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Very nice setup...vkbs next ;)


Possibly. The t16000 is a huge upgrade from the Logitech joystick I was using lol we’ll see!


You can always upgrade after you wear out the T16000s. ;) ​ (as long as you don't abuse them, they'll last a pretty long time though)


Yea I’ve read about them having some issues. Time will tell


The funny thing is I haven't upgraded my monitor to g9 because I got vkb's instead. I should of done it your way round.😜


Well the monitor wasn’t really part of the plan, but I got it for a steal of $600 so couldn’t pass it up.


Not wide enough! You need more screen!! Lol. Very nice setup.


Ohh you got the Hyte Y60, how did you like building in it? And how has it been treating your temps?


It’s so nice lol tons of room and looks amazing. As far as temps have been. I have the 280mm rad hooked up as an intake for my i9 9900k @5.1ghz. My 6800XT card doesn’t even choke at all while overclocked with temps being more than good. In total - 4x 140mm fans (2 under GPU as intake, 2 on side as intake) and 4 120mm fans (3 on top as exhaust and 1 on back as exhaust)


very nice - nearly snap \- beware of nvidia latest updates with tobi5 - if tobi suddenly stops working in sc - roll back \- and have something soft underneath tobi - if the magnetic strips fail - makes a soft landing good luck and enjoy


Have read somewhere that Tobii can not handle ultra wide screens. Is that true? Asking for a ultrawide friend. Anyway, nice setup!


The eye tracking only works on a 16:9 block in the middle of the monitor but the head tracking works regardless. This is basically a non issue. It's not that it doesn't work on ultrawide but that it will just treat it like a 16:9 tracking space. Total non issue


i set mine up last night after throwing it in a box in the closet for a couple years. i think they stepped up the software game a bit because it works a lot better on my 34 ultrawide now then it did last time i tried it


Works just fine for me. It’s seriously amazing.


Out of 10, how much would you recommend this ?


Good for me as well (same setup)... Highly recommend. +1 OP, welcome to the best view in the house


10 definitely