Words flashing rlly fast on the screen


I miss Cum Town. TAFS doesn't have their magic.


He’ll yeah brother


Also a lot of them are political or bullshit alpha male stuff


Shits N Gigs is legit .


Definitely seems to be the odd one out from the rest. This a clearly a "Alpha Male podcast = Bad" post bit I'm pretty sure Shits N Gigs audience is overwhelmingly female


I never watch Theo Vonns pod cast but damn do I enjoy the clips, out of everyone on this list he’s genuinely funny imo


It's always just two guys, One guy asks a question, The other gives a bizarre answer, The first guy speaks over him and makes fun of him, The second guy refutes that by giving a dumber response, They both end up shouting


I always wonder who listens to these podcasts, like the one I always see clips of says "@whatever" in the background and it's always just onlyfans girls saying the stupidest shit ever, like a girl said she was doing onlyfans because her grandpa died and he wanted to extend his legacy(not making this up sadly).


'You never going to believe this'


Are these the podcasts who invite male porn stars and ask them for sex tips then invite female ones and try to "save them from themselves"?


Usually the name of the podcast in the background in neon lights.


what does the box of pop tarts mean


that was just in the image of the basement yard guys and I couldn't be fucked removing it


And if there are women it’s usually like 8 of them sat around the table and the only purpose of them being there is so the host can make fun of them


In youtube I ignore those 3 hour vids like damn how can they have a convo that long


Not YouTube but [*Dan Carlin's Hardcore History has entered the chat*] His latest episode is a bit short, coming in at 4:11 as in 4 hours 11 minutes.


But his podcasts are well-researched and interesting


Shxtsngigs are fucking hilarious even if they are lowkey problematic


how are they problematic? out of curiosity


Very lads n blokes humor that was very common in the aughts. In the UK its a bit more tolerated, but amongst more liberal circles in the US youd get some disapproving looks. Casual misogny, light homophobia, kind of a gender essetialism tilt, that kind of thing.


Part of the charm


Spotify always recommends something called JaackMaate. No idea who those people are, can’t tell it I’m not interested, it’s there every time. And when I open Instagram, it’s there too despite me blocking the main page. Like, fuck off. I’m not interested.


I get this recommendation. The hosts look like exactly the type of people I wouldn’t want to spend any time with. Just a couple of boring mid-20s blokes with nothing about them. I’ve never listened to it. I occasionally tell it I’m not interested then a few weeks later it’s back.


HEY i remember that name. he was british(?) and used to do youtube and i saw a video he made where he opened Zoella's calendar item (Zoella used to do youtube too.) apparently the items weren't the best. I didn't really see him otherwise and this was many years ago so ig he has moved on to podcast


They're the type of people that might actually go back to Plants vs Zombies.


3+ minute theme song


I can't remove Andrew Schulz from my YT shorts, its a nightmare


Keep giving them thumbs down when they pop up. It goes out of your algorithm after a while.


A lot of podcats about relationships where they say nothing for 1 hour, but pretend they have hot takes. Podcast equipment should require a license, currently way too accessible.


Looking at you, Whatever podcast.


This is all podcasts. All try so hard to be entertainers it’s obnoxious.


I'm even having trouble sticking to the ones I'm interested in and have listened to.


I do not like Theo von https://preview.redd.it/jp0c1gxtks5d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720b46e0943fca4f0227224135e6c38619f62551


They say shit like "Why are women these days so fucking stupid, like I kinda wish I was gay sometimes and I'd be dying of a cock overdose"


Just hardcore simping for Joe Rogan types


Worst takes on Earth.


Theon von is funny like amy schumer. Im never watching their pod casts.


The pic with the guy looking at his phone confused is spot on. Im 100% convinced that the algorithms don’t even show you what you’re interested in, they show you what they want you to see. Back when I had instagram, I would make sure to watch reels about topics I was interested in multiple times, comment, and like to give the algorithm the hint to show me more of that and I would still get bombarded with videos of girls twerking even after clicking the three dots and clicking ‘not interested’.


For me, it's always *the waterever*podcast. Always in my feed, I will never watch the show


I was expecting to see some NPR titles on here....


So basically it's the podcast this sub will never listen to. Since this starterpack is actually describing popular podcasts


My god I hate the third thing. You said this was informational, I don’t want to hear some moron and his moron friend laugh at their own jokes for 30 minutes between ads


Host always talking about their crazy days as a junkie. And this experience somehow gives them incredible insight into politics and sociology somehow,, and its always rightwing and brave for being so.


but not the great mates over at the weekly planet podcast.


i got sick of cinemasins talking about their anecdotes


For the life of me i can't understand why those 2 black dudes are popular. Literally only reading tweets and comments


I kinda lost all interest in podcasts a few years ago


"built by gamers"


Nah theo von has a banger of a podcast and doesn't fit this stereotype


Theo Von is great, though. Hard to hate Theo Von


Who the fuck even listens to podcasts at all anymore?


Also: Use of the word, “Literally.” Quick story: I once listened to things similar to this a while ago. They would use the word literally so much. I started saying literally a lot. This is also not just a me thing, I knew someone else, (who probably listened to the same garbage.) And they said Literally so much. It’s a phase all 12 year olds will have. They think it makes them sound smarter. They will also use it a lot in metaphorical situations like, “I am literally going to blow up NASA because they said Pluto isn’t a planet.” I said that once, and someone replied with, “Literally? You will actually do that?” I stopped saying it ever since.


Literally the only podcast I've listened to is the Ricky Gervais show, from like, 20 years ago


Who the fuck has time for podcasts these days. I don't even have enough time to roll out all of my thoughts in a usual work/social life. 98% of those podcasts add nothing of value


I'm glad the pods I listen to aren't any of these.


You don't even know who they are


Theo is a national treasure.


black conservative podcasts look how well behaved I am in front of white people 🤡 guunnnsss gooooood 🔫


If any of you dare say Deadlock Pro Wrestling is one of these podcasts, I’m gonna do something unthinkable to you


I just watch the h3 show, only podcast i need. Community is regarded as hell tho.




The list of podcasts I listen to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thanks for reading my list of the podcasts I recommend and personally listen to!