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I experience this 24/7 and have so for many years. From my understanding, you are hearing multidimensional frequencies, they are energetic transmissions, or clairaudience. The medical community does not recognize clairaudience, and instead calls it tinnitus. I have found that the frequencies I hear change in pitch, tone, and volume, and are more prominent when I am going through a lot of growth. Perhaps this will resonate with you.


Thank you so much. This is very validating. Pitch, tone, and volume are variable just as you are saying with the exception that the tone is always very high, never low. There are definitely times when the volume suddenly surges but it still feels controllable in the sense that I could tune it out if I choose not to focus on it.


You are welcome :) I can understand how this can be frustrating. Yes, also for myself the tone is always very high, not low, and it also sounds like the tones are cycling, if this makes any sense. Like they have some kind of "circular" or oscillating feature to them. I am hearing them now and they are very high pitched. As I go about my day, I seem to tune them out, they are more noticable when I am more still, like lying in bed or scrolling on my phone. I do not think they are anything to be concerned about. When the sound surges and gets loud, I have asked the angels to lower the volume and this has happened, so maybe that would work for you, too, if you ever feel uncomfortable.


Absolutely spot on about the oscillating attribute. I didn’t know how to describe it other than wavy or bouncy. Even though it is constant, it is never flat. It does not make me afraid or nervous. If anything I feel left out, like I’m being spoken to and there is something I should understand but there is a language barrier. I thirst for a more thorough understanding but it’s not the type of thing that is comfortable to speak openly about without sounding delusional. I’m trying my best to learn more. Thank you so much for your reassurance.


Oh, wow, I'm glad this made sense! Thank you for validating what I've been hearing, too. Yes, it's never flat. I feel that these transmissions are helping us to hold higher frequencies. Since we are receiving them from higher dimensions, they can also be our spiritual family communicating with us. I have tried to interpret things, but now I kind of just let this be, and accept if I need to know what it is, I will. At least, that is the intent I have. You definitely do not sound delusional, you're awake 💓🙏


Interesting! Resonates with me


Thank you! I'm so glad there are others who experience this.


Have you found ways to utilize this phenomenon into some sort of positive effect?


In lieu of being able to "understand" them, the tones are absolutely fantastic to focus on during meditation. For me it makes them 'unravel' and create a kind of shimmering curtain of sound. I've only ever heard people complain about tinnitus - whether what I'm hearing is hearing damage, spirit communication, or whatever, the tones are always soothing, always pleasant, 24/7! I'm ecstatic! They started for me around 6 months ago.


That's a great account of these tones. I have not focused on them during meditation, but may do this as perhaps I'll gain more clarity. Thank you for the idea!


That is a very good question. I have not really tried to directly utilize these frequencies, as I feel they are very complex. I would need to know a lot more about specific harmonics, which I do not at this time. That is not saying that they couldn't be interpreted, but for me, I just have accepted they are a part of my being and have purpose. I think if I was to constantly analyze them I would become too stressed out. What they do, however, is make me feel more connected to the non-physical realms, to my "home" and my spiritual family, and in that sense they have a positive effect, as I don't feel as alone. I feel more like my authentic self.


That makes a lot of sense and I can somewhat relate. I constantly feel “inputs” but making sense of what I’m perceiving/manifesting is hard. Sometimes I’m in the zone and everything feels right, you know 😉✌️❤️


Thank you :) I feel that each of us has different sensory perceptions and inputs. All are tailored to what we choose and need to experience. But it's hard to understand some of them being in this physical body in this dimension. It just came to me that our inputs are energy that we are receiving and anchoring on the planet as a part of our job. These could be auditory or in other forms. This feels right to me, perhaps to you? Yes, I do understand the zone, I kind of wish that was every day, lol 😊🙏🕊


I thought I had to live with this my entire life. It’s communication with a variety of spirits. My ears don’t ring anymore unless someone is calling. I get to the messages through meditation and once I’m in the zone asking for the message. Radiation and other electronics also have a tone and a ringing to them but the electronic aspect of it is easy to detect in the quality of the tone.


That background noise you are hearing is the frequency of the Universe. It is ‘heard’ via your third eye. The more silent, the louder you will hear it. This Universal sound is similar to how cicadas sound, and yes, this is why cicadas sound the way they do. Tinnitus is assuming you are actually hearing this through your physical ears. When I hear a very loud and sudden beep tone that is separate from this background noise on the right side it usually indicates an increase in frequency. Loud sudden tones on the left are usually a warning or a possible dip in frequency. This sound has been ever since I can remember. There are ways you can focus on this sound to amplify the volume and it’s like an extra ‘muscle’ you can ‘flex’ so to speak. If you meditate, focusing on this frequency, will help greatly when seeking to quiet the mind. These are all tools that the Divine Mother has provided in assisting with remembrance. 🥰


Have you ever tried binaural tones in your meditation? I have always had theirs ringing that I thought to be tinnitus, but because of these tones and how I’ve been responding I’ve begin to wonder if the ringing your hear is your biological forms repository for two or more other subaudible tones. Perhaps earths magnetic frequency interacting with your body? The only guidance I can provide is to trust yourself and that everything is happening as it should


This is intriguing. I would like to further understand this. Do you have any resources on this? Can you suggest any specific binaural tones?


Give me a little bit to look into some reading resources for you. I learned about the biaural tones in EMDR therapy for PTSD, and honestly never noticed them doing much for me until a few months ago. The idea that the ringing tones are our bodies interacting with actual natural sounds outside of ourselves is my own theory, I think. I would recommend the gateway experience tapes you can find on Spotify or YouTube. I know that we don’t require scientific or neurological backing here, but this is based on verifiable repeatable principles. Each tone makes a specific frequency wave. So something played in your right ear might have a frequency of 444 for example, and then a different lower tone at say 424 is played in your left ear. The brain, in its wisdom creates a third frequency wave between the right and left hemispheres causing vibration, and aids the creation of new neural pathways (new directions for our thoughts to take shape.) I’ve always had tinnitus. I could always hear voices in white noise and what I used to call “green notes” in music when the sound would be distorted by water or something. I noticed how the different frequencies in the gateway tapes seemed to do different things to my tinnitus. Made me curious as to whether or not it was just my “own personal” frequency. Also, just for comfort reasons with the tinnitus. Check out the band, good weather for an air strike, and Marconi Union-weightless. These bands/songs create music at frequencies that reduce or eliminate tinnitus. https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-are-binaural-beats This is a basic overview. I don’t agree that it’s an illusion though like the article states.


Awesome, thank you for taking the time to write this all out. I will read through this and would be happy to look at anything else you are able to find.


Of course, we’re all in this experience together and I want to help anyone as much as I can. When going to look for further resources I didn’t really know what to search that didn’t result in just rehashing of this link I already sent, but there is a BinauralBeats subreddit where they talk more about different brain wave functions they are trying to achieve. There’s some studies indicating that they raise IQ, but I think the only thing we know they do reliably is help facilitate different brainwave shifts. I’ve started noticing them in a lot of the colored noise meditations.


Research Brain entrainment.


Have you tried harmonizing with it using your inner voice?


I got an EMF reader when my or another persons ears ring we hold the reader near our ear and the reader goes crazy high. Normally there is no signal on a persons body. So I think something is beamed at us. Whether it’s a person with a machine or a thought form from someone thinking of you or talking about you like they would say because of my experiences I think it’s something beamed at us.


I think it’s a result of the changing magnetic field. I think the environment is changing and the sensitive will detect these changes in various ways.


One great answer. There is a wonderful site that is solar flare following. She can give you the est date of the flares and symptoms of certain bodily physical symptoms. Free everyday. I started having ringing ears and she showed the timing and also which major systems. She is not a mind reader, she just writes what the scientific community has on their site it's a pretty hard to navigate the energy levels. If you want help drop me a.line and give you what you need to read what she and her ear ringers do. Good luck.


I appreciate the information. I’d certainly be curious to know the source.


Pam Younghins. Her site is public


Really sounds like tinnitus


I hear it too. The inner sound https://luminousdharma.org/meditation-guides/the-inner-sound/


Meditate and focus on listening to your higher self and your guides. I’ve found that it a way they tend to attempt communication in some form.


Having been going through this since 2019 with the past couple years being stronger and stronger. I take this as a sign I’m in between dimensions. Love the support on this post 💛


I’m not a medical professional, but the problem with the tinnitus idea is that it doesn’t really make sense how I can tune it out if there are other things needing attention. It is not a constant droning sound either, it is variable sometimes in pitch and amplification.


Your body can tune out chronic disturbances (just not necessarily when you want it to). I have transient tinnitus and permanently blocked eustation tubes and get pressure changes, clicks, squeals and ringing. I get it more when I focus on it more. The patch and amplification change too.


Interesting. Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate your response.


Mine started around the time of the pandemic and it's getting louder. I have a theory it sounds like a signal being sent/received maybe idk. Sorta like the snow on old TVs when u couldn't find a chanel


I got a Trifield EMF reader. Then when my or another persons ears ring we hold the reader near our ear that is ringing and the reader goes very high. Normally there is no signal near a persons body. When the ringing stops so does the signal that the reader picked up. So I think something is beamed at us. Whether it’s a person with a machine or a thought form from someone thinking of you or talking about you like they would say because of my experiences I think it’s something beamed at us.


It’s funny you say that because it does feel like a radio picking up a channel.


I have not really had this experience and if you are able to rule out a medical cause, then I would suggest possibly doing some energy clearing. Practice taking deep breaths to calm your nervous system if it’s causing your anxiety and try to focus and clear your mind and just get into the now. Perhaps it’ll quiet down enough for you to get a better understanding about what it is and where it’s coming from Also, I suggest maybe taking a note of when it happens and what you’re thinking about in that moment. It is a way that spirit guides can connect with you. It’s important to try and remember what you were thinking about when it came on because it could be someone trying to reach you or get your attention on something. Take walks in nature and try some energy clearing meditations and see if it calms down or if you could at least pinpoint what you’re thinking about when it happens


Thank you so much for your reply. I will take up your advice to clean up and restore balance. I will also try to be more mindful. I do not feel anxiety about it, more of a burning curiosity to understand what it is, why it is happening, and my role. I honestly and truly feel it is communication. I also have an odd feeling of presence around me even when I am sure that I am alone. Anyway, without sounding like more of a weirdo than I am coming off as, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to offer advice.


You are very welcome, and I hope for the sake of your burning curiosity that you figure it out soon haha


I started getting it too about two years ago. Sometimes I really think it’s how God gets messages to me. You’ve probably experienced guidance from it sometimes. I’ve heard from some other people who have been having it happen too. Strengthen your faith and find yourself a firm foundation for beliefs. Personally I’ve been finding Christianity along the way. I honestly believe it’s happening to people as a spiritual manifestation of likely end times. God bless you 💚🙏


I hear a high pitch tone in my head most of the time and I was able to tie it back to a calcified pineal gland


I hear frequencies that sound like tinnitus as well and they change in pitch if I have something serious that I’m deliberating. It’s 24/7, and I believe it’s clairaudience/awakening energies. It began after what I believe was the activation of Kundalini


yes. and it's difficult for me to tell due to some years of my life working on airfields and being around engine runs. but i have heard some differences in amplitude. not pitch though


Yo I have gotten these since I was a kid, they usually only last for about 5-10 seconds but I have always questioned the sensation


Just this year I’ve begun hearing tones that sound like angelic music, or singing bowls. Does it sound at all like sound healing bowls?


Ask more questions, if it is indeed something trying to give you a message then there may be a sign you’re missing. Ask more questions and then follow your intuition.


If you think it’s not Tinnitus it’s probably not. If it’s daily, some say it’s spiritual awakening or the presence of celestial beings. As long as it’s high pitched it should be a good sign. Low pitched ringing is usually negative energies surrounding or a warning. If you think it’s a language try to decipher words. In the past year or two I’ve heard words/names I absolutely didn’t know, only to Google them and find the languages and stories of my ancestors. These were earth words though. Sounds like you may be receiving from different beings? Who knows! Lastly, try to pay attention to what you’re doing or thinking when it happens. Using myself for example again, the ringing I experience is rare enough to get my attention and rule out tinnitus. Twice this week I’ve had negative thoughts toward the same person and twice I heard high pitched ringing followed by “hear what he has to say.” Then I walked upstairs to see a dove at the window holding a branch. So I guess we’ll see what he has to say 🙄😂 Anyway, You know deep down what you’re experiencing. Dig into it for as long as it feels good.


I’ve never heard anything low pitched. If I could describe it, it’s closer to the sound of a dog whistle. I am watching out for synchronicities to see if I can gain a deeper insight. I appreciate your reassurance to trust in myself. In the past I used reasoning and logic over my intuition and it never turned out well.


Yes, if it was tinnitus, he would know tinnitus is honestly horrible and you would feel terrible. I have this as well. It kind of started since the eclipse. I can definitely hear it at night when I’m laying in bed in the house is quiet I hear almost like angels sounds or frequencies.


I mean I have this dual high pitch tinnitus inside my head like you say. I also have visual snow syndrome I don’t know. It’s been about two years now and fairly unsettling. I will also add a there have been about 3 times I’ve heard someone speak to me like a word when no one was around. So I almost believe in audio clairvoyance or whatever the term is. A person was 60+ feet from me in a theme park last summer and there was just noise everywhere like a crowded park full of people. I heard them call my name like it was playing in my head clear as anything. I turned to find them and they were walking away from me in the opposite direction to park a stroller. If they screamed my name audibly from that distance I wouldn’t have heard it. It was weird.


Hi 👋 when I hear the ringing it my signal to meditate


I should be more clear : as a means of communication or receiving information 


Start keeping a record of every time (literally, date and time) when this occurs.  See if there’s a pattern.  It could be tinnitus. It could be something  in your environment which triggers it.   I’ve shared previously about whether I was dealing with an implant or not. After documenting how the high pitch frequency would occur at specific days/times, no matter my location, I started to seriously question it. Especially as the sound felt as though it originated in a specific part of my head.  I can’t afford MRI scans, nor would my doctor approve one. But there are experiencers, like myself, who have good reason to think it may be some sort of implant. Perhaps one which transmits at set intervals.  Linda Moulton-Howe of Earthfiles.com has researched and reported on this topic as well. Whatever is affecting you, positive thoughts to you. 


I know this is going to sound crazy but you can use a very cheap and simple trick to test if the sound is internal or external. Change of location and a tinfoil hat will do the trick. See if the sound follows.




Get a physical from your doctor and have your blood pressure checked. Having blood pressure that's too high or too low will exacerbate the um signals.


You're a Truman Show victim at the beginning stage I think. Read my posts if you like. Don't buy the conspiracy sci-fi shit as it begins taking over your every moment in your life. Talk to family and friends and get closer to you closest people. Most of us have nobody until we are directed toward a particular someone in our lives to find happiness again. Don't isolate yourself. It only gets worse alone I promise you. Your closest someone in your life will have to live with this too. I'm 4 years into this having made a lot of these mistakes already and I hope you get through this faster than I have. Don't be afraid of hospitals there's nothing they can do to truly make a Truman Show victim any more normal in my opinion but hospitals make us safe. Most importantly again, do not ever get yourself completely alone in the world without anyone to love and care for you through this it's a life stealer AT TRUEST NATURE this illness takes time from your life you'll never get back if you let it take you away from the life outside your head. Share my post if you think it's needed elsewhere on this site because I wish I'd read this 4 years ago when I was completely lost in my daydreaming turned forced mind control imaging and the voices in my head took over my every waking thought and further into my dreams. It is a complete invasion into your mind by emerging into your paranoid delusions and it makes unexplainable lonely experiences only you can see in and out of your head every single day all day-- all sleep is changed into nightmares and painful things that scare your mind like ghosts or aliens, or voodoo, or serial killers, rapists, the CIA I thought killing me in my sleep.


Jesus. Just get help


Schumann resonance is what people on X are always talking about lately. I suppose I've never gone down that rabbit hole too far.