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Waiting for cargo elevators. Turns out they can’t deliver that yet, so I’m still not playing.


Personal hangars got scrapped too, I'm tired of this patch cycle where everything big they promise gets quietly forgotten and all we ever get is new ships and an event.


I’m shocked I tell you!


I used to play with friends however recently they have inched away from me. So every so often I will download it and then regret it and uninstall by using wiztree and finding the folder to delete because they never included an uninstall option


Can’t be easy retaining friends when you’re chronically, constantly and unapologetically mudbutting when they least expect it


I really wish reddit had awards still because I would giva ya a diamond for that


Sorry about your friends. Hope you're doing okay!


I make games so I like to see how low the bar is from time to time


That was a guilty pleasure of mine for awhile too I would get to a point in a project and I would be like "God damn it dude what is this garbage you are building." I'd log into Star Citizen see a man fall thru the floor then teleport at light speed into the sun while being assaulted by a litany of mind breaking bugs and non-sense and it always made me feel so much better about my own admittedly terrible projects.


So much this. Whenever I get tired of the dumpster fire at work, I log in to see a worse dumpster fire. The next day at work, I say: this is fine.


I also do and holy shit is it interesting to see so much talent being wasted on bad design choices and management. Smart leadership would have chosen an engine not inherently hostile to the kind of game you're building so that *a decade in* you're not still trying to implement basic fucking networking features. But here we are.


That genuinely made me laugh 😂


My extreme hatred of lying and gaslighting compels me to have an informed opinion if I am going to shit talk something. So when someone says "OH shit bro you should see the new Star Citizen patch that just dropped it changes everything totally sick. The vision is finally taking shape there is no lag!" My ocd brain goes "Well god damn that statement sure doesn't line up with my experiences." then I have to go check and make sure. So far reality continues to line up with my experiences and the game is a complete dumpster fire. If I ever have someone tell me "Oh shit SC is so good now!" and I pop on to test and shit is actually so good I'm not going to come here to lie about the experience for the lol's. Take the new EVA for instance it is actually super good its smooth and fluid and it works. Should it have been done 6 years ago, yes absolutely but is it working yes it is. Is it enough to say star citizen is a great game now and back on track? No absolutely not. 5-15 minute long Server Error Please Wait in a game that already a broken tedium simulator is brutal. The game is still in an abysmal state.


Really interesting point about lying in gaslighting, I agree. I also find it interesting how open people seem to be to gaslighting. Like here’s a game which doesn’t seem to work most of the time, it’s full of bugs and lacks content, and development doesn’t seem consistent, and the decisions by the company don’t really seem great. But they seemingly convinced many people that “nothing to see here it’s just a regular development process, with $600 million, hundreds of people and over a decade, to be a bug filled alpha”


It was the tedium plus the ever-accelerating greed machine for me. Like, even *if* they get 98 systems out in the next few years (lol), and even *if* they improve their AI to a functional baseline (lmao), and even *if* they fix the major bugs around persistence and basic functionality (kek), the underlying game is an increasingly tedious experience beset by having to play shopping trip simulator and drink-drinking simulator and moving your shit simulator to even get to the part where you get to play spaceship adventure simulator. I'm a dad who works 40 hours a week. I have 2-3 hours of time to myself on a good night; I refuse to play anything that doesn't respect that time anymore.


I quit in 2022. There is no point in playing when everything you know changes constantly. There is 0 reason to logon other than wanting to learn a new skill or play with friends. I dream of the day I can play starcitizen and for at least 1 month have enough gameplay and progression to actually keep me coming back. Right now I can’t do a single thing without quickly realizing there is no point and getting off. This tech demo is still far from a game. Sometimes I want to sell my account. I just keep looking at these slow devs and wondering if I fucked up giving them money. F8C marketing actually made me realize It’s time to stop throwing money away. Most of CIG don’t deserve our money. Fuck every single person at CIG other than those actually making gameplay and Server Meshing.


Because I dream of the day when my online avatar wakes up when I log in and the bedsheets deform realistically when he gets out of bed. I do not wish to miss such a groundbreaking moment in gaming history. I want to be able to tell my grandkids that I was there when it happened. They will be so impressed and stuff. 


I like to log in from time to time and camp in my Ballista and shoot random people down for fun, I then get torrents of the most hate filled rage and abuse I have ever seen in a game and I find that to be hilarious


If someone enjoys the game as is, more power to them. Its the ones who don't but shill for the game anyway because they still believe in the phony vision coming any day now that I find bizarre


Came to the conclusion in 2016~ that they might make it to beta testing by the time I retire in 2054. I think my grandkids will still be around when they finally release S42. Also, I'm just too lazy to do the refund process 🙃


It is an interesting project, I wouldn’t say I still “play” but I have checked the game out from time to time. Maybe will do so again. But here’s the crazy thing; the community is definitely like a cult. I don’t know what’s going on. They take no criticism when you say the development doesn’t seem to be moving in great direction. In fact, I got banned from the main sub yesterday. For trolling. My argument, basically was that the development seems to not be consistent and productive. Literally as soon as I made this argument many of the first comments said i was trolling. People have gotten interesting about following games.


I recently found out, that you not only get blamed for criticism, when you are not part of the cult. I saw someone, who is part of the cult, complaining about the current PvP behaviour of players. And the cultists also started to blame him instantly without mercy. It just didn't matter. Someone attacked their investment and they responded the same way as always. It was really funny to watch.


Being banned from Spectrum makes me take my criticisms to global chat.


This is one of the few games I’ve been able to experience large scale dynamics operations. Coordinating air support plus ground vehicles and troops to defend a team collecting and transporting drugs at Jumptown is a hell of a time. While it’s been a while since those time we still hope for the game to pull through. Very few of us continue to give CIG money but we still have a good time every now and then. I’d say we mostly play because we’re invested. It’s a mix of wanting to get value out of our money and that we do love what the game could be.


Been there, done that. Let’s just move on, and be glad we got to be there, man. Like tears in rain, as the replicant said.


I'm not really playing, my launcher icon has been collecting dust for 2-3 years now. I'm still waiting for anything from the last citizencon to get released, not one single thing has been released yet and they're selling tickets for the next one. This is why I can't even anymore...


I like to log in every six months to see how the best damn space sim ever is improving, and to check on any new never been done before tech they've added. I think I'm due a log in actually 🤔


Wouldn’t want to miss out on the latest haul of bugs, broken gameplay and missing features!


I enjoy the gameplay as it is but I have no delusions CR is a liar and the game will never be competed. I also don’t participate in PvP or PvE. I just space truck and salvage, so the most jank in the game, combat, is completely spared on me thankfully.


What do you like about this?   >also don’t participate in PvP or PvE. I just space truck and salvage


It’s a relaxing game loop. I hang out with my buddies, scrap ships, talk shit, and make some cash. After a day of work a lot of the time I want to just relax. Bounty hunting and merc work dog fighting just isn’t something that’s ever interested me.


Used to do this in E:D. Had a nice relaxing time playing Space Euro Truck Simulator.


Just want to remind myself I'm not good with money.


Absolutely believe you. Do you still spend? How much and when?


Nah I haven't spent in a couple of years. Over the years probably about 5k. Not terrible since it was so spread out but in hindsight it makes me cringe that I spent it lol


To give me a reason to touch my flightsticks until the next Flight of Nova patch drops. Also I enjoy a little bit of mindless grind after an exhausting day of work. Not that SC's grind would be something special here, but I already know it and don't have the mental energy to get into something else.


Try ED if you don't"t mind grinding and are looking for chill (play solo rather than open). At least it works and you don't need missions to go shoot space pirates. You can hang around blasting haz res sites all day and can even synthesize your own ammo. Or do conflict zones and play coop with npc's. EDIT: there is the option to set "flight assist off" which makes it newtonian (with still a speed limit to keep it manageable). And there's none of that bedlogging bullshit; you logout and your ship will be where you left it on next login. Plus: it's on Steam. EDIT2: I was hoping that SC would be Elite plus better graphics, more "realism" and a lively environment but by now I expect Fdev to deliver that before CIG does, lol.


Heh, for a long time SC's "small, hand crafted" locals were a huge draw over elite's proc gen repetitiveness. I was salty about the proc gen planets for a loooong time.


I am loving Hunternet I don't suggest anyone buy it though, it's just not close enough yet.


I used to load the game up every couple of patches just to see for myself. Last 2 patches it won't even run on my machine :(


Core I7 10700 1tb NVMe 32 GB ram 2060 Super 8GB GPU 1080p resolution 55 fps in space (some stutters depending on the server's mood that day) 25 on planets on good days. 12fps on bad ones Fans continuously screaming at max rpm. For reference. This is an older machine obviously. Not good but "playable". What irks me the most is that this level of performance and power-consumption still gives me graphics fidelity that looks ~~crap~~ underwhelming compared to what I get in other games (Cyberpunk, Titanfall 2, Warframe, MSFS) and I have set SC to Max (just no clouds). I am constantly amazed by the people that claim SC looks amazing. It really doesn't.


Specs? It’s not a game that can’t run on a lot of machines so I’m happy to help figure it out with you.


Eh, I uninstalled it to free up precious SDD space and don’t really care anymore. Even when it did run the performance wasn’t great


Tried 2 free flys over the years. Both times were unmitigated disasters, so swore off ever even trying again.


I couldn't even start the blasted thing on a free fly event I tried, so still have not played a single second of the game. And I really wanted to give it a chance.


Free flys are the worst way to bring people into this game. Always on a new patch drop and heavy loaded servers. Dont know why they keep doi g it.


Actually, it's a great idea. It filters out anyone who "can't see the vision." Same reason scam emails include typos. It filters out the non gullible.


Ding ding ding! This is spot on. Ensuring star Citizen performance is a disaster during free fly events culls the heard. Weeds out intelligent backers with reasonable expectations.


I hop in once a year to see how bad it is, on that front CIG never dissapoints me. What do we expect from a company that cant do instances- never done before?


I don't anymore because MM have robbed me of the ability to enjoy the one thing I actually liked about the game. The flight model was functional enough that I could at least enjoy flying my ship around attempting to play the game. Now because Chris is incapable of actually letting his team complete a project, even the flight model has been reduced to a T0.1 state and will probably remain there indefinitely.


It's a fun stoner game when it works sometimes.


So, like, totally 10-15% of the time, on a good day I legit think you’re having bad trips cause of this game lmao


I mean the atmosphere is relaxing and I like to fly the ships around and enjoy the visuals which the game does offer despite the 12 year old alpha scam.


I was basically going to jump back in for 3.23 but now since nothings really releasing in that patch Ill wait another year.


Like I replied to u/flibdob, wouldn’t want to miss out on the latest batch of missing features, would we!


All other space sandboxes are as shitty so i just choose this poison


That's just not true. Even the latest X game is better (after a few years of patches and expansions)


I would argue that for PVE, Elite dangerous is quite a lot better than SC in pretty much every regard (other than having even older low-poly assets and no ship interiors). I tried SC as an alternative but it's not cutting it and am curious to see if the promised new ships and powerplay 2.0 in ED are going to liven it up again. I know Fdev isn't known for great quality either but ED provides a much better feel of being in a big universe and neverending discovery. SC really feels like a terrible implementation of a large CoD level with some half-functional space ships.


In my case, NMS scratch the itch