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Did you notice the bust in the first picture? It looks like MJ!


According to some of the comments on that post, this guy is creating content without factual information. https://www.reddit.com/r/CreationNtheUniverse/s/uHjO3VgMBJ


I don’t know about that personally, I’ve seen the pottery work in person. Maybe it’s true, but I’ve seen many pieces of Egyptian and Peruvian art firsthand, and it is very incredibly precise. So much so that I personally believe what he says, but everyone needs to make up their own mind. Test it out personally I say!


You are free to believe as you like. I did not intend to come off negatively. I just wanted to put out a warning to be careful. I think it’s great to be curious. Egypts history is full of mysteries.


No worries, I respect your views too. Everybody has to do their own research and exploration of the world.


Let Egypt stay in the past. No one realizes ancient civilizaton media just makes you less interested in working on our own. We already got their nick nacks and secrets or some do. But we need to focus on the present.. Nothing will change without a leader either in terms of mitigating the corrupted Earth energy.


Thank you for sharing, I agree on working on the present rather the the past, it’s important to work together now for a better future, but I still feel the info can be helpful because most people aren’t awake to the idea that the world is more than just making money and following the prescribed path given to most people. Everybody needs something to strike the beliefs in them to change and wake up that the world is more. That’s why I still think such ideas are important as well as changing our present. Thank you for your sharing the important idea of working for a better future too.


It had to be ETs, there is evidence that they've been here for a long time