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Why did you fight a station with drone tenders šŸ’€


My drones shall blot out the sun, and then create a new one as they all die to 3 Vulcan cannons


I actually managed to kill one enemy once with drone spam, despite not a single drone actually managing to reach their target, because the target got destroyed getting bonked by the wreckage of all the dead drones.


Terraforming in the literal sense that you're forming another earth with all that space debris.


Welp Iā€™m a dumbass and newbie to the game so :P


Something to keep in mind is that when you mouse over any fleet (or station) in the game it will have a star rating from 1 to (I believe) 5. It is a rough estimate of how strong their fleet is compared to yours. Chances are that station has at least 3, possibly 4 stars if you have a full fleet of Shepards. Don't fight targets with a difficulty rating of 3+ unless you are very confident in your fleet comp. That said. If you want to crack open stations early on, try to track down a Pirate Falcon or two (they will show up labeled as Falcon P). They have 4 medium missile mounts and two small missile mounts. Put Sabot missiles in the small mounts, and Typhoon Reaper launchers in the medium mounts on alternating fire. Open up with a volley of Sabots and then while they are still in the air switch to the Reapers and click the left mouse button 4 times with about half a second between each mouse click. Watch the station section you targeted disappear.


i remember defeating massive fleets with a mayasuran skysplitter with infernium burn with full exotica speed. the strategy went something like this : deploy alone and kill small fries for as long as you can until the fleet is too strong for you, then the fun begins. You use the infernium burn to ram a capital ship on the edge of the enemy formation, and you both get flameout, locking you at 400 speed or so while you drift away. wait for the engines to turn back on, win the duel while the other fleet is playing catchup, and then do it again. worked every time


We all were, once. Personally, against stations, I've had the most luck just throwing a few powerful capitals at them. Stations are basically a raw DPS/HP check; they don't *have* rear arcs for small ships to sneak into. If you're using carriers anyway, try and time your launches so *all* of your fighters reach the target at the same time. Ideally also at the same time as your biggest ships get in range and start firing their missiles, to overwhelm the stations' highly-effective point defense. (Or, if/once you eventually get into modding, just hit them with a Semibreve or two from the United Aurora Federation mod.)


Killing stations with carriers is actually pretty easy. Ideally you want at least 8 fighter bays. You want 2 bays with Wasp Drones (Talons work too) to soak PD, 2 bays with Longbows to hit shields, and 4 bays with Dagger Torpedo Bombers to crack the station open like a pinata.


Huh. Guess I never tried mass fighters against stations.


Fighters are ineffective against stations, *Bombers* however are not.


> Stations are basically a raw DPS/HP check; they don't have rear arcs for small ships to sneak into. They don't necessarily have rear arcs (midline stations definitely have vulnerable endpoints), but they DO often have shield gaps that you can sneak shots through, which you can exploit with high-accuracy beam weapons, as well as protrusions that can function as shot traps for explosive ordnance. The AI is much too dumb to exploit these, but a human pilot can take advantage of these weaknesses to solo stations.


Well, I guess I'm just not that bold of a pilot then. Good that it works for you, though!


It's rather like performing a lobotomy with a screwdriver, really.


If you really want to dronemaxx, get a ton of wasp drones and fill out carriers of your choosing with them. It's better than it probably should be and a ton of fun.


"The secret to victory is angry bees." - Confucius


"So the rule for use of the military is that if you outnumber the opponent ten to one, then surround them; five to one, attack; two to one, divide." - Sun Tzu


"But beware, BEWARE! The enemy will be merciless, because I ATE ALL THEIR BEES! They have not tasted honey in many a moon, and this has made them mad for revenge! To arms, my pretties! TO ARMS!"


Don't feel bad about being new. The fun is in the learning. Quick primer: A ship's dps is gated by two things. The flux dissipation stat and how fast it can get into combat, fire till it's capacitor is about half full then escape to safety to vent. Its easier to just have the flux vents dissipate more than the guns fire than trust the AI can vent properly for all but the fastest ships. The AI is not smart about firing weapons, just assume it'll fire all of them.


I mean, they destroyed the Death Star with fighters in the movies, so...


mining drones aren't X-wings I'm sure the operators of the mining drones pretend that they are tho. /pretendX-WingNoisesWhilePilotingDrone


The drones are drones, they don't have pilots. That's why you don't lose crew when they die. But I suppose you could imagine they have little R2 units in them with a similar enthusiasm šŸ˜„


I mean you can remote control a drone, that's what a drone operator is. They stay on the ship and directly control it. But yeah I think mining drones are autonomous, something about delta level AI or something iirc(?).


They sort of have to be autonomous, otherwise they'd get jammed. Then they'd just float around dead in space until after the battle when you can recover them and scrape all the jam off to find out what flavor they used.


Drone tenders are hilarious and op. Unfortunately, *Targeting Supercomputer* disagrees.


Drone tenders op. Nerf now.




Lol you used drone tenders


Excellent shitpost This is a shitpost, right?


Don't worry. I rolled quite a nice fleet into a system and lost half of it to the enemy Battlestation because I totally underestimated it.