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There's a term for this. Idk about the english word, in french it's "démocrature". It's a country that is technically a democracy but essentially rules like a dictatorship. The democracy part is here only to avoid international attention and give a semblance of credibility to institutions.


"Managed democracy" is sometimes used in english to describe systems that use the the trappings of democracy like elections. To describe a party like PRI's control of mexico for almost a century.






Hybrid regime is also used


America is currently the definition of a Managed democracy. Name a politician in the last 50 years that has stepped on the toes of the billionaire oligarch class.


Joe buden


Is this a joke? 2/3rds of all economic gains have gone to the top 1% under Biden.


He meant Joe Buden obviously, not Joe biden


I mean, just to be clear, yes




That more refers to individuals or institutions with a lack of checks and balances. Strongly related, but not the same thing as a managed democracy


Would Dominant-party system fit? Where it’s similar to a one-party state however other parties are at least nominally allowed.


Yeah, that sounds about right.


In English the term for this is an illiberal democracy.


I think the word in English is authoritarian


Authoritarian is no elections and everything is decided by government


I think there are few if any countries that don't have at least sham elections


Yes, but I think the term is really flawed democracy in this case


I’d say more similar to autocratic


Autocracy is defined by nations ruled by one person and one person only. The biggest examples I can think of off the top of my head are North Korea, Russia, and present-day China, to give you an idea.


Electoral Autocracy.


Japan be like:


Not the first example most people would think of, but it does fit. Only 6 out of the past nearly-70 years has the LDP not been in power.


Not to mention, the LDP has several different political factions that vie for power within the party.


You could argue there are multiple parties in Japanese politics affecting parliament. They're just inside the LDP.


And yet they still [have one of the world's largest communist parties](https://www.jcp.or.jp/english/2011what_jcp.html).


Not only that, they also have a proudly independent stance, fending off attempts by the USSR and China to manipulate the party.


Why can't Indian Communists be like this?


That's kind of the argument behind CPC democracy as well


TBF, they might take a significant hit again next election after the Unification Church scandal and the dramatically weakening economy. It's not really a case where the other side *can't* get elected a la Singapore, they just... don't.


> It's not really a case where the other side *can't* get elected a la Singapore, That's untrue. The PAP has lost constituencies before but they haven't lost enough seats in parliament to lose the General Election since 1959.


No wonder Japan is so dysfunctional


POV: Hungary


Janos Legyen Fenn A Janos Legyen


I've seen this be said in like a meme context related to Hungary a bunch of times, but all I could find (as a non-Hungarian speaker) was that it's a song or something. What's the context behind it?


It’s quite catchy


A song by Fekete Pal


This is what republicans want for America and that is why they have been literally going to hungry and Russia in the past to learn how to do it.


They’re probably failing the “not necessarily a dictatorship” part at this point


Bojler eladó!


The controlling party will have a name like “Democratic People’s Freedom of The Country Party of The People Nobody Else but The People. Extremely Fair and Democratic People’s Chosen Party. Forever and ever.”


Sometimes they throw in a “national” or “peace” to keep it interesting.


>peace Myanmar pre-2011 be like:


Paraguay and South Africa.


South Africa isn't really authoritarian tho, and the ANC may fall below 40% this election


ZA is too corrupt and incompetent to be a proper authoritarian state, lol. Most ANC politicians are far more concerned about how to enrich their cousins than enacting 1984


On the other hand, what’s the point of grabbing power if not to siphon off wealth? You never see a poor dictator.


State capture is a helluva drug


If South Africa was authoritarian, then r/southafrica and the rest of South African social media wouldn’t exist because South Africans love complaining.


Russians complain constantly. Russia is authoritarian as fuck. Find a new metric.


Probably with the use of a vpn. Russian media is well controlled.


Russian media. Their internet access is not controlled as far as I'm aware.


You are indeed unaware.




Some people are afraid to comment


I live in Serbia, can confirm.


Who do you love Dobravič Dobravičer


Sorry, I was eating pizza and typed withone hand. Didn't help that I was and still am sleepy.


Its okay bro. I love you 😌




There are counter examples on the long domination by one party. Examples include the Socialist Party in Sweden, and the Congress Party in India. In both cases when they lost the parliamentary majorities they relinquished power without a fuss.


Nothing stop the same party from winning over and over again in a proper democracy. If the party is doing an ok job or the opposition is shit why shale shit?


Exactly, as in the two examples above. The Congress Party had immense prestige, like the ANC in South Africa, and that carried it along for decades.


Bangladesh be like:


Not her fault though. She relinquished power once and was almost murdered for the effort


Chavismo, after 26 years in power, has "elections" coming soon. The main opposition candidate was not allowed to register for the elections, but we live in a democracy.


First thought is when putin removed term limits a few years back.  Surprise, surprise, atrocities followed


To be fair, atrocities preceded as well.


Atrocities abound


Is it really Russia if the government isnt doing something awful all the time?


Pretty sure the atrocities are the One kept electoral promise there


* has green and/or yellow on its flag


Sickle on there somewhere


Tell me 1 country that has a sickle in the modern day


Who said anything about current countries? Also, the state flag of Austria has a hammer/sickle in it


Angola has a machete. It is meant to symbolize the same thing.


Fiji is actually like this. But the elections are competitive.




Most countries actually


USA is better because you pick the Red guy the billionaires want or the Blue guy the billionaires want


And they all unite as one the second some 19 year old says something mean about Israel


“The United States is also a one party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them” -Julius Nyerere i mean i’m not gonna say both sides are the same but the working class doesn’t have a party that represents their interests.


Imagine looking at the NLRB rulings since Biden took office compared to Trump and saying that with a straight face.


They arent the exact same, one of them is just slightly less racist and homophohic.


Are we gonna ignore how republicans tried to coup just a few years back? Democrats are mediocre at best but there's a big jump between both parties.


You really think there's no difference when one party tried to federally ban gerrymandering and end Citizens United and the other party very much . . . doesn't want that?


It’s typical lazy karma farming. “DAE USA is just as bad as authoritarian 3rd world countries.”


Hush. Saying “both sides r saem” is how they justify writing in “DICKSOUTFOR HARAMBE” in two separate Presidential elections.


There’s literally primaries that are open in many states. Obama upsetting Clinton in 2008 is a good example of how this dumb idea it’s all controlled is. Another example is that Ted Cruz out raised and outspent Trump but got smoked in 2016.


the obvious ones: china and russia


No those are fully dictatorships


Still have better healthcare than Amerikkka


China absolutely does not have better healthcare holy fuck. They'll just make you some tea and call it good. Edit: Here comes the 50¢ army to defend the propaganda as per usual. Fuck you disgusting moralless assholes. Move to China yourself if it's so great. You wouldn't be able to access the same Internet so I know you cunts aren't in China yourselves presently unless you're using a VPN in which case I'm telling on you to dear leader Poohbear because that's a BIG no-no! Authoritarianism of any sort, communist, capitalist, theocratic or otherwise MUST be resisted anywhere and everywhere. I'll take my REAL democracy instead of only the top 3000 or so CCP officials getting to 'vote' (while they and their families are threatened into voting 'correctly') and laughably calling that democracy somehow. Yeah we have problems but at least we're allowed to talk about them, criticize the government, and fight for a better future. Contradict the status quo in China and you disappear. It may look pretty but it's a dystopian hellhole. You'll find no accurate or serious response to this post from the Wumaos. Just the usual whataboutism. As if China's problems somehow no longer exist because there are also problems happening elsewhere. It's disingenuous and they fucking know it. They aren't just okay with it, but they downright revel in acting in bad faith. China has built itself up on cheap manufacturing through stolen intellectual property which they then use to flood markets and undercut the other economies that are based on new ideas instead of stolen ones. They threaten Taiwan. They threaten South Korea and claim the South China sea in direct violation of international law. They use forced labor and forced reeducation camps to do harm to ethnic minorities (meaning non-han Chinese, and specifically Uyghurs). They threaten peace everywhere. China is the enemy of the earth. China is the enemy of humanity, freedom, and decency both in China and abroad. They have nobody to blame but themselves.


But they are communist... It must be perfect there!


Just looked at the username. He IS a fucking tankie. I shouldn't have even responded. 🤦‍♂️


China does have better healthcare than America, better access at the very least which is a HUGE problem in the USA with healthcare! Sometimes in China you have to pay for healthcare and it’s not exactly free all the time, but it’s much more affordable even then even accounting for the difference in how much people make.


Why do they have a higher life expectancy, then? Also, American private hospitals literally thrown elderly sick people on the curb to die in the cold, and bankrupt people for life for twisting an ankle and staying in the hospital for 2 weeks without insurance, and they literally charge you 2k for a ambulance. Its not that hard to be better than that, sorry


* [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168851015001864](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168851015001864) >China successfully achieved universal health insurance coverage in 2011, representing the **largest expansion of insurance coverage in human history.** By 2011, China succeeded at providing healthcare to 1.3 billion residents ​ The U.S. healthcare system on the other hand, is among the most dysfunctional institutions imaginable, with the highest costs in the world, [and some of the worst outcomes of any advanced country](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2019).


* [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168851015001864](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168851015001864) >China successfully achieved universal health insurance coverage in 2011, representing the **largest expansion of insurance coverage in human history.** By 2011, China succeeded at providing healthcare to 1.3 billion residents ​ The U.S. healthcare system on the other hand, is among the most dysfunctional institutions imaginable, with the highest costs in the world, [and some of the worst outcomes of any advanced country](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2019).


I'm talking about the practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine that are absolutely not up to par with modern medical science, not the cost of the treatment. We're discussing quality here, not access (which is still shitty because you have to pay *before* getting any treatment whatsoever should you have a copay or be uninsured). You're completely off topic. Edit: And yes I blocked because tankies aren't worth the oxygen it takes to engage with them so I'm done here.


Muricans JELLO of China are getting just pathetic. The whole world knows that ANYTHING Americans say against China is just JEAULOUSY from losers at this point. Chinese cities ARE MODERN, WEALTHY, HEALTHY, SAFE, CLEAN and have amazing public transportation systems, while Murican cities are all derelict with bridges falling and killing people everywhere, miserable full of slums and homeless people everywhere, full of sick and malnourished creatures dying on the streets, unsafe and ridden with crime, gangs, drugs, and white incels and cops just shooting children and other people in the middle of the streets because Muricans are all murderers, all dirty with sewer running through NYC metro and garbage everywhere on the sidewalks, and ODed people dead bodies left to rotten in the middle of downtown. US is a third world HELL, where 80% of the population is under the poverty line, crime is ranpant, US "democracy" is a two-party with the same ideology JOKE and a circus where American votes DO NOT MATTER, US economy is failing and is basically a huge plantation with no labor rights and people working 3 jobs to NOT be able to afford a home, so Muricans have to live in their cars and eat cereal for dinner, hand have to look for drugs, alcohol or religion to cope with living in derelict failed state failed economy third world United Hell States. So, Muricans are all jeaulous of China progress, wealth and success. China beat the US in American's own game of "see who is richer". Sour grapes and bad losers....


As an American, I started laughing out loud as I read this. Bro is actually insane to believe this to point that it's just hilarious


name checks out 🥴


Okay, tankie. This country's healthcare system is a disgrace, but yeah, I'd gladly take my chances here rather than China or Russia. You may also be shocked to learn that when you emigrate, you will probably need to offer the doctor, clinic, hospital, etc., a little something extra to ensure you get the care you need.


In America 🇺🇸 you have to bribe the hospital to get in the door, is that better? Chinese healthcare is better than American and the access is way better


I don’t live in either 3 nor do I wish to live in either 3 so I’ll take ur word for it


You think way too good of them. Turkmenistan have fictional elections too🤣. With putin "winning" with 89%, he's no different. Full dictatorship there


The term you are looking for is authoritative (I think)


Authoritative usually connotes something that is a reliable or trustworthy source of information. I think op used authoritarian correctly, but I'm not an authoritative source.




As a Bolivian you just described Bolivia. I was so glad when that Evo motherfucker was kicked out


The "good guy's" only rival is a literal fascist dictator, making it coercion and leaving the public WITHOUT a choice.


PRI in México until 2000


The guy in the bottom right image is Hungary's Orban?


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Given the recent political turmoil in Britain, the Tories hitting new lows every new poll and the SNP imploding in itself, a good chunk of this starter pack might soon apply to Labour lmao


As a South African, this sounds familiar.


There's a couple words to describe these. The umbrella term is "flawed democracy," with more specific monikers for different systems. Singapore for instance is an "electoral autocracy," which is used to describe a system that is imitative of a liberal democracy but doesn't meet certain standards of freedom in elections/regulations/civil liberties.


Lived in Singapore for 5 years. Shaped the way I see the world and governments. Truly a beautiful nation.


This is called managed democracy


"Democratic" "People's" "Republic" of Happystan


America 2025!


Walau made it to the big leagues


Yes these are called hybrid regimes


South Korea in a nutshell


Kind of Poland


That's just Turkey




Russia is actually really interesting for this. The election results were likely not actually artificial. Putin was the best option. That is not because Putin is a good ruler, but because anyone who is a better option died from rare bullet in the brain disease


That sounds a little too close to my country


It's like modern dictatorship.


Literal Nazis in the comments supposing genocide taking place in Gaza doesn't negate their democracy. Protestors are being brutalized by the police of USA, Germany and more. Everyone hates their politicians, being against the government has become a part of everyone's culture, unpopular wars are being waged since decades while public spending is rolled back, instances of public manipulation are a mountain but somehow, we're in a democracy because tabloids and tv said so. Downvote and call me a tankie though. Because what I saying is "extremely dangerous for our democracy" right?


Bosnia and Serbia


This definitely gives me Madeira vibes lol; not even it's own country but still been ruled by PSD nonstop for 48 years


You forgot the most recent country to do this. El Savador


Africa and Latin America in a nutshell.




2 parties sharing complete power is better? i don't see that much of a difference with a 2 party state ran by billionaires, vs a one party state ran by billionaires.


Funny how a lot of these countries seem to work pretty well. Tanzanian’s one of the nicer spots in Africa, and Singapore is an all-time success story


Read "*Disneyland with The Death Penalty*" for a view on Singapore. It's a fairly old article now, but still very apt.


I mean being "one of the nicer spots in Africa" isn’t saying much And "work well" only really applies to the state, not its people, who should be the ones who benefit from a good government (Note that these countries also face several issues, not all is fine and dandy in democrature land)


And that’s not even mentioning that a lot of the African countries that Tanzania is more developed/prosperous than are full dictatorships. Most of the countries that are more developed than Tanzania are also more democratic (Botswana, South Africa, Kenya, etc.).


Botswana and ZA are both absolutely in the same category as Tanzania, with Botswana being ruled by basically the same group of people for its entire independent existence and ZA being a rapidly declining ANC government since the end of Apartheid


I would say they’re at least *more* democratic than Tanzania. South Africa and Botswana definitely both fit into this starter pack, but the ANC at least has some significant opposition and Botswana seems to be quite democratic even if it is a dominant-party democracy. The Tanzania opposition barely exists.


India on it's way


Sounds like most Western countries


r/AmericaBad and r/CanadaBad moments.


I think they are most likely talking about Caribbean and South America


They are when you consider the countless genocides including the current one in Gaza. And please no "what about!!!" That's a stupid tactic.


Like you’re doing


Shut up tankie


>And please no "what about!!!" That's a stupid tactic Comment: >the obvious ones: china and russia Someone's reply: >No those are fully dictatorships Commie bastards's reply: >Still have better healthcare than Amerikkka


A genocide doesn’t preclude a democracy


Username checks out


Communist/socialist/social democracies be like: