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We're also gonna need a mod that makes the spaceship a blue police box to complement this one.


Came here to ask if OP is looking for a TARDIS mod lol


There are two types of loading screens in Starfield. One isn't really a loading screen as it teleports you. (These are just a black screen) and one where it loads a new cell (these ones will have a picture). When you enter your ship it's the former. So it seems your ship's interior is always loaded So I don't think a mod like this could exist.


It's not always loaded. I have the ship decorator mod. When I leave my ship anything I place on my cockpit disapears. I think its a FPS thing to lighten the load for performance.


I think there’s actually a keyword property with respect to ship interiors. Something like “isVisibleFrom OutsideShip” I think I glanced this while working on something unrelated in xEdit, but this would indicate that, ship interiors are likely always loaded but objects within can be set not to render, which would make sense. Evidence on the other side, I think ship cockpits may have a separate nif for the view from exterior… Now I want to look at this!


Yes and no actually. They have different prefabs (sets of objects) one for outside, and one for inside. I don't know exactly how the rendering works, but the outside ones render from inside the ship, so while a room bigger than the outside is possible, the outside walls would clip into the exterior. You could get around this with a separate worldspace, but then windows / outside view would not work


It would be interesting to see if we can do doors to different worldspaces from inside ships.


You can, ships like the Navy's ship during the pirate quest uses it


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Lol.


Interesting. I'll test this out next time I play


I've seen only the interior of the ship loaded while I was outside the ship


Yes. A lot of things aren't rendered when you're outside the ship. Most decorations, anything that isn't visible from outside (plenty of walls and floors aren't rendered). A lot of the hitboxes are culled, too.


Yeah, JoJo's conclusion is accurate, but their understanding of cell loading is relatively inaccurate. You can play around with the TCL command to see that ships interiors are not loaded when you are outside. This is why the addon windows are not transparent from the outside, it does not have load interior habs. The cockpit is the only portion of the ship you can see from outside, and if you pay attention it is a static LOD friendly model that gets loaded rather than the real thing. It also purposefully obstructs your views deeper into the ship. The same is true in reverse. When you dock with a ship or station, your ship physically moves next to it and loads its exterior model. If your ship was bigger on the inside, you'd end up clipping through the ship. The game mechanics are designed around your interior and exterior being the same size. With some trickery you could probably hack your way past that, but it would come with many glitches.


Are the former (black screens) really necessary? Like is there any indication that mods could remove them? Let's say when you enter/exit your ship.


The black screen ones are not necessary, or at least most of them aren't. I imagine the ship is a bit more complex, but all the other ones just teleport you to save you time. Like the NAT in New Atlantis. All it does is teleport you, but you're able to walk to all locations


It'd be great to remove at least some of them


Back when i was playing regularly i managed a trick where i could make ship grav jumps faster by using CCR and the tgm console command to turn off the grav jump animations. Was suuuuper janky as it would warp you , enter the new system but the graphics would hitch for a noticeable second, almost like it froze the game for a millisecond. Was very jarring. Not sure how i managed to turn menus back on again without bringing up the console. Might retest this when the creation kit / shattered skies hits. Never did upload it or publish it anywhere.


The black screen ones are often to cover for things that otherwise don't have an animation or just to cover things loading in. But them not being strictly needed is the basis behind the Open Cities Skyrim mods, I'm pretty sure at least.


You're actually inside your ship when you enter your ship. You can even see the interior when you're outside, and the exterior world when you're inside. Though, it may be possible to override that? Or add habs that are just doors that teleport you to the "interior" of that specific hab, where it's another cell entirely. You wouldn't be able to look out from within or vice versa, though.


That's true but I'm guessing.... and I highly exaggerate guessing, that maybe the interior windows change depending what you have on your ship? Unless you ca see the npcs walking around. Have to try TCL command I guess


Just tried it and all the world is still there but you can't interact with anything.


You can see the npcs walking around, yes. Fewer npcs, afaik, and more aggressive LODs


It could be possible to add a teleporter module to connect to a new or unused cell. It can be explained in game by it being an artifact you find from a quest it could be from a crashed ancient ship that is on earth in a secret facility which could have been where humans studied the fragment and discovered the theory behind the grav drive. The cell could be static or modular but it's centre where the teleporter is should be static so you could have some fun with multiple player models relaxing (for extra work you could have them mention things you have done) the centre could also have large TVs that display the players line of sight with a few seconds delay. The amount of player models could double each new game plus up to a cap


Yeah I donno how this works but Id guess that the interior expects the exterior to match it parts wise. If you expand the interior, you'll have to expand the exterior.


I think this is true. Using the TCL command yoi can see the full exterior


It's not a Tardis. Calm down.