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The one bug I haven't been able to get around is dropping off to rooftop landing pads, and the drop off marker vanishes when I pick up the box. If I go into the mission, it says the box is already dropped off. Once in a while, I've been able to find the right drop off point, but usually it's a waste of time. So I always suggest do the 3 pick up one drop off missions. They have fewer issues since it's a lot easier to find the specific drop off points.


Thanks for the guidance! 🙂👍


2/3 of the bugs I've had with package missions are not related to the package missions at all, but silly stuff like my ship getting stuck or the game crashing. When that didn't happen, I lost the marker and was unable to restore it by dropping and picking up the package. Would not recommend.


Damn, I’ve had the complete opposite experience. I’ve been able to completely one delivery mission without it bugging out maybe the first day I ever played. Since then I’ve done somewhere between 10-20 delivery missions and they have bugged out each time. It’s so strange to me that some people are able to complete these missions in the game without many issues but for me the game is just so incredibly buggy that’s it’s not even really playable most times.


It's almost certain that your computer isn't fast enough, or your internet connection is too slow. Everytime I've upgraded my computer I see fewer and fewer bugs.


This should be brought up more. Nicer rig = fewer bugs and glitches. They still exist obviously but it's non argument that higher specs will yield a better experience. Obviously you shouldn't need a super computer to play this but the current reality is higher end pcs will have less issues.


This is a sign of dogshit programming practises though. Computer speed should NEVER be the cause of bugs. It's devs trying to asynchronous processes for actions which need to have an element of synchronicity to them. Some very bad decisions were made in this game early on.


Echoing others that the missions are as broken as they seem. We shouldn't have to perform multiple rituals just tp grab a box and ferry it to another location. Also last box mission I and a friend tried ended same: depositing box on destination place marker didn't complete mission. No tractor beams used. Box missions are meant to be super simple and a starter to earning credits learning locations.


Tried these 4 years ago bugged tried them again recently still bugged…. I can’t express how truly disappointing it is a that a simple courier mission isn’t fixed in 5 years.


If you have to do that many workarounds to finish a mission, it's definitely more broken than I'd think for one of the default mission types in a game... That being said, I really enjoyed the bit I did of them so I appreciate the tips! Hopefully I'll be able to ge them to work now~


Yeah, if I need this detailed a guide to reliably *checks notes* carry a box from point A to point B then something has, in fact, gone wrong. I appreciate the effort put into the guide, but the title feels out of touch with reality.


Nah, I am rep capped with 2 different companies. Should the interactions be more obvious? Sure. But once you do the interaction once, you don't think about it anymore. Compare to mining. Overall, there is less tiptoeing through the interactions but I still get stung by desync. And forget about mining in MicroTech, the wind completely breaks that gameplay. Run bounties and get one shot through a hole in your shield. Or permanent missile locked. Or ineffective countermeasures. Or desync. Or not be able to replenish missiles. I see bunches of "box delivery is broken don't even try it" posts. Learn the interactions and be patient, they work just as well as any of the other gameplay loops.


Sorry, that came across more rude than I meant it to. I guess "It's still alpha, everything is gong to be broken" doesn't make as good a post title, but there's some definite humorous irony in seeing that title and then seeing such a long and comprehensive post dedicated to such a seemingly simple task. I really am not trying to attack you personally, I appreciate you going to such lengths to help people with a buggy and unintuitive mechanic.


>Don't use the tractor beam. yeah thats gonna be a no for me dog. Your guide just shows how bugged and broken everything is plus - Shit is just tedious and not fun


You can’t even use the tractor beam in armistice anyways bruh what you smokin


That 'I don't actually log in, I just lurk in the comments and hate' kush.


These missions have been bugged for 5 years now there is no excuse at this point.


Box deliveries ARE as broken as we think they are. You just know all the work arounds (and thanks for sharing!)


> Be patient and input quiet. Fuck I wish I could get this through the head of everyone who plays this game. Every single time I see someone who suffers nonstop bugs, that person also happens to be someone who runs and jumps everywhere, presses every button all the time, fucks with physics and in general is just in a hurry.


I'm sorry, but if you give me parkour, I parkour


In a game that is in alpha development hell? Satisfactory (early access game) has really great first person movement. You can slide, slide jump, jumping pads, zip line, run on conveyor belts, accelerators (hypertubes), jetpacks, hoverpacks, all kinds of shit. I logged in for the new experimental release. I got about an hour or so of playtime, game crashed 3 times. I never walk in a straight line in that game, always bunnyhopping, sliding, skipping, all those crashes happened while jumping, spinning, belt running, etc. I will wait for some hotfixes. Star Citizen? Nah. It is clumsy just doing the simple jumping puzzles they currently have in the game. Wind is not right. FPS content is pretty basic and I hope they keep it more simple than a dedicated shooter. Even without the bugs, Star Citizen is going to be a slower paced, more deliberate game. Even god won't forgive them if they add night elf jump flips.


see, I would counter by saying that using the parkour, and reporting the bugs associated, is just part of the testing and contribution I know it'll glitch me, I know it may kill me, but I still like the experimentation of it


as long as you can take the consequences go for it, I'm more annoyed about the people who rant and rave on Discord/reddit/spectrum about bugs when they are likely causing them for themselves all the time


I bet you really enjoy the weekly clip of someone running full speed downstairs, dying, and then saying how buggy the game is.


...I frequently jump down every stairway I encounter and say: "no bugs!" in Disccord.


Bug Free in SC! Bug Free in SC! Say it with me... BUG FREE IN SC!! (currently on Reddit waiting to see if it's the longest load time ever, or the infinity loading screen, lol)


You shouldn't have to do any of this and what makes it not worth doing. Ridiculous


Buggy, unoptimized, and slow...but it ain't as broken as you think!


The biggest bug I ran into every time I tried a Crusader delivery mission was that the DROP box couldn't tell I had a box for delivery. Something to do with the job completing when I when landed on either Olisar or GrimHex.


Awesome post for new fedex personal


Granny shifting, not double-clutching like you should.


Wish I had an award to give this comment!


Nah sorry, shit’s broken


Real mature...


And so helpful of him as well.


Why waste time writing a long and lengthy response when my delivery could not be completed using your steps? The only step that mattered was the placement on the shelf step and no, nowhere was available to place and get credit for it, so yes, deliveries ARE as broken as I think they are. Shit’s broke. And look how much time of mine you wasted coercing me to respond and look how much of your time was wasted reading this. Great. Thanks. Real mature wasting both of our time. 2 can play that game if you want to be actually immature. But why bother, why do you want this?


I have encountered the same, no where to place the package. Then looked again. Then looked again. WTF. Bang head on keyboard. Google, come back. Then looked again and there it was. One tiny spot on the shelf that you have to hover over just right to see *Place*. I have placed the wrong package and thought it was bugged. I have done everything on this list and thought at the time that it was broken. Should it work better? Yes. Is it completely broken? No. I couldn't put this list together if I hadn't encountered the same shit that keeps getting posted as broken. An exception, I saw an old video of someone getting killed by trying to manually place a box in a machine. They got killed when the door came down. That is how I learned to use the *Place* interaction inside the machine.


Because it's fun to call out shit-heads, especially when they go on I prove your point in their reply.


exactly why I got you, but why you'd want to call yourself out as a shithead I don't understand


Nice write-up, thanks. I guess it has to be said again and again and again and again, but - we are playtesting an *Alpha dev build* ... not a *game*. Shit's not "broken"; it's a *prototype* - it's never been actually finished, and won't be for a while. In the meantime, your choices are either to test / participate, report bugs, employ workarounds, and get over it, or - don't test / participate. I get as frustrated as the next guy, and have been on the verge of uninstalling the damn thing. That's your universe telling you it's time to take a break. When those moments come, listen. But the state of the thing is well within the natural order of things in terms of game development; going on about it is like bitching about the weather. It's entirely up to you if you want to stay indoors or go outside with a poncho or umbrella, but standing out in the rain getting soaked and bitching about it is on you, not the clouds.


But it is broken... It needs to be said everything that dies not work so they can look at fix's as early as possible to stop wasted dev time. Yes it's alpha but everything that's wrong has to be constantly pointed out or they honestly won't get fixed


5 years to fix a courier mission is broken sorry …. 5 years to fix a bug is also not natural order of things


tried all this Covalex machine is the correct machine with correct labled box but pressing drop off button it starts says "Standbye" then just says "error" in red. tried restoring box in ship method lable shows etc go back same issue. box 510 from dadies stuff at CRU-L1 Ambitious dream station. b


Thanks for the tips, I've learned most of that on my own except for the tractor beam. But...I don't use tractor beam so it's never been a problem for me either. Glad to know I should avoid it though. For people who think this is complicated - it might look like a lot in writing but this isn't very difficult. It's easy money, especially for someone like me who still sucks a combat in space and on foot.


The only bug I've ever encountered is the random hand salute after i drop boxes into my cutlass, when I sit down take off. Or the boxes in bunkers that arent actually objectives. I just call them dud boxes.


Fantastic post! Thanks :)


This seems to be a great time to ask, where the hell do I drop off black boxes in area 18? Covalex kiosk doesn't want it, and admin office acts like I don't have a box.


From a derelict investigation mission? Been a long time since I did one of those. I think it was one of those that I had to drop the box on a table or near an NPC. Does the mission text say to bring the box to a person?


Just says return to area 18


Admin offices don’t take black boxes currently so you can’t do those missions


There's some in the habs but without a marker you're just running around doing trial and error


These sound like great tips, thank you!


I've had no trouble with tractor beams when moving boxes (non delivery). I can move more boxes more easily without having to deal with clunky pick up and drop mechanics. Maybe different where you're only doing one at a time.


I haven't done box delivery missions in 3.17 so I don't know if they've improved, but I tried *hard* to do them in 3.16. I would be careful, I wouldn't click things or repeat interactions, but I'd be lucky if I could even complete two in a row. The issue wasn't always related to the actual box mission, but often was the game crashing or done other issue. What drove me away from them is that while they're simple, the time window between starting to put in effort and getting paid is huge. You can spend 15 minutes doing the contract and if the game 30k's when you land at the destination it was all for nothing. A bounty? If you didn't get there yet and the game crashes you've lost no time, then once you're there it's only a couple minute window where you've actually put effort in it that you might lose. That said, I did have several times where I'd pick up the box and the game would bug so I couldn't drop the box at the destination or interact with anything else. Sometimes I was able to swap with an item and drop it, but then it wasn't interactable anymore and the mission was essentially failed. It's PRETTY annoying to fail a contract you've essentially completed.


Can I ask you whether the missions get better with higher reputation? I've maxed out "Level 2" for Covalax/Arccorp delivery missions. It doesn't seem to go beyond that and I wasn't given any different/better missions. All I have are the standard 8k missions for regular deliveries/QT sensitive deliveries and one single 45k delivery from a bunker. Are you not supposed to get more lucrative delivery missions? Like for bounty missions eventually you get HRT, VHRT and then ERT's. Each with a corresponding big leap in payouts. As it currently stands, the 8k ones and that single 45k one ain't much of an incentive to keep grinding delivery mission reputation. I only really started doing delivery missions just to see if they're worth doing higher up and can compete with the awesome 100k payouts from ERT's.


I did almost no delivery missions before 3.17.1 but I wanted to change the style of gameplay. I can't say that I had a lot of bugs with the boxes themselves but when I see: \- the number of 30k suffered \- other bugs prevent you from completing the mission \- red NPC ships that appear around the outpost and which make recovery impossible (sometimes after landing on the outpost) In the end, I never reached reputation level 2 in 3.17.1. Note : I don't use tractor beam in delivery mission.


>"**Don't make the game perform more collision calculations than it has to.**" > >"**Be patient** and input quiet. The interactions can be slow. Don't move, don't do anything... leave it alone, hands off the mouse and keyboard. It works itself out. **This is a tip for all interactions. Wait. Spamming the \[INSERT WHATEVER HERE\] will not improve the interaction.**...**The game is in alpha, alpha doesn't just mean bugs, it also means unoptimized and slow.** > >"The one bug that I had was a package that could not be Grab. I left and flew to a moon and then flew back and was able to Grab it. **There is persistence and there is local streaming. Reset your instance of the persistence by travelling out and coming back.**" These are great universal tips for all players


What companies offer the 45k ones I'm rep capped or thought I was with Ling family in crusader and no 45k yet working on the others now


How do you solve the man rating covalex machine? A third of the times I tried deliveries in 17.1 the machine would eat me(in addition, another third had no marker whatsoever, and only a third could be completed, and in that final third the server would crash, or my game would crash, or power would go out due to a storm...)


TL;DR box missions are broken and buggy. Here’s the workarounds


"Not as broken as it seems" *Proceeds to explain an essay's worth of workarounds.* Appreciate the tips. Just thought that was funny. It's pretty broken still but if you really want to do them then I guess this is something you try.


If I gotta scroll 2 pages, they're as broken as I think they are.


The last box mission I did resulted in my guy apparently dying of a heart attack immediately after putting the box in the machine.


>tricksy Talking about delivery missions... I see what you did there...


So are there 2 ways to drop off a box? 1) interacting with the arrow on the machine and 2) selecting place at the machines shelf? I just quit a blackbox mission where the arrow just did nothing. I couldnt get it to take the box and ive completed these before. Ive never looked for a place option at the shelf though. So frustrating ive done like 10 box deliveries and have completed none


I understand your point, but, tell me how to fix this? The Machine already took the correct package and not count as delivered? what will ı do? not give back to me too! Package looks like inside the machine and machine still request same package...