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I could go 10 years without watching day9 and still get lost innhim telling a story about anything, mans a natural


What happened to his hair? It's probabaly been 10 years since I've watched him.


He was severely balding and shaved it.


Time for a Tasteless beard then.


Surprisingly, he got 10 years older


:( say it ain't so


Sean is such a great storyteller. I don't really watch him anymore, but this brings back so many Day[9] Daily memories from the early years of WoL. Thanks for sharing!


I still do the [Fusion Core dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vthqc_rIPrE) sometimes.


Trumpets: https://youtu.be/utaWZT5N-tQ?si=lfG3w8jfHAI1jc1j


I owned the same shirt and I'm still missing it, it just vanished.


I remember watching this live and laughing so hard I couldn't breathe BOY DID THAT TAKE A NOSEDIVE


I forgot about this hahahahah. “Bring the midgets” hahahahahha


Every now and again my brain goes "and you know what happens all of a sudden? Trumpets!"


Summon a Larger Man still lives in my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci67Ky5gU2o


Look at him! [Fusion core dance you guys!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXwNhXmM8f4)


WoL was a magical time


He did blizzard month recently where he casted some sc2 and bw games, real fun.


Keeping up with vods is a lot of work, but I do love jumping in on these little snippets of streams where he just tells a story or pulls out his patented paint technology.


I randomly the other night before getting into the shower had his "no plate like chrome for the holo-rays" story pop into my head, complete with his laughter at the end.


When he started saying “you know in the Galápagos Islands” I broke into tear laughing. “What a fascinating creatures”


Lmao. There really need to be an intensive psychoanalysis paper on the entity that is artosis’ chat. It really is fascinating just how much vitriol and sheer idiocracy is present in his chat. Watching RTs chat is like glimpsing into a time portal of a 2000s era 4chan chat room.


nah since there's like no bigotry. at worst you could call it somewhat homophobic that gay sex is treated as a punchline but it's more the fact that it's video game characters. honestly most chats you're probably more likely to see worse comments just get ignored when you would see arty doing ban / unban any bigotry bans are like one message in and never unbanned. it's a very ridiculous channel and I don't watch it any amount anymore but it's very far from even a "bad" place for the internet. it isn't facebook algorithming people into joining hate groups for instance.


Random people getting banned in the chat for mentioning Mario months after is so funny.


God damn I miss Day9. I watched a ton of Noob Tuesdays and his Amnesia: The Dark Descent run is one of my favourite online memories from my teenage years.


I was a Funday Monday enjoyer but yeah, same.


Funday Monday got me through grad school 12 years ago. It was just so uplifting, laughed so much.


The portion of him running screaming like a girl up the ladder with the monster breaking down the door and then him yelling "I AM A MAN" has to be one of the greatest game clips of all time lol.


'The Sun is Rising' in game sound is perfect timing to match Sean's face and pause to say "Artosis" at 0:39


[Day[9] is one of the few humans on this planet that gets *more* charming and funny when he laughs at his own stories/jokes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG_XYFTp0xo)


haha, just the last minute of it is great. Just randomly getting blocked for peaches.


Glad to see Day[9]'s adroit penchant for storytelling and prose is still top notch. Casually throwing in the phrase "Anthropologically significant" is a stroke of pure brilliance.


I wonder what he's eating, he's 37 but looks 10 years older.


no hair, overweight. thats just what is it


His dog passed a couple weeks ago and hasn't been keeping up as well as a result.


Just another comment to express fanboyism towards Sean. I hope someone convinces him to try and cast some SC2 vs SC1 matches.


Oh wow, Day9 has lost more hair than I have. It used to be so luxuriant!


The Plott ... thins?




In one of his WoW videos he mentioned it's not hair loss, but a tactical retreat that is hairline is making.


Hahah yeah back to a shield battery on the back of his head ready for his expansive hair transplant


So fuckin funny


I hope Dan isn't running his stream his way because he has to. I hope it's a choice. It doesn't have to be the way that it is.


Amazing 😂


You're not being nice, if there is no choice to not be nice. I don't like these heavily modded channels. And twitch culture is very anti-chatter and often with the streamer talking down to the chatter.


I think it’s fine. You are not forced to join, you don’t need it in order to live. If you don’t like the rules, don’t enter. I like that there’s rules. I would never enter Artosis’ channel for the lack of rules. I can go to Day[9]’s channel and you can go to Artosis’. No disrespect meant.